I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 807: Breaking Through the Starry Sky Realm!

807 Breaking Through the Starry Sky Realm!

"The scenery is still beautiful!"

On the top of the mountain, Mu Bai sat on a rock and watched the sky's turbulent wind and clouds, feeling boundless in his heart.

And he seemed to be fulfilling the promise he had just made to An You, staying where he was, never going anywhere.

"call out!"

At this moment, a voice sounded, and an old man with white hair and childlike face appeared behind Mu Bai in a pale white robe.

"Is it all arranged?"

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Upon hearing this voice, Mu Bai immediately realized who it was, and immediately got up to salute: "I just didn't expect Bingzu to come so soon."

As soon as Mu Bai made all the arrangements, Bingxuan appeared behind him. Mu Bai had to be suspicious of this. In fact, Bingzu was here a long time ago, just waiting for him to arrange things properly.

"Know what you're thinking."

Hearing that Bingxuan walked over, he looked at Mu Bai angrily, this junior is good at everything, but he is too smart.

"I came here when you gave the order, and I have to say, you arranged it very well."

After complimenting Mu Bai, Bingxuan turned around and looked at the scene of moving clouds that day: "Are you going to break through?"

Breakthrough, this is the main purpose of the ancestors.

Gain Mubai told the ancestors yesterday that he wanted to break through the starry sky realm.

According to their understanding of Mu Bai, once he said he wanted to break through, he might break through directly, so Bingxuan came here directly today.

After all, the few of them broke through, and it can be seen from the two previous people that the commotion was not small.

Therefore, Bingxuan came here to help Mu Bai sweep the formation.

It's just that Mu Bai didn't expect that the ancestor would come just now, at least he thought it would take tomorrow and the day after tomorrow to come.

"Yes, since Bingzu is here, I'm ready to break through, kid!"

Mu Bai didn't say anything about this, anyway, he has accumulated millions of skill points these days, and he has practiced Qin Fen very well recently, so he is only short of hundreds of thousands of skill points to break through.

In terms of his current wealth, a breakthrough is really just a matter of talking.

Immediately, he got up and prepared to change places.

"Don't bother!"

At this time, Bingxuan saw Mu Bai stand up, so he knew what he was going to do, and immediately waved his hand, a space door appeared in the air.

"Go in, there, except for the vision, no one else will notice you. The last time Fei'er broke through, if it wasn't in the Yanbing Terrace, it probably would have been the same."

What a convenient spatial supernatural power!

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai felt admiration in his heart, and after lamenting the fragrance of the magical power of space, he nodded and agreed: "Boy understands."

Then he was not polite, and flew directly into that space.

After he entered, Bingxuan even waved his big hand towards the sky, covering the entire human starry sky.

Seeming to feel the changes in the sky, some human race powers felt a little inexplicable, and then put down the business at hand and looked at the sky.

"This kind of vision, could it be another breakthrough of our human race's genius?"

"There are so many geniuses in just one month. Congratulations!"

Seeing this familiar scene, some great powers reacted immediately, and then stood still and praised.

Just when they praised so much, Mu Bai also settled down in the space at this time.

I saw him sitting cross-legged, surrounded by star power, and the wind was surging.

"It takes one million to break through to the first level of the Starry Sky Realm. I have practiced for a while, and I have already saved more than 400,000. Now I only need more than 500,000 skills."

In the space, Mu Bai looked at the information on the light curtain, and after a while of calculations, he clicked the plus sign behind his cultivation base, and then saw a pop-up window, apparently to ask Mu Bai to input numbers.

For this, Mubai started to operate directly, input detection, and clicked to confirm.


It was almost just an instant, after the skill points were filled to the brim, Mu Bai felt a super power suddenly emerge from his whole body, and at the same time his star core vibrated violently, as if there would be a big change in the future.


But at this time in the sky above, suddenly there was loud thunder and dark clouds, but because of the restriction of the Ice Mystery, people couldn't detect it.

Same as before, when Mu Bai broke through, the sky above was slowly condensing the starry sky, and it was spreading to the surroundings.

"It's really the same as what Xue'er said, Mubai meant to break through when he said breakthrough!"

Although before coming, Bingxuan had already learned from Shuangxue that Mu Bai made a breakthrough when he said it.

But when it was really reduced, he still couldn't help being shocked. You must know that when a warrior breaks through, who doesn't first brew his feelings, then warm up his body, and then prepare for the breakthrough.

In the end, Mu Bai was fine, he didn't have any foreplay, and he was directly attracted. This made the well-informed Bing Xuan couldn't help but admire: "This kid, the control over cultivation is really high."

If Mu Bai knew that they were surprised by this matter, he would be speechless.

After all, for him, as long as he has enough skill points, breaking through is as simple as drinking water, and getting stuck in the realm will never happen to him.

