Bo Chang did not order Qing Que.

The reason is very simple.

Even if Bo Chang did not say it, Qing Que would definitely stay at Bai Lu's feet to be protected as a mahjong girl with long-range attacks.

She is still drawing cards now...

There is no need to worry about her.

It is Xi Lu Wa who needs attention.

Compared with Xing, San Yue Qi and others, her strength is slightly inferior.

If it is against some soldiers, it is okay.

Slightly stronger enemies will cause life-threatening to Xi Lu Wa.

Walter Yang and the dragon Bai Lu both control the field.

This stabilized the surrounding environment and prevented it from getting out of control further.

According to the performance of the person in front of him.

Walter Yang felt that the fake Tingyun was most likely the messenger of destruction, but unfortunately he didn't know which one it was...

She had no intention of introducing herself.

"As long as we can hold this guy back, when the general of Luofu arrives, she will definitely not be his opponent."

Walter Yang's calculations were very loud.

Just like the fake Tingyun wanted Bo Chang and others to be buried here.

Walter Yang did not intend to let the other party go.

An extinction lord lurking on the Luofu Immortal Boat was too dangerous and had to be eliminated as soon as possible.

No wonder the star core hunter said at that time...

If the Star Dome Train did not come to support, the Luofu Immortal Boat would suffer heavy losses.

A great lord with a great reputation in the entire universe.

His strength is first-class and powerful.

If there were no giant dragon Bailu and Danheng around him, Walter Yang would probably not have the idea of ​​delaying the other party now.

Instead, he would find an opportunity to take everyone away.

Danheng, Bochang, and Xing rushed towards the fake Tingyun.


Bochang was one step slower than Danheng and Xing.


He aimed directly at the fake Tingyun and suddenly threw the gun of oath.

The bright tip of the gun rushed towards the enemy.

Fake Tingyun did not sit and wait for death. She raised a smile and said, "It's just a group of ants resisting stubbornly. Let me deal with Bailu first, and then deal with you."

Looking at the little dragon loli who turned into a dragon.

Fake Tingyun's eyes were filled with greed. She kept it to herself because of Bochang and Bailu.

Otherwise, Jianmu should have grown last night.

Of course...

There were also some other factors that caused the fake Tingyun's plan to be postponed.

These things were also a chain reaction caused by Bochang and others.

The seductive green figure came to kill.

The blue spear like a meteor was easily avoided. After turning around behind, it continued to kill the fake Tingyun.

But the speed was completely unmatched.

In a face-to-face encounter, the fake Tingyun repelled Danheng and Xing one after another, and came to Bochang like teleportation.

Looking at the other party's raised big bi dou.

Bochang was well prepared, and he used his new moves without fear.

The second rated power of the dragon spell!

At close range, Bo Chang sprayed out countless burning red lotuses, and the scene was enchanting and beautiful.

It also contained the breath of destruction.


The fake Tingyun was covered by the red lotus and turned into a blazing super fireball.

The surrounding space was distorted by the high temperature.

After knowing that the opponent might be a Lingshi, Bo Chang did not think that his attack could cause much damage to the enemy.


At least he successfully blocked it and did not let the big bidou hit him.

The fake Tingyun was stopped by the surging red lotus and could not move forward, and Bo Chang took the opportunity to retreat.

Prevent the enemy's next round of attack.

To be honest, Bo Chang was able to stop the fake Tingyun.

Walter Yang and the giant dragon Bailu contributed greatly.

The current battlefield seems to be Bo Chang, Xing and Dan Heng fighting against the fake Tingyun.

In fact...

The real battlefield is in the sky.

The blue hurricane is attacking Walter Yang and his derivative creations-many pseudo-black holes all the time.

The hollow water ball of the giant dragon Bai Lu limits the scope of the battle, blocks the hurricane from affecting the outside world, and triggers countless purple thunders to fall from the sky and fight with the blue hurricane.

Countless purple dragons and blue dragons entangled together, biting each other.

The battle was extremely tragic.

While the giant dragon Bai Lu was passionately fighting with the fake Tingyun, he was also using water to send away the nearby immortal boat people to protect their safety.

After all...

The hollow water ball with a diameter of one kilometer has covered several streets in Changletian.

It blocked out the sky and trapped a large number of immortal boat people in it.

The battlefield in the sky.

It is completely beyond the reach of Bo Chang and others.

The confrontation of pure energy is even more dangerous.

Fake Tingyun is multitasking. In the case of fighting Walter Yang and the giant dragon Bai Lu, he can also repel Dan Heng and Xing with one move.

It can be seen how strong he is.

Bo Chang can only delay the opponent's pace and has no confidence in causing harm to him.

"Unless I use my full strength..."

Whether it is Dragon Blast or Red Lotus, Bo Chang can temporarily increase its power without limit.

How much damage it causes depends entirely on how long Bo Chang's physical strength bar is.

But in this case.

It is irrational to push all the chips out.

In fact, Bo Chang's previous shot was not weak either.

In the past.

The physical strength consumed has long been in the category of a full strength attack.

It's just that Bo Chang's physique is now 48 times stronger than before, so he doesn't feel anything.

The blazing fireball came quickly.

It also went away quickly.

The strong wind that protected the fake Tingyun spread around and immediately dispersed the flames.

Let it go out.

"How is it possible... you can actually... actually hurt me..."

The fake Tingyun stood there, staring blankly at his own body. That perfect body had been burned by the flames.

The soft hair on his body was also burnt a lot.

It looked like a cat that had just been rescued from the fire scene.

As the messenger of destruction - the Lord of Extinction.

Even if this body was just casually fabricated.

Under the strict defense of Huanlong, it would never be so easily injured by the ants in her eyes.

Even if he was injured.

It should be Walter Yang, or the giant dragon Bailu.

How could he be given by Bo Chang...

But the fact is now.

Huanlong's wind wall defense was broken by Bo Chang's fire lotus.

Seeing the embarrassed fake Tingyun.

Bo Chang was a little surprised, but soon, he thought of the reason.

The messenger of justice + the killer of the queen, double critical hit.

These two skills allow Bo Chang to...

deal explosive damage when facing a bad woman older than himself.

Even if the envoy dared to resist Bo Chang's attack, he would be injured.

What's more, Huanlong is not a particularly strong envoy.

This body is not carefully made.

"Think about it this way... Is it possible for me to kill her with a full-strength attack?" Bo Chang imagined in his mind. Curious, he couldn't help but interrupt the system for the first time in a long time, "After combining the messenger of justice and the killer of the queen... how much damage did I increase?"

[Critical hit means damage x2, and the superposition of the two is x4, so the damage you just caused to her has quadrupled. 】

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