Chapter 540 Repression! Two more!

The complexions of the master figures all around changed wildly, but while they retreated, they were also attacking.

The aura swept over and enveloped Chen Feng, but Chen Feng disappeared, and an Eight Desolation Broken Dragon Sword with condensed vitality appeared in his hand, and with a horizontal cut, the man's neck fell off.

Such a scene is a nightmare.

In fact, for outsiders, it is the nightmare of outsiders that this group of Noumenons bully others so much.

Chen Feng is here to smash the existence of these nightmares.

He came all the way here for resources. If Yueluo City doesn't offend him, he will naturally not move, but in this situation, Chen Feng can't help but not destroy them and search for everything in Yueluo City.

Moonfall City belongs to the port area, and its business is prosperous. After so many years of accumulation, the City Lord's Mansion has accumulated a lot of wealth.

Chen Feng looked at the masters in front of him, and they passed by in an instant. With just a few sword strikes, he cut through the strong men who had fallen into the city for several months.

A few joined forces to attack, and the golden sword energy intercepted them in front of them. All their attacks and defenses were futile as they were swallowed up by the sword energy and shattered.

"It's over!"

The male official in black, the young man, and the rest of the people who saw this scene were as silent as a cicada!

The man in black didn't expect that even a man as powerful as the city lord could not deal with the young man in front of him.

And those masters were almost wiped out by Chen Feng.

They seem to have met someone who should not be provoked.

"Let's go!" The man in black, the young man, and the rest all left quietly.

Emperor Tuoba fixed his eyes on these people: "Want to escape?"


A light spot shot out from Emperor Tuoba's body, several shuttled back and forth, nailing these people to the ground.

"Do not!"

Princess Yinhua's face was horrified, she kept backing away, all her arrogance was shattered by that boy's blow.

Even her father was no match, the invincible strong man in her heart was killed so easily!

Chen Feng looked at the princess, Tuoba Huang smiled and said: "Brother, you are not cruel enough! When you first come into contact with such a thing, you should kill her and keep it useless. , your way of keeping your hands is a big taboo, I will help you solve it!"

"Brother is right, I will get used to it slowly in the future!"

Chen Feng nodded. Now that his strength is getting stronger and stronger, he also feels that being polite to this kind of person,

That's really unnecessary.

Tuoba Huang laughed and said: "I glanced before with my consciousness, this woman has gouged out a woman's eyes, and I will let her taste what it feels like to have her eyes gouged out!"

As soon as Tuobahuang finished speaking, he appeared in front of Princess Yinhua, grabbed her, and pointed his right index finger into Princess Yinhua's left eye. With a click, a bloody eyeball fell down. Tuobahuang Play in your hands.

The audience was dead silent!


Princess Yinhua let out a shrill scream, more frightened and painful than the previous woman!


At this moment, a vast force suddenly swept over from a distance.

The sound came from a temple hall in Moonfall City.

It is a believer in the Tianshen Temple built in Moonfall City.

Standing with his hands behind his back, Chen Feng looked at a woman in a white robe flying into the distance. Chen Feng saw the astonishing aura of this person, distorted the void, and every move contained a taste of a superior.

Chen Feng knew that this person was stronger than the city lord, he glanced with his divine sense, and he was from the Temple of Heaven.

The power of Tianshen Temple has been established in thousands of cities throughout the Sun Moon Empire.

Here is a smaller one.

Every day, many people go to worship in front of the temple.

This woman is an elder of Tianshen Temple. She flew out and couldn't stand it anymore.

There is a sacred aura on her body, and the powerful force is shaking.

But no matter how powerful she is, she is only a god elder in a small town, and it is impossible for her to be higher than Chen Feng.

The woman stared at Chen Feng, and glanced coldly: "You are the untouchables of the Panwu God Dynasty? Who gave you the courage to dare to make trouble in Yuecheng, aren't you afraid of being killed by the people of the Tianshen Temple?"

The woman from this temple just appeared, attracting everyone's attention.

Even Princess Yinhua looked respectful, this is a person more terrifying than his father.

"Yueluo City, you changed the currency rules without authorization. It is clear that you are robbing us of our finances. No one provokes you. You are deceiving too much!" Du Peng, who was in the caravan, stood behind Chen Feng and said.

"Huh?" The white-robed woman's eyes flickered coldly: "You are just pariahs from other places, our Sun Moon Empire is the descendant of the gods, it is your luck that you come to do business with us!

Now, you have reaped a lot of benefits over the years, is it not normal to honor the Sun Moon Empire a little bit? How can there be so many complaints when you can serve the empire of the descendants of the gods? Today, no matter what, if you hit someone, you have to pay the price! "

"The price?" Chen Feng said indifferently: "First of all, I am not from the Panwu God Dynasty. Secondly, your Western Sun and Moon Empire has uneven races. How can you talk about nobleness? I think you talk about nobleness, but in fact you are It's just a bug.

Since I met you today, it is understandable to teach you a lesson. Let you know that I, a foreigner, will kill you anyway. Not only will I kill you, but I will also destroy your Heavenly Temple! "

Chen Feng's voice resounded throughout the audience. The female elders he said, Princess Yinhua, and everyone present looked terrified.

