I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 853: Catastrophe is imminent

"Little Junior Brother, you must be a habitual offender! Didn't you do this kind of thing less when you were in the Lower Realm?" The smiling **** stared at Jiang Chen, feeling that this little Junior Brother is too cruel!

I just moved back to one of them not long ago, but now it's better, just come to three!

"This is pretty good. The Tongtian Sect is already jingling poorly. Now that the younger brother has moved to a few blessed places, I see that the Tongtian Sect has a card face." Hong Lingsha whispered, completely standing in the river. Chen here.

Luo Shu on the side wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, but did not dare to say more.

After all, the current Jiang Chen is backed by Hong Lingsha!

"That's right! Little Junior Brother, is there anything special about you after you have cultivated the Heavenly Sacred Tome?" Da Xiong suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen looked dumbfounded, shook his head, and said, "Apart from removing the spirit body and becoming stronger, there is no other special place."

"No?" Daxiong frowned, looked at Luo Shu and the others, and said: "How many spirit bodies did you drop off at the beginning to give birth to abilities?"

"I am 300," said the smiling god.

"I'm one hundred and seventy." Hong Lingsha said.

"I... Ninety-eight." Luo Shu said.

After all, everyone looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, as if they didn't understand that Jiang Chen is now about to fade out of five hundred spirit bodies, why hasn't a special ability been born yet?

You know, after cultivating the Heavenly Sacred Tome, it's not just as simple as removing the spiritual body!

After it fades to a certain degree, it will pass through the sky, and thus get some special abilities inexplicably.

"Strengths, spells, techniques, performances, and abilities gained after cultivating the Heavenly Sacred Tome are roughly these four." Luo Shu explained: "It stands to reason that you should have acquired certain abilities now."

"Huh?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded, "Really not."

With that said, Jiang Chen also felt the situation himself, and there was no change.

"It's impossible!" Smiling God said with certainty: "You must have made some changes, maybe you can't notice it yourself."

"What can be changed? My own situation is still not clear?" Jiang Chen said angrily: "I really didn't gain any ability!"

"This... is it because of your dragon veins?" Hong Lingsha frowned.

Jiang Chen's dragon veins can always be advanced, and now he has advanced to the horned dragon dragon veins, which is higher than Luo Shu and others.

But as a result, the higher-level dragon veins have not gained special power until now.

This...the problem should be the dragon vein!

"The great elder is in retreat, and the master is not there. We can't tell you what happened to you." Luo Shu smiled bitterly: "We can only wait for the master to come back or wait for the big elder to leave."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, anyway, I'm having a good time now." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Little Junior Brother, have you ever thought of upgrading your dragon veins again?" Da Xiong's eyes flashed brightly, and said: "If you have advanced to Yinglong Dragon veins... Maybe you can surpass the founder of Tongtian Sect!"

"I've also heard about this. The founder of Tongtian Sect had lost a lot of spirit bodies at the beginning. It's not clear how much it is, but it is definitely very strong!"

"I've heard the great elder talk about it. After the ancestor merged the faded spirit body at that time, he suppressed a main **** while turning his hands, and in that era... the ancestor seemed to be the cultivation base of the following true god, On an equal footing with the powerhouse of the **** king level!"


Listening to everyone's words, Jiang Chen was also itchy in his heart, and even more looking forward to it!

But soon, Jiang Chen felt bitter in his heart.

It's too difficult to advance to dragon veins!

At the beginning, Jiang Chen had swallowed a lot of Dragon Fruits before he advanced the Snake Vein to the Horned Dragon Vein!

And the further you go, the more dragon fruit you need!

Jiang Chen made a rough estimate. If you advance from the horned dragon vein to the Yinglong vein, it would definitely be impossible without three to five thousand shed dragon fruits!

And three to five thousand dragon fruit, where to find it! ?

"Isn't there a dragon fruit tree in Guangming Blessed Land? If you cultivate it well, it will grow a lot." Jiang Chen thought.

However, there are not many sloughing dragon fruit trees, even if they bear three times a year, they don't have that big yield!

What's more, it takes a hundred years for the dragon fruit to mature once!

"Senior Sister...Do you want to see Junior Brother's dragon veins advance?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen blinked his eyes and looked watery at the red Lingsha.

Without waiting for Hong Lingsha to speak, Jiang Chen aggrieved again, and muttered: "Forget it, there are not so many dragon fruits. It seems that I can't advance to dragon veins in my life."

"Let me pass this life in a dull and indifferent way..."

"What are you special about? You are still plain!?"

"Doing nothing!?"


Smiling Tianshen and Da Xiong stared at Jiang Chen, wishing to beat him up!

As far as your current strength, as far as the horned dragon veins you have, are you still plain? Still nothing! ?

It's owing to be beaten! This is it!

"Little Junior Brother, Senior Sister will help you figure out a solution!" Although Hong Lingsha knew that Jiang Chen was pretending, she really treated Jiang Chen as her own brother.

She once lost the person she was closest to, and now puts that affection on Jiang Chen.

Although Hong Lingsha knew that the boy in front of her was not her brother.

"Junior sister, let's talk about it when the master comes back." Luo Shu said solemnly: "Don't think about some useless things."

"I know." Hong Lingsha nodded, rarely letting her face down.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen stayed in Tongtianjiao for a while, and it didn't take long for Hongyi to arrive.

After she took Jiang Chen away, the smiling **** and others looked at each other, secretly saying that their little junior brother was really abducted!

"Tongtian Sect and Chedi Sect, where is his home in the end?" Da Xiong was puzzled and jealous.

After more than ten breaths, Tetsudizong was in the cave where Jiang Chen was located.

The red dress stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes gleaming, since he came back to the present, he hasn't spoken, and looked at Jiang Chen all over.

"Just tell me if you have something to say, what are you looking at me doing?" Jiang Chen said weakly.

"You... did you know if you caused a big disaster this time?" The red clothes said solemnly.

"I know, but they don't know who I am." Jiang Chen shrugged indifferently and said: "They can't find me."

"I can't find you, but I can find the Chudi Zong." Hongyi said grimly.

Unlike the Tongtian Sect, Chedi Zong does not need to be hidden at all.

Therefore, many people in the Nine Heavens God Realm know that "Han Han" is a man in red.

Nowadays, Jiang Chen moved directly away from the three cave houses, the first place that those top sect sects thought of, must be the Tedi Sect!

Perhaps, now Kunlun Mountain, proud to come to Tianmen, the powerhouse of the Nine Heavens Sect is on the way to Chudi Sect!

"Unless you have a quarrel with them and completely tore your face, I can't use the background of the Thou Di Sect to protect you because of your current troubles." Hong Yi said straightly.

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