I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 872 Platinum Martial Skill: Dancing Wings


After stepping into the battlefield of ten thousand races, Mu Bai only felt that the things in front of him changed, and came to a purple passage, and in front of it, there was a huge white light.

"That should be the entrance."

After glancing around, Mu Bai immediately walked towards the bright light ahead.

"call out!"

At this moment, just as he was halfway through the passage, he saw something shrouded in two groups of purple light gradually emerge above the passage.


Aware of this change, Mu Bai, who was about to step forward, suddenly paused, and looked curiously at the two balls of light floating towards him.

I saw the light cluster exuding purple light, and the light weakened only when it reached in front of Mu Bai.

And as the light dissipated, the contents inside finally appeared in front of Mu Bai, a watch and a small ball of light.

Seeing this, Mu Bai stretched out his hand to get the watch, and then found that when his hand touched the watch, the watch automatically appeared on his hand, and the ball of light did not enter between his eyebrows.


Seeing such an abnormal state, Mu Bai just wanted to say something, and immediately closed his eyes, obviously there was something that he needed to comprehend.

But fortunately, after only a short while in this situation, he opened his eyes again.

"It turned out to be a points table."

Mu Bai, who opened his eyes, touched the solid-color watch in his hand, and couldn't help laughing: "I thought it was something serious."

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai walked towards the light in front of the passage again.

As for the point table he mentioned, it is the thing used to record the points in the battle of all races. It is based on the race, and the scorer of each race is different. For example, the human race is a watch.

Everyone who enters the battlefield of all races will have such an integrator. At the beginning, the points in the integrator are one.

If you want to get points, you have to win other people's points, and bring their points over. In the end, the person with the most points, as well as the race, will win the battle of all races.

"Brother, they have already gone, let's go too."

Outside, after seeing the three of Mu Bai stepping into the space, Concubine Ling dismissed the helpless Tong Cheng, took Gu Qian and Guan Yue by her side, and walked towards Bingxuan.

"Well, let's go."

Hearing this, Bingxuan nodded in agreement, then looked in the direction where Tongcheng left just now, and remained silent.

"Brother, is there something wrong with Tongcheng?"

Concubine Ling is still very familiar with her eldest brother, not to mention other things, but only to her brothers.

So he also takes good care of these juniors of his brothers.

But just now Concubine Ling found out that from the beginning to the end, her elder brother never said a word to Tong Cheng, and he didn't even look him in the eye.

Thinking of this, Concubine Ling rolled her eyes, as if she had figured something out: "Brother, do you think that Tong Cheng's coming to chase Xue'er makes you, a master, very upset, and doesn't even respect you?"


As soon as Concubine Ling said these words, Guan Yue and Gu Qianlei who were behind her immediately became upset, and Bing Xuan couldn't help but glance at her at this time.

But it soon returned to normal. He also knew that his younger sister liked to mess around.

"What's the matter, I just saw Tongcheng and felt a little emotional."

In the end, Bingxuan still explained, and without waiting for Concubine Ling to ask any more questions, he took them out of here: "Let's go, what's the matter, we'll talk about it when we go back."

"By the way, Jueying, let's go together."

After finishing speaking, Bingxuan thought of Jueying who was unable to enter because Mu Bai had entered the battlefield of ten thousand races. After saying something to the air, he flashed immediately without waiting for his response.

"call out!"

The figure of the person disappeared immediately, and there was no one in the overcrowded square just now, and the scene was completely silent.


Just after passing through the space gate in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, Mu Bai was overwhelmed by the sight in front of him.

It's not that the scene here is so difficult to see, but the scene here is completely different from what he imagined.

In Mu Bai's view, the battlefield of ten thousand races is the word battlefield, there must be a lot of ruins, and there are even relics after the war.

It's just that what he sees now is a lush forest, with layers of green waves, and the endless vegetation seems to meet the sky, and the end can't be seen at a glance.

The entire forest looked extremely peaceful, not as full of chilling aura as he had imagined before, but full of vitality.

"There isn't a single person. Could it be that I came from a remote place?"

Looking around, Mu Bai found that there was no one in the surrounding sky, and he was the only one in the whole sky.

"It seems that I need to find a place. I need to study the information that Axue gave me, and see if there is a map or something. At least I need to find out where I am now."

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai looked for a direction and flew forward.

And just below where he just stood, there were actually some people of other races standing there, but they were hidden by the trees here, so they were not seen by Mu Bai.

But just now when Mu Bai was in the air, many people spotted him, and some people shook their heads and sighed when they saw him fly away.

