I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 817 It Makes My Hands Itchy!

"If they know my identity, there is really a possibility!"

At this time, Mu Bai thought about his identity, and became more determined. The Ming family knew his identity, and it might be related to Shitianlou.

"It's so hard to be a genius."

For some reason, Mu Bai shook his head, as if he was working hard, but thinking of what the person above said, he still shook his head: "Where is the senior, I am just a junior, and I know a little bit of tricks."


Hearing Mu Bai's words, the man chuckled and didn't speak any more, but said to the void: "Why, we've all come out, why don't you come out?"

Although it looked light and ethereal, Kemu Bai saw that the sound waves he said blasted the starry sky all the way, and only stopped when it spread to one of them.


A bombardment sounded, and a man walked out of the starry sky with flames in his hands, and two people followed behind him.

These three people are Mu Bai's successors. The three palace masters of Yanbing Terrace, Huo Qi, Mu Yun, and Xia Sheng, two men and one woman, are all very prestigious people in the human race.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be the three brothers of the Wu family who defected. I was worried that I couldn't catch you, so I sent them to your door. Thank you!"

The one who spoke was Huo Qi, who was in charge of Yan Bingtai invited by Mu Bai this time, and mainly cooperated with him to destroy the Ming family, and continue to investigate matters later.

As for the latter two, they are masters invited by Mu Bai.

You must know that he can indeed use a lot of people this time, but there are not many real top combat powers, so he directly invited three palace masters to ensure no worries.

The ending was obvious, as if to verify his conjecture, Mu Bai hired someone this time, it was the right one.

Three against three, at least in terms of top combat power, they won't suffer.

Although he didn't know how strong the three people in the Heaven Devouring Tower were.

"Hall Master Huo still likes to joke as always, come on, this time it seems that the plan has failed, but the Ming family can't be destroyed!"

Hearing this, the last big man among the three wielded a pair of hammers, took a step forward, and watched the three of Huo Qi fight again and again.

"Of course it can!"

Huo Qi did not show any weakness to this, and transformed into a flaming gun in his hand, and at a point in the starry sky between the two sides, a huge black hole appeared.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Immediately afterwards, only two sounds of breaking through the air were heard, and they all rushed into the black hole.

"After we go in, you go to cover the retreat of the Ming family. Remember not to fight hard! By the way, if you can kill him, you will be the last."

The brown-haired man who was instructing the members of the Heaven-Cheating Tower behind him, suddenly pointed at Mu Bai after speaking halfway, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Such a person is worthy of our Heaven-Chulou's attack!"

"Yes! Guardian!"

Hearing his order, all the people behind him took orders, and then turned to look at Mu Bai, as if they wanted to crush him to ashes.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

Seeing that his subordinate finished answering, that person rushed into the black hole, and as he entered, other people also entered one after another, including Ming Long and the other two palace masters, as well as the Immortal Realm of both sides.

Because they know that this is their battlefield.

"Jueying, you can go too, just leave this place to me!"

Looking at Jueying, Mu Bai said to him, then slowly stood up, after sitting for so long, it's time for him to exercise.

"Well, good, be safe!"

Hearing the words, Jueying did not refuse. After all, this is a battlefield, and the more powerful the two sides are, the more changes they can cause.

What's more, with the entry of these Immortal Realm and above people, the outsiders are at most Nirvana Realm Ninth Level, even if the enemy still has a backup, he doesn't believe that Mu Bai has no backup.

On this point, even though it was only a few days ago, he was still very sure that Mu Bai would not be so simple.

"call out!"

Then I saw his figure disappearing into the black hole.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Just after Jueying left, two figures beside Mu Bai attacked directly. It was Hu Wen and Hu Liang who had led the team from the very beginning.

"Mubai, if you let Jueying in, what if you let the enemy ambush you?"

It was Hu Wen who spoke, and seeing Mu Bai let Jueying leave, he was still a little worried, after all, these people might still leave behind.

"Do not worry."

"Brother Wen, haven't you noticed that the Fire King Galaxy Federation Special Operations Group and the head of the Imperial Supervision Department are not here?"

Mu Bai glanced at Hu Wen, and his tone was full of confidence: "Actually, I have called them a long time ago, and they are stationed in various places. At least people in the Immortal Realm cannot come in."

"These few people from the Heaven Devouring Building can enter, presumably they were arranged here a few days ago, so they can escape their detection."

"I see!"

Hearing what Mu Bai said, Hu Wen saw that there seemed to be a few people in charge missing, and he even secretly praised him in his heart, as his brother-in-law, he always likes to plan ahead.

"Well, next, our opponents are them!"

