I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 1015: Mu Bai Has Arrived

"Commander Hu, let's go!"

At this time, on a glacier, a group of more than a dozen people, they are very embarrassed now.

The most conspicuous among them was a handsome young girl with crimson short hair. She looked extremely beautiful, but her face was very pale, her armor was sharp, and her breath was very sluggish.

At the same time, there was a smear of blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, and a penetrating wound on her left arm.

She is the person Mu Bai hasn't seen for a long time, Hu Yanfei.

"No, their target is me, no matter how I escape, they will chase me."

"So whether I go or not, they will keep chasing me."

Hearing this, Hu Yanfei shook her head, indicating that she did not accept the proposal.

After all, she knew that this time the other party came over so many people, and the purpose was to fight him.

With such a lineup, even if she wanted to leave, the other party would definitely not let her go.

So when she heard other people's proposals at this time, she didn't agree.

"Commander Hu, go ahead, we'll cover you!"

At this time, hearing Hu Yanfei's words, the people with her immediately refused, and at the same time looked at her excitedly.

It has to be said that Hu Yanfei's battle during this period has already convinced many people to her, so now these people look at her with a look of complete confidence.

Seeing these people willing to die for themselves, Hu Yanfei was also moved.

After all, these people died for themselves.

Such a move, to be honest, touched her very much.

At the same time, Hu Yanfei stood up and walked towards the back: "Needless to say, this time I come to the rear of the palace, and there are only two commanders, so I can still escape."


"Commander Hu, let us come."

"It's not good."

Hearing Hu Yanfei's words, everyone spoke to persuade her, as if they wanted to dispel her terrible idea,

But what didn't disappoint them was that Hu Yanfei seemed to be convinced at this time, and after she finished speaking, she walked towards the back of the team,

"Xuexue, Dabai"

"This time, I really need to do it"

"If I"

Then I saw Hu Yanfei walking towards the pursuers while talking.

At the same time, just as she was saying this, she saw a dense crowd of figures appearing in front of her. Just by looking at them, there were thousands of them.

Among these people, the two leaders were the two commanders who came to encircle Hu Yanfei this time.

The two of them are members of the Murphy Demon Clan and belong to the community, so the strength of the two of them is growing together.

Therefore, the Murphy Demon Clan has something special. They have two leaders.

"Hu Yanfei!"

"You are indeed here!"

At this time, the two demons flying over saw Hu Yanfei standing there, and their faces were overjoyed.

After all, the ultimate goal of their visit this time is the person in front of them.

"Hehe, I'm not here, where is it?"

Seeing these people, Hu Yanfei's eyes flashed a look of solemnity, she did not expect these people to pursue her so hard.

You must know that after she knew that she was ambushed this time, she directly cut all the people into pieces.

At the same time, it was precisely this that made her losses drastically decrease.

But in the same way, because she did this, she, who was the focus of attention, was surrounded by more people.

That's why now, she has a dozen people with her, and thousands of people are chasing her after her.

"Hehe, this time, if you send so many people here, aren't you afraid that the frontal battlefield will collapse?"

Looking at the crowd flying in front of her, Hu Yanfei said coldly.

Because of Shuangxue's power, if she is not restrained by all the commanders on the frontal battlefield, the battlefield may collapse.

Don't underestimate her, Shuangxue's strength is just so outstanding.

"Don't worry about the frontal battlefield, you should care about you!"

Hearing Hu Yanfei's words at this time, one of the leaders of the Murphy demon clan said in a cold voice, and at the same time he pulled out his great sword, pretending to be fighting.

The leader of the Murphy Demon Clan on the other side also took out his spear, and licked his lips ferociously.

"Thinking about killing the leader of a human race soon, thinking about it now, I'm really excited."

"By the way, I heard that you and Shuangxue have a very good relationship. I don't know if she will be sad after knowing that you died in battle~"

At this time, the leader of the Murphy Demon Clan holding a long gun grinned grinningly, and at the same time raised his long spear high, and then a gun shadow blasted out, flying straight towards Hu Yanfei's direction.


Seeing this blow, Hu Yanfei didn't take it hard, she backed away after dodging.

At the same time, her crimson eyes flickered: "It seems that this trick has to be used."

Afterwards, seeing them rushing, Hu Yanfei's eyes flickered with a cold light: "Flame Shenlin!"

After finishing speaking, a circle appeared on the bottom of her feet, and then it revolved around her, and the surrounding air also rotated along with it.


As the wind became stronger and stronger, at last Hu Yanfei exploded with aura all over her body, blowing away the strong wind, and an aura that swept the audience erupted from her body.

At the same time, her whole body exuded a faint crimson light. The sword in her hand was undoubtedly an ordinary long sword at this time, but the whole body of the long sword was crimson, and there were tiny flames flowing on it.

At the same time, her cultivation base is also rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching the ninth level of Nirvana, and even infinitely close to the immortal state.

Thinking about it, if it wasn't for the restrictions here, she might really break through to the Immortal Realm.

There is no way, the Hu family's move to improve their strength is really too strong.

"No, she exploded!"

Seeing her state, the people who were still rushing forward stopped immediately, and a solemn look flashed in their eyes.

If Hu Yanfei was able to entangle with them for a while before, then now, Hu Yanfei can definitely defeat the existence of both of them.

"Brother, this move of hers should be the master martial art of the Hu family, so be careful."

"I got it!"

Hearing his younger brother's words, the leader of the Murphy Demon Clan with a long spear nodded his head.

After all, they have heard of the prestige of the Hu family.

Woman, you heard me right, this is my voice. "

"Tell me where you are!"

At the same time, just when Hu Yanfei was about to make a move, she suddenly saw the crystal on her chest light up, and then a familiar voice sounded.

"Muda White Fox!"

Hearing this voice, Hu Yanfei was a little excited for a moment, and even spoke quickly, but she quickly realized it.

Because she knew that it was Mu Bai.


On the other side, Mu Bai frowned when he heard her words, and then asked her carefully.

Thinking of this, Hu Yanfei looked around: "In a sunken glacier, White Fox, you are actually."

"I am coming!"

In the end, before Hu Yanfei finished speaking, Mu Bai's figure appeared behind her.

Suddenly, the whole scene became silent.

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