I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 799 You two, I will rob!

"Hey, I just forgot to ask Jiu Ling if there is any medicine to improve cultivation."

Looking at the starry sky outside, Mu Bai patted his forehead with his hands after a while, as if he had forgotten something important.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Then Mu Bai didn't care about anything else, waved his hand, got up and walked away.

He came out to find someone to chat with, but after chatting for a while, that person came to his senses, and now he is working hard, which made him a little helpless.

But everything was okay, he didn't really care about it.

Afterwards, Mu Bai walked to the deck of the spaceship, enjoying the rare tranquility.

For the next period of time, Mu Bai lived a very self-disciplined life, basically practicing, enjoying the scenery, and resting. Although it was a bit boring, after the pressure, he felt very fulfilled.

Of course, I will chat with Shuangxue and the others every day to make life more fulfilling.

As for why he didn't talk to Jiu Ling and the others, Mu Bai said that he had tried his best, but there was indeed a difference in status, and when they talked, there was always a sense of distance.

A few words of unspoken chat can still be tested, but if it is a deep chat, they will have scruples.

In this regard, Mu Bai is quite helpless.

Finally, under this kind of life, the spaceship arrived at the Yunxiao galaxy and flew towards the Feixian star in it.

The Yunxiao Galaxy, located between the Eastern Territory and the Central Territory, is a galaxy developed under the banner of tourism. The annual population flow ranks among the top ten among the galaxies of the human race. It is conceivable that the people who come to travel are How many.

Mu Bai came here this time, not to travel, but to make an appointment with Hu Wen and Hu Liang before, to meet here, and then go to Ming's banquet together.

That is to go to the scene together.

"My lord, in front of you is Feixianxing, one of the ten most beautiful planets of the human race!"

At this time, Mu Bai was sitting on the sofa flipping through things, and Jiu Ling beside him was reporting to him with a stack of documents and handing them to him at the same time.

"Hey, this Flying Immortal Star's advertising brochure looks really good."

After receiving the information handed over by Jiu Ling, Mu Bai yelled in astonishment, and then looked through it, most of which were some famous scenic spots on Feixianxing.

"It's a pity, beauty is beauty, there is no one around, worry!"

Speaking of which, Mu Bai closed it, feeling a little helpless, then looked at Jiu Ling: "When will we arrive?"

"Almost half an hour, I have already experienced the last space jump just now, so Feixianxing is almost in front."

"Okay, tell Anichi and the others to get ready."


Watching Jiu Ling go down to inform Anyi and the others, and found that he was getting more and more into the identity state, Mu Bai nodded in satisfaction, then put the information aside, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

It's not that he's tired, but that after meeting Hu Wen and Hu Liang, he's going to Ming's house. This is probably his last peace.

After all, if the Ming family didn't take action against him, they would really be sorry for him.

As for why they didn't do anything before, it was because Mu Bai was either going to Hu's house or Yanbing Terrace, they really didn't dare to do anything.

Coupled with the configuration around them, they have some scruples.

If you can't reach the ultimate move, then if you rush up again, it is obviously to send it.

"call out!"

The spaceship pierced through the starry sky, cutting those laymen or miscellaneous people in the starry sky into pieces, leaving a tornado behind.

And some people who piloted the spaceship stayed away from Mu Bai one after another.

Those with discerning eyes naturally knew that this spaceship was of Ra level, and it was a proper military series, so they couldn't mess with it.

And on the spaceship, after Mu Bai gave the order, it became active. An Yi and the others, as well as Jiu Ling, were making preparations for landing, but Mu Bai was the only one who sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Half an hour later, the spacecraft landed safely. Because of Jiuling's advance arrangement, they landed on Feixianxing and did not report anything.


With the sound of the cabin door, Mu Bai, who had been sitting on the spaceship for more than ten days, finally got off the plane.

"There are too many people here."

Because of the spaceship of Mu Bai and others, the parking place is a specially designated place, and each parking place is isolated separately, which can be said to be the difference between ordinary cars and luxury cars.

But even so, when Mu Bai came out, he also saw the road separating the berth. At this time, there were many people's heads surging, which showed that there were indeed many people coming to the Yunxiao Galaxy.

"It's really the first time I know that the tourism industry of this human race is so developed."

Mu Bai is just talking about this, he has no intention of doing tourism, he is too tired.

"Let's go, I guess they are getting impatient waiting outside."

They, of course, refer to Hu Liang and Hu Wen, because the three of them made an appointment to meet here, and they just came earlier.

Then, under Mu Bai's order, a group of people walked from the spaceship to the area leading to the outside of the berth.

However, due to Mu Bai's special status, he walked in the front right now, wearing a peaked cap, so that he would not be easily recognized.

But because Jiu Ling and Anyi were too conspicuous, they still attracted many people's attention.

The only good thing is that everyone just looks at it.

