I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 213 Serious Injury

Blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the pain of the destruction of the spiritual treasure made the strong man's liver and gallbladder burst. The black tiger who was fighting with the Snow King Tiger also wailed at this time, staring at the short knife inserted in his spiritual treasure with an incredulous expression. He murmured, "Why is this happening?" He obviously watched Suning destroy his spiritual treasure and lost his sixth-level cultivation of the Soul Forging Realm. How could he still resist after receiving such a heavy injury.

The spiritual power in his body was sucked away little by little. The strong man tried his best to push Suning away, but the strong hands like pliers held him down here, sucking his spiritual power away from his body. . "In the next life, be careful, don't get too complacent." Su Ning put his mouth next to the strong man's ear and said softly, in the strong man's ear, it was like a devil's whisper.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." The strong man's psychological defense line was breached at once, as if he was frightened, he muttered. Suning waved towards the ground, and the God Killing Sword instantly returned to Suning's hand, a cold light flashed, and a circle of red lines instantly appeared on the strong man's neck, but no blood spilled out.

The strong man didn't understand how Suning deceived him until he died. Of course he couldn't understand. The strength of Suning that everyone sees now is a fake made by him using the blindfold method in the Chaos Holy Spirit Record. People with no cultivation level are really easy to attract people's suspicion. Any self-destructing spiritual treasures are just pretended by Suning. Giving the strong man the illusion that the spiritual treasure is destroyed and has no spiritual power is actually just removing the blindfold That's all.

Because the huge body of the strong man blocked Chu Xiao behind him and the assassin didn't know what happened, in order to save Suning, Chu Xiao gathered all his spiritual energy and struggled away while the assassin wasn't paying attention, and rushed towards Suning. "Don't kill him!" The heartbroken voice shocked everyone around.

Seeing that Chu Xiao broke free, the assassin in a hurry ignored the long sword in his hand and stabbed towards Chu Xiao's back. If he couldn't catch it, he would just kill him! This is the order of the King of Light! Seeing Chu Xiao who was rushing towards the strong man with tears in his eyes to save Suning, and the sharp sword behind her that was about to hit her, Suning didn't have any reason to dodge to block it.

Everything happened between lightning and flint. Before Chu Xiao could react, Suning had already come behind her, because it was too critical. Suning couldn't even mobilize the power of the Holy Spirit to protect the assassin's sword. His heart protruded from his back.

Finally, Jiang Bailin arrived at the scene and saw the assassin who was attacking Suning without saying a word, and the sharp swordsmanship instantly forced the assassin to abandon the sword and run away. Regardless of the assassin, Chu Xiao immediately checked Suning's injuries. The front and corners of the mouth gushed out, and the blood-soaked sword tip could also see the green light shining on it at this time.

Seeing Suning's injury, Chu Xiao, who was so frightened, immediately began to transfer the spiritual power in his body to Suning's body. The combination of power and holy spirit power made Suning's body worse.

"Girl, if you still want him to come back to life, don't send him spiritual power. If you go on like this, you have nothing to do and you have to send him away." Taixu Dragon God floated out of Suning's body and said. Then it landed on Suning's chest and swept Suning's face with his small tail, saying, "You bastard, you can cause trouble for me, don't worry at all."

Hearing what Suning's spirit beast said, Chu Xiao immediately stopped his hands and let Taixu Dragon God take over the important task of treating Suning. After a while, Chu Xiaoyao's figure appeared in the distance, and behind him was a large group of people dressed in The powerful spirit masters of the battle armor, everyone's spiritual power is fully activated at this time, and the surrounding spirit beasts are scattered and fled with mighty momentum. Three hundred iron guards finally arrived at the scene at this moment.

"Miss, the future is late." The leading general who came to Chu Xiao said, standing beside Chu Xiao and saluting. "Uncle Liu, save him, save him." Chu Xiao was already terrified at this moment, she was afraid that Suning would leave her, it was all her, it was her who caused Suning to be like this, what face would she have when she got out? See Lingyue.

Seeing that the usually strong and brave young lady was crying like pear blossoms and raining, Liu Baichuan was not calm at this moment. Seeing Suning lying unconscious in Chu Xiao's arms, he realized the seriousness of the matter. Before setting off, Chu Jiajun implicitly hinted that even the eldest lady is fine if she doesn't come back, but Su Ning absolutely can't afford to lose. As Chu Jiajun's confidants, they naturally know exactly who Suning is, the elder alchemist! If something happens to such a young veteran alchemist, I am afraid that the powerful person behind Suning will come here in person and raze the entire Chu country to the ground.

Up to now, everyone thinks that there is an unfathomable teacher behind Suning, otherwise no one can explain why Suning can become a veteran of refining medicine at a young age. Of course, this is something Suning is happy to see. He is happier when people dare to provoke him.

The situation in the imperial mausoleum was too bad, and the group didn't dare to stay for a long time. With a group of spirit beasts and Suning who was seriously injured, they withdrew towards the portal. Finally, Feng Lingyue, who had been waiting for a long time in King Xin's temporary tent, received the news that Suning and his party had returned, and ran out excitedly to meet Suning, but unexpectedly saw Suning who was indeed unconscious.

Looking at Su Ning, who was unconscious on the stretcher, Feng Lingyue almost collapsed. The last time Suning had brushed shoulders with death in the glazed pagoda, this time he didn't follow the past, why did something happen again, ignoring Chu Xiao and the people around Feng Lingyue Lingyue picked up Su Ning and walked towards their house. Chu Xiao, who was watching the two leave behind, couldn't control his emotions, knelt on the ground and burst into tears, and the guards on the side couldn't stop him.

After a while, Feng Lingyue with a gloomy face came out of the room and said coldly to Chu Xiao, "Tell your father to let him evacuate the people around the entire imperial capital. Xiao Ningzi and I will leave in a while, Bai Lin, you go!" Pack up your things and we'll go back to Ling Tianzong in a while." After saying that, he turned and went back to the house.

Jiang Bailin looked at Chu Xiao who was sobbing and stepped forward to comfort him, "Don't blame yourself like this, Lingyue didn't blame you, she didn't blame you for this matter, go and tell your dad what Suning told you, I'm afraid the current situation is very serious. The chaos is very chaotic, and the people's class in the entire imperial capital depends on you.

Hearing what Jiang Bailin said, Chu Xiao hurriedly got up and wiped away his tears, nodded and rushed towards the direction where Chu Jiajun was in the distance. The current imperial capital is in chaos. In order to retaliate against King Guang, the army brought by King Xin has surrounded the entire street where King Guang's Mansion is located, and the battle is imminent.

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