
Just after Mu Bai finished killing, Huangqiu and Diao Yuanyi did not hesitate, and ordered one after another, and then rushed to Mu Bai first.

From their point of view, capture the thief first, and it is obvious that Mu Bai is the commander here. If they can kill him, it will hit the momentum of the human race to a certain extent.

What's more, they saw that Mu Bai's hand just now was holding an array disk, which meant that the restriction in the sky was related to him.

Now that both sides are inside, if they want to go out, the first thing to do is to grab the array.

So the two almost had a second thought, looked at each other, and killed each other tacitly.

Although two-on-one is disdainful, let alone playing against someone with a lower level of cultivation than themselves, they don't think there is anything wrong with it.

After all, this is a white fox, a white fox that grows up with the supernatural power of time, which is feared by all ethnic groups.

"White Fox, go to hell!"

"Hehe, the fifth level of Nirvana Realm is not enough to watch!"

"Hoo!" "Hoo!".

Immediately, the two of them accelerated together, and they were the first to bombard Mu Bai together. The three of them collided, but soon they saw the two retreat one by one, trapping Mu Bai inside.

"My lord, I'm coming!"

"My lord, leave it to me!"

Seeing Mu Bai being double-teamed, Jin Mo, Ming Feng and others were about to step forward to help, but Mu Bai waved his hand to stop him: "Go and kill the local masters, leave these two to me!"

"My lord, yes."

Hearing Mu Bai's words, Jin Mo wanted to say something, but saw a gray aura suddenly appear in the world, spreading the whole space, and the cultivation base of all the people shrouded in it was unknowingly declining.

Then they saw a series of purple-gold black patterns appearing in the sky. Some people were a little dazed when they saw this black pattern, but at this moment, Mu Bai's purple-gold eyes flickered: "Human race, everyone wears black patterns!"


Hearing this, the crowd didn't resist, so they took over the Xuan Wen, and saw them who were originally in decline in cultivation, directly returning to their original state.

Unrivaled Forbidden Weapons!

Finally, after Mu Bai came in, his move showed its brilliance in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Wushuang·Forbidden Martial Arts, as a martial skill that can lower the enemy's cultivation, in fact, strictly speaking, the more people there are, the greater the effect.

This is also the reason why Mu Bai has not used it before, one is that the target of this martial skill is too big, once it is used, the whole universe will know it is him.

Another point is that the occasion is wrong, but if there are more ordinary people, he will use it.


Seeing such a situation, Huangqiu and Diao Yuanyi couldn't help shaking their bodies. Now they finally remembered that Mu Bai's move back then was hailed as a magical skill, and countless people were moved by this move.

Powerful ability is also the strongest guarantee for thinking about Mu Bai's leapfrogging.

High cultivation?

It's okay, I'll surrender to you!

It can be said that many high-ranking people will feel jealous when they see Mu Bai, and it started with this trick.

Since then, they know that the white fox has a strong ability to leapfrog.

"Human Race, must win!"

"Human Race, must win!"

Different from these orc allied forces, at this time the people of the human race became crazy. As soon as the enemy's cultivation base dropped, their strength remained unchanged. This undoubtedly made the already inferior allied army even worse.

"Old Diao, hurry up and take down the white fox!"


Seeing this situation, Huangqiu and Diao Yuanyi also knew that they could not drag on any longer, they immediately looked at each other and rushed towards Mu Bai again.

It is worth mentioning that both of them are not low in background, even under Mu Bai's Wushuang·Forbidden Martial Arts, their cultivation has not dropped much. Now they are at the eighth level of Nirvana, but for Mu Bai, this is enough up.

Because this also shows that the strength of the two has dropped a lot.


Seeing this, Mu Bai stretched out his left hand, and immediately countless sword qi flew towards the two of them. These were attacks brought about by the dancing wings behind him.


Immediately afterwards, the ground where he was standing was suddenly thundered, enveloping all three of them.

"Roar!" "Roar!".

Above the thunder formation, the Sky Thunder Dragon swooped down and blasted towards the direction where the two were standing.


Thunder light overflowed, and the dazzling thunder light spread throughout the entire space. Many people who were fighting couldn't help but stop their wounded attacks and look at the dazzling thunder light.

"Three three. The third supernatural power?!"

Finally, who knows who exclaimed, immediately causing the entire battlefield to boil.

After all, this is the first three supernatural powers to appear on the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield this time, which also shows that Mu Bai's spiritual power has reached the seventh level, and this alone has already thrown off everyone who came in.

Because, the three supernatural powers are not so easy to awaken.

"Sure enough, it's a white fox!"

Seeing the direction of the thunder light at this time, Jin Mo's eyes were filled with admiration instead of admiration: "Not only strategy, but even this talent is beyond my reach."

Speaking of this, Jin Mo looked at Mu Bai with a flash of fanaticism, which is the look only admirers have.

"Only such a person is worthy of my following!"

Different from Jin Mo, after seeing the dazzling thunder light, Ming Feng stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, and looked at the thunder light with beautiful eyes shining brightly: "I must make this man take a serious look at me! "

It is said that the temptation of a beautiful woman to a man is fatal, so a man with high talent and exquisite appearance is also fatal to any woman.