After all, the people who can park in this separate berthing area are all rich and powerful people. Mu Bai and the others are somewhat attractive, but they are just a little special among them.

This also led to none of them recognizing Mu Bai.

Walking among the crowd, looking at the bustling crowd, Mu Bai felt like returning to the Spring Festival travel season, even worse than that.

Immediately, he quickened his pace, surpassing one person after another, and finally after walking for more than ten minutes, a huge square appeared in front of the road, and there were many roads near the square, all leading to other places in Feixianxing.

Seeing this, Mu Bai knew that the exit had arrived, and immediately walked faster to the square.

Also because the square is big enough, when Mu Bai walked over, the crowded feeling disappeared in an instant. As soon as Mu Bai observed it, even if there were tens of millions of people standing here, it didn't look crowded.

After all, it is the landing site of a planet, so it is quite normal to make it bigger.

Then he stood there and looked around to see where Hu Wen and Hu Liang were waiting.

But Jiu Ling and the others stood respectfully beside Mu Bai, seemingly scattered, but they were standing in a perfect position to protect Mu Bai.

If someone was more interested in Bai's attack at this time, they would definitely not be able to rush in front of him.

"Hey, didn't they say they were at the door? Why didn't you see it?"

After going there for a while, Mu Bai didn't see the two of them, just after he thought he was being teased, suddenly he caught a glimpse of two people sitting under a parasol at a stall in the square.

One is heroic and extraordinary, dressed in a gray and black uniform, exuding a mighty aura from top to bottom, while the other is holding a feather fan and wearing a pale white robe, with the air of a modest gentleman.

They are Hu Liang, Hu Wen.

"It's actually there!"

Seeing the two, Mu Bai's eyes flashed brightly, but then seeing the two facing each other, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

I saw two beautifully dressed girls sitting and chatting with the two of them. They were beautiful, and they were all wearing waistless tops, with their long legs exposed to the air.

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai didn't understand why, the two of them were dating girls and forgot about him.


Immediately, he was not polite, took out the optical camera, took a photo, and sent it to Hu Yanfei, with a text: The people have joined.

"Wait to be trained!"

Seeing that the two of them didn't notice, Mu Bai gave a smirk, and put away the light machine.

"You stay here, I will go to them to settle accounts!"

After speaking to Jiu Ling, An Yi and others, Mu Bai suddenly appeared behind Hu Liang and Hu Wen: "You two, I will rob!"



Mu Bai's sudden appearance shocked the two of them for a moment, and then they recovered, because they knew who it was because they heard the voice very familiar.

"Brother Bai! We don't see each other every day like every three autumns, and we'll see each other again. We must have a good time this time!"

"Brother Bai, you can make the two of us wait a long time."

Immediately, the two got up and turned to Mu Bai, and walked towards Mu Bai with a courteous look.

There's nothing they can do if they're not attentive, they agreed to pick up people, but the two of them thought about it for a long time and planned to play, but they forgot about picking up people after playing, and they were caught.

Keke, it's embarrassing!

"Oh, I don't think you're waiting for me, you just looked like you didn't want to leave."

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

As he said that, Mu Bai took out the light machine and switched to the chat interface with Hu Yanfei: "I told Yanfei that the two brothers found two sister-in-laws."


You are ruthless!

Hearing Mu Bai's words, the two of them turned pale, and their hearts skipped a beat.

Even though they are so old, it's normal to go out to roam around, as long as they don't mess around, the elders in the family won't care.

But this time when they came out, they pretended to bring Mubai together, but this happened, doesn't that mean they also planned to bring Mubai to have fun?

Regardless of whether the elders in the family say it or not, this little girl of mine has to tear herself apart.

"Brother Bai, please don't. If my sister asks you later, you have to talk about it carefully. Brother Wen and I didn't mess around. It's just that there was a little accident while we were waiting for you."

"Yeah, Brother Liang and I think we will wait for you first."


Hearing the rather improper boasting of the two, Mu Bai chuckled lightly, knowing that there should be a limit to joking, he put down the light machine: "It's not too bad, this matter."

"Let me rob, just go there."


"What is this for?"


When the two heard that Mu Bai was going to rob, they immediately looked at him with such expressions, as if they wanted to know what Mu Bai was doing.

Economic power left behind?

Still playing some robbery game?

Just when the two were puzzled, Mu Bai smiled and explained to them that he needed to borrow the elixir for cultivation from them.

Of course, he didn't say what to do specifically, after all, he really can't say anything about hanging up the phone, but fortunately, this is a pill used in cultivation, and the two of them just need to use their brain cells to make up for Mu Bai's need to use them to increase his strength .

"Hey, that's it? Don't worry, I'll get you some later!"

"Don't worry, Brother Bai, we don't have much, that's all we have, I'll take care of it for you!"

After learning about Mu Bai's needs, the two immediately said that they would take care of the matter.

And Mu Bai looked at them with a smile: Take the bait!

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