I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 1012 Departure, South

"It's not for you to go there all at once, but to explore the past slowly!"

Hearing Xuan Mu's words at this time, Mu Bai immediately answered him.

He naturally knew what Xuanmu meant, it wasn't that he couldn't go there, but that he couldn't go there quickly.

After all, it is true that he can span space, but this time the span is really too big.

Within a galaxy range, he can reach his destination very quickly.

But this is a gap of hundreds of galaxies, and the time to be crossed cannot be resolved in a short period of time.


Upon hearing this, Xuan Mu felt that it was feasible, and immediately patted his chest: "Boss, don't worry, I think I can do this!"

Immediately, Xuan Mu didn't refuse, and agreed.

If this kind of thing is completely inconsistent with his previous code of conduct, if he met Mu Bai, he would definitely not do it.

But today, he did.

Not even a little hesitation.

Sure enough, the old saying has come true, it takes three years to get it right, but only one month to get it bad.

Xuanmu is like this now.

"That white fox, you have to be careful."

At this time, after seeing Mu Bai's decision, Hai Yuan also said in a solemn tone, although he didn't know what Baihu was going to do, but after seeing his decision, he still held a supportive attitude.

Of course, he was also worried.

But he also knew that even if he was worried, he definitely couldn't stop the white fox from doing his thing.

So, he could only exhort.


Hearing this, Mubai walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, brother Haiyuan, although my injury is still quite complete, but it's almost recovered."

Speaking of this, Mu Bai took a long breath: "This time I will go there first and wait for your news. If there is a chance, we will meet there again."


In principle, Wen Yanhai pushed Mu Bai with all of them, and then said: "Be careful, this time you passed, and with the young master, the two of you are gathered there now, and it will definitely attract a lot of people."

"At that time, I am sure that all places will focus on you."

"Everything, life is the most important thing."


Hearing Haiyuan's words, Mu Bai nodded his head, he knew what the other person said, and at the same time he had a plan in his heart, so he also understood the danger this time.

But whether it's Shuangxue, Hu Yanfei, or the Bingli tribe, they are all reasons for him to go there.

Therefore, he was also prepared.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while before notifying Hong Yu, Guan Qinglian and the others.

In this regard, after Mu Bai briefly explained his whereabouts, he took Xuanmu and left, heading for the southern area of ​​the Ten Thousand Clans Battlefield, the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Clans.

The Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Races is located in the south of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield as a whole, and the entire area is full of sea water.

And the sea water is still very unusual, if the ordinary nirvana falls into it, it will be submerged by the sea water and disappear,

Only people who are higher than the seventh level of Nirvana can fall into edema, so in the sea of ​​ten thousand races, people are the fewest in several districts.

But the quality is the highest in several districts.

It is conceivable that the people wandering there are all above the nirvana state, which is a terrible statistic in terms of the battlefield of all races.

Almost all the masters here are staying there, and one can imagine how fierce the competition inside is.

Moreover, with Shuangxue there, many people were led there.

It is conceivable how many people will gather together this time.

As for the place where Shuangxue and the others are stationed now, it is on a glacier in the middle of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Races, and that glacier is not big, only half the size of a galaxy.

Of course, apart from the human race led by Shuangxue, there are other races there.

Therefore, the number of people in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Races is very dense. This density is relative to the people in other districts.

"Boss, I can't do it, let's rest first."

At this moment, after Mu Bai chose to leave, he and Xuan Mu had already been driving towards the southern area for half a day.

During this period, Xuan Mu even fully utilized his space magic powers, quickly shuttled with Mu Bai, and rushed nearly one-third of the distance in half a day.

If it is used by other people, people of the same level as him, it would be good to have half of him.

It is also because he is a zero-empty clan, which is a racial advantage, an advantage that cannot be changed.


Hearing Xuan Mu's words at this moment, Mu Bai saw his pale face, and immediately nodded in response.

He also knew how tiring it was to travel like this, and he still took him with him, so after Xuan Mu's words, he agreed.

"You haven't tried this before, have you?"

At this time, seeing Xuan Mu resting with his eyes closed, Mu Bai sat beside him, and asked softly: "This time, I will trouble you."

"No trouble."

Hearing this, Xuanmu waved his hands, expressing that there is no need to thank him, and at the same time looked at Mu Bai: "I have to thank you, boss, for taking me, otherwise I really don't know, so it turns out that it is such a happy thing to fight."

Hearing Mu Bai's words, Xuan Mu lay on the ground panting heavily, sweating profusely and said: "Really, I didn't know before, so it can still be like this."

"In the past, I could only run away, but today is different. These days, I feel as if I have found my blood."


Hearing his words, Mu Bai smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work this time."

"Well, it's not hard."

Xuan Mu said that it was not hard work, and then he began to recover,

Next, the two chatted while waiting for Xuan Mu to recover.

It was not until half a day later that Xuanmu's star power was fully recovered.

"Then let's go, boss."

At this time Xuan Mu stood up, moved his body, and after finding that there was no serious problem, he said to Mu Bai.

"Well, let's go then."

Hearing his words, due to the special situation now, Mu Bai's heart was on Shuangxue's side, so he didn't say anything.

Instead, he planned to rush towards Shuangxue with all his strength first, because he knew that the situation on Shuangxue's side was not very good now.

Basically, it was relying on the two Gao Zhan, Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei, to hold on. If it wasn't for them during this period, the human race here might have been driven away long ago.

Of course, so many powerful people are on Shuangxue's side, it is entirely because of Shuangxue's presence.

Under normal circumstances, they would not have so many people.

All of this is because Shuangxue is here, causing many people to look for her.

So there will be such a situation. Gather a lot of people.

Afterwards, the two seldom talked all the way, they both hurried on the road silently, few people spoke during this period, but basically Xuan Mu was talking and Mu Bai was answering.

Because at this time, he put most of his energy on repairing his injury.

After all, he knew that once this time passed, there might be endless chaos.

The cruelest battle is about to begin.

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