I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 918: Who is he

Few people know exactly what happened.

Even Song Tingtao and others knew nothing.

But the only certainty is that in a certain era, a group of people left here and entered another mysterious world.

Maybe they went to fight, or maybe something went wrong with them, and they had to go away.

However, the group of people is hard to die, the sky is falling, and they will never die!

Their longevity will last, and their lives will not be exhausted unless they are killed by someone!

Just like this, there have been rumors in the world that the original group of people will return!

The coffin in the Tongtian Sect is the treasure that the Tongtian Sect has sacrificed in the past dynasties. It can also be said to be a "coordinate".

Those who have ever gone, want to return, want to cross the endless river of time and history, they have to pass through the endless ocean of chaos, and even some unknown areas.

Everything is isolated there, there is no direction at all, and even the world is reversed, everything is imaginary!

If you want to return, you must have coordinates!

Therefore, the group of people who left at the beginning have left their coordinates!

There are many top sects in the world, and there are things like bronze coffins in the ancient powers.

Those are all coordinates one by one, waiting and attracting this one person to return!

"That person...maybe really can't come back." Song Tingtao sighed: "From the ancestors away, now, everyone has news, but the one...no news at all!"

"Perhaps... he just encountered a little bit of difficulty and trouble." Lao Chai guessed: "Where they go, I can hardly imagine it. One year there, maybe we have tens of thousands of years or even several eras.

"Even so, there should be some news back." Song Tingtao sighed.

Having said that, Song Tingtao waved his hand and motioned not to mention the matter again.

He asked Lao Chai to guard this place. This is the last foundation and heritage of Tongtian Sect!

At the same time, in the Torudi Sect...

Before the red dress came to the altar again, the broken skull was shining with shining light, like star sand.

Strands of life breath were circulating, and there was an indescribable breath emerging.

In the broken skull, wisps of starlight appeared in the originally empty eye sockets, accompanied by chaos and some unknown matter.

Look carefully, it is like a channel, connecting to a distant place!

"The road to return is open!" Red Yi was shocked, looking at the broken skull, and said in a condensed voice: "Senior, are they coming back?"

"The one of my sect has found the way back, and is now on the road!" A voice from the skull was also full of excitement.

Hearing this, the red clothes also looked straight, and his heart was burning!

That person, but the founder of the Torudi Sect, is also one of the most powerful people in this world!

It's just that, at a certain time, this one of the Torudi Sect also left, gone away, as if to follow the footsteps of the ancestors and embark on that unknown journey.

Nowadays, after a few eras, this top man is about to return after all!

"I can feel that near this channel, there are several channels that have also been opened!" The skull said solemnly, "Perhaps, more than one or two have returned this time, but a large group!"

"Even the ancient ancestors will return!"

As soon as he said this, the red shirt clasped his hands tightly, his expression extremely excited.

As the Sect Master of the Tetsudi Sect, she has got a great opportunity, so she knows some ancient Xin Mi!

If the group of ancestors can return, then these six realms will be saved!

"That... can you sense it?" Hongyi asked.

"There is no news, no breath, as if it has disappeared." The skull sighed: "Perhaps, he really disappeared."

"But... he's still there," the red clothes said in a puzzled way.

The skull knows who the "he" in Hong Yi's mouth is, but he tells Hong Yi that this "he" is not the other "he"!

Perhaps, there is some connection between the two, but they are definitely not the same person!

"You should also prepare. There should be an end between the Tongtian Sect and the Chedi Sect." Skull said: "In addition, the people on the horizon have come forward. From now on, the world will be turbulent and even bloody. !"

"I know." Hongyi nodded, was silent for a while before the altar, and left.

On the other side, in the Nine Heavens Sect.

It's ok to say, now it should be called the Nine Heavens Dynasty!

In the deepest part of the dynasty, on the cliff, behind the bronze gate...

At this moment, Jiutianzhong and the Western Demon God are both standing here.

In front of them, Jiu Shen stood alone quietly.

In his eyes, there was a bright light shining, as if this big day was going to shine on the heavens and the realms!

"Going back!"

After more than ten breaths, Jiu Shen suddenly spoke, and then laughed wildly: "Hahaha...No one can stop my Nine Heavens Dynasty!"

"Father... Great Patriarch is coming back?" Jiutianzhong asked hurriedly.

"I can sense it! Behind the bronze door, there is his breath!" Jiu Shen was excited, waved his big hand, pointing to the sky and the earth, and said: "The great ancestor returns, this world will completely surrender to my Nine Heavens Empire! "

"At that time, the so-called Cangzhou, the so-called end of the world, will have to surrender!"


If these words are heard by others, they will definitely be shocked.

Cangzhou, on the end of the world, what a supreme existence is that has never been seen since ancient times, and has never been lost!

According to that song of limericks to rank, the end of the world is the number one!

And the Nine Heavens Dynasty, the real ranking is still behind the Lingxiao Pavilion!

But now, Jiu Shen can actually say such a thing!

So... there is only one possibility!

The returnee of the Nine Heavens Dynasty is extremely tough!

Even... invincible! ?

"During this period, everything will be taken care of by Tiancang. Jiu Qiansui and I are going to the lower realm!" Jiu Shen said suddenly, "Your emperor uncle has been in the lower realm for a long time, and it is time to take him back."

"Uncle Jiuyuan!? Is he...willing to come back?" Jiutian asked.

"If he is willing to return, why not give him the position of emperor!? He is a family!" Jiu Shen said with a serious face: "You know, as long as the Nine Heavens Dynasty is immortal, no matter who is the emperor, it will be the same. !"

"I understand." Jiutian focused his head.

However, he was very puzzled, why should the power of the Nine Heavens Dynasty be handed over to Heaven during the absence of Jiu Shen and Jiu Qiansui?

You know, the heaven in Jiu Shen's mouth is Jiang Chen!

"The lord, you seem to value Tiancang very much." The Western Demon God asked: "I think he is only a lower true **** now. Is it necessary to value him so much?"

"What's more, that person may not be able to return yet."

As soon as he said this, Jiu Shen's face suddenly became gloomy. He stared at the Western Demon God and said coldly: "Shut up! That one will definitely come back!"

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