I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 863: Eight elders

The Saint Child of the Heavenly God Realm has been comforting the Profound God Realm, and the two of them are speechless, and even more helpless and bitter.

Since they can be the saint sons of a realm, it shows that they are very strong, and they are definitely the first among the major realms in the adjacent academy.

But now, he was defeated by Jiang Chen, the lower true god.

It's not that they are weak, but Jiang Chen is strong!

"The only true god!"

Someone yelled, I am afraid that this title will have been with Jiang Chen for a long time.

"Then I am now... the identity of the three saints?" Jiang Chen whispered.

In this capacity, it should be okay to read and comprehend the end of the world, right?

"You! Come over to me!"

At this moment, adjacent to the academy, a very majestic voice came from the Eighth Peak.

"Oh? The Eighth Elder?" Jiang Chen blinked his eyes, and secretly said that he and the Eighth Elder didn't know him at all, so suddenly he asked him to do something in the past?

However, since the Eighth Elder had spoken as a disciple of the adjacent academy, Jiang Chen would naturally pass by obediently.

After all, for a long time to come, Jiang Chen's safety will depend on the adjacent college.

"See the eight elders."

After a few breaths, Jiang Chen came to the eighth peak and bowed his hand to a middle-aged man.

The eight elders are very burly, with a face with Chinese characters, giving people a sense of uprightness.

And now, with his deep eyes staring at Jiang Chen, his aura is a little uneasy, especially the light from the corner of his eyes, and he is constantly looking at the square.

Obviously, Jiang Chen's defeat of the three saints one after another has already alarmed the seniors of the adjacent academy.

"Who are you?" The Eighth Elder asked in a deep voice after being silent for a while.

"Me? A disciple of Elder Bei Ming." Jiang Chen said, "Is there a problem?"

"Apart from this identity?" The Eighth Elder raised his eyebrows: "With your combat power and talent, you can't be an unknown person!"

"You use the name Hanhan in the Void God Realm, but what about your true identity?"


Hearing this, Jiang Chen shrugged helplessly, and said: "True identity? Still silly."

"Don't think about fooling me!" The Eighth Elder said coldly: "Don't think I don't know where you are from!"

When these words came out, Jiang Chen's heart couldn't help but hesitated, secretly saying that his identity was exposed?

Still, the matter of Tongtianjiao has been exposed! ?

However, before Jiang Chen could explain, the Eighth Elder smiled jokingly and said, "You and the smiling **** are brothers? You are from the same sect, right?"

"This...yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

Almost everyone knows about this.

At the beginning, in the Void God Realm's Haotian Conference, Luo Shu and others all came, calling Jiang Chen the junior junior in front of everyone.

There is no way to hide this.

"Then why don't you say it straight?" The Eighth Elder asked in a puzzled way: "Don't you know that I and Laughing God are worshiping brothers?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said angrily: "I don't know that you and the senior brother are brothers, you haven't said it before."

"Oh, yes, yes, I'm confused." The eighth elder patted his forehead and smiled: "If you have anything to do in the future, come to me, it's my family."

"I and Laughing Tianshen are worshiping brothers, and you are his junior brother. In this way, you and I are considered equal," said the Eighth Elder.

"Parents? Are you afraid that even my grandchildren are not enough?" Jiang Chen slandered.

If these eight elders knew Jiang Chen's identity, would they still dare to say that they were peers?

However, the words of the Eighth Elder at this moment are undoubtedly a great thing for Jiang Chen!

The Ninth Elder Bei Mingxue was properly standing on Jiang Chen's side, and now adding an Eighth Elder, he would have one more patron in the adjacent college!

The weight of his identity and speech is naturally heavier!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen smiled and asked: "Eight Elder, can I understand the proximity of the End of the World?"

"Huh? The End of the World is adjacent?" The Eighth Elder was stunned, looking very confused and confused.

After a few breaths, he stared at Jiang Chen and asked, "The smiling **** didn't teach you the proximity of Tianya?"

"What!?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"The Laughing God also came to the adjacent college as a disciple, and later became the most outstanding son." The eighth elder explained: "According to the agreement, after a thousand years, the Laughing God will come to form the courtyard adjacent to the college. Long bit."

"So...Senior Brother, he has mastered the proximity of the End of the World!?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." The Eighth Elder nodded and said: "He really didn't teach it to you?"

"Really not!" Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, even more resentful.

I had known that the smiling **** had mastered the neighboring horizon, so he could just ask him if he wanted to go, and he was still spending so much here!

"I can understand it if I haven't taught it to you. After all, Tianya is adjacent and cannot be easily passed on." The Eighth Elder whispered, then waved his hand and said: "You wait, I will discuss with other elders, there should be no major problems. "

"After all, you have defeated the three saints in a row. Now you are considered the saints of the three realms. If the elders are not blind, you should agree."


Having said that, the Eighth Elder waved his hand and signaled Jiang Chen to leave first, waiting for his notice.

"The saint son of the three realms adds to the body. As I am, it should be no problem to understand that the end of the cultivation practice is adjacent." Jiang Chen muttered.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen's ears moved, and he heard shouts of shouts from the square.

Looking into the distance, I saw a group of people on the square at some point.

The group of people were wearing white robes with some cloud patterns embroidered on them.

On the back of the robe, there was also embroidered with the words "Nine Heavens".

"Huh? Nine Heavens Sect?" Jiang Chen whispered, is it possible that Nine Heavens Sect knew that he had come to the adjacent college? Is this here to capture him?

However, Jiang Chen is now a disciple of the adjacent academy, and Bei Mingxue and the Eighth Elder are behind him. Even the Nine Heavens Sect can't do anything to him, right?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen was also curious, and came to the square.

As soon as I arrived here, I heard waves of sarcasm in the distance.

"The adjacent college ranks bottom among many colleges. What's so arrogant? I think among you saint sons, the saint son of this true **** has some strength, and the other saint sons are all decorations and useless!"

"Hahaha, adjacent to the college, bottom every year, I can't seem to disband it!"

"Hey, I can't say that, without the bottom of the adjacent college, how can it bring out the strength of other colleges, hahaha..."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly when he heard the words. The secret path adjacent to the college has not changed. Among the many colleges, it has always been the bottom of the existence.

When Jiang Chen was still the God King of Tianchen, the adjacent college was the bottom.

Unexpectedly, now that three thousand years have passed, it is still the bottom... This is not to be laughed at, it is strange.

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