I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 825: The Cold Light in the North of the Fire King Galaxy

The coming of Tong Cheng was within Mu Bai's expectation, but also beyond his expectation.

Before Mu Bai thought that the other party would come later, and even came to look for him, it was not because of the cooperation.

After all, in the outside world, he has said in public more than once that he wants to poach Mu Bai's corner.

Mu Bai thought that he came here this time to speak harshly.

In the end, he came to find cooperation, which surprised Mu Bai, but he quickly realized that he used another method to end the topic.

At the same time, because there is no clear reply from Mu Bai, even if he said that just now, it will not make the two parties completely disconnected, at least the road of cooperation is not blocked.

The coming of Tongcheng is just the beginning. In the next few days, whether it is the southern region or other forces in the eastern region, there will be heavyweights coming to find Mubai.

Tongcheng is not the only one who sees these essences, others naturally know.

The ancestors also turn a blind eye to such things, because Shuangxue has now started to gain power, so the people on her giant wheel need to be gradually enriched.

But it is inconvenient for her to show up, the target is now, so Mu Bai is representing her, and is now dealing with each other from various forces.

Regarding these people, Mubai may not be like Tongcheng, after all they are very polite in speaking, and what needs to be dealt with now is the affairs of the two domains, it would indeed be beneficial to unite with them.

So after a few days, although Mu Bai said he didn't agree, he was really thinking about how to check and balance in his heart.

at night,

"Anyou, hand these over to the various forces in the Southern Territory, and it's just the same if you accept it or not. They also know how to deal with it."

In the office, Mu Bai picked up two stacks of documents that had been sorted out, and handed one of them to An You, asking him to deliver it.


Hearing this, Anyou didn't hesitate, and after accepting the task readily, she disappeared immediately.

"Lingtu, this is yours. Help me deliver them to the various forces in the Eastern Region. The Hu family won't have to go. I will tell you in person."

Then Mu Bai picked up another stack of materials, handed it to Ling Tu, and then disappeared without a nod.


After finishing all this, Mu Bai couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief: "It's really tiring, thinking about the action plan, I feel that I need a think tank."

"Hehe, I don't think you need a think tank."

Just after Mu Bai finished speaking, a voice sounded, but there was no one in the office, and Mu Bai didn't care about it, shaking his head: "Jueying, what you said, if you want to praise me, just say it, don't In this way, I will be embarrassed."

Because of Jueying's personal protection, he would often chat with Mu Bai when no one was around.

With this back and forth, the distance between the two of them also narrowed.

For example, now, Mu Bai would directly tease each other.


Mu Bai's narcissistic words obviously made Jueying startled, but he didn't deny it: "Although this is suspected of complimenting you, I have to say that you have the feeling of Xuanzu back then."

"He is also like you. One person's wisdom is worth a group of people. Basically, all the decisions and risk avoidance are thought by him alone."

Because Jueying grew up with the ancestors, during the chats of the past few days, he came in and heard that the other party would talk about Yiqian and the ancestors.

Mu Bai will listen quietly to this, after all this is more true than the gossip outside.

"That's Xuan Zu, how can I compare?"

Hearing this, Mu Bai waved his hands. Xuanzu Xuanxuan, as the brain trust of the human race, can be said to be the one who has always grasped the general direction of the human race.

It is precisely because of this that the human race is developing so fast now and is feared by all races.


On the other side, Jueying chuckled and stopped talking. It wasn't that he didn't say anything, but that there were people outside at this time.

"Knock knock knock!"

"Brother-in-law Mu Bai, please, I am your brother-in-law!"


When Mu Bai inside heard this, his face immediately turned black. He didn't need to guess, he knew who the people behind him would be. At this stage, the ones who called his brother-in-law every day were Hu Wen and Hu Liang.

"Don't ask if you are there, if you ask, you are not there!"

After Mu Bai said something to the outside angrily, he waved his hand and opened the door honestly.

As expected, it was Hu Wen and Hu Liang. It was just that they were both wearing formal clothes and looked ready to go.

"Two brothers, who are you?"

Seeing them like this, Mu Bai had a premonition in his heart, so he immediately asked.

"Hey, say goodbye."

It was Hu Liang who spoke, and he came forward first: "This banquet is over, and things here in the Huowang galaxy have temporarily calmed down. Lao Wu and I have to go."

"Oh? Why."

Tucao return to Tucao, Mu Bai still had a good chat with Hu Wen and Hu Liang, so now that he heard that the two were leaving, he was still a little unhappy.

"For this battle of thousands of races, the elders in the family want to train us in the military."

Hu Liang didn't hide it from Mu Bai, this matter is actually quite normal, after all there are still three years to go before the fight, it's also great for parents to help them prepare for their homework.

