I Have Possessed the Son of the Villain

Chapter 709 Interrupt thoughts

After three hours finally arrived, he walked out of the Hunyuan room.

I suddenly heard this quarrel. Several sons from the inner holy land quarreled with deacons. The reason for the quarrel was that the halo of the Hunyuan Room suddenly became thinner. The Mansion Holy Land requires the return of Hongmeng Saint Yuan or donation of something.

Maybe it was a quarrel, so no one noticed Yang Hao's movement in Hunyuan's room.

"Hunyuan has become thinner?"

Yang Hao lowered his head, walked out of the Hunyuan Pagoda in silence, and ran away.

Have a clear conscience!

In this case, absolute coercion is also a masterpiece of the law of invincibility.

Those who quarreled with the deacon in the poor Hunyuan Tower did not know that the evil helmet had escaped.

Hong 703 Meng the Great Leaving the Inner Holy Land

It is night now, half a month high, desolate and lonely, lonely and bitter, but it adds a tranquil beauty to Wanfeng Mountain.

Yang Hao turned his head, and the mountain sacred place in the night looked even more majestic.

The inner holy land is the inner holy land. The Great Holy Land alone is much more magnificent than the Great Holy Land in the outer Holy Land, just as the inner Holy Land is a luxurious house, while the outer Holy Land is just a simple thatched hut.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will be the son of the inner holy land

Yang Hao turned around and strode away. Soon it was submerged in the moonlit forest and couldn't wait (bcdb) to find a place to practice boxing and swordsmanship.

It is one way from the inner holy land to the outer holy land.

You can enter the inner holy land from the mountain road behind the outer holy land, but the inner holy land must be in and out when entering the outer holy land.

Why there is such a rule is impossible to investigate.

Because this is already a rule, as the son of a general, obedience is.

From the inner holy land to the outer holy land, there is no distance of a hundred miles.

Yang Hao doesn't want people to see his boxing and swordsmanship practice, so he needs to find a relatively secret place.

Half an hour later, he found a valley that felt good.

The valley is located under a mountain peak, with a beautiful environment and plenty of mixed elements. People will feel relaxed and happy in the valley.

"That's it!"

Yang Hao, first practice boxing, then practice sword.

He is more and more experienced now.

The invincible method does not require sitting cross-legged to practice. This can be done by lying down and walking. As long as a person is alive, he can practice invincible methods. Therefore, he deliberately saved the time of practicing invincible methods and focused on boxing and swordsmanship.

In the valley, sometimes the fist breaks through the air, sometimes the sword shoots violently. Zhenwu Broken Cangquan is awe-inspiring and fierce with nine swords.

After several comparisons, the two seem to be evenly matched, but the real Martial Fragment Cangquan can continuously strengthen the body in practice, which shows that the real Martial Fragment Cangquan level taught by Grandpa is still above the Nine Slash Swordsmanship.

The Nine Slash Sword Technique, however, can be said to be the first powerful sword technique in the powerful period of the Nine Heavens Heavenly Dao Holy Land. The level of Zhenwu Broken Cangquan was even higher than Jiuzhan Sword Technique, the more he missed his grandfather, the better.

"If you have a chance to see Grandpa again, you must ask him how he knows the world's invincible method and the real martial arts, even if they are the best martial arts in the world?"

"Also, the spells Grandpa taught are also true."

The more I miss my grandfather, the more I believe he will miss him.

Grandpa will be sad when he passes away.


Suddenly, the sound of the golden hammer above his head interrupted his thoughts.

Suddenly looked up.

The sword light stirred up a strong wind and dispelled the dense fog. .

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