The current Mu Bai is undoubtedly hitting Mingfeng's heart right, making him bow his noble head and directly submit to him.

Except for the two of them, other places on the battlefield, seeing Mu Bai's third supernatural power, were all stunned and didn't know what to say.

The only thought is that this man is too evil!

"Impossible, you actually have three supernatural powers!"

In the thunder formation, Diao Yuanyi had just touched Mu Bai's Thunder Dragon, and looked at him opposite with a horrified expression on his face, he couldn't believe that everything in front of him was real.

"Yeah, it's impossible, but it's true!"

Hearing that Mubai didn't talk nonsense, the three magical powers of wind, time, and thunder surged out crazily, the three-color airflow soared to the sky, and the flame prison trembled slightly, as if this power was too powerful.


Then Mu Baishan only saw the huge wind and waves raised by Mu Baishan beside the two of them, and even cracks appeared in the space, which made people's hearts startled.

"Clang!" "Clang!"

Flying between the two, Mu Bai swung his long sword to repel them, and then saw the two flying back left and right after being attacked by him.

"Royal Sword Technique San!"

After repelling the two, Mu Bai turned around on the spot, and saw a circle of sword energy appearing around him, split into two parts and flew towards the two flying upside down.

"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

"Falling Wind Splitting the Sky!"

"Ice Flame Tornado!"

Seeing the attack that Mu Bai followed closely. Huangqiu and Diao Yuanyi, who were flying upside down, did not dare to neglect, poured out their own martial skills, and blasted towards Mu Bai's direction.

I saw Huangqiu's double hammer smashing into the air, the sky was like the ground, and the huge force presented a straight line, splitting the sky.

On the other side, a tornado composed of icy flames flew in the air, rolling up huge waves, like an icy flame dragon, unrivaled.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The sword energy blasted together with the two attacks respectively, causing dazzling explosion sparks in the air.

But Huangqiu and Diao Yuanyi always have something, even if their cultivation base is now reduced to the eighth level of Nirvana, it is not something that the ordinary Ninth level of Nirvana can compete with.

I saw their attacks, after a stalemate with Mu Bai's sword energy for a while, they broke through it, and blasted towards Mu Bai in the center with an indomitable momentum.


In just a moment, two attacks headed towards the most central Mubai station, and a blast resounded through the air.

"not bad!"

There was an explosion, but Mu Bai, the protagonist, actually stood above and looked at the explosion below. Obviously, when the two of them were about to attack, he had already dodged.

"call out!"

"Look at the hammer!"

At this moment, Huangqiu also dodges to Mu Bai's back, and slams down with two hammers, with the momentum of blowing up space cracks, blatantly smashing down.


"call out!"

Seeing this, a light array appeared above Mubai's Flame Prison, and as soon as the sword net composed of thousands of sword qi reached Huangqiu's double hammers: "Sword Controlling Sword Formation!"

"Zheng!" "Zheng!" "Zheng!".

After blocking the double hammers of Huangqiu, countless sword auras appeared all over Mu Bai's body, and finally he saw the sword aura that covered the sky and the sun dancing with his flame prison.

"Royal Sword Art Daqian Sword Formation!"


Then I saw a huge light array appearing at the foot of the barren hill, and four lightsabers were inserted into the light array around it, making a loud noise, and then a golden brilliance appeared from the sword inserted in the light array, Bind his limbs.


"Shh!" "Shh!" "Shhh!".

After the light array restrained the barren hills, a smile hung on the corner of Mu Bai's mouth, and then the countless sword qi formed in the air flew out one after another, attacking and killing the barren hills in the array.



Confined by Mubai's light array, Huangqiu saw those powerful sword qi again, knowing that going on like this is not the way to go, only to see him roar, and countless star power poured out from his body.

In the end, the star power shone brightly, and a crisp cry sounded, and a huge red figure appeared in the air.

This is the body of the Blazing Bird Clan, with red hair all over, four wings on its back, extremely ferocious.


At the same time, behind Mu Bai, a roar of beasts covering the sky appeared, and a lion with ice flames, one red and one blue two-headed lion stood impressively in the air.

And after it appeared, a huge beam of energy shot out from the mouth of the beast, and it shot straight at Mubai's back.


The light beam pierced the sky, and it didn't stop until the restriction in the sky was stopped. The place where Mu Bai fought just now was also shrouded in the attack of the light beam.


"Did you make it?!"

When Huangqiu and Diao Yuanyi, who had already turned into beast bodies, saw this scene, their eyes were full of brilliance, because they saw just now that Mu Bai did not escape, but was submerged in the beam of light.

"Yeah, it seems to have hit~"

But when they waited and watched, a frivolous laughter sounded, and Mu Bai's figure appeared above them, holding a huge energy ball formed by the three supernatural powers in his hand.

"But it's a pity to tell you, think too much!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai held up the three-color light ball and threw it downward. The huge light ball tilted down, and the sky seemed to be trembling for it.

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