I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 1004 Mammon Demon Sealing

"Break it!"

Mammon, who was still checking the changes of the chains, felt the move, and immediately the blade of the gun surged with powerful corrosive power.

The nearby star power exploded, the space was shattered, and the powerful force was then swung out with a spear, and the powerful shadow of the spear appeared in the sky, rushing madly with the accumulation of magic energy.

"Chaos Gun!!"


The two attacks bombarded together, and there was a burst of explosion in an instant.

But Namamen didn't have time to care about this. After he swung that slash just now, he had already noticed the star power that he was beginning to lose.

"what is this?!"

Aware of this change, Mamen didn't know that the loss of star power on his body was caused by the dragon head chain on his body.

At this moment, he looked at the dragon head chain on his shoulder in amazement.

It was the first time for him to encounter such a powerful move.

"Get out!"

All of a sudden, his whole body exploded with momentum, wanting to shatter the chains, but no matter what he did, the chains would not be affected at all, and there was a tendency for the bite to intensify.


Aware of this change, Namamen's expression changed, and then it seemed as if he remembered something, his face changed drastically, and he looked at Mu Bai: "The animal skills of the dragon clan?! Binding the dragon spirit pivot?!"

Obviously, he already knew the history of this trick.

This is; the moves of the dragon clan, which are recorded in their clan.

It's just that he didn't expect that the white fox would actually do this trick, which was completely beyond his expectation.

This trick was actually learned by Mu Bai a long time ago, it was useless before, there was no chance, and now it just works.

It turned out to be a good ending, and now Mammon just got hit.

Seeing Mamen like this, Mu Bai immediately understood that he had reacted, but he didn't speak, he just stomped and killed him.

Seeing this, Mamen's face changed drastically, but seeing Mu Bai's approaching figure and his star power gradually declining, his eyes flickered coldly, and he backed away.

"call out!"


With one blow, Mu Bai raised his head and looked at Mamen who had fled far away, not knowing what to pay attention to.

Then, in his line of sight, Mammon stopped a few thousand meters away after flashing back.

Afterwards, the demonic energy in his body spread horizontally and turned into streams of star power, condensing behind him, and finally formed a black phantom shadow.


The phantom raised its head and roared, bringing up a monstrous devilish energy.

I saw double horns on his shadow head, big black wings on his back, claws on his hands and feet, tattoos on his face, layers of devilish energy surging around him, and only a pair of black wings on his face. gas.

"Seal the demon!"

At the same time, after Mamen yelled to seal the demon, he saw the demon energy surging from his whole body covering the entire area, turning it into a black demon domain.

"Seal the demon."

Seeing his move, Mu Bai narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of solemnity in his eyes,

He knew this move, it was the strongest move of the Heavenly Demon Clan, it stimulated his own blood to seal the demon.

Although his strength is very strong after use, his strength will drop a lot after use.

"Phantom Killing Heaven!"

When everything was ready, Namamen suddenly waved his hand, and then saw the phantom roaring and rushing out through the void.

The devilish energy surged all over his body, like a god and demon, with earth-shattering steps, the bearer seemed to be able to tear apart the power of heaven and earth, and blatantly killed Mu Bai.

His attack spread throughout the entire Demon Realm, and the powerful air flow made a whistling sound.


Wherever the phantom passed, everything was shattered, and a meteorite that just blocked his impact was also turned into dust invisible to the naked eye under its huge impact force.

At the same time, when Mu Bai saw the phantom getting closer, Breeze immediately lifted up the double blades, and at the same time, he punched out immediately, with a powerful wave of star power, he roared out of his body.

"Eight Desolation Mountain Breaking Fist!"

Mu Bai's eyes were sharp, and a majestic fist shadow surged out from behind him, and then turned into a shadow and flew towards the phantom.

But Mu Bai didn't stop his movements, and immediately threw out another palm, one finger and one leg, it was his "Bahuang Township Palm". "Ba Huang broke the river finger", "Ba Huang crushed his feet".

These are all his moves from a long time ago, and they are rarely used, but the lack of them does not mean that he does not have them.

At the same time, just after he finished using it, he saw the four attacks combined again, this is a scene that Mu Bai used before.

Although he didn't use it after that, it didn't mean he forgot it.


Finally, under Mu Bai's stress, a figure like Mamen appeared in the four attacks, but it was very indifferent, and exuded an aura of king's arrival!

"Eight wastes!"

Seeing this move, Mu Bai said lightly while his eyes flickered.

Because these moves are all combined from the Bahuang series, he collectively called them Bahuang, which is a very powerful move.


Immediately, the two figures collided in the air, and the powerful air wave turned the wind and clouds, causing many people to look sideways.

"arctic fox!"

"I didn't expect you to be so strong! Only when I really fight with you will I know the situation."

Looking at Mubai, Mamen said hoarsely, at this moment he has completely sealed the demon, and the evil spirit in his whole body makes people feel very uncomfortable.

But Mu Bai didn't seem to feel it, but stood in the same place coldly: "This is where you are going, do you still have energy now?"

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai finally stopped hiding his clumsiness, and the aura of his whole body exploded, the terrifying aura was exactly the same as in his heyday.

It turned out that when the battle first started, Mubai had been using Time Return to restore himself.

That's why he chose such a weird way of fighting, but just now, most of his injuries have finally recovered.

This also means that Mamen, who was seriously injured, is dead!



Seeing this scene, Mamen was startled, it was the first time he saw such a situation, it was completely different from his previous thoughts.

"You have been fighting for so long, but nothing happened?"

Hearing his exclamation, Mu Bai looked at him without changing his eyes, just shook his head lightly: "No, it's just ability, you know it too, don't you?"

At the same time, he looked at Mammon coldly: "You are the second commander I killed, and of course, the first commander I killed alone."

He did not say to let Mammon go, and the relationship between the two parties did not exist.

What's more, in his opinion, to be kind to the enemy on the battlefield is to be cruel to oneself.

For people with different positions, there is only one battle!

Therefore, after he answered, he took out the Prison of Fire again, brought the sword shadows all over the sky and bombarded down, and instantly blasted towards Mamen.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

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