I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 864 It will only surrender to me

"Go ahead."

Seeing Mu Bai fainted, Lei Luo immediately said something to Jue Ying, and then waved his hand, and saw that the originally turbulent sky immediately became quiet.

The thunder that was about to fall dissipated in an instant with his wave.

And Jueying flew out directly after his flower shadow fell, and appeared in front of Mu Bai in the next second.


It was far away just now, maybe Jueying didn't look carefully enough, but now after seeing Mu Bai's whole body cracked, he couldn't help but gasp.

But he quickly reacted, sucked Mu Bai in front of him with his hand, and then wrapped his whole body with star power to prevent the wound from bursting.

"It's really hard work."

Looking at Mu Bai's injury, Jueying shook his head and sighed.

You must know that every strike of those thunders just now has the attack power to reach the Nirvana state, and Mu Bai relies entirely on his body to receive it. For Mu Bai whose body is only as strong as the Xingxuan state, what a matter. terrible thing.

If he hadn't used star power and magical powers at that time, he might have been knocked down at the first hit, or even died.

After all, these lightning strikes are no joke.

If it was changed to another starry sky realm, it is estimated that it would not be able to persist for a long time, and at the same time, Jueying also knew the reason why Mubai worked so hard.

want to succeed!

"Finally, there is a behavior like a normal person."

Jueying's tone was a little sighing, this was the first time he had seen Mubai want to succeed, in the past, whether it was a breakthrough or doing things, Mubai always looked like he was sure of winning.

It seems that success is within reach in Mu Bai's view.

He doesn't have much desire for many things, even the Huanyu Ice Soul, Jueying doubts, if it is not because it is useful to Shuangxue, Mu Bai might not go for it.

This is his perception of Mu Bai, and also his evaluation of Mu Bai.

Be alone.

"That's good, so as not to always think that what I'm protecting is an old man, and it's a good thing that there is relapse."

Then Jueying lifted Mu Bai up with star force, gave Lei Luo a glance, and then led him towards Lei Chi.

Lei Luo just nodded to express his understanding, and didn't speak any more, but looked up at the sky: "Just now, this brat carried thirty-six tricks."

"It's the first time I've carried 30 pieces before. It's really interesting."

As he spoke, Lei Luo looked at Lei Ting above and remained silent.

In the early morning of the next day, after Mu Bai soaked in the Thunder Pond for more than ten hours, his physical injuries recovered.

Then he didn't ink any more, but took a hasty rest before triggering the thunder again.

This time, he gritted his teeth and persisted until thirty-nine.

However, he still failed.

Afterwards, he soaked in Leichi for a long time, and after recovering from his injuries, he continued to break through and persisted until forty roads.

Later, after soaking in Leichi for a while, he continued to practice.

Just like a robot, there is no talking, no superfluous movements, and it keeps practicing repeatedly, enjoying the daily life of two points and one line in Leichi.

"Xue'er, Mayfair, you can rest now."

At this time, on a desert plain, there were originally many people formed in the desert, and they were attacking Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei in the center, but after a voice came out, they turned into powder and disappeared.

I saw three figures breaking through the space and stepping out from the other end, it was Bingxuan, Concubine Ling, and Jianzu Jianer.


"Teacher, uncle."

Seeing people coming, Hu Yanfei and Shuangxue put away their weapons and greeted them.

Because of her practice, Hu Yanfei was accepted by Jian Er as a disciple to practice swordsmanship more than two years ago.

This is fundamentally different from how she was raised.

In the past, it could only be regarded as a trainee, but now it is official.

"Well, don't be too polite!"

At this time, Bingxuan held up his hands and asked them to stand up from the air, and then looked at the two of them.

"Yes, in the past two years or so, your growth has exceeded our expectations."

Hearing Bingxuan's words, Concubine Ling and Jian Er nodded, obviously they didn't expect that their talents would have such a powerful effect after being supplemented by Mu Bai's time jade pendant.

Shuangxue's cultivation was at the fifth level of the Nirvana Realm, and Hu Yanfei was also at the fifth level of the Nirvana Realm.

Although Hu Yanfei's talent is not as good as Shuangxue's, but the inheritance of the Huoyan Li clan makes her now in a high explosive stage, so under the overall circumstances, Hu Yanfei's cultivation is also keeping up with Shuangxue.

Of course, all of this is due to their hard work and talent.

Another point is that the jade pendant Mu Bai gave them is used for ninety-six days a day, and they still need to practice martial arts or supernatural powers.

It is enough to show how auxiliary the jade pendant is.

Every time he thinks of this, Bingxuan thinks of the agreement reached with Mu Bai back then, and he can't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Because after Mubai's jade pendant went online, there were countless people who wanted to exchange it with points, hundreds of yuan a month, and up to now, only a few thousand people have it.

You must know that according to the base of the human race, these numbers are far from enough.

What's more, Mubai also intentionally controlled the time jade pendant with a high multiple, so the price was ridiculously high, but it didn't cool down those exchangers, on the contrary, it became even more ridiculously strong.

