I Have Taken Over The Great Emperor

Chapter 268 One side illusion! Confuse people! [Please customize! 】\r


"Quick! Otherwise, everything will be robbed!"

"After those monsters retreated, even the black filth has disappeared. Where did they go? 39

"The strength of those monsters is too terrifying, and I can't imagine it so far. I tried my best, but still couldn't leave any traces on its body. Horror scene!

Lots of talk.

This is a very spacious lobby.

in the air.

The sour smell gradually diminished.

A group of people arrived at the scene.

Their eyes were fixed on the front, unable to move.

The huge open space has a strange atmosphere, which makes their mood involuntarily affected.


"On the ground!"

On the ground, a striped road is connected.

Incredibly mysterious!

At a glance, it is dazzling.

"You guys, did you see it?

A faint voice sounded.

The eyes of the "four seven seven" people, involuntarily, looked forward.

Fixed in the center position.


Their expressions changed from dull to eager and excited.

It was a wooden shelf.

There are many items on the wooden shelves.

Stacks of exercises are placed on wooden shelves, and there are also swords, blades and other weapons hanging on them.


Everyone couldn't help but swallowed, their lips trembling.

this moment.

Their expressions became unparalleled enthusiasm and eagerness.

What did they see?

This is definitely the most exciting time since they stepped into the Thousand-faced Demon King's cave!

Enter the cave of the Thousand-faced Demon Lord.

Isn't that what they do?

"Kung Fu!""

"It's a magic trick!

Excited and shouting voices emerged one after another, lingering and releasing.

They were so excited.


For the first time, they saw the exercises in the cave of the Thousand-faced Demon Lord.

This naturally caused a burst of excitement in their hearts.

"Apart from the exercises..."

"And weapons, so many weapons, must be extraordinary!

The crowd shouted excitedly.

Their throats rolled, hoarse and frenzied voices.

His eyes were fixed on the wooden shelf in front of him, unable to move away.

"You said, will there be a thousand-faced magic art in it?

A young man couldn't help asking.

This is also the ultimate goal of everyone present.

If you can get the Thousand Faces Magic Art.

this line.

They definitely made a lot of money.

Even if they get any resources, the temptation given to them by the Thousand Faces Magic Art is even greater.

Although the Thousand Faces Magic Art is not the Emperor Sutra!

But anyway.

Thousand-faced magic art has created a terrifying top-level powerhouse, Thousand-faced Demon Lord!

Such a practice.

How could they not express their hearts.


When you see so many treasures of exercises and weapons placed in front of you.

After a series of emotional fluctuations.

The atmosphere at the scene began to become a little weird.

no sound...

They began to look left and right.

Not looking elsewhere.

Rather, they are looking at each other themselves!


A chilling aura emerged spontaneously.

"Don't rob me, these are mine!"5

A loud drink.


The terrifying spiritual power rises into the sky.

The unparalleled majestic spiritual power shrouded the sky and covered the earth.


The momentum of spiritual power swept over.

"Go away!"

The rest of the staff moved out.

The treasure in front of you.

How can they allow themselves to miss.

Absolutely not allowed!


They burst out with the most terrifying power fluctuations, kicked their feet, and rushed forward suddenly, without any reservation, leaving no room, the spiritual power in the body burst out and surge wildly.


Huge empty lobby.

Everywhere, there is a majestic spiritual force, colliding with each other.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The battle is imminent!


"These exercises belong to our sect, and no one can take them away!

"Joke, see the real chapter under the hand!

"Let's see who has the last laugh, brothers, kill me! The chance is right in front of us, how can we allow the chance to miss us!

"Kill! Kill!"


The battle just broke out.

There are no signs!

Do not!

Or rather...

The moment you see these exercises exist.

This battle will inevitably break out.

"Flaming Sword!

"Reckless bull!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

A deafening sound lingered in people's ears.

Unable to calm down.

The battle broke out, extremely fierce, and bombarded all directions.

The whole earth was shaking.

The wall cracked and opened gaps, and began to spread around.

The battle was extremely fierce and could not be calmed down at all.

"Death to me!"

"This is mine, you all get out of here!"

A group of people poured into the open space in front of them and started a fierce battle...

Many people can even touch the exercises and weapons in front of them.

and this.

Will also be the original reason for their fight!

"Get out of here!"

"Get your dirty hands off my stuff! 35

"Go away! This is mine!"

"You guys are forcing me!"

The fighting is getting fiercer.

No one will choose to be merciful.

For them.

To hold back is to desecrate their own lives.

They kept their hands, and if it was convenient, they would be killed.

The moment you see these exercises.

They have no choice.

unless you give up.


They must kill all the competitors here before they can get all the exercises and weapons here.

Of course.

Naturally, they all thought the same thing in their hearts.

"Kill!" 5

The deafening sound enveloped all directions.

The harsh sound began to diffuse, buzzing in people's ears.

The battle continues.


The moment when everyone heads into the battlefield.

on the ground.

That incomparably mysterious pattern.


A white halo began to rise, and quickly enveloped the huge hall on the scene.

"What, what's going on?! 35

Everyone's scalp was numb.

Their battle came to an abrupt end.


Look around.

A white halo rose up, covering the entire lobby.

A horrific 0.9 breath rushed towards them, making them feel it deeply.

"This, this is..."


A man's face changed dramatically and he couldn't help shouting loudly.


"Did our stepping in touched the opening of the formation here?""

"My God! Quick! Get out of here!

"It's too late..."

White halo rises.


The whole place was shrouded in this white light!

Everyone is wrapped in it.

"Break it for me! 9

People from all directions began to attack the outside.


No matter what, they have been unable to shake the white halo.


The surrounding scene changed directly.

They just feel.

The environment you are in is directly changed in an instant!

"This is……"

"Phantom Formation!

An array mage shouted with a terrified face.

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