Su Yan and Jiao Chong Patriarch had just left when the four sea dragon kings returned to the banquet hall. When the West Sea Dragon King saw the scene in the Tianren Banquet Hall, his eyebrows twitched slightly: "If there is nothing, they really shouldn't be invited to the banquet."

Beside the round table woven with spiritual vines, there should have been eleven rattan chairs, but now one is missing.

Among the wine utensils on the table, the most important meteorite crystal wine pot disappeared, and the three calligraphy and paintings written by the West Sea Dragon King on the wall disappeared, replaced by three pieces of rice paper hanging in the original picture frame.

Although these items are valuable, they are just some items for the West Sea Dragon King, and it is not worth him to be angry about these things. After all, there are often naughty kids taking souvenirs at the Tianren Banquet, and the West Sea Dragon King has known them for a long time, so he naturally knows.

What really makes the West Sea Dragon King angry is that those guys really know how to choose things!

The rattan table and chairs are a furniture set, but now there is a chair missing. The wine set has lost its wine pot, and the calligraphy and painting I used to write with are lost.

If you want to take souvenirs, take them all!

What's the big deal if you take some or not?

"Changshouxian? Why haven't you left yet?"

"Ah, my legs and feet are not in good condition. I plan to stay here for a while and eat some seafood. The geology of the northern state makes my neck hurt because I sleep too long."

The Dragon King of the West Sea: "."

The Dragon King of the West Sea rubbed his face and invited the other three dragon kings to the courtyard of the main palace to reminisce about the past. He went back to the front court with a pot of wine, and hugged the waist of the Dragon Queen of the West Sea with a smile on his face, and went around showing his affection.

"Why does your smile seem a little forced?" The Dragon Queen of the West Sea saw that her husband's face was not right, so she asked him if he had encountered anything.

"Nothing happened, just some things that shouldn't be lost were lost, and some things that should be lost are still sitting upright in the back." The Dragon King of the West Sea smiled and said, "My husband, it's just that my Tao heart was slightly shaken, it's not a big deal, as long as I can hug my wife, it's like holding the universe."


The guests and hosts in the banquet hall of the former dynasty were all happy, and the Dragon King of the West Sea hugged his wife's waist and showed his affection everywhere. When the guests saw the Dragon King of the West Sea come out in person, they were all terrified and almost knelt on the ground before they dared to toast the Dragon King of the West Sea.

But the Dragon King of the West Sea didn't care about these at all. The main purpose of his banquet was to let everyone come and see his beautiful and kind-hearted wife.

"What are you doing."

The guests were drinking in the hall full of guests. Su Yan had eaten a lot earlier, and because the spiritual power of the spiritual wine was stagnant in his body and had not dissipated, after a brief conversation with the Jiao Chong Patriarch and his aunt, Su Yan ran directly to the outside of the main palace, ready to exercise a little to consume the spiritual power stagnant in his body.

But as soon as Su Yan went out, he saw a table of very strange guests.

They sat at the edge of the banquet hall. Other dragon clan members frequently toasted them, but they did not move their bodies. They just moved their eyes slightly and glanced at them as a greeting.

Such a strange scene aroused Su Yan's curiosity.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Just as Su Yan stood up and looked, he suddenly felt a familiar chill coming from behind him. Su Yan subconsciously did a backflip on the spot to avoid the dragon egg that suddenly attacked him from behind.

"Why aren't you in the banquet hall?"

Su Yan, who had a backflip, fell into the white jade dragon's palm before he could land on the ground. Ao Jin looked at the fox lying on his palm and asked.

"Everything has been resolved. The ancestor and the aunt are drinking over there!"

Seeing the dragon egg and Ao Jin, three black lines appeared on Su Yan's fox face. No wonder he felt a familiar feeling. It turned out that the dragon egg was preparing to attack him.

After Su Yan complained in his heart, he looked at Ao Jin and said, "What about you? Aren't you going to eat?"

