Chapter 655 The Great Emperor (Big Chapter)

Time flies fast.

In a flash, more than a month passed.

On the southern sky, the powerhouses who were hidden in the dark originally thought that Su Xiuyi would not be able to hold on for too long, but did not expect it.

For more than a month, no one stepped out of the battlefield.

At the core of the battlefield of the gods and demons, on the mountain, Su Xiuyi, who was cultivating, slowly opened her eyes at this moment.

"You are different."

The Great Emperor Fuhai's gaze fell on Su Xiuyi.

said aloud.


"Because I defeated them, is it different?"

"I remember you didn't think so before."

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Xiuyi's mouth, and her eyes fell on the suppressed Emperor Fuhai.

Hearing Su Xiuyi's words, the Great Emperor Fuhai was speechless at this moment.


Now, under this big mountain, more than 30 figures have been suppressed.

A powerful and terrifying one.

At the beginning, one by one looked unwilling, but now, when these people's eyes fell on Su Xiuyi, there was only panic.

They have been suppressed here, and Su Xiuyi has also been practicing here. They found that Su Xiuyi's cultivation base and his terrifying speed increased.

In this short month, Su Xiuyi's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, they thought that once Haotian World was born, the Lord of the World would rescue them, but now they see it.

That hope is gone.

At this moment, they only hope that Su Xiuyi will let them go.

Seeing that these people didn't answer, Su Xiuyi raised her head and looked at the void, with a complex look in her eyes.

"The rewards for signing in these days are getting worse."

"Although I can feel the power of the Dao of these people, but now feeling the power of the Dao of these people is not of great benefit to my strength."

"The Dao of these people's cultivation is almost the same, and it does not help me much. Now the sword of the hundred Dao is only 431."

"It's getting more difficult to go further."

"And now that I'm at my limit, I want to go further unless the world expands."

"Looks like it's time to devour the Haotian world."

Su Xiuyi looked at the passage ahead.

A decision has been made.

However, at the moment when Su Xiuyi was about to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to devour the Haotian world, a terrifying breath suddenly came out of that peaceful passage.

The breath is completely different from those before, becoming more domineering, and Su Xiuyi can feel a powerful and incomparable power of annihilation.

"Silence Recovery!"

Su Xiuyi felt a trace of revival power in the incomparably rich power of annihilation.

And finally know who came out.

Just as Su Xiuyi's thoughts fell, a figure walked out of the passage.

The person who walked out of the passage was none other than the Great Emperor of Silt.

The Great Emperor Jijie looked extremely gloomy.

When he thought that his plan was destroyed by several immortal emperors, he was angry and wanted to kill.

These days, he was chased and killed by the world master of Haotian World, and he had to leave Haotian World.

Thinking of all the things that happened these days, the Great Emperor Jijie at this moment was full of anger.

At this instant, the Great Emperor's body shook slightly, and he felt a gaze fell on him.

When he looked up, his eyes fell on Su Xiuyi.

Before the Great Emperor Jijie felt that the person who sabotaged his plan should be the powerhouse in Haotian World.

However, these days, Emperor Jijie didn't find the existence of several people at all, and at this moment, he finally saw Su Xiuyi.

In the eyes of the Great Emperor Jijie, a terrifying cold light flashed.

Su Xiuyi suppressed those powerhouses under the mountain, and at the moment when he saw the Great Emperor Jijie, there were bright lights in his eyes.

"Ancient Silence Emperor!"

"The Great Emperor of Silt in the Ancient Era."

"This guy is dead, and the outbreak of the Great Emperor is extremely terrifying, and he can annihilate all things in one thought."

"I'm here to see how he cracks it."

Some people's eyes lit up.

"It's you!"

"It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it."

"I was too lazy to continue searching for your existence, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Your life is not good."

The incomparably cold gaze of the Great Emperor Jijie fell on Su Xiuyi at this moment.

Terrifying killing intent erupted from the stamina of the Great Emperor.

The powerful realm of Emperor Jijie shrouded this void, preventing Su Xiuyi from having any chance to leave. After all, Emperor Jijie found that Su Xiuyi had the avenue of space before that.

"Senior, I don't think my life is bad."

Su Xiuyi's eyes fell on the body of the Great Emperor Jijie at this moment, feeling the killing intent of the other party, there was no change on her face, it was extremely calm, and even a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Do you think you can fight me?"

