I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 843 Sure enough, I am a good man

That's it?

That's it? !

Hearing this, and seeing that Mebius really didn't want to fight anymore, Mu Bai showed a burst of astonishment, and then he also reacted and put down his arrogance.

Although he didn't understand what was said later about changing history, he understood that if he didn't use that sentence, he didn't use it.

The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.

This is an eternal truth, and this is also the reason why Mu Bai has not used the trick of time node much.

You must know that from his outbreak just now, it was actually the use of time and nodes.

This move, which is the move he awakened when his time supernatural power rose to the fourth level, deeply shocked him by how powerful it was in actual combat.

The control of the opponent's time point, whether it is pausing, rewinding, slowing down, or speeding up, is all on the timeline he can see. With just a flick of his finger, it is all under his control.

Just like at the very beginning, that all-consuming attack was at the point of his decline in time.

The reason why Mebius' sneak attack was blocked by his punch was also because of the timing and node.

Even the subsequent attack, which was comparable to a full-strength punch in the Nirvana realm, also fell on the time node.

It can be said that if the backlash caused by the follow-up time node is discarded, its function is very powerful, and it even surpasses the three unparalleled martial arts of Mu Bai.

It is conceivable that the time and node will have a great impact on Mubai's battle.

Even before he left the Fengxuan tattoo on his body regardless of everything, he planned to use the time node to control the time of Mebius, and land his attack on the Fengxuan tattoo, so as to strike a critical blow.

The result is obvious, Mubai succeeded.

Even Mebius, who knew the tricks behind, directly surrendered.

It's not that she doesn't have fighting spirit, but that she can't target her.

Because what Mu Bai used was time supernatural power, which surpassed the supernatural power of the same awakened no matter what era he was in.

After all, time is respect, not just talk.

At the same time, she also knew that there was only one way to break Mu Bai's move.

This is the most effective method and the best method.

It's a pity that she can't break through now, because her cultivation at the third level of the Starry Sky Realm limits her performance, so the result is obvious, she will only lose in the end.

It may not be like the ten punches she said, and the ending will not change.

This is the blessing of time, and using it properly can make up for a big gap.

You must know that in terms of overall strength, she is better than Mebius. This can be seen from the battle just now, whether it is combat or supernatural powers, Mu Bai is suppressed.

But the defeat lies in the magical power of time.

This is life!

It is precisely because of all the above that Mu Bai has not used it before, he is afraid that after using it, he will be attacked endlessly by others.

Didn't you see that last time, Mu Bai used the time node lightly, and the reactions of all races were so great that he was directly listed as the first must kill.

That's why he dared to come here when he heard Jueying say that there was danger here.

Sometimes, under Nirvana, he is really not afraid of too many people,

The ending was just as he imagined.

"Senior, what do you mean by changing history?"

At this time, Mu Bai saw that Mebius put away the dark ice flame below, so he really didn't want to do it anymore. At the same time, he also took away most of his martial arts, except that the time node was not closed yet.

"Hehe, in the future, you will know."

It was said that Mebius didn't say much, but walked back on his own, but it seemed that he knew Mu Bai's question, and she was still muttering while walking.

"If you want to know, come find me on the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, I'm lying there!"


Just after she finished saying this, Mu Bai saw her figure dissipate, and at the same time he was still murmuring unconsciously: "The battlefield of ten thousand races?"

The battlefield of ten thousand races, Mu Bai naturally knows what it is, it is the place where ten thousand races fight.

He didn't expect that the Mausoleum of Mebius would be there.

At the same time, this is also a message she is sending, and her inheritance is also there, so that Mu Bai can go there if he wants.

Of course, there are more doubts, but Mu Bai's mind is now in a state of confusion, saying that it is not enough.

"It seems that the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, I have to take a good look at it this time."

Originally, Mu Bai planned to kill them directly after entering the Ten Thousand Clans Killing War, no matter if he was provoked or not, he would kill each one he saw.

But now he has changed his mind, not only want to kill, but also to grope inside, especially the place where Mebius is, he must go.

"Hehe, that's the decision!"

Not wanting to leave doubts for himself, after making up his mind, Mu Bai stretched out his right hand and made a move towards the distance, only to see the flame prison that was originally inserted on the ground rise from the ground and fly to his hand.

"My baby, it seems that I need to prepare some sword skills."

Holding the Yan Prison in his hand, Mu Bai looked at it, as if making some promise.

Because of this battle, he really found that his sword skills need to be strengthened, especially when encountering monsters like Mebius, even if he has a sword spirit, it is difficult to be effective.

All this is because his swordsmanship is too weak.

As for the ten thousand dharma attributed to one sword, it's all bullshit, so you need to read a lot of books.

