At this moment, these hundreds of thousands of people are piled up here, arranged like animals!

No matter how much they begged for mercy, fear, or curse, it was useless.

Jun Mochou's eyes are full of cold murderous intent, these people are the key to opening the gate of hell.

After a sinful person dies, he will enter hell. When hundreds of thousands of sinful people die together, they will be summoned by the law of hell. At this time, the space barrier between hell and the world is connected, and it is also the weakest time.

At this moment, as long as you blast it away, you can open the gate of hell and enter it.

"Don't kill us, what crime have we committed, let us go!"

"Give us a life!"

"What did you bring us here for, and what did we do wrong?"

A group of people spoke the language of other worlds, but Chen Feng and the others used telepathy to roughly guess what they were complaining about and what they meant.

These people are very terrified, whoever is caught suddenly, still in this place, will be terrified if they pile up together.

The same is true for these heinous people. They lay on the ground and struggled constantly, trying to get rid of the troubles of the ropes, but to no avail. These ropes are not made of ordinary materials. The more they struggle, the tighter the ropes bind them. Can't move.

Everyone is desperate.

They saw a young man in black robes, billowing with devilish energy, his figure suspended in the air, he was the one who ruled over their lives!

His eyes were full of murderous intent and indifference, he didn't have the slightest emotion for these captured people, his eyes looked like ants.

"This method may not work! But you have to try!" Jun Mochou saw these people, his eyes seemed to be able to see the souls entangled in these people, they were all the people they tortured and killed. The side that was killed.

"Hallmaster, whether this method will work or not, you will know if you try it. Do you want to kill them all now?"

One of his subordinates said cruelly.

Jun Mochou nodded: "Kill it! Remember, we have to kill together so that we can comprehend the laws of hell. As long as hell exists, these heinous people will be inspired by the laws of hell and dragged into hell. This is our chance to enter hell , there are many demons in hell, if the gates of hell are real,

The devil inside must be real too!

As long as I go in and find the heart of the Devil Emperor of Hell, I can take this opportunity to break through the Great Emperor. At that time, I will crush and kill all the sacred mountains and witch ancestors. The entire Qinhuang star field, tens of thousands of stars, It's all in my hands! Now, kill it immediately! "


Jun Mochou's voice was very cruel and cold-blooded, and she was already extremely excited. Hearing his words, a group of subordinates flew out, surrounded these people, and instantly shot out a crimson flame with a palm. These people are all diffuse, burning alive.

what! ! ! !

This place is cruel and inhumane, 130,000 heinous people are burned alive by the flames, screaming heart-piercingly, but no one pays any attention to them.

Jun Mochou's eyes flashed: "Don't burn them to death all at once, burn them slowly, and burn out the souls and hatred in their hearts. The more negative energy there is, the more they can sense the coming of the law of hell!"

"Yes!" Hearing this, the subordinates slowed down the flames and burned them to death step by step.

Hundreds of thousands of people are rolling here. This scene is like the sinful beings in the flame hell being filled with flames, unable to escape to the sky. They screamed, screaming, and the screams have spread to the entire valley. People around who heard this sound were terrified!

The cruelty of this Jun Mochou can't be measured in words.

Although he killed all the heinous people, theoretically speaking, it was a benefit to the people of the world. Killing one wicked person can save a hundred good people. Jun Mochou killed 130,000 wicked people at this moment.

And these villains are also to blame. Opening hell is to use this kind of criminals, if they are not criminals, Jun Mochou's men will not arrest them.

Soon this group of people was burned to ashes, Chen Feng even saw their souls hovering here, wanting to escape, Jun Mochou flicked his fingers, and a barrier of light formed around them, the souls could not escape, hitting the barrier up, bounced back.

"You sinful souls will be judged by the laws of hell. It is impossible to leave here. Wait for hell to come!"

