I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 1036: Crystal Ice Mother

"This this."

"An attack from Immortal Realm?"

Clutching his chest, the Gorefiend looked incredulously at the direction where the blood barrier dissipated, which was where Shuangxue was standing.

I saw that she was looking forward indifferently, her jade hands were still in the same state of throwing before, her white hair was fluttering in the wind, and she still exuded an aura that no one could get close to.

"The blow just now is definitely not something that can come out of Nirvana!"

At this time, not only the blood demon whose chest was pierced by frost and snow, but Mu Bai also looked at her with surprise.

He didn't expect that Shuangxue would be so powerful after unblocking.

"This is, which floor."

I saw Mu Bai murmured, looking towards Shuangxue's direction, guessing that Shuangxue's burst of strength was probably the first seal she had opened.

Shuangxue has a seal on his body, he knows it.

What's more, he suffered a big loss on this seal before, which made him, who could have been ashamed, still a boy until now.

Thinking of this, Mu Bai was extremely unhappy.

At the same time, he also knew that Shuangxue's seal had three layers of restrictions. When she fought against Shuangxue, she only unlocked the first layer of seal.

Even now Mu Bai still remembers that he tried his best, but what was waiting for him was crushed by Shuangxue.

But that was a long time ago, and now Mu Bai is confident that even if Shuangxue opens the second seal, he can still win.

Because, during the two previous expeditions to the planet, he saw Frost Snow who opened the second seal.

But now Mu Bai can feel the strong threat from Shuang Xue to him.

"It's the third level!"

Seemingly knowing what Mu Bai was thinking, at this time Shuangxue walked up to him and explained to him.

"Is it all solved?"

Hearing this, Shen Feng looked at him in surprise, and at the same time thought of what he said before.

He knew that there were three layers of seals on Shuangxue's body, which seemed to be suppressing something, but the original strength had not reached the level of opening.

To open it, you need to wait until certain conditions are met.

Originally, Mu Bai thought that if Shuangxue had completely mastered it, he would have to be at Immortal Realm or even higher.

Looking at it now, I still underestimate Axue.

For a moment, Mu Bai couldn't help sighing in his heart, and at the same time looked back at the blood demon trap that was slowly dissipating.

Following his gaze, he saw the twelve Gorefiends who had formed the formation just now. At this moment, they had lost all anger. As for why they died.

In fact, Mu Bai didn't need to think about it, it was all Shuangxue's masterpiece.

"Well, the third layer is only mastered here, if not, it may be very troublesome to deal with this large formation."

Shuangxue's words were not sloppy. She knew the power of the blood demon formation and some of its powerful effects.

Knowing that this thing is difficult to deal with, Shuangxue didn't use the usual moves to deal with it, and exploded directly.

According to the education she has received, every attack must go all out, just like a lion fighting a rabbit, using all your strength.

so she will

"Okay then, let's go now."

At this time, Mu Bai nodded after hearing Shuangxue's words, then looked at the ice storm that was very close, and said solemnly.


Hearing this, Shuangxue nodded heavily, and finally ran outside with Mu Bai.

"Hoo hoo!"

I saw that not long after they left, the place where they left was submerged by the storm all over the sky, and the powerful ice crystals swept all the way, sweeping away any protruding places inside.

Even some of the ground disappeared directly.

But behind these ice crystals, one can see the ravaged ground. There are grains of shiny ice crystals buried on the ground, and the light is overflowing from them, as if exuding some special power.

"Baihu, Xuexue! You are back."

At this time, after Mu Bai and Shuangxue rushed to the large army led by Hu Yanfei, Hu Yanfei was relieved.

You know, when she found out about the two of them just now, if she hadn't brought a large army with her, she would have gone to look for them a long time ago.

That's why I was relieved to see them come back safely.

"Well, it's okay,"

"Very good, just met a few people who think too much."

Hearing Hu Yanfei's words, the two briefly talked about the situation just now, and Hu Yanfei also knew the situation just now.


After listening, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the people they shot were not very strong. It would be a little dangerous if they changed to the commander level."

"Well, almost, Yanfei, I'll start now."

After hearing what Hu Yanfei said, Mu Bai glanced at the accelerating icy storm before reminding him.

"Hoo hoo!"

Hearing that Hu Yanfei glanced at the icy storm, she didn't say anything in the end, and just worked hard.

As for other things she wanted to say, she didn't say it, but planned to say it after it was safe.

Next, due to Hu Yanfei's command, the people of the human race were not caught up by the ice storm, but were followed by wandering souls.

Under the raging all the way, many were killed, more than one million wandering souls, and now only tens of thousands of wandering souls remain.

In fact, this is also very normal. Although these wandering spirits are relatively high in strength, they are all ignorant things, so when they escape, they generally follow their instincts.

Coupled with Hu Yanfei's blocking along the way, let them resist the storm and reduce the speed of the storm's pursuit at one time, which made them reduce so much.

"Finally stopped."

At this time, Hu Yanfei, who had run all the way, finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the pursuit of the storm behind him slow down, and even dissipate slowly.

Because she took advantage of the characteristic that the ice storm would slow down creatures when it swept across them, many wandering souls blocked her, and she was able to preserve the safety of the human race.

But the number is limited after all, and seeing that there are only tens of thousands of wandering souls left, she was hesitating what to do, and this happened to her.

It has to be said that this reduced a big problem for her.


Wen Yan Shuangxue nodded, expressing her agreement with Hu Yanfei's words.

For this icy storm, she actually had no good solution, otherwise she wouldn't have broken out of the formation at the beginning, and at the same time ran away with Mu Bai.

After all, who would want to be so embarrassed if he could resist.

"Then let's get rid of the wandering spirits here first. According to the established goal, Naku and the others should be here."

"Okay, let's start now."

After hearing her words, Mu Bai and Hu Yanfei both agreed.

Afterwards, with three people as the main force, the human army was divided into three queues, and they followed them to kill the remaining wandering souls.

Since the number of remaining wandering souls is small, they can be dealt with without dividing troops, so it is so straightforward.


At this time, when he swung his sword once, Mu Bai suddenly saw the place where the storm was raging before, and suddenly there was a gleam of light.

"That is?"

Thinking of this, Mu Bai's eyes lit up immediately, and then he knocked back the wandering soul approaching with a sword, and then walked over slowly.

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