I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 110 [Southern California International Film Awards] Invitation Letter

[The 46th Golden Horse Awards was held on November 7 at the Taipei County Government Building in Taiwan. A total of 100 films were registered and 27 films were shortlisted! 】

[End of the road: At the 46th Golden Horse Awards, none of the company's works from [Starlight Future] were shortlisted. Director Xiong Zhengqiang criticized [Starlight Future] for wage arrears! 】

["Thunder" received ten nominations and received critical acclaim. Is it a shot in the arm for the film market after the financial crisis? 】

["Song" was released yesterday, and "Starlight Future" lost 100 million. Let's take a look at the top ten bad movies of "Starlight Future" since the beginning of 2009! 】


October 21st.

[Starlight Future] The company is empty.

The shareholder reorganization is naturally a mess, and even countless old cases have been dug up and rectified.

This rectification was naturally taxing.

The review of its artist studios, the tax repayment, the contract termination...

Almost half of it is gone.

When all the "catastrophe" was over, Xu Shengnan breathed a long sigh of relief.

She glanced at the news.

The 46th Golden Horse Awards was so huge that it almost occupied the headlines of countless entertainment pages on the Internet.

After the financial crisis, capital did not dare to spend money as before, so for almost half of 2008, the market was in an extremely sluggish state.

This state of malaise continued into the second half of 2009...

At this juncture, the film market needs a movie to shake up the scene.


"Thunder" came into being!

I have to say that [Shengshi Entertainment] is really lucky.

"Sister Shengnan! Why didn't Mr. Zheng fire Director Liu Haodong? What a terrible song he chose. It directly caused our [Starlight Future] huge losses and made all shareholders angry. Why didn't he fire him? Him? Our company has been preparing for him for two years. How much money did we spend on this movie in two years? How can it be made like this? Even a newcomer can shoot it better than him!"

In the office.

Xu Shengnan's apprentice, Xiao Jiang, looked at the content on the news page and his lungs were about to explode.

If it hadn't been for the bad movie "Song", [Starlight Future] probably wouldn't be in the situation it is today!

A total of nearly 200 million was invested in this movie. Then, it was released after the National Day Golden Week, and the box office was only tens of millions!

[Starlight Future] The stock price plummeted. Apart from the "accident" incident, the bad movie "Song" simply took a lot of credit!

"Xiao Jiang, this is not something you should be concerned about. By the way, is the casting project for "That Summer" in preparation?"

"We are already making preparations, but because of the recent turmoil, no one is investing in our movie..."

"This movie is solely owned by our company, so it doesn't matter. Are there any other brands that have contacted us before?"

"Not much left...Although some endorsement contracts have not been terminated, everyone is waiting and watching..."


"Sister Shengnan, I think we [Starlight Future] are really crazy. I just got the news that not only will Liu Haodong not be fired, but he can also direct the main theme movie "1949". What is going on with us [Starlight Future] , are the top management already in such a mess? It’s not good to speak ill of the leader behind his back, but I still think what Mr. Zheng did was stupid!”

"Xiao Jiang, Director Liu Haodong is very capable. It's not as simple as you think."

"Why would you make a bad movie like "Song" if you are very capable?"

"Xiao Jiang, why would a capable person accept a bad movie like "Song"?"

"I don't know. Are you blind?"

"When you understand this truth, you won't have to go to the market to be an assistant."


In the office.

Xiao Jiang looked at Xu Shengnan blankly.

She didn't understand why.

But Xu Shengnan didn't say anything more to her. Instead, he waved his hand and asked her to leave.

After Xiao Jiang left, Xu Shengnan quietly watched the news on the computer screen.

In the news, although there are still some negative news about "Starlight Future", there are still many netizens on the Internet who are mocking the movie "Song".

But compared with the popularity of the past few days, it is not even a little bit less.

The influence of this storm is gradually weakening. By tomorrow, [Starlight Future] on the Internet will be completely suppressed.

In this world, there are always hands that are controlling something.

Ordinary people can only see the surface. Although they can't understand why an actor often accepts bad movies, he always has the resources. They can't understand why a director makes a big bad movie that makes the entire film and television industry laugh, but the company just doesn't understand. Entrust him with important tasks...

And some smart people can see deeper things through clues.

After Xu Shengnan finished reading, he turned off the computer.

The company's turmoil did not affect her. Instead, she was promoted and became the general manager of artist brand services and part of the film business, a branch under Mr. Zheng.

She was not surprised about the promotion...

For the employees who remained, who were somewhat capable, the senior management of [Starlight Future] entrusted them with more or less important tasks.

When Xu Shengnan finished her work and was about to take a break, she received a call.

The call was from Zhang Sheng.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Sheng did not explain his purpose, but just asked some questions about the Golden Horse Awards.

Xu Shengnan couldn't figure out what Zhang Sheng was going to do, so he had to explain to Zhang Sheng what this year's Golden Horse Awards would be like...

Zhang Sheng said "Oh" on the other end of the phone, as if he understood something.

Afterwards, Zhang Sheng hung up the phone.

