I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 995 Let's get to know each other...

Chapter 995 Let's get to know each other.

"Okay, since this is the case, let's leave first, how about it?"

Seeing that the most difficult person agreed, Hong Yu said to everyone at this time.

After hearing his words, those who originally planned to continue to wait and see left one after another.

The excitement is gone, it's useless to stay now.

No, it's not that the excitement is gone.

It's because the excitement has been postponed, and everyone has to go back and get ready.

"Let's go, this is the territory of the fox clan, and it is indeed powerful."

Hearing Hong Yu's words at this time, Yinuo stepped forward and motioned to him.


At this time, Mamen also calmed down completely. Unlike the anger just now, he calmed down now, and nodded immediately knowing what Ino meant.

But before he left, he still gave Haiyuan a vicious look, as if saying that this matter would never end.

Haiyuan naturally stared back at this, quite casually.

In the end, when everyone had left and only Mu Bai and the others were left, Hong Yu spoke first: "Before."

"Needless to say, brother Hongyu, let's get down to business."

Mu Bai seemed to know what Hong Yu was thinking, and when he was about to speak, he said it to him.

"Baihu, I know what you mean, but I don't blame you for blaming me. I have to say this."

After receiving Mu Bai's words, Hong Yu said with a straight face: "This time, I didn't completely stand on your position, it's my fault."

"But please understand that not far from here is the base camp of the Fox Clan."

"If we fight, the people in the base camp will be implicated."

Since the fox clan and the human race had formed an alliance long ago, to a large extent, the two clans should advance and retreat together.

Just like Hongyu stated his position at the beginning, his statement is to tell everyone that he is on the human side.

In this regard, at the very beginning, he did nothing wrong.

But in the following behavior, he was really wrong.

The mistake was that when Haiyuan and Mamen were about to fight, and when Baihu and Inuo were about to fight, he shouldn't stop the people on both sides.

Because they are allies.

It would have been someone else, who might have angrily accused them earlier.

It's not like now, still acting like nothing, still listening to his explanation.

In fact, everyone present also expressed their understanding of his thoughts.

After all, in addition to the alliance, everyone has another role, that is, the commander of each ethnic group.

Many decisions must not only conform to the interests of the alliance, but also conform to their own interests.

That's why he took action to stop everyone just now, because if a war started here, it would be a big blow to their fox clan.

"I understand, Hongyu."

At this time, Haiyuan came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "I understand your thoughts, don't worry, I won't think too much about it."

Renhu Zilai has a deep friendship, and Haiyuan naturally won't hate Hongyu because of this matter, so his initiative to speak can be regarded as completely reassuring Hongyu.

Then he looked at Mu Bai, who nodded in agreement.

Because of this, he was completely relieved, and then looked in the direction where Mamen and the others left just now: "This time, things will probably not get better this time."

"Well, going back this time, I guess they will not only recall what happened these days. They will probably prepare to do it."

Hearing Hong Yu's words, Hai Principle spoke beside him.

"Almost, I saw Yinuo and the others just now, but they had hints at Mammon."

Hearing this topic, Guan Qinglian also stepped forward at this time and told what she saw just now.

"Is that so?"

In fact, several people had expected the cooperation of demons, beasts and other races, but they couldn't help frowning when faced with problems.

"In that case, let's go back and discuss how to deal with them."

"OK, alright!"

"no problem!"

Afterwards, under the circumstances of everyone talking about each other, they all decided to go back to discuss the specific rules.

But when they said they wanted to go back, Mu Bai suddenly said: "Go back first, I'll wait here."

"Huh? White Fox, are you busy?"

"Yeah, it looks like someone is looking for me."

There is no concealment, Mu Bai said somewhat mysteriously.

"Someone looking for you?"

Hearing this, several people were even more confused, they didn't know who else was looking for him.

But when he saw the inexplicable smile on his mouth, he didn't ask any more and left one after another.

Because they know that even if they ask, they may not be able to ask.

It wasn't until these people were all gone that Shen Feng put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "Come out, don't worry, I'm talking about you, come out boldly."


He seemed to be talking to the air, but soon there was a ripple in the space behind him, and then a figure appeared behind him.

"What are you looking for from me?"

Seeing the person coming, Mu Bai smiled and looked at him, with a smile in his eyes.

Because this person is exactly Xuan Mu who had crossed paths with him before.

Seeing him return to his previous cowardice at this moment, Mu Bai looked at him with some amusement.


Looking at Mu Bai in front of him, although Xuan Mu felt a little close in his heart, he still felt scared instinctively.

After all, this is the white fox, the most talented white fox in the universe, and a famous figure in the battlefield of all races.

He knows that once he fights with such a person, what awaits him is instant kill.

For this point, he will be very thorough.

"Let's talk, while I'm in a good mood, if you have any questions, just ask."

Mu Bai now knows that the other party has no memory inside, but when he looked at him, he was still the same as before.

People who recognize themselves!

"Then I will ask."

Unexpectedly, the rumored white fox was so easy to get along with. After Xuan Mu secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he had to take a lot of courage to know that he was able to come forward to talk to him.

"I want to ask, do the two of us know each other?"

Finally, after mustering up a lot of courage, Xuan Mu asked his doubts.


"How did you see that?"

Hearing this, Mubai looked at him in surprise, he knew that the memory of the other party had been cleared, now hearing what he said, he thought it was because the memory hadn't been cleared,

"It's because of this."

Hearing Mu Bai's answer, Xuan Mu carefully took out the jade pendant he got before and showed it in front of Mu Bai.

"It turned out to be this."

Seeing this familiar thing, Mu Bai knew why the other party said that.

After all, he is the only one who owns the jade pendant at this time in the universe.

Apart from this one, there is no semicolon.

"It is indeed mine, I gave it to you, Xuanmu."

Seeing Xuan Mu like this, Mu Bai didn't deny it, and immediately admitted it, and at the same time called the other party's name.

"Big Brother White Fox, you...you know me?!"

Hearing his words, Xuan Mu suddenly looked at him in surprise, he felt as if he was very familiar with this white fox.

Otherwise, the other party would not speak to him in such a tone.

Come on, did I send it?

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