"Another fool who thinks his life is too long!"

Just after the man finished speaking, a tree branch suddenly flickered and flew towards him with a green shadow.


The green shadow flickered, and in a blink of an eye, the branch was inserted into the heart of the man just now, and then under his unbelievable gaze, it quickly shriveled up, leaving only a skin bag that fell to the ground the next moment.

At the same time, there was a rustling sound from the ground, and countless vines crawled on the ground and spread towards the surroundings. Many people encountered during the period were killed and absorbed by it.

A green massacre is quietly unfolding.


At this time, Mu Bai, who was flying in the air, noticed that something was wrong with the ground, he stopped immediately, stood in the air, and summoned the double blades of Hanyue and Xingyue, in a vigilant state.

"There is a change!"

Afterwards, after Mu Bai closed his eyes to feel the changes from below, he immediately opened his eyes and saw a vine flying towards him.

"Star plant!"

In just an instant, Mu Bai judged what this strange thing was, and immediately flew with two blades, smashing the vines with a strong cross energy.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

And Mu Bai's attack was like a fuse, after his attack smashed the vines, there were countless vines on the ground piercing through the forest, all shooting towards him in the air.


"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

Looking at the trees and vines shooting up from the ground in all directions, Mu Bai immediately danced with two blades, and in front of him appeared a sky-high force of double blades, strangled with the trees and vines rushing towards him. At the moment of the explosion, this forest, It started to get lively.


Because of the explosion on both sides, huge smoke appeared in the air, and then saw a tree vine flying towards Mu Bai through the smoke and dust, and after that, several more tree vines passed through the explosion smoke and killed Mu Bai.


Seeing another tree vine attacking, Mu Bai immediately waved his hands to resist, swiping his double blades to protect himself, and every time he swung, a tree vine would be cut off.

In just a few seconds, Mu Bai had cut off hundreds of vines, but there were indeed more and more vines attacking him.


At this time, with a spin, after Mu Bai cleared away all the surrounding vines, he saw more vines coming towards him, immediately he snorted coldly, stomped his feet, and retreated towards the back high altitude.

At the same time, he supported Xingyue and Hanyue with both hands.

I saw the Xingyue floating in his hand, which was originally only half a meter long, suddenly grew to several meters long, and an arc appeared at the tip of the blade, and then under Mu Bai's control, Xingyue turned into several handles , and finally Qi Qi danced to Mu Bai's back, forming a red wing.

And the cold moon in his other hand didn't grow bigger, but turned into more cold moons, and the last one connected to another, forming a delicate blue wing behind Mu Bai.


When everything was done, behind Mu Bai, a streak of red and blue light erupted, which was the symbol of platinum martial arts.

At the same time, at the star core in his body, around it, a group of red and blue light suddenly erupted into a powerful light, and a beam of energy was connected to the star core, and finally fed back to Mu Bai outside.


"This is the Platinum Martial Skill, it is really different from the Gold Martial Skill!"

Feeling the energy from his body, Mu Bai moved his hands, and immediately thought of his own platinum martial art move: Dancing Wings, a status-type martial skill.

It is evolved from the double-edged martial skill, wild dance. After using it, a pair of double-edged blade wings will be formed on the back of the caster. Between them, there is a double-edged attack.

Strength can be combined with supernatural powers and normal attacks, and the burst of attack power is much higher than its original attack power.

"Sure enough, state martial skills are really strong!"

Seeing the vines getting closer and closer, Mu Bai was already ready at this time, immediately he put on the gloves that Lei Luo had given him before, and facing the vines with his palms, with lightning flashing, he smiled faintly: "Wan Lei Tianyin! "

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

Then I saw small thunderclouds suddenly appeared in the sky above Mubai Station, and then countless thunderbolts fell from the middle of the thunderclouds. Power, bombarded together with those vines.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

The thunder blasted all over the sky, and the vines were smashed by Mu Bai's attack in just a moment, but Mu Bai's attack did not stop. After the vines were slaughtered, his attack landed on the forest.

Immediately, under the attack of the thunder, the forest below it turned hundreds of kilometers of vegetation into ashes, and the air waves generated by the explosion uprooted the nearby unaffected vegetation.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

Mu Bai, who destroyed the forest below, did not stop there, but controlled Wan Lei, and continued to blast down from the place where the vines spread just now.

And he is like an emperor standing in the air, looking at everything destroyed below, with a faint smile on his face.

"Sung-sik, where is your body?"

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