Seeing that Hu Wen understood, Mu Bai looked at the nearly 100,000 Sky Eater members in the starry sky, licked his lips, and then ordered to the outermost army before: "Kill! Not one left!"

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

And following his order, the troops that were originally in the surrounding area shot out one after another, and the star power cannons and attacks all flew towards them, covering the sky and the sun, and enveloping those people inside.

"Leave in all directions. According to the previous plan, everyone will return the Ming family to their cages, and then gradually retreat."

"Another 10,000 people, come with me and kill the boy named by the guardian!"

At this time, the person who took the order just now ordered those members to disperse to find the Ming family, and he rushed to Mubai at the bottom with ten thousand people.

It has to be said that although his decision is somewhat inappropriate, it is the most useful method at the moment.

After all, they are surrounded. Breaking them into parts is the best way, but once they are surrounded, there is only one dead end.

"Army, kill!"

Seeing them scattered in all directions, Mu Bai suddenly ordered the army to move.

Originally, he was not needed to command, but as the commanders of these troops entered the black hole, Mu Bai had to take over the command.


"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

After he gave an order, he saw all the troops in small groups attacking the scattered enemies, and in a short while, many people collided with each other.

"Mubai be careful, these people are coming!"

At the same time, when Hu Wen saw the leader rushing towards Mu Bai with all the people, his expression became serious, but he was not worried, anyway, there were quite a few people who came to the banquet square just now.

Immediately, these people understood and formed a circle, protecting Mu Bai in the middle, so as to resist the impact of these Sky Devouring Tower members.

"Put the people from the Starry Sky Realm in!"

At this time, looking at the people who were getting closer, Mu Bai picked up Han Yue, and gave a warning to Hu Wen and Hu Liang who were about to rush out. Seeing this, the two wanted to persuade each other, but after seeing her expression, He didn't say anything more.

"Don't worry, this can still be done."

"People in Nirvana can't get close to your voice!"

"Thank you!"

Holding Hanyue's hand tightly, Mu Bai thanked the two who rushed out, and then began to brew.

In fact, as a strict commander, Mu Bai didn't need to make a move, he only had to coordinate the overall situation, but he saw these people rushing over.

All he could say was, his hands were itchy!

Of course, there are still people who want to try it with Tianzhulou, because he knows that the materials say that the members of Tianzhulou are stronger than the same level.

This is just right, allowing Mu Bai to test his current strength.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

The two sides bombarded together in an instant, and in Mu Bai's eyes, these members of the Heaven Devouring Tower, as if they were desperate for their lives, rushed towards him, but they were all blocked by the nearby people.

These blocking members, people from various forces, Yanbingtai, Yujiansi, etc., are all people who Mu Bai asked them to come to clean up the Zhongming family in the banquet hall.

In the end, he didn't expect to become a barrier to protect him now. It has to be said that the world is unpredictable.

But soon, under the siege of these people, finally some people from Chetian Lou rushed to Mu Bai's side.

The first person who came over was a third-level Starry Sky Realm person, looking a little thin, holding a long sword, looking at Mu Bai ferociously, as if he wanted to kill him with a sword.

"call out!"


But Mubai was even faster, after seeing someone approaching, he immediately erupted and appeared in front of that person like thunder, at the same time, the only remaining Hanyue in his hand was inserted into that person's body.

"how come?!"

Seeing that Mu Bai is so strong, after being brutally killed by him, he looked at him in disbelief, as if he didn't expect that one day he would lose to a starry sky realm first level in seconds.

"Don't you know me?"

Seeing his appearance, Mu Bai frowned, then pulled out Hanyue, picked up the dead body, and threw it at the person who wanted him to kill him.

At the same time, he was not idle, turned his body, drew a half-moon slash in the air with the cold moon, and swung it straight to the back.


There was another loud noise, and those who rushed towards Mu Bai were submerged under his attack. Feeling the unbelievable eyes of Mu Bai and others, Mu Bai immediately understood.

None of these people knew about his other identity, which made him, who originally planned to use the magical power of time, immediately choke off this momentum.

Before, he thought that almost all of these Tianzhu people knew his identity.

But following the shocked expressions of these members, and the words of the person who gave the order in front, saying that he was worth shooting, it was almost only a moment, which made Mu Bai a little puzzled, whether these people knew his identity or not.

It also made him, who originally thought that the white fox would disappear in the Jianghu today, seem to be able to take another look.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

At the same time, Anyi and the others who had been hiding beside Mu Bai also suddenly appeared, forming a square shape to resist most of the people rushing towards Mu Bai, so that they could have a good output environment.

"It seems that this matter is getting more and more fun!"

After thinking this through, Mu Bai suddenly felt that the matter of his identity was not as simple as he imagined.

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