For more than ten days in a row, the Fire King Galaxy slowly quieted down.

After blocking the news for the first few days, Mu Bai later saw that the matter had been concluded, so he made the matter public.

Immediately, after knowing the details of the matter, the entire human race almost knew how the Ming family managed to die.

Communicate with demons?

Assassination genius?

Obediently, this is incredible!

Is it that my human race can't lift a knife, or your Ming family is too drifting.

For a while, everyone in the Ming family was screaming and beating. If the headquarters hadn't been taken over by Mu Bai, it is estimated that there are many righteous people who would come here to trouble them.

But that's the case, after the human race announced the Ming family's escape list, almost the entire human race kept these faces firmly in mind.

It is worth mentioning that Ming Feihai and Ming Feilu are also among the escape names.

Of course, there is an even more explosive piece of information later on, but this is not Mu Bai's intention, but the Federation's intention.

Just to expose Mu Bai's information, as the commander-in-chief this time, it can be said that he shocked everyone's eyes. Among other things, the identity of the commander-in-chief is almost known to everyone.

Some forces that got the news in advance were not too surprised after the news came out.

The second is to include Mubai's action plan this time. Whether Sui has explained in detail, but it should be the federation building up momentum for Mubai, breaking the news that he is the only commander, and making countless people marvel at his deployment ability.

As for the last point, after the incident broke out, the Federation also specially contacted the family members of those geniuses who were framed by the Ming family. Generally speaking, it can be regarded as giving them a good death.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Mu Bai, my brother-in-law, I didn't expect you to be so cunning."

At this time, in the headquarters set up by Huo Wang Xing Mubai, Hu Wen and Hu Liang, who had been raiding their homes outside for the past few days, finally stopped going out today and came to discuss matters with him.

As a result, just after he came in the first step, Hu Wen couldn't help admiring.

"What's the matter with me? Come on, brother Wen, help me. There are a lot of documents to be processed these days. I didn't expect that there are so many people related to the Ming family."

As soon as he saw the two people coming, Mu Bai sat on the desk and waved to Hu Wen, wanting him to help. As for Hu Liang, he was obviously not a person who ate this bowl of food, so it was useless to call.

"You let me? You should be the conductor and let me do the work for you. Are you embarrassed?"

"It's all written on it. You did this operation yourself. How can you let me help you with the work? Do you know from the beginning to the end?"


Pull me down, you just don't want to help me deal with it, talking so much nonsense.

In fact, Mu Bai was also very helpless about the federation's campaign.

This is because the ancestor told him that if you don't do anything about your identity as Mubai, you will become a golden signboard of Ruanfan.

In the end, there was no other way, Mu Bai had no choice but to agree to the proposal, and the video of him fighting that day was also distributed together, but it has not been sent out yet.

Using the old ancestor's words, before the hot spot goes down, the video will not be released for the time being.

After all, as an action video, it is purely confidential. If it is released at this time, it is easy to be caught by some black and white people, saying that he is hyping himself.

It has to be said that the Federation is professional when it comes to building momentum.

"If you don't help, you won't help. Is it interesting to say such a long series of words?"

As he spoke, Mu Bai gave him a blank look, and continued to read the information Qi Yanbingtai sent back.


Seeing this, Hu Wen thief ran up with a smile, completely inconsistent with his humble son-in-law: "I said brother-in-law, I remember that Ming Feihai and Ming Feilu are being tortured, why did you put them on the escape list? .”

Yes, find me if you need anything!

As soon as he heard this, Mu Bai suddenly understood that he had something to do with him, so he immediately put down the information: "Brother Wen, tell me, what is your business with me?"

"If you just ask me why I put fake news, you know, it's just a feint."


This brother-in-law is too smart, but it is actually a very helpless thing.

Hearing Mu Bai's words, Hu Wen understood that he didn't need to talk about it, just talk about the business.

"It's just that the grandpas in my family want me to ask, what are you going to do with the troops controlled by the Ming family in the Eastern Territory? You must know that you have dismissed the chiefs of these troops, and you are in a situation where there is no leader."

Well, it turned out to be this!

"The army of the Eastern Region, the military headquarters of the Eastern Region has the final say, I will not get involved, and I will not do anything."

As he spoke, Mu Bai looked at Hu Wen solemnly, telling them to do whatever they wanted.

In fact, this is also the fault of the Ming family, who stretched the stall too big, so after they were taken away, there were a lot of empty things.

These need to be filled by people, which can also be said to be dividing the cake.

It's just that now that the cake came out, Mu Bai hadn't moved, and those forces didn't dare to make a move, so they had to wait.

But the Hu family is different, they and Mu Bai don't need so many polite words, just ask directly.

Although Mu Bai said this, but if Mu Bai wanted to arrange people in the military department, they would not say anything.


