"There are nine people in the audience, eight are in favor and one is against. Based on the above votes, it is decided to launch an attack with magical elf power at the Tower of Heaven!"

Following the order from the second seat, the council immediately became busy, while Yajma, the only one who voted against, sighed, shook his head and turned around to leave.

"Senior Yajma, there is nothing you can do if you don't agree, but we must prevent Zeref's resurrection, you should understand." Chiklein looked at the little old man in front of him and said with a frown.

"I don't want to take care of it anymore. Can you afford this responsibility?!" Yajima stopped and said hoarsely with his back to Qikerein.

"Of course... all the responsibilities fall on me..."

"I'm talking about the countless lives. You will have to live with so many lives in the future! Among them is your brother! Zeke!" Yajima interrupted Zekelain angrily. , turned around and stared at him!

Chiklein said nothing and looked at Yajma silently.

"Hmph! Just take care of yourself!" Yajima turned around and left.

"I don't care! As long as I can resurrect him! For a better future, temporary sacrifice is necessary!"

Jellal in the tower knocked down all his chess pieces on the chessboard, turned his back to Erza who had found him, and had an evil smile on his face.

"Do you think what I said is right? I didn't expect the fun game to end so quickly!"

Erza was the first and only one who could get up here, as the rest were all sent out by Raphael.

"Is it so fun to play with human lives?!" Erza pointed his sword at Jellal angrily.

"Isn't it? Life and death are the source of emotions of all things, and pure life is the most boring!"

"Long time no see... Erza~ I just met her though!" Jellal turned to look at Erza.

"Jellal..." Erza looked at him angrily.

"It's rare to have time to reminisce about the past, so don't show this expression!" Jellal raised his hands and took off his hood, "Don't you think the arrival of the light of death will be great?"

"Jellal! I'm just here to stop you, or I should have dealt with you eight years ago!" Erza raised the sword with both hands and looked at Jellal firmly.

"Ah hahahaha, you! You will definitely die as a sacrifice to resurrect Zeref! This is your fate!"

Jellal pointed at Erza crazily and laughed wildly!

"And are you really willing to attack me? In fact, you don't hate me at all in your heart!"

Erza shook her head and clenched the sword with both hands: "I really couldn't do it eight years ago, but now! I am no longer a coward, I must understand you personally!"

"Then let's give it a try!" Jellal laughed wildly, waving his arms, and countless ghosts emerged from his wrists and attacked Erza!

Erza jumped to dodge Jellal's attack, and kept swinging the sword to cut the flying ghost into several pieces.

Jellal smiled slightly, and with his other hand, while Erza jumped into the air to dodge, he fired a light bullet and knocked her away, breaking several pillars.

Erza steadied herself in the air, kicked off the gravel and shot towards Jellal and slashed the tachi from above.

"Don't you think it's a pity to destroy the tower that was finally built with your own hands?"

"It's just a few pillars, just for decoration!"

Jellal jumped back to avoid Erza's attack, and kicked the rocks under his feet towards Erza.

"For these decorations, Xio and the others have been trusting you for eight years!" Erza split the stone angrily, rushed in front of Jellal and chopped it down hard.

"Why are you educating me! The important thing has never been this tower, but the R system!" Jellal gathered more magic power, and the ghost group instantly surrounded and bound Erza.

"And it has been completed now! Please let me witness all this! Hahahahahaha!" Jellal looked at Erza who was overwhelmed by the ghosts, and happily opened the champagne at half time.

At this moment, the tip of a knife pierced the group of ghosts, a flash of knife light flashed, and Jellal's magic was broken.

"What?!" Jellal was stunned. Erza didn't give Jellal a chance to react. He rushed forward and gave Jellal a knife. He put Jellal down on the ground and knelt on him, pointing the sword at his throat.

"It's not actually built, is it?" Erza looked at Jellal coldly, "It's not like I've done nothing in the past eight years. I've been investigating this R system."

Erza kept getting closer to Jellal, and the tip of the knife pierced his throat little by little: "What you really need is not me as a sacrifice! But a lot of magic power! In other words...magical elf power!"

Erza stopped and stared at Jellal: "If you want to have such a large amount of magic power, you can only have the magical elf power that can condense 2.7 billion Idia magic power.

In other words, this is your purpose from the beginning, so this is why Raphael said that you cannot waste this magic power on the Fairy Tail Guild! "

"Haha, you guessed it, but so what? The magical elf power is ready to come here!"

Jellal looked at Erza with a ferocious smile!

"My body has long been possessed by Zeref, and my body has long become the best sacrifice for the resurrection of Zeref! No one can save me, paradise? Freedom? Never existed at all!"

Erza was stunned. She always thought that Jellal became like this because he was punished too harshly. She had always blamed herself for this, but she didn't expect...


"...Everything is over before it even begins..." Jellal looked at the ceiling above his head and muttered to himself.

Inside the Magic Council—

"The magical elf power is ready!"

"The satellite magic circle begins to unfold!"



The MPs and all the frog people began to close their eyes and pray.

A huge magic circle unfolded in the sky above the Tower of Heaven, and everyone on the ground was surprised.

"Didn't you expect that the Senate would really launch magical elf power?!" Wally started to yell!

"Then...sister! She's still in there!" Xio shouted anxiously, wanting to rush in and rescue Erza. He knew he was wrong, he didn't want to lose Erza again!

"Calm down! Trust Raphael!" Gray hugged Xio and tried to persuade him, but he also looked at the top of the tower worriedly.

And Natsu, who should have been clamoring to follow Raphael to resist this magic power, was knocked unconscious by Raphael's slap.


[Don’t worry about me, believe me, nothing in this world can hurt me except you, so just wait for me on the ground and I’ll set off a big firework for you! 】

Mirajane clasped her hands on her chest and raised her head to look at the figure that looked particularly small under the huge magic circle.

"Kill me! Erza, and run away!"

Jellal seemed to have returned to the righteous look he had eight years ago. Erza was stunned for a long time, dropped the sword on the ground, shook her head, and hugged Jellal.

"Let me bear the punishment for not being able to save you! I was saved by you a long time ago, and now it's me who saves you!"

Jellal showed his evil smile again the moment Erza dropped the sword and hugged him.

But after listening to Erza's words, Jellal was stunned and fell silent, and his hand hugged Erza unconsciously.

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