I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 1024 Starting to recover from injuries

"Ice Origin Profound Pill."

At this moment, Mu Bai looked at the elixir in his hand, his eyes flickered.

In fact, he had never seen such a pill.

Because this kind of elixir is extremely rare in the universe, this does not mean that the ice source elixir is extremely difficult to make, or very precious.

On the contrary, its formation is not man-made, but the birth of the universe.

In other words, all natural.

It is because of this that in many cases, such things are hard to come by.

Just like this Ice Source Profound Pill, the place where it is formed not only needs to be in a state of ice and snow for many years, but also needs to have such gods as ice supernatural powers, and the required level is not low.

The origin of the word is also derived from this

In addition, when it was formed, it also started in trillions of years.

So in many cases, once such a thing appears, it is very lucky.

"I didn't expect, Axue, you would get such a thing."

Since there is no one else around the two of them now, Mu Bai still uses the previous address, and he is not worried that others will find out that it is wrong.

"Of course."

Hearing that Shuangxue has a cute and naive look, she is still very useful to her boyfriend.

The only pity is the identities of the two of them now, otherwise she would have stepped forward.


Seeing this, Mu Bai didn't say anything, and directly accepted the Ice Origin Profound Pill.

He Shuangxue is never polite, just like he didn't hesitate to follow the inheritance of the Bingli clan.

When it comes to the two of them, any politeness or other things can be omitted, and one look can tell each other's heart and thoughts.

And Mu Bai knew that even if he didn't want it, Shuangxue would definitely let him eat it in some way.

On this point, he dared to run to Shuangxue and said with absolute certainty, she could.

But the Ice Origin Profound Core is indeed a good thing for Mu Bai now.

Because it not only provides powerful star power, but also has healing effects.

Especially for injuries such as backlash and mental strength, the effect of using this type of elixir will always be the best.

It can be seen from the side that Shuangxue had prepared this for Mu Bai at the beginning, and just now that the two met, she gave it to Mu Bai.

"Go back first."

Seeing that Mu Bai accepted it, Shuangxue didn't say anything more because she cared about their injuries, but told them.

"Well, let's go back."

"Whatever Xuexue says~"

Mu Bai and Hu Yanfei agreed after hearing the words, and Hu Yanfei made a grimace and hugged Shuangxue's arms.

After all, she was going to force her out this time, and almost had an accident, so now he needs to boost his favorability.

"Let's go."

Wen Yanshuang gave Hu Yanfei a white look, and then led Mu Bai and Hu Yanfei towards the human race here.

Flying all the way, after a while the few people came to a city of ice and snow.

The city is very large and is entirely composed of ice and snow.

"This is a place I made with supernatural powers, specially for resting, but it has been perfected later, and now it can withstand the attack of the Immortal Realm."

"I call it Ice City."

Seeing Mu Bai's sizing up, Shuangxue explained to him at the side, and at the same time led him to fly inside.

Seeing this, Mu Bai also kept up. To be honest, he was still very curious about the production ability of his female ticket.

Walking along the way, the news of the arrival of the white fox was also conveyed in Bingcheng Bingcheng, which immediately caused countless people to discuss him.

Even some non-practitioners came to see Mu Bai specially.

"It's really a bit like the life of the human race."

Seeing everything here, Mu Bai nodded repeatedly, because he saw many life scenes related to the clansmen in it.

If it wasn't because this place is in the battlefield of ten thousand races, Mu Bai would have thought that he was in the territory of human race.

It seems that my simple family has learned a lot about governance.

During this period of time, Mu Bai has also seen the camps of various ethnic groups in other places, not to mention other things, he has seen the Forest of Ten Thousand Clans and the Desert of Ten Thousand Clans.

In it, he has seen the camps of many races.

Among them, the orc clan is the most savage, without even a simple wooden house. Except for those powerful members, the rest are covered by the sky and seated on the ground.

The best ones are the Human Race and the Fox Race, but compared to Shuangxue, they are completely worthless.

Completely, two levels.

From the side, it can be reflected that Shuangxue's governance skills are much better than those of these commanders.

Of course, this is just one aspect of Mu Bai seeing her growing up, so he just took a look at it and didn't say much.

Because, these are frost and snow need to experience.

The next few people answered the hall where Shuangxue and others were resting under the eyes of everyone.

Inside, according to Shuangxue's arrangement, the people living here are all the strong people of the human race gathered here.

Among them, the three rooms are the most luxurious, but two of them already have owners and have been waiting for the last one.

Now, finally, the last person is in place.

"Ah Bai, this is your room."

Standing at the door of the room, Shuangxue pointed to the furnishings inside and said to Mu Bai, a memory flashed in his eyes,

Because here, it is still the same as their previous Qianlongxing house, but Mu Bai is not there, so there is no one there.

Every time Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei thought about Mubai, they would stop here for a while, but they would not really enter.

Because here, one person is missing.

Now seeing this person coming, Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei came here for the first time after it was arranged.


Entering the room, Hu Yanfei gently closed the door, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Shuangxue hugging him from behind Mu Bai.

At this time, Mu Bai also took off his mask, revealing his resolute and handsome face.


Seeing his appearance, Hu Yanfei also walked over, with tears in her eyes.

After three years of training, what he got in return was the hasty side when he came in.

For more than a year on the battlefield of thousands of races, the other party is always in my heart.

Now that she saw Mu Bai's lively appearance, she was really relieved, and at the same time, she felt a little disappointed and wanted to cry.

But in the end, they were all stopped by Mu Bai, and then the few people chatted for a while, and because Mu Bai wanted to heal her injuries, they didn't continue to disturb her, but let her recover from her injuries.

Afterwards, Mu Bai returned to his previous room under their eyes, and took out Frost Snow to swallow his Ice Origin Profound Pill.

"After eating this pill, I hope all of them can be recovered."

Smelling the fragrance of the medicine on it, Mu Bai immediately swallowed it without hesitation.

Immediately, he felt a cool energy mixed into his body and spread all over his body.

Seeing this, Mu Bai didn't think about anything else, and immediately closed his eyes and sat down to recover from his injuries.

And the news of his arrival spread to all places at this time.

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