I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 837 Compared to group fights, I am the strongest in single fights


In the air, the moment the ice and fire twin dragons and the time wind vortex meet, a dazzling light is lit up, and then there is a shocking explosion, and the entire empty point is oscillating crazily.


The icy water surged and slapped on the glacier, cracks appeared, and some glaciers directly collapsed into ice crystals and disappeared into the world under the explosion.

Right below the explosion, a huge pothole appeared. Whether it was a glacier or ice water, they were all emitting white smoke. Obviously, under this powerful attack, they were evaporating.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

And as the two instigators of this scene, after attacking the explosion, they bypassed the center of the explosion and fought on the other side.

I saw the two volleying at each other, refusing to give in to each other. Ukata carried ice and fire wings, capable of attacking and assisting, the long spear in his hand was surrounded by ice and fire, and the whole space was filled with countless ice and fire powers. Kill it.

Mu Bai is carrying the purple-gold whirlwind wings on his back, transforming the attack to the extreme. Every time the transformed wings will cause space shocks, the flame prison in his hand carries the world-shattering sword aura, the sword screams and roars, and countless sword aura rings Waiting around, wreaking havoc on the entire space.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!".

The sword shadow and gun light, after the initial trial, the two have already killed at this time. Two strong men from different eras, but talented enough to suppress them for a lifetime, finally crossed the long river of time and appreciated their respective strengths.

At the same time, it is also showing that the starry sky realm can be so strong!


There was an explosion, and the two gave up their weapons to attack, and retreated with palms facing each other.

"You are very good!"

"You are also impatient!"

The two who backed up and stood firm, praised each other, and saw Ukata appearing first, and saw that his whole body was floating with the power of ice and fire, attracting the world.

Then under Mu Bai's gaze, he saw the sky with fire clouds billowing, and the scorching heat might make even the ninth level of the starry sky realm retreat.

Huge icebergs appeared on the ground, and the whole space did not see the embarrassment just now in his transformation.


At the same time, Mu Bai also felt his aura, his eyes widened immediately, and he looked at it in disbelief: "It actually skyrocketed to the fourth level of the Starry Sky Realm!"

Sensing Ukata's aura, Mu Bai's eyes narrowed. He knew that the increase in strength of the opponent must be related to the changes just now.

It's just that the double increase made him a little Alexander.

You must know that because of his suppression of Wushuang·Forbidden Martial Arts, Ukata, who was originally in the third level of the starry sky, was suppressed by him to the second level of the starry sky.

Now the result is that the opponent has skyrocketed twice, and his strength will definitely skyrocket.

"Oh! Interesting."

Tightening the Flame Prison in his hand, Mu Bai knew that if he didn't come up with something, he might not be the opponent in the next battle.

"In this case."

Thinking of this, Mu Bai's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the sword energy in his body suddenly withdrew, he didn't see the previous publicity, and the star power around the flame prison also dispersed, as if nothing had happened.


Mubai's change, as the opponent, Ukata, naturally noticed it, but because his strength soared at this time, he just reminded himself to be careful, and then swooped down.

"call out!"


Pushing forward, Ukata swept his spear towards Mubai's neck with a whirlwind.


Aware of this blow, Mu Bai had an astonishing smile on his face, and then saw him swiping his sword lightly, and the sword light flashed.


Suddenly, his unremarkable sword suddenly erupted with palpitating sword energy, blasting Ukata back and smashing towards the iceberg below.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

The sudden eruption of this sword was completely unexpected by Ukata, only to see that his bronze battle armor was also cut open by Mu Bai's sword at this time, and suffered some minor injuries.


It hit an iceberg again, but this time Ukata did not smash the iceberg, but embedded it inside.

"The strong sword energy seems to be much stronger than before."

Feeling the sword just now, Ukata got up quickly, analyzing in his heart what happened just now, but halfway through thinking about it, his face suddenly changed drastically.

"Sword Spirit!"

"Awakened the sword spirit!"

"Congratulations, you got it!"

At this time, after his voice fell, Mu Bai's voice also came over. It turned out that after the blow just now, he also flew over, and did not intend to let Ukata go.

"Time Blade Storm!"

Immediately, before the other party could react, Mu Bai's supernatural power enveloped the surrounding area, and countless supernatural power blades were generated, strangling towards Ukata.

"It's really a surprising young man!"

Seeing more and more powerful attacks, Ukata knew that he had to come up with something, otherwise this would not work.

Then he stretched out his hand towards the starry sky, and immediately there were countless flames and ice crystal particles floating in the air.

"not good!"

Noticing this scene, Mu Bai's complexion changed drastically immediately, and he wanted to back away. At the same time, Naukata's preparations were also completed.