After Zhang Sheng hung up the phone, Xu Shengnan stared at the phone for a long time.

She considered herself a smart person and knew that Zhang Sheng had done something, but Zhang Sheng's phone call left her puzzled.

It seemed like an ordinary phone call, but Xu Shengnan always felt that there was something hidden in Zhang Sheng's phone.

He seems to be weaving a web again...

And, vaguely, the web seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

Even Xu Shengnan didn't know if he was pulled into this network.

Such people must cooperate, but they must also be vigilant!


I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years!

Xu Shengnan came to such a conclusion for the first time!


"Do we really want to do this?"

"What do you think?"

"I think this is a scam, a scam, and it will be exposed one day..."

"What will happen if it's revealed?"


After Zhang Sheng finished the phone call with Xu Shengnan, he took another look at the news on the Internet.

News, the negative content of [Starlight Future] will be much less every once in a while.

It seems that [Starlight Future] has reorganized its internal personnel and has begun to guide external public opinion.

Opposite the office, Chen Mengting was looking at an English webpage but hesitated to speak...

The name of the web page translated is called [Southern California International Film Awards].

Although the IP is listed abroad, Chen Mengting knows that all the content on the website was created by several classmates from [NC Studio].

Although they all signed a confidentiality agreement, when Chen Mengting saw on the webpage, a foreigner wearing a suit and leather shoes was holding a pipe. The following introduced a series of information such as [South American Film Judges], [Special Guests of the Orcas Film Festival] After becoming an international film investor, Chen Mengting felt extremely uncomfortable.

The foreigner holding the pipe is named "Lacey". He is from Brazil like Tom, and he is even a poor carpenter boy from the slums...

This photo of him holding a pipe in his mouth was taken no less than a hundred times by the photography department staff of [NC Studio], and then a satisfactory photo was selected for online promotion.

The more she understood the truth of some things, the more uncomfortable Chen Mengting felt.

She thinks they are scamming!

This is somewhat contrary to her original intention.

She looked at Zhang Sheng: "After being exposed, we will be beyond redemption, and our credibility will fall to the bottom forever!"

Chen Mengting said this very seriously.

"No, no one will reveal it!"

"There can't be an airtight wall in this world." Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng's confidence and finally retorted.

She knows Zhang Sheng is very powerful!

She knew that Zhang Sheng's future achievements would definitely be terrifying.

She knew that by following Zhang Sheng, she would not be too low in the future...


I can't get over that hurdle in my heart no matter what.

Her retort did not make Zhang Sheng angry. Instead, Zhang Sheng looked at her with a smile: "Even if it is exposed, it will not have any influence!"

"What if it is influential and very big? Zhang Sheng, have you ever considered whether what we do will have a big impact on our college?"

"It has great influence and is better for us. This is a kind of propaganda..." Zhang Sheng's voice remained calm.

"What are you promoting?"

"Sister, remember, we are not lying, we are doing it down to earth, we are setting up a stage, I remember telling you before! Every link is the framework of the stage... I never lie to anyone !”

"Zhang Sheng, I..."

"The intrigues in this world are more complicated than you think, especially in the entertainment industry. If you are mentally burdened by even this, it will be difficult for you to cross the class! Senior sister, have you seen the news? You I saw in the entertainment news, there was only a simple one-line description, "Starlight Future" did not have a movie shortlisted for the Golden Horse Awards... It was an understatement like an ordinary ridicule news... But, you know that there is something hidden behind this news. What is it?"


"Countless beasts are tearing at [Starlight Future]'s body. They are devouring its flesh, drinking its blood, and even the bones. They want to suck out the juice and then make it into a stool!"


Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng in shock.

She had never seen Zhang Sheng show such a serious and terrifying expression before.

Her sixth sense told her that Zhang Sheng did not lie to her or lie.

"Eighty percent of wealth is in the hands of 20% of people. I believe you have seen this sentence. I believe you have also heard that 20% of wealth accumulation is actually in the hands of 20% of the people. They are all dishonorable methods, but you don’t know one thing..."

"What's up?"

"There are hands in the darkness that are distributing this wealth... Are they distributing this way because they think it is reasonable?"

Listening to Zhang Sheng's words, Chen Mengting felt the cold sweat on her back getting more and more intense.

She lowered her head subconsciously: "Zhang Sheng, I..."

"Senior sister! I study law very seriously. I have never done anything like deception or abduction. Now we only do it within reasonable rules and in an upright way, across classes..."

"Among the 20%?" Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng subconsciously.

"..." Zhang Sheng showed a smile.

But didn't answer the call.

"Do you want to do that..." Chen Mengting's pupils shrank, and she felt her heart pounding.

"Senior, I have never said what I am going to do, but I promise you again, Senior, we do not break the law, we do not commit crimes, we are upright, we are law-abiding citizens, and I will not lie to you!"

"..." Chen Mengting was silent for a long time, then nodded, inexplicably feeling like her head was exploding.

"Senior sister, help me make a batch of invitations..."

"What invitation?"

"Invitation letter from [Southern California International Film Awards]..."


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