Magic Council

The round table meeting was surrounded by nine of the most powerful people in the world.


An old hand slapped a stack of newspapers, which also recorded the recent coastal blasting case.

"It's those troublemakers from Fairy Tail again!" an old voice said angrily.

"Just for one criminal, Porla, the entire port and surrounding buildings were destroyed in half. If there were two more criminals, wouldn't the entire town be destroyed?" Another old voice echoed.

"It's okay, it didn't cause any casualties. At worst, we can just deduct their money and use it for reconstruction." A kind, old voice chose to excuse Raphael and the others.

"But they have caused too much trouble. Every time they perform a mission, half of the venue is destroyed. If this continues, the entire kingdom will probably be destroyed." A younger, thicker voice retorted.

"Yeah, let's just let them disband." A slightly shriller voice made an impossible decision.

"Okay, okay, actually I quite like those idiots. Although some people are indeed hopelessly stupid, a large part of them are talented." A young voice said, "And some of you can withstand that Titan A punch?"

The people who had been having a heated discussion before were suddenly speechless as if their necks were pinched.

Previously, they almost forced Makarov to abdicate and dissolve the guild because Geerdas accidentally shattered a symbolic fountain square.

Raphael appeared before them like a god and blew the entire Council to pieces with just one punch.

In the end, Makarov could only make a symbolic payment and finish the job.

After a long silence, a hoarse voice said: "This matter is over now. Give them the compensation form and let them compensate. Let's call it a night."


"Thank you very much, but I don't want to be chased by the army. I am obviously the victim!"

Lucy was dragged along by Raphael and the others, and her hands almost grew a lot longer. When she finally stopped, the first thing she did was to complain crazily to them.

As expected of Fairy Tail's complaining officer, he still managed to complain for such a long time after running all the way. This is a concept level, right?

Raphael looked at Lucy, who was not blushing and out of breath, and his thoughts were as far as the sky.

"Love~ Why don't you turn around and look, Lucy."

Although Happy can fly, he is still young after all and does not have enough magical power to fly for a long time. He was exhausted after following him all the way. Now he has to endure Lucy's nagging, so he can only change the subject abruptly.

"What's behind me... wow! Here... here is..."

Lucy looked at the majestic guild in front of her and couldn't help but exclaimed. It was as spectacular as going to the Forbidden City to see Tiananmen for the first time in her previous life.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Happy jumped up and said to Lucy.


"I'm back!!!"

Before Lucy could say anything else, Natsu kicked the guild door open, rushed into the guild, and kicked Bucktooth away with a flying kick.

"You bastard! You actually lied to me that Hargeon has a dragon!" Natsu roared with a trace of fire in his mouth.

The buck-toothed man who flew out instantly stopped the car in the air and knocked Natsu down in the air against common sense: "You bastard, I only heard about it. You ran away before you heard it. You kicked me." what!"

Then the two of them spilled all the drinks of the spectators who were drinking next to them, and a big melee began.

"Ah la la, Natsu seemed a little confused when he came back. Welcome back, Raphael." Mirajane greeted Raphael gently.

Since Lisanna was rescued by Raphael, Mirajane and Elfman seemed to be different people.

Mirajane hated her own arrogance and conceit, and since then she has gradually become mature and gentle, but her essence remains the same, she just changed from being aggressive on the outside to being sinister on the inside.

Elfman, on the other hand, hated his own weakness. After that time, he changed his weakness and continued to exercise like a muscular man every day.

In the end, they became the same as in the original novel, but the good thing is that they no longer waited for Lisanna's arrival with pain and regret.

"Isn't this a little bit? It's super confusing!" Lucy complained as she bent down to avoid a flying plate.

"Ah la la, this is the new guy who is going to join the guild. Don't worry. Even though they look like this, they are actually very easy to get along with..." Before she could finish her words, Mirajane, who was smiling and gentle, smashed a wine glass full of wine. When it reached her head, the red wine flowed down from her head.

Looking at Mirajane's stiff smile, Lucy asked carefully: "Um...are you okay? Miss Mirajane?" After all, she was a goddess who had been in Time Magazine, so Lucy recognized Mirajane at a glance.

The corners of Mirajane's mouth raised and she opened her eyes. She instantly transformed into a demon and rushed towards Chaos: "Ahhhhhhh, I just washed my hair, you bastards, who threw it away? Get out of here, ahhhhhhh ah!"

The corners of Lucy's mouth twitched, and she spat out something old out of nowhere.

At this time, the other half of the door that was not kicked open by Natsu was kicked open by Gray. The moment he entered the door, his clothes disappeared inexplicably. He shouted loudly: "I heard that Natsu is back, and Raphael is back too? I Let’s fight them!”