A cold voice resounded through the surrounding valleys, the ground was piled up with bones, and the rest were evil spirits, invisible to the eyes, but all the experts present could see these spirits wandering around, unable to escape, sending out A silent roar of horror! The facial features are distorted!

At this moment, Jun Mochou waved his hand and threw out a red stone, which was full of evil spirits.

Coupled with the resentment, murderous aura and sinful aura of these heinous people, in the crowd watching, suddenly, a special force enveloped the scene, and the sky and the earth trembled.

This force permeated all the evil people, bound them, and then everyone noticed that these people were all pulled into another phantom space.

"Hell space! This is the hell world, does hell really exist?

The law has come to take them all to hell to be tortured! Quick, blast open the gates of hell! "

Xiang Tianhao was very excited, the space of hell really exists, the scene has come, many souls have been dragged in by hell, the law of hell will automatically judge and bring them to the place where they should be punished.

The law of hell judges who is a demon based on their aura. As long as they are judged to be demons, executioners, or heinous people, they will all be pulled in and never be reborn!


In an instant, an unknown number of people were pulled in, and Jun Mochou was worried that the hell sense would disappear, so she punched suddenly, blowing away its weak barrier.

Boom! ! !

Just after it exploded, there was a bang, a crack was torn open, violent hellish air flowed out from the depths of the darkness, and the voices of terrifying demons could be heard coming from the depths.

In the dark depths, there is darkness, and the black breath from the hole is continuously swallowed.

The black air came head-on, which was shocking!

It was actually opened?

Even the faces of the people in the Valkyrie Temple changed wildly!

Jun Mochou's eyes were fixed, he was just trying, who would have thought, there really is!

The souls that were absorbed just now have disappeared. After Jun Mochou opened it, he didn't find it. Obviously those souls were drawn to other places by the law of hell, and what Jun Mochou opened up was the main plane of hell.

"It is rumored that there are many hell spaces in hell. This is a dark continent. It seems that those sinful souls went to hell because of their own sins, and the place I arrived at is the main plane of hell!"

Jun Mochou stared at the dark crack in front of her eyes, full of excitement: "Since hell really exists, then if I go into it, I will definitely find the legendary devil heart of hell, the heart of the devil emperor of hell, I must get it! Hahahaha! "

It was also by chance that Jun Mochou discovered the information written in a book, which seemed to be written by a strong man in hell, and it somehow spread to the Qinhuang Star Region!

Only then did he know that there was a devil emperor in the depths of hell, but the devil emperor of hell had long since fallen, and the place where the devil emperor fell was recorded in the book, but ordinary people simply couldn't get close to it.

And who is he, Jun Mochou?

It is the avatar of heaven and man, and it is a genius among geniuses, the pinnacle of the top tenth rank!

He enters it, as long as he gets the demon heart of hell, he can break through the emperor. At that time, the world is so big, who is his opponent?

Everyone will die!

Jun Mochou's eyes were scarlet, and his whole body was surrounded by demonic energy.

"Hall Master, if we go in, this passage will be closed. It will be very difficult for us to find so many people to open hell through this method!"

A subordinate next to him was worried that he would not be able to come out after going in.

"What are you afraid of?"

Jun Mochou said coldly: "As long as you have opened up the plane, it is not a problem to enter it. How difficult is it to get out? We control the spatial coordinates of Misty Mountain. Even in hell, we can sense and forcibly blast away, but compared to this , need a strong strength, I have no problem entering and exiting!"

The hearts of Jun Mochou's subordinates sank, it is no problem for you to come in and out, how about us?

If Jun Mochou didn't care about them, it would be impossible for them to come out.

But Jun Mochou sneered, he could kill this problematic subordinate casually, but he didn't do that. Instead, he waved his hand and stabilized the passage of hell in front of him. A large amount of energy poured into it, expanding the passage of hell to Five meters in radius, a pitch-black cave.

Jun Mochou: "This channel can last for a long time, let's go in first!"

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