I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 1042 Qi Ling: What are you worried about?

The three supernatural powers are the general term for the awakening of the three supernatural powers.

This is very difficult to see in the universe.

It doesn't mean that when one's mental strength reaches the seventh level, the three supernatural powers will follow one after another, but it depends entirely on one's strength and opportunity.

As far as Shan Mubai is concerned, because he has the blessing of space, to a large extent, he doesn't worry about his comprehension.

So from a certain point of view, it is very fast for him to awaken his supernatural powers or practice.

But this is just him. In the entire universe, all races are not as convenient as him in cultivating supernatural powers.

Even Shuangxue, the most talented person in the universe, only awakened dual supernatural powers when he was one year younger than him, and used them in battle.

From this, one can imagine how much advantage Mu Bai has in terms of supernatural power.

It is precisely because of this that, having awakened the three supernatural powers, in the battlefield of all races, the most feared thing is his supernatural powers.

But this time, it was the first time he felt the threat from the opponent's supernatural power.

Even though, it's his own.


In the blink of an eye, just as Mu Bai was preparing to deal with the lotus in the sky, the lotus had already slammed down on him.

The huge explosion spread out on the ring in an instant, and the star power leaked out, immediately swallowing up the entire ground, and accompanied by the roar, one could still feel the vibration of the ring.

"This power is very good."

"As expected of time!"

Seeing the explosion in front of him, the tool spirit sighed and shook his head. He has seen many people who have awakened more than three supernatural powers.

But for time, it was the only one he saw.

Generally speaking, after feeling the explosion brought by time at this time, he was very shocked in his heart.


At the same time, just as he was sighing, a figure flew upside down from the star power smoke.

I saw Mu Bai thrusting his sword into the ground, causing sparks all the way, and the broken thunder armor on his body already showed that he was injured by the attack just now.

Spit out a mouthful of blood, Mu Bai suppressed the surge of energy and blood, he didn't wait for himself to react, but quickly dodged, dodging dozens of thunder spears that suddenly appeared behind him.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!".

Dozens of thunder spears were inserted into the ground, but they missed Mu Bai.


"Not only magical powers. Are you so proficient in using them?"

Dodging this attack, Mu Bai flickered on the ground several times before dodging the next series of attacks.

Moreover, they are all attacks from supernatural powers.

"What are you worrying about!"


Just at this moment, Mu Bai breathed a sigh of relief, the spirit in front of him had already appeared in front of him, at the same time he swung his sword heavily, without any martial skills, just a single swing.


Mu Bai, who hastily responded to the attack, did not have enough time to defend, so he had to respond in a hurry, but what followed was that Mu Bai was directly blown away.


"How can it be so strong!"

Mu Bai, who was smashed to the ground, stood up after skating for a while, feeling a little startled when he felt the attack from the Qi Spirit.

Because, he felt that the weapon spirit seemed to have become stronger again.

Really 0.8 to 1?

For a moment, Mu Bai was also extremely guessing.

But at the next moment, he who was transformed into a weapon spirit suddenly blasted out, killing from in front of him, the sword in his hand was filled with sword energy, and then he saw the roar of thunder in the sky, and the thunder rushed towards the sword.

"this is."

"Extremely Killing Yujian·Sword II!"



Being caught by the words of a sword, Mu Bai, unable to dodge in time, had no choice but to miss his fatal spot, and use his arm to catch it hard.

Suddenly a long bloodstain appeared, and the warm blood gushed on his face, and Mu Bai could smell the blood.

"Wind Spirit Jade Broken!"

At the same time, when Mu Bai received Qi Ling's sword, he finally found a chance to fight back, taking advantage of the opportunity that the opponent's sword hadn't recovered, a terrifying wind tornado blasted out from his palm,

"Hoo hoo!"

The huge tornado, coupled with the extremely short distance, did not give the weapon spirit a chance to react, so it was shrouded inside.

"Tap Tat Tat!"

Being blasted back by the sword energy, Mu Bai was only a few steps behind the ground, and his left shoulder was completely stained red with blood.

But he didn't care about his wounds, but looked forward fiercely, raised the flame prison and waved it towards the sky: "Extremely Killing Yujian Sword II!"


Cooperating with the move scene used by Qi Ling just now, Mu Bai's sword is even better.

I saw thunder surging all over the sky, finally pouring into the blade of the sword, and blatantly blasting towards the place where the wind has not dissipated.


When the wind and thunder met, coupled with Mu Bai's powerful sword energy, he saw that the space where he attacked was not torn apart, revealing black cracks.

"Bang bang bang!"

The powerful counter-shock force generated by the explosion hit the ring repeatedly, with bursts of roaring sound, which made people's eardrums almost burst.

"Avatar Clone!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai moved quickly, and suddenly three supernatural power avatars of different colors appeared beside him, which were composed of his supernatural powers.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

Then he saw that the clones of the three supernatural powers appeared in the sky above the ring under his control, together with himself, they presented a quadrangular shape.

And the place where the Artifact Spirit was attacked was right in the center.

"Four Corners Annihilation · Kai!"

In the end, as he spoke in a cold voice, a large amount of star power poured out from himself and his avatar in the middle, and a huge energy ball fused by supernatural power and star power appeared above the ring.

"This trick."

Feeling the huge energy above, the Qi Ling below had just escaped from Mu Bai's attack, and there was a dignified look on his embarrassed expression.

But soon, he was replaced so dignifiedly.

"Boy, you haven't answered my question just now."

I saw that he first closed his eyes, then opened them again, and then his whole demeanor changed, and a great coldness radiated from his body.

"I said... what are you worrying about!"

Repeating the words before the round again, the aura of the weapon spirit went berserk, and then I saw countless star power floating out of it, quickly gathering above it.

This huge energy ball composed of star power was much smaller than the place where the closing speech gathered just now, but the dark purple light seemed to be telling that it had powerful energy.

"Let me go!"

"Break it!"

In the end, I saw that after the two drank at the same time, the two energy balls met up and down, and they quickly approached as time passed.

Finally, we met in the air.


I saw that the two were getting tighter and tighter, and there was a tendency to merge at the place where they collided, and even under the stalemate between the two, they merged little by little.


But after all, the contained power is too huge. After a stalemate for a while, I saw two energy balls explode from the point of contact, and finally the scope of the explosion spread to the entire arena.

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