Therefore, in the past two years, the points Mubai has gained are really an extremely terrifying number. That's it, Bingxuan feels that he is at a loss. When talking about the share, he should have asked for more.

Even, he had the idea of ​​raising the handling fee more than once.

But every time he brought it up, he was stared at by Shuangxue's frozen gaze, and finally had to let it go.

"Thank you teacher for the compliment!"

Hearing what Bingxuan and the others said, Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei arched their hands modestly, expressing that it was nothing.

After all, if they only care about cultivation, the two of them will probably be even higher.

It's just that they have to take into account other things, so they only ascend to the fifth level of Nirvana Sutra.


Hearing this, Bingxuan walked in front of them with a smile: "It's been almost three years in a blink of an eye, and there is only half a month left before the battle of the ten thousand races. During this time, you should rest well and wait until it starts."

Looking at the two of them, Bingxuan couldn't help but think of their non-stop training for the past two years, and couldn't help but sigh: "During this time, I have worked hard for you."

"Teacher, the disciple is not working hard!"

Hearing Bingxuan's words, Shuangxue came out first, maybe it was because of her attire and temperament, now she has completely changed from a young girl to the Snow Queen that everyone said, just looking at her from a distance, You can't help but feel a sense of surrender.

"Xue'er, if I tell you to rest, rest. I haven't chatted with you, Teacher Jiu, or went shopping for a long time. In the last half a month, play with me. Otherwise, once you go in, I don't know how many years you won't see each other. "

"And you, Fei'er, let's take a walk and relax with your ancestor!"

Just as Shuangxue finished speaking, Concubine Ling walked up to the two of them, and then pulled them away from the left and the right.

This kind of bandit behavior made Bingxuan and Jianer beside him all choked their tongues.

"This Ninth Sister."

Seeing Concubine Ling take the two of them away, Jian Er instinctively couldn't help shaking his head, but he stopped what he said later, and then the thief looked at the direction they were leaving, and only let go when he found no one. tone.

"Hahaha, second brother, you are still afraid that sister Jiu will trouble you."

Jian Er's actions, Bing Xuan, who was beside him, naturally saw clearly, and immediately looked at his second brother with a mocking look.

"Brother, are you going to be tricked by Jiumei if you have the ability?"

Hearing Bingxuan's words, Jian Er immediately refused to be outdone, looked at him and said quietly, and at the same time pointed to the direction where several people left.


Bing Xuan, who was still laughing at first, immediately stopped laughing after hearing Jian Er's words, and immediately coughed twice and did not intend to answer these words.

Because in the past two years, because the juniors have been working hard to cultivate, the objects who were originally tricked by the concubine Ling have changed from young to old like them.

Then you can't beat, you can't scold, you can't scold.

In the end, they had no choice but to bear it silently. The worst thing was Jian Er, who was slaughtered with iron blood outside, but was bullied by his sister at home like a fool.

He didn't have the domineering arrogance when he was outside.

"I don't know what's going on with Lao Ba and Mu Bai."

At this time, maybe because he didn't want to dwell on the last question, Bingxuan quickly changed the topic and talked about a topic that everyone cared about.

Regarding Lei Luo's reappearance, Bingxuan did not hide from these brothers.

But because Lei Luo is taking Mu Bai to practice, everyone hasn't visited him yet, so they are still very concerned about the progress of the two of them.

"It should be okay. A few days ago, when Jueying brought Mubai's jade pendant out, she said that they are currently practicing the key to body training."

Wen Yan Jian Er also put aside the topic just now, recalling what Jue Ying said before, and said it with some expectation.

Obviously, everyone had expectations for Lei Luo to ask Mu Bai to take the road of body training.

After all, they have tried before, but only Lei Luo succeeded in the end.

"It would be great if it could be successful."

At this time, Bingxuan also thought of the difficulty of body training, immediately frowned, and glanced at Jian Er: "Why don't we go and have a look?"




At the same time, at the place where Mu Bai was practicing, the sky thundered down and struck a figure. Between the lightning, one could clearly see that the person inside was persevering with his eyes closed.

"This brat, relying on his time and supernatural powers, comes here three or even four times a day, he really isn't afraid of pain."

At this moment in the distance, Lei Luo took Jue Ying and looked at Mu Bai in front of him, and couldn't help sighing.

But even though he said that, there was a bright smile on his face.

Because during this period of time, Mu Bai practiced non-stop every day, and then used his time supernatural power to quickly recover from the injury, so that under normal circumstances, he could only try once in two days, but it became three or even four times a day.

Its body training effect is more than ten times faster than others.

Now, as long as he is struck by lightning, the cells in his body will be activated quickly, and then connect with Xingli, but he has been stuck at the last point of the first step, completely fused.

As long as he reaches this point, even if he fails in the future, he will not take this step again, and the future cultivation can only be accomplished by water.

During this period, Lei Luo also asked Mu Bai what would be the effect of doing so.

In the end, it was the only sentence that Mu Bai said in the past one and a half months: "It will only surrender to me."

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