"He is blatantly disrespecting the gods. Our temples are spread all over the Sun Moon Empire. Who doesn't know the majesty of the temples? This is a divine power that is higher than the imperial power. This kid is so rebellious. He deserves to be killed!"

"Elder, kill this person, stop talking nonsense with him!" A few members followed behind the Temple of Heaven, yelling at Chen Feng to kill him.

"Hmph! I'm so arrogant, I don't know what it means. I've seen an arrogant person. It's the first time I've seen such an arrogant person like you. It's a joke to destroy my Temple of Heaven with you!"

When the woman heard the words, she was furious: "Surrender to death!"

The woman suddenly chanted, a sacred aura appeared all over her body, piercing the sky, and suddenly, at the position of the Temple of Heaven, a huge black snake statue inside, with a snake tail, a human body, and a woman's appearance, suddenly burst into light, arousing a wave Dao of light converged and slashed towards Chen Feng.

He communicated with the god statue and used his strength to kill Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was confident. Facing the impact, he took out a dragon-slaying holy halberd with his right hand, stabbed it once, and a ray of light swept across, destroying all the attacks of the woman, making him unable to resist at all.


The woman yelled, and suddenly raised her hands high. Deep in the sky, more power came continuously, and then a huge black snake appeared in front of her.

The huge black snake was 100 meters long, covered with the power of ancient runes, and its eyes were scarlet, like an ancient snake. It descended on the scene, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed Chen Feng into its mouth in an instant.

"But that's it!" The woman sneered when she saw the swollen black snake's abdomen after being swallowed by the big snake, "You can't resist even one move, and you still talk about destroying the Temple of Heaven, you are beyond your control!"

She is a heavenly snake, but she has borrowed the power of a god like a god.

Yes, the god they offer is actually a black snake.

This black snake is their belief.

However, this is a big energy snake, not a real god. The god they support is a god with a human head and a snake tail!

Ordinary people are swallowed and will soon die in it. The Black Snake is bound by a powerful force, and there is a dead end in it.

Just suddenly, Chen Feng took out a gray boulder, and just after he took it out, the huge black snake bounced everything away due to the strong magnetic force, blowing away the giant snake's belly and body, turning it into pieces.

The woman also flew out, and saw a huge gray stone suspended above Chen Feng's head, the pressure came from the stone.

"What kind of stone is this? Such a powerful repulsive force!"

The woman frowned. Although the attack was deflected, she did not give up. She took out a black mirror in her hand. The mirror was full of evil spirits, flying densely packed with evil spirits. Thousands of light beams converged from all directions. , reflected.

"I don't believe it, you can still resist!" The woman's voice was cold, and after flying out of the light beam, she waited for Chen Feng to be chopped to death. Bang Dang, there was nothing wrong with Chen Feng, but a stone was thrown over him, and the light beam was killed. It couldn't hit it an inch, and the closer the stone was, the more the light beam would recede, and the woman was also bounced away by a powerful radiation force.

She looked horrified.

He wasn't the only one who was smashed into the air, those who were close to the scene all backed away far away, their faces horrified.

Chen Feng took a look and put away the stone. It was a waste to use magnetite to deal with this woman.

He collected the treasure, and the woman attacked again. Chen Feng appeared in front of the woman in a flash, with the Dragon Slayer Sacred Halberd protruding from the woman's back in his hand, nailing her to death in the air.

The Dragon Slaying Sacred Halberd was pulled out, a large amount of blood sprayed out, and the woman fell from the sky.

what! !

She screamed in pain, her expression was unbelievable, she was not Chen Feng's opponent at all.

After Chen Feng pierced her, he waved his right hand, and with that shocking force, the woman was thrown from the position hanging in the middle of the Dragon Slayer Sacred Halberd to the ground far away, and her chest was completely exploded.

"Not good! Elder Tianshen was killed!"

"Damn it! The elders were all killed! Fight him!"

There were a few diehards of the gods, who risked their lives to rush over, there were many figures, and there were still many people who were willing to die for the temple, but they rushed into the air, were shocked by a force, and were annihilated by flying ashes.

The people in Tianshen Temple were all dealt with by Chen Feng. Chen Feng flicked his fingers, and Princess Yinhua, who was stunned in the distance, was pierced by a beam of light and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Chen Feng's voice resounded everywhere: "Today, Yueluo City killed innocent people indiscriminately, and I have punished them. Those who are not convinced can come to fight, and the rest of the outsiders can leave now. I will help you open the city gate!"

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, he punched the city wall thousands of meters away, as well as the light curtain condensed by the formation in the sky, and the sealed barrier. The city gate boomed and exploded, together with the condensed formation The bombardment made a big hole.

Above the sky, because of the blockade before, people could not fly away because of the formation light curtain, and now it shattered like an egg, and the formation light curtain of the entire city was broken by Chen Feng's punch!

As soon as Chen Feng made a move, he quickly suppressed Princess Yinhua, the city lord, the guards, the elders of the Tianshen Temple, and other experts. No one in Yueluo City could fight Chen Feng.

Now that the city is opened, many outsiders forgot to escape for a while.

Shocked by Chen Feng's scene, he froze in place.

However, who knows who suddenly exclaimed: "This young man seems to be Chen Feng, the first rank genius of the Sage Dynasty, Poseidon Academy!"

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