I Have Saitama's Physique In The World Of Fairy Tail

Chapter 33 Gray’S Nightmare! Dai Lyonla!

"Destroy the moon...how to do it!"

Lucy sat in a house assigned to them by the village and looked out the window melancholy.

"By the way, don't lie down at the window and be exposed to the moon. Close the window! Happy, have you forgotten what the village chief said?" Seeing Happy lying on the window looking at the moon, Lucy quickly stopped Happy.

"What did he say? I'm a cat. I can't remember. By the way, Lucy, you took a fish from me before, and you have to give me back a tank in the future!" Happy looked back at Lucy with an innocent look on his face.

"Then do you remember that I owe you a fish?" Lucy covered her face helplessly.

"It's too tricky no matter what," Natsu Geyou said unhappily.

"Yeah, destroy the moon or something..." Gray took off his shirt and nodded while holding his hands.

"I have no idea how many punches it takes to break it!"

"You really want to destroy the moon!"

"Raphael will be able to do something, right?" Lucy was too lazy to pay attention to the two guys playing tricks and turned to look at Raphael.

"How should I put it? I can indeed do it, but I can't destroy the entire moon just because of one person on the island." Raphael shook his finger in a funny way.

"Then what should we do? This can't be completed at all, so is this the level of an S-level mission?" Lucy slumped to the ground with a melancholy look on her face.

"Happy, take me up there! If we can't complete the mission, wouldn't it damage Fairy Tail's reputation?" Natsu looked at Happy and came up with a "good" idea.

"No, I can't do it!" Happy answered cutely, raising his hand.

"I think there are other ways to lift the curse besides destroying the moon!" Lucy lowered her head and pondered.

"Go to bed first, and go to the island tomorrow to survey the situation before making a decision." Raphael suggested with a yawn.

Before he finished speaking, Gray, Natsu and Happy immediately lay down, while Raphael occupied the other side of the floor. Lucy could only lie helplessly between Gray and Natsu, listening to their 360-degree snores at close range. , didn’t sleep all night.

Early the next morning, Lucy, who was fed up with the snoring of those two guys, pulled them up.

At this time, the sentry at the door saw them, and not only opened the door for them, but even told a hellish joke: "It's so early, you guys, you can't sleep because there are demons around you, right? I'll prepare holy water for you next time !”

"Um...actually not..." Lucy's head was covered with black lines.

"Before destroying the moon, let's go out and investigate first. If the village chief asks, you tell him this!" Raphael said to the sentry.

"We still have to destroy it!"

The group of people who had just walked out of the village looked at the endless forest ahead and were at a loss as to where to start their investigation.


"Ding Dong!"

Hearing the movement behind him, Raphael knew without even thinking that Lucy had summoned the big clock to cover him again. He turned around and saw that it was indeed the case.

"[Aren't you afraid that there is a curse here? It's hard to guard against such intangible things] she said!"

"I want to go in too!" Happy said cutely to Lucy.

"You're so stupid Lucy!" Natsu was speechless by Lucy.

"I'll just freeze them all with curses or whatever. What's there to be afraid of?!" Gray was full of confidence.

"Sometimes I feel tired following them!" Raphael bumped Lucy...'s clock and said with a headache.

"[They are really idiots!] she said"

"[Love] it says"

At this moment, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in front of them. They looked up and were instantly frightened and surprised.

They saw a big rat wearing a bra, about twenty or thirty meters tall, appearing in front of them, with his hands stretched out and his mouth constantly bulging.

"No! You guys are holding your breath!" Raphael quickly reminded Natsu and Gray.

"It's okay, use my ice shield..." Gray was about to activate his magic. The next second, the big rat suddenly sprayed out a plume of smoke towards them and enveloped them. Natsu was immediately knocked unconscious.

Gray's magic was so smoked that he couldn't activate it, and could only keep lowering his head and coughing. Lucy's magic was directly dispelled by the smoke, and the whole group except Raphael was wiped out in one fell swoop.

I don’t know what the big mouse ate. The smoke puffed out for more than a minute before it stopped. Looking at the embarrassed people, the big mouse smiled very happily.

The next moment, the big rat chased them fiercely. Raphael picked up Natsu and ran away. The thing was so smelly that it probably hadn't been bathed in hundreds of years. Raphael didn't want to touch it with his fists.

The group of people fled in embarrassment, while the big mouse behind them kept playing tricks on them like a cat chasing a mouse, and from time to time acted out the scene of being caught.

Gray was extremely angry at being chased. He turned around and cast magic on the floor where the big rat was about to pass, turning that small area into ice.

The big rat didn't have time to get out of the car and stepped on the ice. He slipped and fell onto his back. Natsu woke up at some point and saw the big rat that had caused them such misery falling to the ground. He quickly rushed up. and Gray punch and kick the big rat like crazy.

"Stop fighting, look!" Lucy spotted something and quickly called everyone over.

There was a long staircase ahead, and at the end of the staircase stood a dilapidated temple.

Everyone hurriedly walked towards the temple. The closer they got, the more they realized that the temple seemed huge. It was not until they entered the temple that they found that it was extremely empty and surrounded by broken buildings. Everything looked so dilapidated and dilapidated, as if they had passed through the temple. Hundreds or thousands of years ago.

"Look, there is a moon-like pattern here!" Natsu pointed at the moon-shaped pattern on the stone in front of him and shouted to everyone.

"Moon Emblem? I remember this island was called Moon Island, right?" Gray remembered the information he had learned while chatting with the village chief.

"Island of the Moon, Curse of the Moon, Crest of the Moon... there must be some connection among them!" Lucy held her chin in thought.

"The ground here is very broken, and it doesn't look like there's anything there. Could it be that there's something underground?" Raphael looked around the temple and came up with an idea. He only vaguely remembered the general plot. I barely remember the details.

"Oh?" Natsu tried his best to avoid the floor, but in the next second, a big hole was opened in the floor and everyone fell down.

"You bastard, you're too reckless!" Gray, who finally climbed out of the pile of rocks, grabbed Natsu's collar and shouted angrily.

"No, can someone come here? Happy's situation is not good right now!" Lucy looked at the huge bone shape in Happy's throat and quickly reached out to help take it out.

"It's okay, now that we're down, let's go exploring! There must be a secret here, right! Raphael... huh? Where is Raphael?"

Natsu slapped Gray's hand away, excitedly wanting to explore, but turned around and didn't find Raphael.

Only then did everyone realize that Raphael was missing!

"Raphael~" Lucy, who had finally helped Happy take out the bones, quickly shouted Raphael's name.

"I'm here!" Raphael's voice came from the cave entrance ahead.

Everyone hurriedly walked towards the passage. As soon as they entered the cave entrance, everyone was stunned. They saw a huge ice block standing in front of them, and there was a huge demon frozen in the ice block. Raphael stood in front of it and was as small as an ant. .

Gray, who came in last, saw that the demon was indeed shaking all over, with anger and fear in his eyes.

"No way! It can't be here!"

"Dai Lyonla!"

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