I Have Ten Times Attack Speed In Online Games

Chapter 103 The second artifact comes out!

"So, how much prestige can be deducted for these two things?"

As Qin Feng said, he took out two things and put them on the table.

One is the [Fire Essence] found outside the Ancestral Dragon City.

One is the 【Dragon Night Pearl】obtained in the Lair of the Dragon El.

Seeing these two things, the quartermaster immediately brightened his eyes and said excitedly: "Warrior, I really didn't expect you to get such a precious thing. It's really surprising."

"[Fire Spirit Soul], the dwarves should like it more, but the goblins are not in urgent need for the time being, so one can deduct 300 prestige goods."

"[Dragon Night Pearl], this is simply a perfect luxury. The engineers of [Machine Island Laboratory] will definitely like it. Therefore, a goods worth 1,000 prestige can be deducted."

Rub, these Ye Mingzhu are so valuable.

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback. He has 3000 Dragon Night Pearls. Isn't it possible to deduct 3 million worth of goods? ! It seems that he was too prescient to let the giant dragon El award the Ye Mingzhu to him when he was cheeky.

"very good."

"Then I choose to buy a total of 50 [Goblin Robots] and an additional 1,000 [Magic Crystal]..."

Since there are so many Ye Mingzhu, Qin Feng bought a lot of goods again.

The total price has reached 3 million prestige.

After the 20% discount, it is 2.4 million prestige.

2400 night pearls were paid.

"It's such a pleasure to trade with you, dear warrior." The goblin quartermaster smiled and sold so many goods at once, and the performance of the Helm Goblin Company would also increase steadily.

"Friend, you are so rich!" The NPC on the side, Mo Duo, also looked astonished. Since childhood, it was the first time he had seen so many Dragon Race Ye Mingzhu.

"I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate next time."

Qin Feng also happily put all the goods into the [Dragon's Pocket], well, with a lot of [goblin robots] and materials, a magnificent city will be built soon.


It didn't take long.

The senior manager of the Goblin Company, Modimeng hurried back, and when he learned that a big deal had been concluded, his face was even more grinning.

"Warrior, Goblin Ventures will always be your best business partner."

Modimeng said, unfolding a drawing and drew a line on it, "Warrior, our airship is going to fly along the line to the east coast of the Doom Swamp, and then with the help of the power of the artifact, the powder of the dragon tears gem Sprinkle and purify this land."

"So, when can we leave?"

"I think that within a day or two, the airship will be ready for departure, and it will take about half a day to reach the destination." Modimeng said.

Wipe, you will be there in half a day...

Qin Feng was a little surprised. If he ran by himself, it would take at least four or five days. It seemed that the goblin's airship technology was indeed not built.

"Haha, warrior, if you can become a friend of the venture company and get the support of the [Razk] family, buying a [goblin airship] is not a big problem."

Modimeng seemed to see through Qin Feng's mind, hehe smiled.

"Uh, buy an airship..."

Qin Feng was moved.

However, looking at Modimeng's treacherous expression, how could he feel that the other party was digging a hole, waiting for him to jump in. I want to hang myself with [Goblin Airship].


"Mr. Modimeng, there is one more thing to ask." Next, Qin Feng said again.

"What's the matter?"

"There is a piece of equipment next, maybe the venture company can help upgrade it."

Qin Feng said, took out the [Ghost Necklace] and handed it up.

In the previous life, the president of Styx [Bei Ming] killed [Blood Shaman] and robbed this piece of equipment, and then through goblins, spent several years upgrading this [Dark Gold] necklace into a bug-like [ Artifact].

But in this life, [Blood Fiend] met him ahead of time, and his necklace was also exploded by himself.

Then this opportunity also belongs to oneself.

"This necklace..."

Modimeng looked at the necklace, his expression gradually becoming serious, "Warrior, if I read it right, this is a destroyed [artifact] necklace..."

"So, can it be repaired?" Qin Feng asked.

"Warrior, repairing the artifact, is it a child's play?!"

Modimeng sighed and continued: "However, if you use the earth spirit tool [Void God Anvil], you may have a chance to restore some of his attributes, but that will require an extremely expensive price."

"What's the price..."

Qin Feng's heartbeat speeds up. If he can obtain a bug-like artifact, he is willing to do anything.

"This requires 1 billion gold coins, plus 5 million goblin reputation."

"Or, a gem of dragon tears."

Modimeng said slowly.

When Qin Feng heard about 1 billion gold coins and 5 million goblin prestige, Qin Feng felt a pain in his head. This special "God Domain" company was also too dark. It would cost 1 billion gold coins to repair an artifact!

However, when I heard "a dragon's tear" gem.

His face was instantly overjoyed.

"Mr. Modimeng, this is my dragon's tears gem, please use it to repair this artifact."

Qin Feng pulled out a dragon tear from his bag. Well, he originally had 2 Dragon Tears in total, but he used one just now, and now there is one left.


Seeing Qin Feng's wind and light, he took out another dragon tear, Modimeng almost seemed to vomit blood, he was completely shocked.

This is Dragon Tears, one of the most precious beings in the entire "God's Domain".

Is this adventurer a wholesaler of Dragon Tears? !

"Mr. Modimone?"

"Ahem, okay, as long as there are Dragon Tears, everything is fine. Warriors, please come with me." Modimeng replied from the shock, then got up and took Qin Feng to the weapon upgrade workshop.


Goblin Workshop, full of steam style.

In front of a console.

Modimeng placed the [Ghost Necklace] in the center of the console, and then placed [Dragon Tears Gem] in the groove on the side, and then operated on the button next to it for a while...

Pili, la la...

An explosion sounded from the surrounding steam machinery... Explosions are commonplace for goblins.


After operating for half an hour, Modimeng finally returned from before the operation.

Then, in the void overhead, there was a huge tremor suddenly, and a huge shadow of a hammer appeared in the sky, and then it hit the [Ghost Necklace] and [Dragon Tears Gem] below.

Qin Feng knew.

This hammer phantom is the divine power delivered by the earth spirit tool [Void God Anvil]...

There was a boom.

As the giant hammer fell, the Dragon's Tears gem turned into powder, half of the powder was absorbed by the giant hammer, and the other half merged into the [Ghost Necklace] on the side...

At this time, a crisp reminder sounded.


"Congratulations! Your [Ghost Necklace] (Dark Gold), after being tempered by [Void God Anvil], has been successfully restored to [Shen Yin Necklace] (artifact fragments)!"



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