Chapter 611 Self-reliance (big chapter)

Hearing this, Su Xiuyi's expression changed slightly.

Looking at Li's eyes, changed.

The pupils contract slightly.

"This person actually knows things related to Haotian World. It's not easy to see where it comes from."

"It seems that this Shen Ping'an is also very special, and it is not simple, but why did I not see any imprints of reincarnation on them? Since I know Haotian World, they must be related to Haotian World."

"I just don't know if it is related to the people in Haotian World, or if I come from Haotian World."

"It seems that the Dark Moon Sect is more terrifying than I thought."

"It's really Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger!"

"In Jianmen, I have always focused on my own practice, but I haven't had too much contact with Jianyi and others."

"Moreover, Jian Yi and the others will not tell me such confidential things."

"At that time, I was too weak after all."

"Although it can suppress the same generation, it is still too weak to touch things at this level."

"It wasn't until I stepped into the level of the Immortal King that Lin Qingxue told me about Haotian World."

"Sure enough, only strong enough can be qualified to touch everything."

"Before me, I was really ignorant and fearless!"

"However, I have a system, and this gap can be quickly filled."

"And, I'm not afraid either!"

Su Xiuyi's thoughts fell.

Looking at Li at the moment, "Senior Brother, how much do you know about Haotian World? Can you tell me in detail?"

"Is this Haotian world really as terrifying as you say?"

At this moment, Su Xiuyi, even if she has some understanding of Haotian World, but at this moment Su Xiuyi still intends to pretend to know nothing.

Moreover, maybe what Lin Qingxue said is not true?

After all, these existences have lived for too long, and Su Xiuyi would not believe it at all if they didn't have their own calculations.

Su Xiuyi wanted to know more and then capture something.

Su Xiuyi's voice fell.

At the moment, Shen Ping'an and Li fell into a brief silence with complicated expressions.

On the other hand, the barbarian tiger stared at the three with wide eyes.

The barbarian tiger seems to be extremely burly, like a fierce man, but his mind is not so much.

"Elder Brother, come on!"

"These things are good secrets now, but they won't be secrets for a long time."

"And this time, if we hide it, we won't be able to cooperate."

"Moreover, this time, to a large extent, we have to rely on the younger brother, and the younger brother must know these secrets."

"After the little brother knows the secret, he can deal with it better."

"Otherwise, it may bring trouble to the younger brother."

Shen Ping'an's voice fell, and he looked at Li with a solemn expression.


"Second junior brother said that there is really no benefit to concealing it now. Instead, there is a gap between our senior brothers, so in the future, we will not be able to cooperate."

"Thank you Second Junior Brother for your reminder."

"Looks like I'm confused!"

Li's voice fell, and his eyes fell on Su Xiuyi and Manhu.

"Third Junior Brother, Junior Junior Brother!"

"We are different from the two of you. Second Junior Brother and I do not exist in this era."

"To be precise, we have lived for 100,000 years!"

Li's voice fell, and the barbarian tiger on the side stared at the two with wide eyes.

On the other hand, Su Xiuyi didn't say anything, and continued to wait thoughtfully.

"To be precise, my second junior brother and I escaped from Haotian World."

"Where are we, it actually means that we have fallen!"

"We, in Haotian World, represent death, and this Nantian represents this new life."

"Of course, we are not reincarnated, we have lived out the second life with a special secret technique."

"So on our body, we can't feel any trace of reincarnation."

"This is also the key to our survival. Otherwise, once the Haotian World opens, those people know that we are still alive and will surely die!"

The indifferent expression on Li's face disappeared, and there was a touch of fear.

That fear seems to go deep into the bone marrow.

This made Su Xiuyi's expression congeal.

But Su Xiuyi knew that from now on, at least she has stepped into the realm of the Immortal Sovereign.

Being so fearful shows that Haotian World is extremely terrifying.

"Two senior brothers, tell me what happened in Haotian World?"

"Since there is a spiritual energy and law that devours the entire southern sky, it should be a holy place, but why did you escape from the dead?"

"Could it be that there is some danger in that world?"

At this moment, Su Xiuyi asked the doubts in her heart.

In fact, there is no benefit in escaping beforehand, and it is difficult to step into the peak if you re-cultivation.

Don't even think about going further.

After all, this southern sky is extremely barren.

"Little Junior Brother, you don't know, when we started, we all thought it was a holy place!"