Now, especially after awakening the sword spirit, Mu Bai is like a baby with a peerless sword, unable to fully exert its power.


As if responding to Mu Bai, Yan Prison let out a sword cry after hearing his words.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will definitely be stronger next time!"

Looking at the Prison of Fire, Mu Bai chuckled lightly, put it away, and then looked at the re-manifested Bing: "Why, do you want me to remind you to announce the answer?"


Hearing Mu Bai's words, the intelligent receptionist Bing was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

"Congratulations to the challenger, who broke through the 100th floor of the Ice Soul Tower, and is also the first person to break through. Please choose the reward first, and then enter the light group to obtain the inheritance of the Ice Soul Clan."

"That's about the same."

Seeing Bing say this, Mu Bai was relieved, and at the same time saw the reward appearing in front of him, he didn't even think about it, he didn't care about it, and sat down cross-legged.


Immediately afterwards, I saw Mu Bai turn off the time node, and suddenly he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his momentum fell and he passed out.

This is the backlash of time nodes. The more you use it, the stronger your strength will be, and the more backlash will be.

It was also because of this that Mu Bai didn't dare to touch it for the first time since just now, because he knew that he would be unlucky this time.

The result was as expected, just as he expected.


"Brother, don't worry about him?"

At this time, in front of the screen, Lei Luo looked at Mu Bai who fell to the ground, and said to Bingxuan, not knowing what to say.

"No, let him recover on his own."

Regarding this, Bingxuan didn't care so much, he was still amazed at Mu Bai's battle just now, but soon he smiled: "Hahaha, Mu Bai is really clever."

"Everyone knows that you are an awakener of time magic, and you must be powerful."

"In the end, you did the opposite. You have been using all kinds of powerful martial arts to cover up the radiance of the magical power of time, so that people can ignore it to the minimum. If it wasn't for today, I might have been fooled by you."

Suddenly, Bingxuan thought of Mubai's recent movements and his endless martial arts skills, and laughed immediately, and couldn't help admiring him for protecting himself so much.

"Yeah, this kid really has his own mind."

Lei Luo on the side couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words: "Maybe it's true what Mebius said, the human race has him, fortunately."

This is already unknown how many times Lei Luo said this in this period of time.

Since Mubai's ninetieth floor, he has been refreshing his understanding of it every time.

Whether it's means, scheming, or the terrible time supernatural power, Lei Luo couldn't help but admire it.

"Haha, I originally planned to hand over this Huanyu Ice Soul to Xue'er later, it seems that there is an owner."

Thinking of this, Lei Luo suddenly thought of something, and shook his head helplessly: "It seems that I, a teacher who has never masked before, have to think about a meeting ceremony again."

As for accepting Shuangxue as his apprentice, although Lei Luo was not there at the time, he learned about this in the previous communication with Bingxuan.

Originally, he thought that when he no longer needed this, he would send it out as a teacher apprentice gift, but now it seems. It seems that I have to think about this gift again.

And according to the rules of equivalence, the value cannot be lower than this.


A little worried.

"Then you have to think about it carefully. From what I know about Mubai, he will never use this, and will give it to Xue'er. If your teacher's gift is lower than this."

"Be careful of losing face."

At this time, Bingxuan who was next to him heard this, and couldn't help joking.

"He doesn't use it himself?"

Hearing Bingxuan's joke, Lei Luo suddenly looked at him in surprise as if he had received some important news, hoping to get his confirmation.

Wen Yan Bingxuan nodded: "Yeah, I don't know if this kid is looking down on him, or he is pity for others. There are things that he never uses for himself. Last time, he even gave away a clan spirit."

"The clan spirit of the Huoyan Li clan was given to Jiumei's descendants by him."


What a willful boy.

This was the first time Lei Luo knew about this news. When he heard this, he couldn't help but twitch his lips. Obviously, he didn't expect such a person to exist.

What are you playing? Can you give the spirit of the clan the minimum respect.

After all, it bears the heritage of a race, I lost it!

While chatting here, after an unknown amount of time, Mu Bai finally woke up from the fainting. He slowly opened his eyes, then got up and looked around weakly.

"I didn't expect the backlash to be so strong this time."


Having said that, Mu Bai gasped, feeling the pain in his body, couldn't help frowning, and immediately closed his eyes to suppress the pain.

"No, I have to tell Axue about this."

"At least let her know that I almost risked my life for this Ice Soul of Huanyu, do you want a few more!"

Maybe it was really painful, Mu Bai felt that he had to find a place to get the book back, and then watched him open his eyes again after suppressing the backlashing pain.

"I worked so hard for the gift of the female ticket. Sure enough, I am the good man."

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