I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 112 The sword that lights up the night!

"It's almost, it's okay, it's not bad, it's okay, it's pretty good..."

"I don't really like that word."

"You have been running around for so many years and finally came across this opportunity. Not only must you firmly seize this opportunity, but you must also prove to everyone that you are unique!"

"In this world, if we want to succeed, we have to exert all our potential..."

“Don’t doubt yourself, and definitely don’t think you can’t do it!”

"No matter how rusty a sword is, as long as it is not broken and you sharpen it repeatedly until it can print your shadow and sharpen it, the sword's light can illuminate the dark night!"


Du Hui followed Zhang Sheng out of the door.

Follow Xu Shengnan and Hu Zongxian to say goodbye.

The setting sun has long since set, and the earth is getting dark, but the sunset glow on the horizon is unusually bright red.

Like blood, like blazing fire.

Zhang Sheng looked at Du Hui with an extremely serious look.

Du Hui nodded. His body was still exhausted, as if he was overdrawn, but his spirit was extremely excited, as if a heat wave was running through his chest.

His heart was beating.

After years of wandering around, my dream has not been washed away by wind and rain.

He came up with an album!

But his dream is not just to release an album.

He wants to be popular, and he wants many people, even the world, to hear his singing.

Some people probably live for their dreams.

"Mr. Zhang, what should I do next?"

"Record a video."

“What should I record?”

"You can record whatever you want..."

Du Hui was confused.

But Zhang Sheng patted him on the shoulder and pointed not far away.

Not far away, several students carrying cameras walked over.

He knows these students...

Under the overpass in the early hours of that morning, these students were running around carrying cameras.

He looked at a girl walking over with a microphone: "Hello, did you just finish recording the song?"


"How does it feel to record a song?"

"It's hard, but I'm happy..."

"How many years have you been homeless?"

"It's been five or six years, right?"

"What keeps you going?"


"Have you chosen this path since you graduated from high school?"



Du Hui smiled brightly, and although his face was soaked with sweat, he still answered optimistically.

Zhang Sheng, who was not far away, saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

After the interview ended in about a few minutes, the students got into the car and left.

Zhang Sheng came over.

"Have a good sleep tonight."

"Tomorrow I……"

"Come with us to the country."

"What are you doing in the country?"

"Help promote business for electric vehicles and record some of your documentary footage, which can be used as a MV..."


"Du Hui..."


"How much more pain can you take?"

When Du Hui saw Zhang Sheng's serious expression, he was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "Mr. Zhang, are you still going to torture me?"

"It's not that I want to torture you, it's life that wants to torture you!"

"Oh well!"

"By the way, I helped you get a battery endorsement deal. I'll help you choose one of the photos you took before. If the battery sells well in the future, I'll give you a commission on the net profit. I brought the contract. You Take a look carefully and if there is no problem, just sign it."


Under the street lamp, Zhang Sheng took out a contract and handed it to Du Hui.

Du Hui looked at the contract, excited and at a loss: "Mr. Zhang, now I don't have any name, can I still accept endorsements?"

"Sign it, the future king of music!"



Du Hui left.

I took the contract and left excitedly.

He might have a good sleep tonight.

Zhang Sheng looked at Du Hui's leaving figure for a long time.

In the early morning of that day, he saw in Du Hui the ardent feeling of a dream chaser...

Among the waves of wandering singers, Zhang Sheng only saw this kind of burning feeling in Du Hui.

Such people probably need a chance.

Zhang Sheng thinks he can succeed.

Zhang Sheng got into the car and closed his eyes.

Although my eyes were resting, my mind was always planning the next thing.

Now the platform is almost set up, and the people on the platform are almost ready to come over. It’s just a matter of time.

He leaned back out of habit.

So far, although I still haven't made any money, I have a lot more cards in my hand. It's completely different from the situation in August when I first came to this world with nothing.

With more cards, there are more possibilities, there are more possibilities, and the probability of success will be higher.

Now, just a little bit of success is the same!

His whole chess game was completely reorganized.

Of course, before that, he still needs to lay the groundwork to add more chips to this game.

The car soon arrived at Yanshihua.

As soon as I got off the bus, the phone rang.

The call was from Li Bin.

"Liu Kaili was also detained?"


"It seems that Xu Bowen, the security guard, still has a bottom line. He must have been really obsessed at that time..."


"I can guess what Liu Kaili said. I know what kind of person Liu Kaili is. It's nothing..."


"Li Bin, there's no need to be angry about these things!"


"I can't tell you how long you will have to endure it, but when you take everything calmly and in an orderly manner, you won't have to endure it anymore..."