"But, where is a devil's cave!"

"Haotian succeeded in opening the sky for the second time, but Haotian himself dissipated."

"And that terrifying existence, we thought it all fell, but the power of his Dao remained in the world."

"With the passage of time, countless people in Haotian World have become extremely unfamiliar."

"The greed, joy and anger in everyone's heart have been magnified countless times."

"Some people have even practiced the path of seven emotions and six desires, intending to devour everything."

"Make Haotian World a world of desires."

"Now, I am afraid that the owner of Haotian World has changed."

"Haotian's supporters died too many times, so I'm afraid they're dead."

Therefore, the opening of Haotian World is a catastrophe.

Those people will **** everything like crazy.

even extinction.

Thinking of this, Su Xiuyi's expression froze, and there was a look of fear in her eyes.

This is far more terrifying than what Su Xiuyi learned from Lin Qingxue.

After all, when Lin Qingxue fell, he didn't know the current situation of Haotian World.

"Senior brother, what is the chance you're talking about?"

At this moment, Su Xiuyi thought of the words she left just now, the disaster is also a chance.

Su Xiuyi is very clear that these people know a lot, which must have great benefits.

"Little Junior Brother, this is what we are gathering here today to say."

"We are too weak now."

"Although the senior brother got a lot of opportunities in the secret realm, and now he has stepped into the realm of the fairy emperor, but I am still weak, I really only have the middle and late stage of the fairy king."

"And we want to survive the catastrophe."

"Then you have to improve your strength as quickly as possible."

"Seize all opportunities!"

"Otherwise, there are countless immortal emperors in the Haotian world, and there are as many immortal emperors as dogs."

"We are ants who are slaughtered by others!"

"We plan to enter Haotian World before Haotian World opens."

"Let Haotian World flawlessly invade the southern sky."

"We can also improve our strength quickly."

"When Haotian World is fully opened, we will have the strength and confidence to save our lives and even fight for the front."

At this moment, Shen Ping'an said with a solemn expression.


"This is our plan!"

"We were able to escape back then, but now, we can get in."

"We plan to devour the avenues of Haotian World and step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor."

"In the Haotian world, there is the way of life and death, the way of the dragon race."

"This is our chance!"

"The plan is to take the road."

"Maybe Junior Junior Brother will wonder, why did you choose Junior Junior Brother for such a secret matter?"

"Because we paid a high price to deduce, this plan was dead and dead, but the appearance of the younger brother gave us a chance to see the end of the inevitable death, and it became impossible to see through."

"Little Junior Brother, you are indeed born in response to the calamity, and you are also a game-breaker."

"I don't know if Junior Junior Brother is willing. Of course, this opportunity is crazy and dangerous. Junior Junior Brother has the right to refuse."

Li and Shen Ping'an, their eyes fell on Su Xiuyi.

Su Xiuyi frowned slightly. Su Xiuyi had no opinion on entering Haotian World.

Even if she doesn't enter with Li and Shen Ping'an, Su Xiuyi will open the Haotian world by herself.

After all, when Haotian World is opened, Su Xiuyi can sign in and rapidly improve his strength.

"I have a doubt, the Dark Moon Sect has such strength, why not just destroy Jianmen?"

"Or rather, Jianmen also hides a lot of powerhouses."

"Also, if you can live out the second life in Haotian World, does that mean that there are other people who have lived out the second life like you?"

Su Xiuyi stared at Shen Ping'an and Li at the moment.

"Little Junior Brother, we are able to leave Haotian World, and we have to pay a huge amount of money, and the chance of being able to leave and still be alive is one in ten thousand. Living a second life is even more difficult."

"Of course, there are lucky people."

"However, the people who leave Haotian World are full of hostility towards Haotian World. If it's not ten deaths and no life, who is willing to try a path of death."

"As for why the Dark Moon Sect didn't destroy Jianmen, it's because this is a military training."

"The catastrophe comes, and the southern sky and the earth must be unified."

"As for who can dominate, that is determined by the will of the existence hidden in the dark."

"Originally, in this game, the Dark Moon Sect would win, but your appearance, Junior Brother, changed the fate of Jianmen."

"The war of life and death is an opportunity for the strong long ago."

"Although it is cold-blooded, it must be done."

Li looked at Su Xiuyi and said lightly.


"It's cold-blooded."

"Doing this, how is it different from the devil!"