"We ate in the backyard." Ao Jin said with a slightly strange expression, "Master has a good appetite. He drank three nurses in a row before he was satisfied."

Although Longdan was not born yet, he knew how to find milk to drink. The process was not convenient to show, so when the banquet started, Ao Jin and Longdan were arranged to eat in a more secluded room.

Ao Jin ate the dishes on the table, while Longdan began to select nurses from various dragon tribes on a daily basis.

It should be because of the lively today. Master Longdan had a particularly good appetite and ate three bowls in a row before he was full.

"I see."

Su Yan nodded, and then looked at Ao Jin with curiosity and asked, "Oh, oh, did you see the table on the left hand edge? Will they really not be beaten by other dragons if they are so scornful?"

The table on the left hand edge was the one Su Yan had just stood up and looked at. The guests on the seats were solemn and motionless. When other dragons came to toast them, they didn't even move their eyelids, and their faces were stern.

Su Yan was a little curious about the origins of such arrogant guests.

"Left hand edge."

Ao Jin looked over and saw the guests who Su Yan had mentioned about their strange behavior. He saw a table of more than 20 people, and they really scorned others as Su Yan said.

"They are Miyun, one of the branches of the dragon clan."

When Ao Jin saw the people on the seat, the gloom on his cheeks disappeared immediately, and he explained to Su Yan with a helpless expression:

"They also belong to the second-generation dragon clan. They are the offspring of a true dragon and a mountain spirit. They usually don't move. If they move, a lot of heat will evaporate from their body surface."

"If their family starts to move, these guests who are sitting outdoors eating will have to open their umbrellas in a while. Will they feel uncomfortable if they don't see Miyun?"

Miyun was born from the dragon clan and the mountain spirit. Once its body moves, rain clouds will begin to accumulate in the sky due to the interaction between the rock body and the dragon clan's magical power to control water.

Miyun has a peaceful personality, but because of his talent, he usually doesn't like to join in the fun. However, today the Dragon King of the West Sea hosted a banquet and invited all the dragons to come and have a banquet. Miyun was also invited by the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Miyun could only tense up and sit down in the outermost area of ​​the banquet hall with a straight face, for fear that a heavy rain would accidentally flood the banquet hall.

"The real dragon father and the mountain elf mother?"

After listening to Ao Jin's explanation, Su Yan's blue eyes stirred up a big earthquake, and his face was full of disbelief.

To put it bluntly, the mountain spirit is a big mountain!

The real dragon gentlemen are really fancy

There is a new book published by a friend in the group. If you are interested, you can check it out.

Chapter 442: Restoring the ancient trend of people in offshore areas

"Little fox, why don't you eat inside?"

The banquet in the Winter Refuge Villa was gradually coming to an end. The Dragon King and Dragon Queen of Xihai walked out of the hall and came to the dragon egg. The Dragon Mother of Xihai smiled and greeted Su Yan, who was lying on Ao Jin's shoulder.

"Back to seniors, all the elders in the family are drinking. I just sobered up and stopped joining in the fun."

Su Yan had a leisurely look on his face, raised his little fox paw to expose the pads, and greeted the Dragon Queen of the West Sea.

"It's really a rare little Yaizhen." The Dragon Queen of the West Sea looked at the furry Su Yan and couldn't help but reached out and pinched Su Yan's fleshy-looking cheeks.

Su Yan, who has the shape of a little fox, is not very appropriate to describe him as cute. Instead, the corners of his eyes and mouth have shadows similar to eyeliner and lip liner, which makes Su Yan seem to be smiling all the time, especially when he smiles. It becomes sweeter and more innocent.

The words "sweet" and "pure" should be regarded as the first time in her life that the Dragon Queen of the West Sea has used the words "sweet" and "pure" to describe the Yajuan tribe.

The adjective for the Dragon King of the West Sea is really appropriate, a particularly waxy eyeball.

The Dragon Queen of the West Sea sighed in her heart.

"Come on, kid, get ready to go home."

