I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 857: Sunset on the west hills, the moon sinks in the North Sea

Everyone was puzzled, Jiang Chen shouted what Elder Nine would do?

is that useful?

Now it is not ordinary people who are chasing him, but the top main god, and a half-step **** king!

With this lineup, it's not a problem to chase down a lower true **** and destroy a sect!

"Tell me the whereabouts of Luo Shu and others, and then move back to the blessed land, I'll give you a happy one!" The other main expression looked grim, and the killing intent in his eyes was like a wave slapping.

They came this time not only for those blessed places, but also for Luoshu and others.

Jiangshan painter Luo Shu, the red war **** Hong Lingsha, and the smiling **** is not well-known. When these three people practiced outside, they not only created a great reputation, but also established many enemies.

Today, among these main gods, there are their enemies!

However, although Luo Shu and the others had been practicing outside, their behavior was erratic, making it difficult for them to find.

But now, Jiang Chen and Luo Shu and the others are in the same school, they naturally want to know the traces of Luo Shu and the others from Jiang Chen, so as to kill them!

"Give me a good time? Do you dare?" Jiang Chen jokingly said, squinting, and looking deep into the adjacent college, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but show a smile.

Between the three breaths, I saw a woman falling from the sky, dressed in white, wearing a blue hairpin, with a beautiful face and a good figure.

She is not a peerless look, but she has a very clean feeling and is very good-looking.

"Elder Nine, this kid teleported to the adjacent academy. These strong men are here to hunt him down." The middle-aged man before hurriedly explained.

"Is you calling me?" Bei Mingxue ignored the middle-aged man, but instead set his gaze on Jiang Chen.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen cracked his mouth, showing a smile that was not a smile, and whispered: "Xiaoxiaoxue."

"Huh?" Bei Mingxue's pupils suddenly shrank upon hearing this, his expression changed even more!

In her eyes, she was shining brightly, and there were more runes floating in her eyes!

After a few breaths, she frowned and asked, "Is it you?"

"It's me." Jiang Chen smiled.

Everyone didn't know what Bei Mingxue's phrase "it's you" meant, but Jiang Chen knew that when he called out the three words "Xiao Xiaoxue", Bei Mingxue knew his identity.

This nickname can only be called by Jiang Chen!

Only Jiang Chen knew that Bei Mingxue still had such a nickname!

Similarly, Bei Mingxue also knew that there was only one person in this world who would call her that, and that was the original Tianchen God King!

If it is before changing, Bei Mingxue still doesn't believe that the person in front of him is Jiang Chen.

But you must know that after Jiang Chen's reincarnation, there was a lot of disturbance in the Wushen Continent, and the Nine Heavens God Realm knew that Jiang Chen was still alive!

Now, counting the time, Jiang Chen is about to soar.

And now, with this lower true **** in front of him, plus that little little snow, how can Bei Mingxue fail to guess Jiang Chen's identity!

However, Bei Mingxue was very calm, his eyes did not fall on Jiang Chen, but the dozen or so powerful men in the sky.

In the end, Bei Mingxue locked his gaze on the half-step **** king headed by him.

"He is the disciple I just received, and is also the official disciple of my adjacent college." Bei Mingxue said softly: "You must all know that, all the disciples of the academy, my academy has the obligation to protect them."

"When did you receive it!?" The Half-Step God King asked.

"Just now." Bei Mingxue raised her brows and said: "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent!

Everyone can tell that Bei Mingxue is trying to shelter Jiang Chen!

And, as a shelter in the name of the adjacent college!

If you change to the general situation, no one has any comments.

But now, you have to know that the opponent is a dozen top master gods, and a half-step **** king!

This terrifying line-up, can the adjacent college be guilty of being an enemy of these people for the sake of a lower true god! ?

"Elder Nine, this matter is very important, you can't decide alone!" The middle-aged man next to him hurriedly said, "These are the top powerhouses in a sect!"

"So what? I can't afford to offend the adjacent college? Or do they really dare not do anything in the adjacent college?" Bei Mingxue's face fell gloomy, her eyes burning, staring at the half-step God King in the air, and said: " Before he graduated, his life was the responsibility of my adjacent college."

"Oh, what a big tone!" The half-step God King's voice suddenly became cold, his eyes swept around, and he said loudly: "I Murong wants to kill the person, how many people in this world dare to block!? Even the **** of war, bright Lord God, dare not stop me easily!"

As soon as these words came out, many people were completely moved, and even more shocked!

Murong, this is just his last name!

The Murong family is an extremely powerful family in the Nine Heavens God Realm, and its heritage is comparable to the top sects!

And just as this Murong family's half-step **** king said, his Murong family's half-step **** king wants to kill one person, how many people in this world dare to stop! ?

The most important thing is that this person only reported his last name, not his first name.

From this it can be seen that he has the final say in Murong's house today!

He can claim the world in the name of Murong!

In this way, if Jiang Chen is sheltered today, it is tantamount to offending the entire Murong family!

"Is the Murong family very strong?" Bei Mingxue whispered, "I forgot to introduce myself, right?"

With that, Bei Mingxue tidyed up her clothes and stroked her hair, seemingly very solemn.

After a few breaths, she spoke slowly, her hair dancing lightly, giving a sense of supremacy.

"Sunset in the west, the moon sinks in the North Sea." Bei Mingxue raised her chin, and her snow-white gooseneck looked extremely dazzling in the sun.

She really looks more and more beautiful!

"Sunset in the west...the moon sinks in the North Sea..."

At this moment, the expressions of more than a dozen powerful men in the sky changed, especially the half-step **** king of the Murong family, there was even more jealousy in his eyes!

"You are... from Bei Ming's family!?" Murong asked.

"No, I was expelled." Bei Mingxue said truthfully.

"Oh...I have been expelled, and are still under the name of the Beiming family. Isn't this looking for death!"

"I've heard of the Beiming family, it's very strong! It's strong enough to compete with the Murong family! But... since she has been expelled, she is equivalent to someone from the Beiming family, and now she is coming out with the name of the Beiming family to do! Is it possible that the half-step **** king of Murong's family would be afraid of her?"


Many people wonder, since they have been expelled, why report the name of the Beiming family?

However, the half-step **** king of the Murong family didn't think so!

Murong's family and Beiming's family were both top families in the Nine Heavens God Realm, and of course they knew something about each other's family.

And as far as he knew, the Bei Ming family did expel a woman a long time ago!

But, that woman...even if she was expelled, few people dared to move her, because she was...

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