I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 887 Come and chase me~

"Oh my god, I have been here in the sixth district for more than a month, except for a few good things, I haven't found any of the treasures that I want to wear, what a pity!"

At this time, among the trees in the Forest of Eternal Night, a group of various races was gathering together, and one of the slightly fat people was complaining dissatisfiedly.

He is a member of the Giant Rock Clan, and he is currently investigating in the sixth district together with other races.

There were not many of them, only a few hundred people, and for the people who came to the sixth district in groups at present, it seemed that the number was not dominant.

There are seven or eight Nirvana Realm Ninth Layers in the team, all of whom are representatives of various races.

They are a joint search team composed of small and medium-sized races. Under normal circumstances, there are hundreds of people in a team, and each race will send a Nirvana Realm Ninth Layer leader.

Then take this kind of team as an action unit, and an alliance has thousands of such action units.

In the sixteenth district, there are currently eighteen such alliances.

"Step!" "Step!" "Step!".

At this time, a group of people were walking carefully in the forest to avoid being attacked. After all, an army of several hundred people was in danger of being destroyed in the nearest Forest of Eternal Night.

There is no way, since the Demonic Clan started to fight back, it seems that everyone has forgotten the original purpose, and started to move their hands one after another, directly rolling up a bloody storm.

And the reason why this group of people are so careful is that they are worried that they will be ambushed during the search, and that would be bad.


Suddenly, when they came to a forest, thunder streaks appeared one after another in the trees around them. The thunder streaks flickered and emitted a lot of thunder, and burst into dazzling light in an instant.



In the next moment, countless thunder patterns lit up in this area, and finally exploded, completely covering these alien races inside.

The huge thunder exploded, and even the sky here was filled with thunder surges. The ground and trees nearby were ups and downs like sea waves, and finally turned into nothingness.

At this time, in the sky, there is a figure wearing a black robe, wearing a hat on top of the black robe, people can't fully see his hair, but a little bit of his appearance is exposed.

It seemed that the man was wearing a blue and red mask on his face, but because of the denial of relationship by the clothes and hats, it was impossible to see who the person under the hat was.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

"Who are you!"

At this moment, just after the explosion below had ravaged the land, several figures flew up from the ground, glaring at the black-robed figure.

And those people behind him all looked at the black shadow fiercely.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

After a while, more and more people flew up from the ground. Unlike the first few Nirvana Realm Ninth Layers who flew up, these people were all Nirvana Realm Ninth Layers, and they were all in a bit of a mess.

And behind these eighth-level Nirvana, there are a few people who are at the seventh level of Nirvana. Their injuries are more serious, but they are luckier than those who died below.

At this time, these alien races took out their weapons one after another, and roared at the black shadow: "You are really not afraid of death if you attack us by yourself."

"Kill me!"

After finishing a murderous sentence, a Nirvana Ninth Layer at the front of the team immediately picked up a weapon and rushed forward.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

And just after he charged, the people behind him rushed after him as if they heard the starting gun.

The charge of dozens of people, although the number of people seems small, but their strength is not bad, so the wind and clouds in this area are swirling, and the battle is huge.


Seeing these dozens of people rushing over, the man in the black robe couldn't help but sneered, and then ran back without hesitation, choosing not to fight them head-on.

"Where to run!"

Seeing that the black-robed man chose to run away instead of fighting them, those behind him gritted their teeth and looked at him, at the same time bursting out with extremely strong speed, chasing after him.

At the same time, he was still attacking halfway, intending to slow down the forward speed of the man in black.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

The black-robed man dodged the attacks one by one, and finally bombarded the ground, filled with explosions along the way, leaving huge craters one after another.

But doing so was also very effective. Because the black-robed man wanted to avoid their attacks, he had to dodge left and right, and at the same time, the distance between the two sides was still unconsciously closing.


"There is a show!"

Seeing that the attack was effective and the gap between the two sides narrowed a lot, the pursuers were overjoyed, and then Xing Li attacked the man in black as if he didn't want money.

And the distance between the two sides narrowed again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

near! near!

Seeing the getting closer and closer, those alien races couldn't help but feel happy.

"call out!"


But just when they thought it would be too late to chase the black-robed man, suddenly a pair of red and blue blade wings spread out from the back of the black-robed man.