The Dragon Queen of the West Sea stroked Su Yan's head slightly and praised Su Yan's cuteness and sweetness. Then, she looked at her own dragon egg that had climbed up the tree and was about to fly.

The dragon egg has already reached maturity, but the little white dragon inside seems to be reluctant to be born for some reason. It has been sleeping under the protection of the eggshell, so that the dragon egg has a different kind of intelligence that is almost instinctive. .

As she was busy with her return, the Dragon Queen of the West Sea could not spare time to deal with her child's affairs.

Now that the banquet has been served, the Dragon Queen of the West Sea first thinks of her children's affairs, and plans to go to the West Bank after taking care of them and deal with the people's affairs.


Long Dan seemed a little unwilling, and silently removed his gaze from Su Yan, looked at his mother, and fell from the tree into her mother's arms.

"Madam, you go back to hatch the eggs first! The other brothers and sisters are still in the dormitory, I will come back later."

The Dragon King of the West Sea gently kissed his wife on the cheek, raised his hand and pushed open a space door, allowing the Dragon Queen of the West Sea to return home directly to hatch the evil dragon in the eggshell.

Watching the Dragon Queen of the West Sea and her child leave, the Dragon King of the West Sea suppressed the smile on his cheeks, looked at Ao Jin and Su Yan aside and said:

"Little fox, don't tell me that my ancestor has been tricking your family of three all day long. Now there is a fat job offered to you. It depends on whether you can take it or not."

Su Yan has now recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, but there are still some small things that have not been settled. Therefore, when the Dragon King of the West Sea talks to Su Yan, he changes from calling himself the king or me to the name he calls himself within the dragon clan.

"After re-hatching the demon dragon, Madam will definitely go to the West Bank to visit her followers. Although I don't really care what those guys think, ancestor, I can allocate some power to you now."

The Dragon King of the West Sea looked at Su Yan, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly: "Quietly eliminate the disobedients, the complainers, and the evil beasts that occupy the mountains and dominate the sea. Even those who belong to Yalong and think that the emperor is high and far away have been eliminated."

"Ancestor doesn't want to see what he doesn't want to see. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Um, Grandpa, what do you mean, let me lead the West Sea Dragon Clan's army, and use the name of the West Sea Dragon Mother to eliminate the village tyrants, bandits, and evil beasts in the sea, and all the things I get from killing people and setting fires will belong to me?"

Su Yan pondered for a moment and then asked.

"It's true, the ancestor doesn't care about those things," said the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Although Su Yan didn't have much strength, the Dragon King of the West Sea knew that Su Yan had a good relationship with the mountain gods of the West Bank and the Shark people in the offshore city. He was considered half a local snake in the West Bank area.

Therefore, the Dragon King of the West Sea specially issued a small task to Su Yan, asking him to use the name of the Dragon Mother of the West Sea to be considerate of the people, to show kindness to the people and residents on the West Bank, so that the Dragon Mother of the West Sea could reap the rewards the next time she goes on tour. Welcome from the people of the West Bank.

Also, the Dragon King Temple should be renovated, so that they don’t look so shabby.

The task of the Dragon King of the West Sea is not difficult. He just needs Su Yan to make connections so that the Dragon Clan Legion can directly station on the west coast to benevolent and considerate to the people.

For these matters, the Dragon King of the West Sea could directly tell the father and mother of the Shark clan who were sitting in the banquet hall, and the Shark clan would get things done and hand over the proceeds with both hands afterward with a respectful look on their faces.

But the Dragon King of the West Sea did not do that. Instead, he chose to take a detour and let Su Yan do things for him.

There was naturally a reason inside, but the Dragon King of the West Sea did not say it so straightforwardly. Instead, he said it in a slightly teasing tone, saying that he was giving benefits to Su Yan.

As the Dragon King of the West Sea, his words and deeds will affect the dragons under his command. If he talks to the sharks, there is no guarantee that those philistine sharks will show their kindness and make the dragons in the coastal city on the west coast do some unpleasant things.