"Ahhhh! Naked man!" Lucy shouted with her eyes wide open.

"Eh? Where are my clothes? No matter where Natsu is, right? I'm on!" Gray jumped directly into the chaos.

Lucy was wondering why he didn't ask for Raphael's help, but found that Raphael had been knocked unconscious by a bunch of grapes.

"You were knocked unconscious a long time ago, and you were knocked unconscious by grapes. It's too shameful!!!"

"The boys in our guild are so bad!" Cana held a wine barrel and filled it with tons of wine.

Lucy's whole face was twitching: "It seems... you're not much better..."

"Come to me, I'll protect you!" A pleasant voice came from behind Lucy.

"Ah ah ah, it's Loki, the handsome guy who ranks in the top three of the list of [Magicians who most want him to be their boyfriend]..." Lucy, who was still having a nymphomaniac moment, looked at Loki who was hugging him and felt helpless. He collapsed on the ground, "He is actually a scumbag..."

Lucy's whole person became a loser.

"Are you new here?" A pleasant voice sounded in front of Lucy.

"Ah! It's the little angel Lisaanna!" Lucy looked at the cute and beautiful girl in front of her and shouted happily.

"I'm... No, you go find someone to stop them." Lucy suddenly remembered that now was not the time to chase stars, and hurriedly pointed to the chaos ahead and said.

Lisanna smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, they're used to this, don't worry about it..." Suddenly a wine barrel flew from nowhere and knocked her away.

"Ah ah ah, little angel Lisaanna! Are you okay?" Lucy rushed over in a hurry.

"Isn't this great?" Lisanna stood up with blood on her head and lay down again after saying this.

"No, hey, it's even scarier!" Lucy couldn't help but spit out her old words.

"Ah ah ah, sister! What bastard did it!" A muscular man appeared behind Lucy. Seeing Lisanna's misery, he rushed into the crowd and was knocked away in the next second.

"No...what are you going to do..." Lucy couldn't complain anymore. She felt that if she could absorb the energy of complaining, she could destroy the kingdom.

Just when things were about to get out of hand, a huge figure full of oppression appeared.

"You bastards!"

"Just stop it!"

With a roar, everyone in the room stopped. Only Natsu was still baring his teeth and claws, but was crushed by the figure.

"So... so scary... eh?" Lucy was trembling as she looked at the huge figure, but she suddenly saw that the figure turned into a little old man less than 60 centimeters tall.

I saw him flying up to the bar, but he flew too high, hit the railing on the second floor and fell down.

Lucy: "The whole thing is broken!"

When Makarov heard Lucy's complaints, he slipped and almost lost his balance and fell again. He coughed twice and shook off the documents in his hands: "You guys are always getting into trouble. Look, the council will send another batch." Criticism alone.”

"Gray, you did a great job, but why did you get naked on the street? And ended up stealing other people's underwear?"

Gray: "Ah...that's because it's not good to be naked."

Lucy: "Then don't get naked in the first place!"

"Cana, forget it you drank fifteen barrels of wine, why did you lie about the funds and let the council pay for it!"

Cana: "I was discovered!"

Lucy: "It's hard to drink so much without being discovered!"

"Loki, during your mission, you actually hooked up with Representative Reggie's granddaughter."

Loki: "Don't blame me, it's because I'm too charming."

Lucy: "He is indeed a scumbag!"

"Natsu, you destroyed seven houses, a lighthouse, half a church, you even burned down the observation station, and this time the Hargeon Port."

Natsu: "Raphael was also responsible for the destruction of Hargeon."

Lucy: "So the person in front admitted it confidently, right?"

Raphael ate the grapes and said, "Lucy, are you a complainer? You can actually capture every point."

Lucy: "You actually pretended to be knocked unconscious by grapes!"

Makarov on the stage was still pointing out the losses caused by each member during the mission, and the atmosphere became more and more serious.

"You guys always make me get scolded..."

Lucy looked at Makarov with his head lowered and trembling in fear.

"But... forget about those critics!" Makarov burned the criticism sheet in his hand and threw it to Natsu to eat.

"Magic is the miracle of the soul, all the success that is injected into one's own soul. If we always care about the opinions of people above us, then we will never make progress, so go to hell with them!"

"Going on the path you believe in and stick to, this is Fairy Tail!"

"Oh~!" A group of people cheered, all laughing.

Raphael ate grapes and walked to Lucy's side: "Well, this guild is pretty good, isn't it?"

Lucy also laughed heartily and said, "Yeah!"

"Welcome to our big family!"

Raphael looked at Makarov on the stage and smiled at Lucy.

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