"Ice Flame Explosion!"


Then after his words, I saw the floating ice crystals and flame particles suddenly brought up a powerful force and blasted Mu Bai's move away.


And Mu Bai, also under this strong move, directly hit the ground, and gliding for ten kilometers before stopping.


Aware of the injury on his body, Mu Bai's heart froze. Looking at the approaching Ukata, he quickly swung a few sword qi, and then dodged to the sky.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

Ukata, who was flying at low altitude, dodged left and right, and naturally dodged his attack, but it was precisely because of this that when he bombarded Mu Bai, he was just dodged by Mu Bai, and the blow hit him. ground.


The explosion brought smoke and dust soaring into the sky, and at this time Mu Bai, who had avoided Ukata's attack, looked down from a high altitude, and then swung the flames.

"Sword Control: Ten Thousand Swords Unleashed!"

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

Then I saw countless sword auras appearing behind Mu Bai, and under the blessing of his Wushuang·Shenwu and Sword Spirit, those sword auras became more powerful and shot out from below.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

The sword energy all over the sky slanted down, blasting countless ice crystals and smoke on the ground. The land boundary with a radius of ten kilometers was razed to the ground by Mu Bai's powerful attack, and even the places that were not affected by the attack were swept away by the remaining waves. Many icebergs have melted.

Mu Bai, who had done all this, didn't stop there, he saw star power pouring from his whole body into the flame prison, and then saw him strike down with a sword.

"Shifeng·One Sword!"


With a blow of the sword, a huge sword shadow appeared in the air. After the appearance of the sword, the power of the heaven and the earth followed it, and the ground that had just calmed down was hit hard again. Down, the ground of the entire space shattered.

This is a move jointly developed by Mu Bai in combination with Sword Spirit, Time, and Wind. Because there has never been a chance to use it before, it is the first time it has appeared today.

However, the effect was very significant. I saw the ground covered with icebergs just now. Under his attack, the ground no longer existed and was completely cracked.

"call out!"

Just after this blow, a gun shadow suddenly appeared on the ground, Mu Bai quickly raised his sword to block it, and retreated a certain distance at the same time.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!".

Standing in the air, Mu Bai looked at the ground where the attack appeared just now, panting heavily, the series of attacks just now seemed to last for a long time, but in fact they were only in the blink of an eye.

Even if it was him, he was a little tired.

"call out!"

Just as he was panting, a figure jumped up from the ground that was originally shrouded in ice crystal smoke. It was Ukata.

But he doesn't look well now, the bronze battle armor on his body also has many cracks at this time, and there is even a hideous wound on his body, with blue blood remaining.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

At this moment, Ukata panted heavily, and said to Mu Bai with admiration, he never thought that there would be such a powerful person.

Most of the tower breakers in the past fell on the 90th floor of Qian, and there were very few people who could reach him.

In addition, his own strength is strong, so so far, he has not happened to be as powerful as Xiang Mubai.

I have to say that this has a lot to do with luck.

Because people like Mu Bai are rare in the universe, and they just appeared in Huanyu Bingpo, so it depends on luck.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that Mu Bai is the most talented tower climber so far today.


At this time Mu Bai chuckled, in fact he was not feeling well, the explosion just now had more than a dozen wounds on his body, plus internal injuries, it was obviously not easy.

But after a pause, he replied again: "Compared to group fights, I am the strongest in single fights!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

After saying this sentence, Mu Bai started again, and saw that the land between the two turned into a purple-gold land, and there were countless star power cones rising from the ground.

"Wind Time Purgatory!"

Under his voice, a purple-gold purgatory appeared in midair, which was formed by his manipulation of supernatural powers.

Wind Time Purgatory is an extremely powerful and difficult magical skill. In Purgatory, no matter where the person is shrouded, they will suffer from time and wind chambers. They attach to the enemy and eat away at his strength, making it impossible to get rid of. .

Apart from defeating Mubai, or using stronger strength to get rid of him.

"It's so corrosive, star power, physical strength, and this body are slowly losing and cracking."

Looking at the energy attached to his body, Ukata said solemnly, and at the same time, he still used the magic power of ice and fire to resist, one at a time to alleviate the erosion of wind and time.

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai's eyes moved slightly: "See how long you can last!"

For this trick, he is very confident. It was developed by using the characteristics of time and wind. It has never been used before. After all, no one could push him to this point at that time.

In addition, it was also stated in the information just now that Ukata is good at supernatural powers, so he will naturally respond with supernatural powers. He has already thought about this from the very beginning. As for other martial arts, except for sword skills, he has almost never tried them.

Then he directly dispatched and killed Ukata, intending to decide the winner.

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