When Hu Liang heard that Mu Bai didn't want it, he laughed immediately. After all, there were five galaxies, and the total number of people including logistics was over billions. It's not that his Hu family lacked these, but

"Thank you, brother-in-law, for fulfilling your wish. Before, the grandpas said that if you want it, they won't care about it."

"But if you don't want it, just give me these legions when I get up."

Feelings like this!

Now Mu Bai understood why Hu Liang laughed as soon as he finished speaking.

In the human race, the highest unit of the army is the corps. Each galaxy has two to three regular combat corps. In addition, there are various troops such as garrison troops.

So adding up to five galaxies is a lot.

Although Hu Liang has not yet come out alone to lead the army, it may be very good to prepare before then.

"Brother Liang, you have to work hard. If you lead the army alone, you will be a general!"

General is the title of the position of commanding a galaxy corps, and above it is the marshal, which only belongs to the leadership of the highest personnel in the field.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Hu Liang smiled and scratched his head: "It's still early, it's still there, it's just a reservation."


Seeing this, Mu Bai stepped forward, took out a plate of information and handed it to Hu Wen: "It is estimated that you have other things you want besides this army. , see what you need."

"Take it as the reward for the Hu family's attack this time. You don't need to refuse it. It's from me, the commander."

"As for you to choose the rest, you can take the lead and negotiate with the local forces."


Originally, Hu Wen was very entangled in the beginning, the strength of the Ming family in the Eastern Region was not small, but now they heard that Mu Bai asked them to choose first, and then share the cake with others.

Obviously because of the family, as for what the command gave, it was simply a cover.

So he was worried that he, Hu Jiana, would be unfriendly to other forces, after all, the cake was only so big.

But later, when he heard that Mu Bai asked them to take the good things and give others, he didn't write anything.


This time, Hu Wen didn't thank him. The family doesn't talk about two families. It's enough to understand many things, so there is no need to explain them clearly.

"call out!"

At this moment, Lingtu's figure suddenly appeared in the hall, she just came over, without looking sideways, she walked to Mu Bai's side: "Ming Feihai and Ming Feilu have recruited, but they want to talk to you personally Say."

Ming Feihai and Ming Feilu didn't actually escape, but Mu Bai gave Ming Long and Ming Yuqing false information to let them know that there were still people in the Ming family so that they could be lured out later.

"Speak to me personally?"

Mu Bai looked at Lingtu, and found that the latter nodded firmly, then thought for a moment, and then made a decision: "Then let's go, I want to see what he has to say."

After speaking, Mu Bai glanced at Hu Wen and Hu Liang, and motioned for them to come together.

The other two were also curious and followed to have a look.

Walking along the way, because Lingtu used local materials, not far from Mubai's place, so they walked into a dimly lit room very quickly.

"Hehe, you're here."

As soon as he entered, Mu Bai saw the filthy, extremely embarrassed Ming Feihai sitting against the wall, watching him come in, Ming Feihai coughed up blood, and greeted him.

And next to it, Ming Feilu and An You who watched over the two of them were lying.

"Yeah, I want to see who gave you the courage to come and trouble me."

Mu Bai was not polite about this, he motioned to the people around him to take a look, and then walked over carelessly: "I don't like nonsense either, tell me everything you know."


As soon as Mu Bai's words fell, a strange color appeared in Ming Feihai's eyes, but after Lingtu took out a thing that was emitting electricity, it was submerged.

"What do you want to know?"

Looking at Mu Bai, Ming Feihai didn't say it directly, but asked him what he wanted to know.

Really slippery!

With a slander in his heart, Mu Bai glanced at Ming Feilu not far away: "Anyou, take Ming Feilu away from here."


Seeing this, Anyou immediately took orders and took Ming Feilu away.

What he did was obviously intending to separate the two to prevent them from colluding.

"You are so cunning."

At this time Ming Feihai saw the second brother who was taken away, and said with a bit of a smile, in fact, he knew that he still had such thoughts to some extent, but when Mu Bai came up, this thought was directly cut off.

"Hehe, generally cunning."

Being called cunning, Mu Bai didn't feel anything, and looked at him blankly: "Tell me, the relationship between your Ming family and Shitianlou, and my identity!"

Mu Bai went straight to the point without any hesitation.

"Is there a relationship? A cooperative relationship. Hundreds of millions of years ago, a person from the Sky Devourer came to us and said that we should cooperate, as long as we can provide them with information, and we can hunt down the geniuses of the race, and exchange resources with them."


Hearing the resources, Mu Bai frowned: "What do you mean, your family is short of resources?"

"Hehe, those are the resources that can break through to the realm of immortality regardless of talent. After all, who wouldn't want to break through to that realm."

Said Ming Feihai looked forward to it, obviously he was very yearning.

"Breakthrough to Immortal Realm?!"

But Mu Bai and the others couldn't help but exclaim after hearing his words. a bit strong.

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