So his breakthrough has no limit.

"Hoo hoo!"

At this time, Mu Bai was sitting in the space, with star power surging around him, and soon he could see a little bit of star power floating beside him, and finally with him as the center, a circular star power particle field was formed, just like a starry sky.

Mubai's body also began to change rapidly. After the violent vibration at the beginning, his star core began to burst out with a strong suction force, which immediately sucked away the surrounding star power.


For Mu Bai's violent plundering of star power, the star power of Mu Bai's planet and its surroundings are both at the first level, and there seems to be an inexplicable coercion suppressing the vicinity.

Next, with the stabilization of his vision, there was no major change in what he saw. The only thing there was the vision starry sky that was covered in the sky, which was expanding a little bit at this time, rushing towards all parts of the human race .

And as time goes by, there are more and more visions, which attract people's attention, and more and more.

Among the foreign races, it was also because of Mu Bai's breakthrough that they exploded at this time.

"Who is this?! Who is this?!"

"If it could be speculated that it was the young man and the white fox from the human race before, what about now? Who is this one first, and the breakthrough vision is no different from the first one!"

"My lord, my subordinates don't know!"

Looking at the man with soaring demonic flames and mighty power above, the demon who reported the situation below felt a little bitter.

We don't know that, there are only two people with this kind of talent in the human race.

As for the third place, I really don't know!

"Go down!"

Staring at the people below, the Golden Horned Demon exuding demonic energy waved helplessly to let him go down, and at the same time looked in the direction of the human race, murmuring.

"Who is this third person?"

At this time, not only here, but even other races are guessing who will be the third person who will break through the vision of the starry sky.

As the peak race of the universe, the genius of the human race, all races will naturally pay attention, among which Mu Bai and Shuangxue pay the most attention.

This is true for both enemies and allies.

As we all know, after breaking through the Star Martial Realm, every major breakthrough will be accompanied by a vision in the sky, and the bigger the vision, it naturally means that the feedback and improvement after the breakthrough will be the highest, and the foundation will be the strongest.

When breaking through the starry sky realm, as far as the human race is concerned, the breakthrough vision of a general genius will be in the size of half a domain, and the best geniuses will be in the size of a domain. to the size of the three domains.

The arbitrariness of eternity is far greater than that of the three domains, and currently only the ancestors and the two descendants of the twelve families have it, and the human race is not like other people.

Of course, except for Mu Bai and the others.

So it is conceivable that the talents of Mu Bai and others are so high in terms of the long history of the development of the human race.

What's more, for Shuangxue and Mu Bai, the vision still shows signs of overflowing the territory of the human race. From the side, it can be said that the talents of the two seem to be higher than those of the ancestors back then.

Therefore, it is necessary to arouse the fear of all races.

So much so that at this time, after noticing the vision of Mu Bai's breakthrough, many ethnic powers lamented that the battle of ten thousand races was going well, and there were even many people who planned to find Mu Bai and the other three, and then enter Time to kill them.

It's good to be talented.

But the talent is not mine, so it must be destroyed.

At this point, it is very selfish to believe in all races in the universe.


And when all the clans outside were jumping around, Bingxuan, who helped Mu Bai sweep the formation, looked up to the sky and laughed, his tone seemed to be very happy.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mu Bai, at any rate, these ancestors watched him grow up, so seeing this scene now, Bingxuan has a feeling that I call him a kid who has just grown up.

"Very good! Boy Mubai, it's not in vain for my patriarch to be so optimistic about you!"

Through the restraint, Bingxuan couldn't help laughing heartily when he saw the sky-shaking vision. The more eye-catching performance of Mu Bai and the others, the higher their future achievements.

At the same time, Bingxuan also dispelled a lot of depression because of being pitted by the demon, thin, and insect clan this time.

"Is it a battle of thousands of races? It's time to make your heart hurt."

For some reason, Bingxuan was very confident that Mu Bai and the others would reach Nirvana within three years, and immediately he stopped talking, stood with his hands behind his back and looked towards the sky, admiring the beauty of the vision.


But at this time, the star power in Mu Bai's body exploded, and an invisible air wave thought to spread around, and then the starry sky above suddenly sank downwards, and the destination was exactly the place where Mu Bai broke through.


The starry sky fell, sinking from the top of Mu Bai's head, washing his whole body.

At the same time, Mu Bai only felt that terrible changes were taking place around him, whether it was star power or the purity of star power particles, they were all rising at a rocket-like speed.


Moreover, around his star core, with the emergence of irrigation, the originally empty surroundings quickly filled up, with his star core as the center, forming a starry sky, combining nebula and star sea, the four complement each other, as if forming a An inner universe with only one planet.

This also marks that the Mubai Starry Sky Realm has made a breakthrough!

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