The double-edged wings were very peculiar, and when they just came out, they rolled up dozens of attacks and blasted towards their rear, and then the figure of the man in black accelerated again, closing the distance between the two sides.


Unexpectedly, the black-robed man still had such a hand. The person in front of him who was chasing him ordered to the back, and then waved his hand to block the attack on him.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".

In an instant, all the people who were chasing the black-robed man blocked the sudden blow with their hands, but fortunately, it was not very powerful, it just formed clouds of dust in the air.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

After the explosion, one after another black shadows emerged from the dust and cloud, continuing to chase in the direction the black-robed man fled.

As if feeling that the people behind hadn't given up yet, the black-robed man suddenly turned around and hooked them, as if to say: Come and chase me~

After doing all this, the man in black turned around and continued to run forward.

And those who pursued him behind him.

"God, he's provoking us!"

"Boss, this man is so arrogant!"


Immediately, his provocative action aroused the anger of everyone in the rear, including the heads in the mouths of these people, and his expression became ruthless: "Catch him, and then, kill him!"

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

Hearing his words, the crowd fell silent, they all looked at the most square man in black with hatred, and vowed to catch up with him and kill him.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you won't come."

At this moment, feeling the hot pursuit of the people behind him, the man in black robe who rushed forward couldn't help laughing, and at the same time his face was exposed at this time.

It was Mu Bai!

At the same time, the same situation happened in dozens of places far away from here, that is, a group of people chased a man in black.

They are distributed in all directions, and their destinations seem to be in one place.

"Report, my lord, there is a situation ahead!"

At this time, in front of those people rushing forward, a group of nearly 10,000 people was stationed here to rest. They were the army sent by the Demonic Clan this time.

The alliance formed by the Yumo tribe did not break up and reorganize the team like other alliances, but acted in units of races. Not far from them, there were three tribes allied with them, the Volcano tribe, the Shining spirit tribe, and the Black turtle tribe.

They are all races that have reached a consensus with the Demonic Clan this time. Each clan has tens of thousands of people, and the whole team looks mighty and mighty.

"Oh? Tell me!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, King Ling, who was sent by Gulangyu this time, quickly put down the things in his hands and walked up.

"Yes, Lord Ling!"

When the person who reported the information heard this, he immediately responded, and at the same time organized his thoughts: "My lord, according to the findings of our outpost, there are people from other alliances rushing towards us."

"The reason is unknown!"


Hearing that King Ling frowned, he hurriedly walked to the front of the hall, turned on the radar he ordered earlier, and instantly saw countless red dots approaching them from all directions.

"How is this going."

Seeing such a situation, Ling Wang stared at the screen and remained silent for a long time.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation after he was sent out. You must know that after he brought people over, he killed dozens of teams instantly with the momentum of thunder, making those people afraid of them and dare not approach them at all.

"Are you here to die?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Ling Wang felt that this matter was strange, and immediately sneered: "Order, get ready to fight."

"Also, you go to inform your allies, just say be careful about the changes, and explain the situation here to them."


And when he was preparing here, the group of people who were chasing Mu Bai outside at this time also realized that something was wrong. Immediately, someone thought about it for a while and realized: "He is going in the direction of the demon clan, head, what should I do?" ?”

"call out!"

Hearing that the figure of the leader froze, he led the crowd to a stop in an instant: "If he is going in the direction of the Demon Clan, it will be a bit difficult!"

Seeing Mu Bai flying farther and farther, the leader's heart gradually sank, but thinking of the pursuit all the way, he looked a little ugly: "Go and have a look first, remember to inform other people, I think there is something strange about this matter !"

"By the way, remember to inform them of the information and use the demon clan to take the initiative!"


In the end, he still didn't give up, and planned to follow the past to have a look, and by the way, he asked him to notify others, in case the demon clan made a mess at that time.

As for his last sentence, he said it because he was worried that someone would not come.

Because right now, the leader doesn't know which camp the person he is chasing belongs to.

He did the same thing, and there were other chasing teams, and they were all the same. They didn't know the identity of the chasing person, but they chose the same decision.

go in!

After all, the person they were going to pursue had ambushed many of them before, and this alone was enough to keep them chasing.

If there is a real-time distribution map at this time, you can definitely see that the red chasing people are getting closer to the green demons.

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