This is just one of the reasons.

The second reason was that he really didn't want to interfere too much with matters on the Western State land, lest he meet the master of the Qi Sect who was full of surprise. It was a gathering of leaders from all over the world in Dragon Palace. The only leader of the Western States who did not attend the banquet was the head of the Qi Sect.

The Qi Sect is an absolutely neutral sect and will not participate in the discussion of important matters. On weekdays, the master of the Qi Sect is leading his disciples to study the skills of weapon refining.

However, the elders of the Qi Sect cannot manage the western state, so the master of the Qi Sect has always been thinking about letting the Dragon King of the West Sea temporarily take over the western state for him, so that he can lead his disciples to study the forging method of immortal weapons and think about what would happen if there were no In the case of fairy spirit, the spiritual weapon has the potential to be comparable to that of fairy weapons, and can be advanced accordingly.

However, the Dragon King of the West Sea was too lazy to talk to him. There were a lot of things going on in the West Sea, and he was still trying to have a baby, so he had no time to talk to that crazy guy.

For the leaders from all over the world, the bigger the territory, the better. The land that can be enveloped by their own spiritual thoughts is truly theirs. If there are no particularly precious resources in the territory outside the Divine Mind, the leaders of the states will be too lazy to take over.

The Dragon King of the West Sea didn't want to earn favors from the sharks, nor did he want to meet the long-winded master of the Qi Sect, so he just gave the bandit suppression plan of tens of millions of kilograms of spiritual stones to Su Yan, who was still one of his own, to pick it up.

For the past twenty years, he had been annoyed to the point of being afraid.

"That's it, it's settled. When Ao Jin comes, you can choose a few elite dragons to follow the little fox to suppress the bandits."

The Dragon King of the West Sea stretched out his right hand, pressed Su Yan's head and rubbed it to make an agreement.


Su Yan looked at the back of the Dragon King of the West Sea with a confused face, then looked at Ao Jin's face next to him and said:

"Grandpa, are you giving me a red envelope? Why do I always feel like there is some conspiracy? Is there any big hole in Sister Ao Jin's place?"

Based on Su Yan's understanding of the Dragon King of the West Sea, it seems that the Dragon King of the West Sea is not a good person.

Is it really that big of a bargain?


Ao Jin was stunned when he heard this, with a look of solemn expression on his face, and said, "On the territory of the West Sea Dragon Clan, you are trying to harm our members of the West Sea Dragon Clan? Who has the guts to do that?"

"Run slower, it will peel off your skin and even take out your soul to light the lamp!"

Chapter 443: The arrogant insects make huge profits without any capital

"If you dare to offend a dragon in our dragon territory, we will peel off his skin, beat his tendons, and sprinkle salt on his skinless flesh to light up his soul!"

Ao Jin had a look of fear on his face. He gently held the long sword in his hand and said without salty words that in the territory of the West Sea Dragon Clan, sinners who offend the West Sea Dragon Clan should have their due consequences. As long as the thief runs two steps slower, he will be killed. It is bound to make his whole family suffer a bad death.


Su Yan was speechless for a moment after hearing this, and his understanding of the Dragon Clan's Yajus deepened a little.

"I'm going to inform a few of my compatriots, please wait here for a while."

Ao Jin put Su Yan down from his shoulders and looked at Su Yan, who was shaking with a little confusion on his face. He asked with a slight sigh: "Can you hold the sword? I feel that your current appearance is a bit lacking in murderous intent. It just doesn’t look like our kind.”

Although Su Yan was from Beihai, the blood of Yaizhen flowed in Su Yan's body. Thinking that he would need to introduce Su Yan to other colleagues later, Ao Jin felt a little guilty in his heart.

If you carry out such a pink and waxy look, other Dragon Clan colleagues will probably laugh at you for two hundred years.

Especially thinking about those big mouths who mocked the wind, Ao Jin's head hurt a little.

"Try to look fierce."

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