"Li Bin, I'm very happy that you can make this phone call with me, but I'm not happy with what you said on the phone. Do you just want to be an ordinary small owner of a decoration and building materials store?"

On the phone, Li Bin fell into silence for a long time.

Zhang Sheng hung up Li Bin's call.

Li Bin's personal ability is not bad, but he is far from being able to stand alone.

If he can't become a piece of material that can stand alone, then he can only grind it until he can stand alone.

This is the survival method for ordinary people in this world to succeed, especially in Yanjing, a city with great pressure, this bottom-level survival method needs to be more profound.

As for Liu Kaili...

Zhang Sheng never had any expectations from him.

Zhang Sheng, who had been in the dark for a long time and was used to seeing all kinds of people, didn't have any emotions after hearing Liu Kaili's "passing the blame".

That's how he is.

Such a person is destined not to become an ally. To put it bluntly, he can only be an ordinary springboard.

Zhang Sheng put his cell phone in his pocket and walked into [Master Zhao Noodle House] next to the college.


"Here you go, Uncle Zhao, how is your business lately?"

"It's not bad, but there are fewer people today."


The owner of Master Zhao Noodle House is named Zhao Zhiming, who is from Guangzhou.

One day more than a month ago, he and Zhang Sheng always liked to chat in their free time. As they chatted, somehow, the entrepreneurial dream in their hearts was aroused.

After a sleepless night, he finally decided to quit his job in the college cafeteria and rented a store in front of the school.

He has craftsmanship.

He makes delicious noodles and has a special chef. Although he has to pay high rent and various expenses outside the academy, which is much harder than in the academy, he at least earns more.

In the store, Master Zhao made another bowl of shaved noodles and brought it to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was eating noodles and looking at the decoration of the store.

He shook his head.

"What's wrong? The noodles don't taste good?"

"No, the decoration is still not interesting..."

"I just decorated it casually. The key is to make some money first and stabilize the business."

"Well, Master Zhao, what is the identity of the teacher I had before? Was he an imperial chef in the Qing Dynasty?"

"It's considered an imperial chef. There are many rules. I studied for three or four years, but I didn't learn all the skills, so the old man left..."

"Does the old man have any children?"

"The old man's status in the palace is quite special. Later, something happened after he left the palace. He had no children. When I first became a disciple, he was already very old..."

"Is there anything left for you?"

"After something happened, all those things were left on the road while running around. I vaguely remembered there was a plaque, but then my mother-in-law used it to burn the plaque... In the 1960s, life was not easy for everyone. …”

"Nothing left?"

"It seemed like there was nothing. It was an old thing, not an antique... but there were a few pots and spoons left. Later, they were so tattered that I sold them to a scrap collector."

"Cough, cough..."

Zhang Sheng choked on the noodle soup. After seeing the innocent look on Master Zhao's face, he finally swallowed his words.

He knew that there were some things he couldn't say.

After eating the noodles, Master Zhao refused to accept Zhang Sheng's money no matter what, and even personally walked Zhang Sheng to the door.

Looking at the naive Master Zhao, Zhang Sheng felt a little warm in his heart.

During the time when he was cooking at school, Master Zhao was very kind to him. Whatever good things he had, such as meat or soup, would be thrown into his bowl as long as there was anything left.

Zhang Sheng naturally kept these in mind.

When he walked into the entrance of the college, Zhang Sheng turned his head and glanced at the plaque of Master Zhao's noodle shop, and looked at it silently for a long time.

Then walked into the college.

The entrance of Master Zhao’s noodle shop.

A middle-aged woman came out.

"You confiscated the baby's money again?"

"It's not easy for the baby. He has no father and mother. I heard he still owes a lot of debt. He has to work hard to go to college. We need to help him when we can..."

"Oh, you have such a bodhisattva heart... It's not easy for him, but it's easy for us? Our son is still missing. It's been ten years. Whether he's alive or dead, at least send a message to the family, right?"

"Stop nagging, we have guests."


Zhao Zhiming's eyes dimmed slightly as he listened to his mother-in-law's words, then he hunched over and greeted the guests who had just walked in with a smile on his face.


In the office.

Chen Mengting got the first batch of invitation letter samples.

On the invitation letter, it says "Southern California International Film Awards" in English.

Chen Mengting looked at the invitation letter for a long time, and then called Zhang Sheng.

“Who do we send invitations to?”

"To the director..."

"Which directors?"

"A director who has potential but is depressed and frustrated. By the way, is the official website ready?"

"it is done!"

“Is there a voting system?”


"Can it be controlled?"


"Is the membership system open?"

"Not yet, still testing!"

"Okay, I'll come over tomorrow and take a look."


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