"I can't agree more!"

Su Xiuyi said lightly.

"Little Junior Brother?"

Shen Ping'an's voice fell, but he hesitated.

"Senior brother, just say anything!" Su Xiuyi said when she saw Shen Ping'an hesitated.

"Little Junior Brother, if you want to bless the world, some uncertain factors will appear."

"Some people will not want the appearance of the younger brother."

"It's military training, but there are also people who plan to devour the power of killing and try to go further."

Shen Ping'an's voice fell, but he stopped talking.

"The way of killing?"

At this moment, Su Xiuyi's eyes narrowed into a gap.

Su Xiuyi reacted instantly, there are many swordsmen who practice the way of killing.

This made Su Xiuyi's expression extremely gloomy.

"Little Junior Brother, if you want to wear a crown, you must first bear its weight."

"If Junior Junior Brother wants to bless some people, then now, I suggest Junior Junior Brother to build your own power."

"An independent force, a force that has the final say."

"Jump off the board!"

"If you are interested, junior brother, we are willing to help you."

"Of course, we have never interfered in Nantian's affairs. Helping you, junior brother, you must also help us to win the Dao of Haotian World."

"This is also one of the things we want to say today."

Shen Ping'an's voice fell, not speaking.

Waiting for Su Xiuyi's decision.

At this moment, Su Xiuyi's face also darkened.

Su Xiuyi did not expect that the sword gate was almost destroyed, but someone broke through for her, and her expression was a little ugly.

And at this moment, Su Xiuyi had some thoughts in her heart.

That is, in his own world, there are many strong people who have migrated from the ancient world of ten thousand races. These days, the cultivation of those people is constantly improving, but they have lost the opportunity to temper.

Perhaps, this catastrophe in the southern sky is an opportunity to train troops.

Of course, Su Xiuyi would not indifferently watch these people die.

Su Xiuyi didn't hesitate, and said lightly: "Of course, then there are a few senior brothers!"

"You're welcome, we are not without conditions!"

Shen Ping'an smiled slightly.

Su Xiuyi smiled and said, "What will Dark Moon think if you do this?"

"Aren't you afraid that the old guy Baiyue will turn his face?"

Su Xiuyi felt a little apprehensive when she thought of worshiping the moon.


"Little Junior Brother, you don't need to worry about this!"

"Master, even if the Dark Moon Sect is destroyed, he will not interfere."

"What he can win for the Dark Moon Sect, he has already won."

"Master has deduced that Nan Tian's hope is in you, Junior Junior Brother. We help Junior Junior Brother to establish a new force. In fact, we also have selfish intentions. That is, if there are some people in the Dark Moon Sect who are unwilling to be pawns and want to control their own destiny, I hope Little Junior Brother bless, this is also the cause and effect of Junior Junior Brother and Dark Moon Sect."

"As for some scheming people, why care!"

Li smiled.

"Okay, of course!"

"Then there are three senior brothers!"

Su Xiuyi smiled slightly.


"Little Junior Brother, why be polite."

Li's clone became a little stronger and stood up slowly.

The four of them quickly walked out of the Dark Moon Sect.

"Little Junior Brother, do you want to establish the foundation of the sect there?"

At this moment, Shen Ping'an looked at Su Xiuyi curiously.

"Let's go, let's go to a place, and you'll know when we get there!"

Su Xiuyi smiled mysteriously.

The space was directly torn apart, and the four disappeared.

Now that the strength is stronger, it didn't take long for the four to appear outside the battlefield of gods and demons.

"The battlefield of gods and demons?"

"Little Junior Brother?"

Shen Ping'an and Li, his expression became solemn.

"Two senior brothers, UU reading is here, and Haotian World exists in the battlefield of gods and demons. If you want to bless Nantian, let's start a sect here!"

"Here, let it become a battlefield!"

Su Xiuyi looked at the battlefield of gods and demons, her eyes became extremely sharp.

Shen Ping'an and Li looked at each other and sighed.

"We are not as good as you, little junior brother!"

"Naturally, Junior Junior Brother decided this way, so be it!"

"Little Junior Brother, what are your requirements?"

Li and Shen Ping'an looked at Su Xiuyi.

"Half of my sect is in the battlefield of gods and demons, and the other half is in the land of the south.

"Also, the strength is extraordinary."

Su Xiuyi expressed her request.

(End of this chapter)

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