"That's it."

Hearing this, Mubai nodded his head, looking contemplative, he is familiar with this routine, and he seems to be trained as well, and he is still that group of ancestors, so he didn't say anything when he heard this, and stepped forward to pat him with his fist. two people.

"Then train well, and when the time comes, we will meet in the Ten Thousand Clans Battle and defend against the enemy together!"

"Don't worry, even if you don't look for us, we will look for you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, after all, I have to keep up with the person that Mr. Xiong got rid of himself."

When the two heard this, they both laughed and came over to hold Mu Bai's shoulders, then patted hard a few times, and then left first.

The farewell between men is not so twitchy.

"Really, it's powerful enough!"

Seeing the backs of the two leaving home, Mu Bai shook his head, touched his shoulder and smiled helplessly.

Then they walked back to the window and looked at the night sky of the two of them: "After this time is over, I think it's time for me to retreat for a long time."

With the moonlight shining on his face, Mu Bai had a clear understanding of the road ahead for the next few years.

Because with the coming of the massacre of all races, many things have to give way.

Even with Mubai's incident this time, his action plan and the materials for the Eastern Region or the Southern Region have been laying the groundwork, and he didn't talk about real action.

He also understands that it will definitely not work if the above moths are excluded on the eve of the battle of ten thousand races.

He still understands this.

Time passed like this, after Hu Wen and Hu Liang left, Mu Bai obviously handled things much faster.

It's not that the two of them disturbed Mu Bai, but after the two of them left, Mu Bai knew that he had to hurry up.

During this period, apart from Lan Bao'er looking for him, no one came into his office.

Anyou and Lingtu are still outside and haven't come back, because this time Mubai's deployment is in two domains, so many galaxies need them to run, and it is estimated that it will be impossible to complete within a few months.

As for the Huowang galaxy, after Mu Bai showed up to talk to everyone for the first time, the factions that were still alive here breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Mu Bai clearly stated at the meeting that the people here have been dealt with, and in the general direction, they will not attack the forces again.

As for why the Lan family was not taken away by Mu Bai after taking refuge in the Ming family, everyone could only lament that they had a good junior.

Well, it's still a girl

This piece of information has activated many people's minds.

Here in the Fire King Galaxy, it happens to be the epitome of the entire human race. Before Mubai Leiting took action to destroy the Ming family, it can be said that there was a lot of public opinion for a while.

I don't know how many gossips come out every day, whether this or that is very lively.

However, the enthusiasm for all this has gradually subsided, especially after the federation announced the massacre of all races, everyone became extremely quiet.

After all, everyone knows that the reason for this battle of ten thousand races is because the human race has produced two geniuses that all races have to face.

Frost Snow and White Fox!

These two names are now famous not only in the human race, but also on the must-kill list in other races.

Therefore, everyone is not stupid. Knowing that the start of the Ten Thousand Clans Killing War is for these two people in advance, when it makes everyone angry, they still can't help but look forward to it.

Looking forward to it, even they felt that there were some unrealistic ideas.


It was still the original office, Mu Bai hadn't rested for countless days, I saw him stretching: "After ten days of sleepless nights, I finally finished all the plans."

"Let them go at this pace for the next time, and at the same time, it's time for me to prepare well."

"After all, everyone seems to have unrealistic ideas this time, so don't let them down."

Thinking of the thoughts of those people in the human race, Mu Baiyao naturally understood that he got up and was about to put these materials away, so he wanted to tell Jueying to leave directly.

But the next moment, he felt a shocking cold air spreading, and the cold air condensed into fog, like wind and clouds, and enveloped the entire Fire King galaxy inside.

And this kind of coldness is just the beginning, and it is spreading towards other galaxies at an incredible speed.

"this is!"

Aware of this change, Mu Bai was stunned for a moment, and quickly ran to the window, and saw that the entire Fire King Planet, under the erosion of the cold air, had a tendency to freeze.

"what is that?!"

At this time, he noticed that there was a dazzling cold light flickering in the north of Fire King, and he also knew that the cold light here was emitted from there.

"Crack, click!"

The cold light was shining, and when Mu Bai was looking at these, he suddenly felt that his office was also frozen, and this made him take a few steps back.

"What a strong cold air!"

As the cold air approached, Mu Bai instinctively resisted with star power, but to his disappointment, he seemed unable to stop it, and had a tendency to freeze.


Such a change made him startled, but luckily Jueying was still there, and he flew out from Mu Bai's shadow, waved his big hand to dissipate the cold air, and then saw that the cold air couldn't get close to him.

"Jueying is this?"

Looking at Jueying, Mu Bai was a little puzzled, his brows tightened.

"Ice Soul of the Universe!"

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