When Emperor Jijie heard Su Xiuyi's words, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Not a war."

"It's the junior who can suppress you, the senior!"

Su Xiuyi's words didn't hide anything.

There is a lot of confidence in the words.

"Can you suppress me?"

The incomparably angry Great Emperor Jijie laughed angrily at this moment.

It seems that I heard a big joke, even if Su Xiuyi destroyed her plan and got a lot of opportunities, but in the eyes of Emperor Jijie, Su Xiuyi has no ability to fight her, let alone suppress herself.


"Senior heard right."

However, at this moment, Su Xiuyi's words made the smile on the face of the Great Emperor Ji Mie extremely stiff. The Great Emperor Ji Mie never thought that Su Xiuyi was not joking with him at this moment, but telling the truth.

The Great Emperor Jijie also picked up the smile on his face, staring at Su Xiuyi with cold and speechless eyes.

"If that's the case, then I want to see what means you have."

The moment when the voice of the Great Silent Emperor fell.

The terrifying power of annihilation suddenly erupted and enveloped the sky.

At this moment, all things in the world are in silence.

Feeling the incomparably powerful force of annihilation, a smile appeared on Su Xiuyi's face, without any fear.

It was a powerful and incomparably powerful force of recovery, and in just an instant, the terrifying and incomparably annihilated world shattered in an instant.


The Great Emperor Jimie saw that his power of annihilation collapsed instantly, and looked at Su Xiuyi with a gloomy face. At this moment, what Su Xiuyi defeated him belonged to his former power, the way of recovery.

If it weren't for the destruction of Su Xiuyi and others, the current Emperor Jijie would have already cultivated the way of Jijie recovery.

"Senior, what do you think?"

However, Su Xiuyi didn't seem to see the anger on the face of the Great Emperor Jijie, and smiled.

At this moment, I felt Su Xiuyi's incomparably powerful recovery power. The Great Emperor Jijie knew very well that it was almost impossible for him to kill Su Xiuyi. Today's Su Xiuyi is more powerful than imagined.

Seeing that the Great Emperor Jijie did not speak, Su Xiuyi said to herself.

"Senior, I once accidentally destroyed the plan of the senior, leaving the senior's Taoism lacking."

"But now there is an opportunity to let the seniors complete the cultivation of the way of recovery, but I don't know if the seniors are interested."

Su Xiuyi looked at Emperor Jijie and said with a smile.

"what chance?"

The face of Ji Mie the Great is a little gloomy. At this moment, there are chasing troops behind and enemies in front, and I don't know what to do for a while.

Whether it is the world master of Haotian World or Su Xiuyi, the Great Emperor Jijie knows that he is a very difficult master.

Hearing Su Xiuyi's words, Silent Land would like to see what plans Su Xiuyi has.

In their realm, there is no real enemy of life and death, only interests.

"Kill the World Lord of Haotian World."

"I don't know if you are interested, senior."

At the moment when Su Xiuyi's voice sounded, even Emperor Jijie's body trembled violently. He never thought that Su Xiuyi would actually want to kill the Lord of the Clear Sky World. That strength was not only very terrifying, but also He is also the master of the world, capable of mobilizing the power of the world.

Once it really broke out, it would be impossible to measure his combat power by realm.

"Don't worry, senior, I'm not crazy!"

"Of course, if you don't have the guts, senior, just let it go."

Su Xiuyi looked at the Great Emperor Jijie and said with a smile.

"Do you think you have a chance to kill him? Do you know that he can mobilize the power of the world."

Seeing Su Xiuyi's calmness and confidence, Emperor Jijie couldn't help asking aloud. Even if he felt that there was no hope, the Emperor Jijie did not leave at this moment.

"Naturally know."

"I just don't know if you are interested in working together, senior."

When the Great Emperor Jijie heard this, he sneered.

Without answering Su Xiuyi, she walked not far away and practiced quietly.

Su Xiuyi didn't do anything. Su Xiuyi knew very well where the land of annihilation was. If she were to fight against the world master of Haotian World and fell into a disadvantage, then the land of annihilation would definitely choose to do it to herself. However, once he has the upper hand and commemorates the earth, he will definitely take action against the good-sounding master of the world.

Su Xiuyi is very confident in her cultivation.

