
Raphael and Mirajane, who were on a cruise ship at sea, both heard the shocking explosion. They looked at each other and saw that the brightly lit building in the distance suddenly went dark, and they immediately realized that something was wrong.

Raphael carried Mirajane and jumped lightly to the door of the building. As soon as they entered, they were shocked. The scene that was supposed to be lively was covered with rubble and rotten wood. Many entertainment machines and facilities were turned into scrap metal. It was like a scene. The scene of the deputy scavenger's ecstasy.

In the middle of the ruins, Gray and Natsu were discussing something. The only difference was that there was one more Juvia and one less Erza.

"Are you okay? What happened just now? And where is Erza?" Mirajane looked at them as if there was nothing wrong, but Natsu looked a little angry.

"A group of people just attacked us suddenly, and they were defeated one by one. One of them used a magic that blocked people's sight."

Gray said seriously to Mirajane, and pushed Juvia away who was clinging to him.

"Ahhh! That bastard actually shot a bullet into someone else's mouth. It hurts!"

Natsu wildly sprayed flames into the sky. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became and he ran away, chasing them!

Raphael frowned. He actually forgot about this. He was having so much fun with Mirajane that he didn't even remember it. But it's okay. He should be able to save her if he catches up now!

Raphael turned to Gray and the others and said, "You guys hurry up and catch up with Natsu. I'll take a step first to see if I can catch up with the group that kidnapped Erza!"

Mirajane took his hand: "I'll come too!"

Raphael nodded, picked up Mirajane, and disappeared directly in front of Gray and the others.

Lucy still had time to gossip: "It looks like they are together."

"Hmph, it's me and Juvia who can be with Gray-sama, not you, a shameful cow!" Juvia held Gray's arm to declare her sovereignty to Lucy, not to be outdone.

Lucy looked at her with a black line on her face: "I'm not talking about Gray, you love brain!"

It took Gray a long time to pull his arm out of Juvia's arms: "Okay, stop making trouble, let's catch up with them!"


On the sea at night, waves suddenly appeared on the supposedly quiet sea surface, and a large cargo ship was moving slowly.

Erza woke up slowly and found herself in a cabin full of cargo. She was about to get up and check, but she was tied up and unable to move.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps above Erza's head. Erza quickly raised her head and saw that it was a young man with blond hair and black skin.


"There's no need to struggle, sister, just stay there. This rope has the power of the sealing magic cast by Millianna."

Xio looked at Erza condescendingly, with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

"Okay...I know...but...at least let me wear the armor, okay? I'm scared...of going back to that tower!"

Erza was stunned for a moment, lowered her head to prevent Xio from seeing her expression, and begged to Xio while trembling all over.

"This dress actually suits you very well." A smile appeared on Xio's face. He slowly knelt down and hugged Erza fiercely, tears streaming down his eyes, "Sister, I'm sorry, actually we don't I don’t want to do this, but...why do you want to betray us!"

Xio grabbed Erza's shoulders hard, and the expression on his face became ferocious: "Why did you betray Jellal!"

"Jellal..." Erza just murmured, silent, lost in memories.

Suddenly, the ship began to shake. The angry Xio was startled and immediately let go of Erza and left the cabin.

There was a sound of fighting outside the cabin, which soon stopped. Erza was wondering when footsteps were heard above her head again.

"Erza, are you okay?"

A familiar voice came, Erza looked up quickly, it was Raphael!

Raphael walked to Erza's side, and with a light pull, he broke the rope that was said to have sealing magic.

Erza stood up, changed into the armor she usually wore in an instant, and looked at Raphael in confusion: "Why are you here? Where are those people up there?"

"Mira and I found that you were kidnapped, so we chased you all the way here. Gray and the others will follow. For the rest, you can go up and see."

After saying that, Raphael made way, and Erza hurried up.

"Erza...ah!" As soon as he came out of the cabin and onto the deck, Happy rushed towards Erza, but was knocked back by Erza's armor.

Erza didn't have time to care about Happy's situation. He only saw a few people lying on the deck, and only Mirajane was looking at Erza with a smile.

"They..." Erza was about to ask about the situation, but Mirajane interrupted her.

"They are fine, they just fainted, and they fainted because of Raphael, except for the man with the steel chin."

Mirajane pointed at the man with a pair of iron teeth on his chin.

If the fainted person on the ground was awake at this time, he would definitely jump up and refute Mirajane. If you see a fist as big as the sky and earth and eyes glowing red in your mind, you will also faint.

(Mirajane: I saw it when I was a child~)

"El... Luza..."


Simon struggled to get up, Erza quickly helped him up and put him on the side of the cabin. Simon smiled and looked at Erza: "Erza, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm so happy to see that you have so many partners!"

"Simon... don't you hate me?" Erza looked at him in confusion. There was no hatred in Simon's eyes, only joy.

"No... Actually, I know the truth of the matter..." Simon slowly said something that surprised Erza.

"It's all Jellal's fault. He forced you away and deceived Hugh and the others, but I believe in you. I firmly believe that you are not that kind of person. I wanted to escape and find you, but when I heard that Jellal was still planning to carry out the Tower of Heaven plan and intended to make you a sacrifice, I decided to stay and rescue you at that time."

Simon recovered and pulled Erza to stand up. Looking at Raphael who looked like a salted fish, his face flashed with fear and joy: "But now you have such a strong partner, I think you can definitely stop Jellal's conspiracy."

Erza was stunned for a moment, looked at Raphael and Mirajane behind him, then shook her head and said: "No, I don't plan to let them go together. I decided to get rid of him alone. This is my private matter. They don't need to get involved!"

Mirajane was stunned. She didn't expect Erza to think like this. She immediately wanted to say something anxiously. Raphael interrupted her and stood next to Mirajane and waved to Erza.

"No, I don't care about your grudge with Jellal, but your partner, our partner, is a member of Fairy Tail, so I will take care of it!" Erza was stunned, looking at the determined Raphael and Mirajane, lowered her head, trembling all over: "Go back... Go back..." Then she raised her head with tears in the corners of her eyes: "No matter whether I win or lose this battle, I can't go back to the outside world. This is the future I can't escape!" Mirajane stepped forward and hugged Erza, stroking her head: "It's okay, believe us! There is no such thing as an inescapable future. Since it can't be escaped, then break it. Raphael, Gray Natsu and I will definitely smash this damn future to pieces!" "Tell us about your things, some things are better to be said, let us know the truth of the matter." Raphael felt that the breathing and heartbeat of the three unconscious people began to become different, and knew that they should have woken up and were just pretending to be unconscious, so he suggested that Erza tell the truth. Otherwise, they would make trouble at that time, although I am not afraid, but it is also very annoying. Raphael looked up at the tower looming in front of him and began to sneer in his heart.

Jellal, are you ready?

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