I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 907: Master Tongtian

This person has a stalwart body, and the purple-gold hair is covered with Shenxi, as if the sun and the moon are hanging on the hair!

In his eyes, the mist evaporates, like a chaos, hiding an unknown universe!

He had no expression, was calm and natural, but when he looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes were curious.

"Who are you?"

When everyone thought that this was the strong man Jiang Chen invited to worship the mountain, Jiang Chen asked abruptly, full of doubts.

All of a sudden, a group of people became messy.

People call you Junior Brother, you don’t know who he is! ?

Get out of it! ?

"Um..." The man also froze for a moment, and then smiled: "I forgot to introduce myself."

After finishing speaking, the man did not speak in front of everyone, but secretly transmitted his voice, saying: "I am your senior brother, the title is Tongtian."

When these words came out, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

You know, this time Jiang Chen came to the Lingxiao Pavilion to worship the mountain, but he was well prepared!

Not only did he borrow a black face to make every bet win, he also secretly notified Luo Shu and the others.

I thought that this time Luo Shu and others would come, or even Lao Chai would come in person.

Unexpectedly, Luo Shu Lao Chai didn't come, but a big brother who had never met!

"Dragon, tiger, snake, bear, ghost, a disciple of the five major generations of Tongtian Sect, above this... there is also a big brother named after Tongtian." Jiang Chen remembered, looked at the man in a daze, and spoke through the voice: " Big Brother, didn't you enter the Forbidden Land in the East China Sea? Are you back?"

"Thanks to the old man, the master, otherwise I might not be able to get out." Tongtian said, with a worried expression: "Master, he was injured, and he is now back to Tongtian Sect to heal his injuries. I will handle the matter today. ."

Immediately, the two secretly finished their voice transmissions, Tongtian turned around, looked at the black-haired old man at the third door, and asked: "They are all from the older generation. Are you sure you want to be the guardian of the third door?"

"This is my Lingxiao Pavilion business! What to do with you!?" The black-haired old man said solemnly, his face gloomy, and his palms were sweaty!

Others may not see the cultivation base of Tongtian, but he can understand!

Because, both of them are half-step **** king level!

It's just that there is a special aura in Tongtian, which conceals his cultivation, and even gives people a sense of emptiness!

The black-haired old man knows very well that most of these people are about to merge into the Dao, and will soon become the King of God!

And he is still half a step away from the King of God!

"In that case... Then I came to worship the mountain." Tongtian said, "I heard that a life and death contract is going to be signed, right? Bring it, and I will sign it."

As soon as the words came out, the people present were moved.

The person with the highest cultivation level here is the black-haired old man, and other people simply can't see through the cultivation base of the sky.

Even Jiang Chen was puzzled and couldn't see through, and reminded: "Big brother, this old guy is a half-step **** king."

"Little Junior Brother, this world is like a turbid sea, the water is deep and muddy, and it is not clear." Tongtian said: "Perhaps it is very rare for you to see a half-step God King. But for you As far as I am concerned, things like this are no less killing."

"Uh... this... six six six?" Jiang Chen is in a mess, is this his big brother? !

Too sturdy, right? ?

"No need, stop here." The black-haired old man didn't know how to sign a life and death contract!

If he really signs the life and death contract, if he loses, in case he dies, he really won't have anything!

Cultivation is not easy, and finally cultivated to the half-step God King, and the prosperous age is about to come, and he is still waiting to become the king of God in the prosperous age!

Therefore, this black-haired old man does not want any accidents!

Moreover, not only this black-haired old man has this idea, but the half-step **** king in this world basically has this idea.

They are all waiting for the arrival of the flourishing age, breaking the shackles, and becoming the king of God in one fell swoop!

"Since you don't sign, let's start." Tongtian whispered, and when the voice fell, I saw a real dragon phantom behind him!


Along with a dragon chant, the phantom rose into the sky, almost materialized!

At the same time, an extremely terrifying coercion erupted, and the surrounding void was cracking, and even the runes of the Great Dao were manifested, and the flickering of indefinite flickering seemed to be shattered by the momentum of the sky!

"The real strong!"

"Terror! It's stronger than the half-step **** king of the **** emperor clan back then!"


Many people were shocked, and even more puzzled, where these brothers and sisters from Jiang Chen were in a mess!

Even Jiutianzhong was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that Jiang Chen's back hand was actually a half-step **** king with extremely strong combat power!

Of course, Jiang Chen himself did not expect that this time it was a big disciple of Tongtian Sect!

"This...how else to fight!"

At this moment, the black-haired old man had an ugly face, he stood there, never moved!

Because, with Tongtian's momentum, the black-haired old man knows that he is not Tongtian's opponent!

Fortunately, he didn't sign the life and death contract, otherwise he would be seriously injured if he didn't die!

However, now he is even more afraid to make a move.

How to fight this? Lost in momentum!

If there is a fight, isn't it looking for abuse!

"Hey, can you still fight?" Tongtian frowned, looking at the dazed black-haired old man, and said: "If you don't fight, just get out of the way, my junior brother will continue to worship the mountain."

"Haha...this fellow Taoist, it was a joke before." The black-haired old man was witty, with a smile on his face, and said, "How can I bully the small by the great?"

"Actually, the guardian of the third door is not me. It was just a joke."

As he said, he beckoned to a young man in the third gate and said, "The guardian of the third gate, it's up to you."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was slandered.

what is wrong? Acknowledged?

Just connecting to the sky is speechless, because he ran all the way, never thought that the other party would admit it before he did it.

However, Tong Tian didn't want to pursue it, since the other party retreated, then he wouldn't make a move.

"I've heard the name Han Han, and I heard that there is a sudden turmoil in the Void God Realm. Today, I am very curious about the Lingxiao Pavilion and want to see Han Han's strength." The black-haired old man has a thick face and doesn't mention the previous one. On the contrary, it turned the topic to Jiang Chen's body.

"I heard that Hanhan is called the only true god, the strongest true god, and invincible under the gods." The black-haired old man said, "This disciple I'm picking right now happens to be the upper Profound God. I don't know if Hanhan would dare to fight. ?"

"Old-faced, look at what you said, why don't you dare?" Jiang Chen did not leave the other party any face, and called the other person's old-faced!

At the same time, Jiang Chen walked out and looked at the black-haired old man with a smile, jokingly: "Have you asked your disciple for permission? Does he want to fight me?"

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