Instead of continuing to attack Jiemian Dalin, he stood quietly in place.

Su Xiuyi, who seemed to be standing on the spot at the moment of her birth, really mobilized her holy sword power, and it was only the power of the Great Dao that devoured the good world at a terrifying speed.

The originally calm Haotian, the world trembled wildly at this moment.

Just refining the meaning of the world, the Lord of the World of Good Heaven, who does not drink, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a touch of unbelievable color in his eyes. He never thought that someone was actually devouring the power of his own world.

"Could it be that the incomparably powerful existence of Xuantianjian has returned?"

In the instant of Haotian, God felt the incomparably powerful communication force, and his face became extremely solemn.

But they kept muttering in their hearts, in their plan, it was impossible for Xuan Tian Jie to return at this moment.

However, the devouring power made him feel extremely puzzled for a while.

"I want to see, what happened?"

His expression was extremely ugly, his body instantly disappeared into the Dao universe, and he walked out of the passage and descended into the battlefield of gods and demons.

At the moment when the figure appeared on the battlefield of the gods and demons, he also discovered the suppressed powerhouses in the vast world at the same time.

When Su Xiuyi saw the other party appear at this moment, she directly used the power of space without any hesitation.

"The world is upside down."

"Time and space are confused!"

The incomparably powerful power of the Great Dao erupted violently at this moment.

At the moment when the Lord of the Holy Realm of Haotian had not yet reacted, Su Xiuyi chose to decisively use the powerful Dao power to directly distort the space of this world.

Although the power of the world in Haotian World has spread, it is Su Xiuyi's power of heaven and earth that occupies the home court at this moment. Su Xiuyi does not have it at all, giving the world master of Haotian World a chance to return to Haotian World.

At this moment, the positions of Su Xiuyi and Haotian World Lord were switched.

At the same time, Su Xiuyi erupted with a powerful sealing force, directly sealing the passage in Haotian World.

"You are the monk of that time!"

Haotian is the master of the world on earth, and at this moment, his incomparable eyes fell on Su Xiuyi.

Feeling the power of time on Su Xiuyi, at this moment, he remembered that he was tricked by Su Xiuyi in the Haotian world.

That time, the amount of exercise was a lot and it was good to hear that she was a strong sister.

"It's me!"

Su Xiuyi did not deny it either.

"Do you want to shoot me now?"

"Golden Girls, they are just trying to lure me out."

"But if you want to fight me just based on your strength, do you think it's possible?"

The world master of Haotian World is extremely confident at this moment.

"Who knows without trying it? You say so?"

The moment Su Xiuyi's nerves fell.

The body disappeared strangely, and when it reappeared, it suddenly appeared in front of the Lord of the Good World World, and the usual fierce sword in his hand was displayed.

This sword was extremely terrifying, and Su Xiuyi used the Sword of White Dao.

Originally, there was no good TV company in Su Xiuyi's eyes at all, only the motherboard received this silver stool displayed by Su Xiuyi.

His eyes widened with disbelief. He never thought that Su Xiuyi would burst out with such a terrifying swordsmanship.

In this sky, even if he is the master of the world on earth, Lonely Growth Magical Ability to resist the sword still left a deep bloodstain on his chest.

If it weren't for the fact that at the critical moment, he mobilized the power of heaven and earth and insisted that the master of the Haotian world at the moment would have been slashed by Su Xiuyi with one sword.

Haotian is the world lord of the human world, and at this moment there was an incredible look in his eyes.

His heart was beating violently, he didn't even think about it.

Just stepped out of the curious world, and almost fell under the sword of Su Xiuyi.

"Who are you?"

"What a terrible swordsmanship!"

"I didn't expect you to walk the road of the return of all Dao to It is indeed terrifying to combine thousands of Dao methods into one sword!"

The world master of Haotian World, his eyes narrowed into a gap at this moment, staring at the middle.

At this moment, he finally regarded Su Xiuyi as his opponent.

"Not bad, not as closed as I thought."

"It does have some strength, and one person took my sword."

Su Xiuyi took a look. It sounds like the abbreviation Lord, and her nerves are very calm.

I don't think Su Xiuyi can defeat the Lord of the Clear Sky World, the Great Emperor's eyes gleamed when he saw the sword that the finale had just made.

Eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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