I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 124 They need us!

The morning of November 7th.

The song "In the Rain" seems to be a hit.

Li Qiang tried to communicate with the factory.

The 10,000 new albums released by the factory had been ordered by major distributors an hour ago.

He booked late.

Li Qiang looked at the data table on the Internet and felt a little unbelievable.

The total album sales of "Sparkling Girls Soundtrack" exceeded 30,000 copies on the first day, which is not unusual.

After all, [Shengshi Entertainment] attaches great importance to this album. The popularity of these girls on the Internet is very high. Naturally, many fans flocked to buy it. In addition, there are also certain commercial operations, with 30,000 albums. Easy.

But it is indeed no small miracle that all 5,000 copies of "In the Rain" were sold out on the first day.

New songs, new singers, an entertainment company that just suffered a catastrophe, a broken team...

Many factors predict that the album "In the Rain" will be released.


Sometimes the world is so strange.

"This is a good song. I listened to it all night yesterday, and I can hear a different flavor every day..."

"Sometimes, listening to it, I feel like we are like poor bugs struggling in this world..."

In front of the window.

The haggard-looking middle-aged man from yesterday is here again.

He sat on the stool, looked at the empty window and muttered to himself.

Li Qiang felt that he was like a mental patient, but when the guests came in, there was no reason to drive them away, so he dealt with it seriously: "Who says it's not the case?"

After we just finished dealing with it, a few more students with Afro hair came to buy MP3 players.

After he helped the students download the "Sparkling Girls Original Soundtrack", the students said they hoped for the next song "In the Rain".

"This song has a melancholic temperament. I want to play this song on a loop in Q Dog Space. It suits me very well..."

When the students left, they chatted with their peers about topics such as "melancholy", "non-mainstream" and "forty-five-degree angle tears".

Li Qiang thought it was quite funny.

Young people, do you know what it feels like to be sad?

"Today's young people..."

He sighed.

After sighing, several more customers came to the store. The customers came to inquire about the album "In the Rain". When they learned that the album was no longer available, they were a little regretful.

They asked about the album sample CD that was playing.

When they learned that the sample CD could not be sold, they felt a little regretful.

Li Qiang began to sell MP3 and MP4 to them, saying that he could help them download songs for free.

After a few guests hesitated, they all nodded.

After Li Qiang received this guest, Li Qiang saw a young man coming in from outside...

Li Qiang greeted him.

"Hello, you are……"

"Is the "In the Rain" album still available?"

"there is none left."


"We have MP3 and MP4 here, do you want it? I can help you download all the songs in the "In the Rain" album for free..."


This young man looks like a college student, but unlike other college students, he seems to have no regrets after hearing that the album was missing.

He was very calm and was unwilling to buy MP3 or MP4. He just had a faint smile and his eyes seemed to be very deep, but there was also a hint of light, which made Li Qiang couldn't help but take another look.

Of course, Li Qiang just glanced at it and didn't pay much attention.

There were so many pedestrians coming and going throughout the day, and it was impossible for him to care about every pedestrian.

The young man walked out of the video store.

"The two songs "In the Rain" and "Yanjing Night" are good, but the other songs in the album seem to be less interesting..."

The haggard middle-aged man stayed in the video store and listened to all the songs in the "In the Rain" album, and sighed quietly.

The young man who had left stopped again, glanced at the middle-aged man who was sighing and nervous in the video store, and then walked over: "Why did you almost feel bad?"

"The homogeneity is too serious, and the emotional catharsis is almost meaningless..."

"You seem to know singing well?"

"No, I just listened casually."

"Looking at your appearance, uncle, you are probably also a musician?"

"He's just a social animal who has been forced to despair by life..."



Young people and middle-aged people chatted.

Rather than talking, it’s more like the middle-aged people talking about their opinions on music, and the young people listening patiently.

Li Qiang was speechless.

Is this still a business?

The two chatted for more than an hour, and then the middle-aged man answered a phone call and ran away in a hurry.

The young man looked at the middle-aged man's back for a long time, then turned and left.

Li Qiang took a curious look.

Then, the young man was found walking towards another video store in the distance.


On the afternoon of November 7th.

Yan Shihua.

Chen Mengting looked excitedly at the online ranking and clicks of the song "In the Rain".

Ends November 7th.

"In the Rain" MV has exceeded one million views!

The first batch of 5,000 physical album sales of "In the Rain" has been officially sold out, and the second batch of 10,000 albums has also been pre-ordered by many dealers.

For veteran singers, this is not an impressive achievement, but for new singers, and in this era, it is already an incredible statistic!

Zhang Sheng sat next to Chen Mengting and was not surprised.

In this era, as long as the quality of the song is not bad, and there is an entertainment company behind it to spend money and a team to manage it, it is the most normal thing to become famous overnight.

The important thing is that this kind of popularity needs to last for a long time and needs to be piled up with works. Otherwise, after a few months, when other singers impact, you will instantly become unpopular again.

It's easy to become famous overnight, but it's also easy to fall down.

"A sum of money was transferred to our account again, and the current account balance is close to 250,000!"

Chen Mengting's cell phone vibrated.

Chen Mengting became even more excited after reading it.

She couldn't suppress her excitement and couldn't help but tell Zhang Sheng about the details on the [NC Studio] account.

She never thought that she would be able to earn so much money before she graduated, let alone that her business venture before graduation would go so smoothly.

"President Qi's construction team should have arrived in Brazil, right?" Zhang Sheng was very calm after reading the data, as if it was just a few numbers that were not a big deal.

"We should have arrived in Brazil, what's wrong?" Chen Mengting calmed down after looking at Zhang Sheng's calm expression.

"You should contact Mr. Qi carefully during this period. If you have any news, you should tell me in time."

"Are you worried about Mr. Qi?"

"I'm relieved, but..."

"but what?"

"There will be various situations over there, and some things may not go smoothly. If we encounter a situation, we should make timely adjustments here." Zhang Sheng stood up and looked in the direction of the next door.

The [Training Base] next door, the intersection of the [Training Base] next door is full of cars.

The school leaders are here. They are inspecting the [Practical Training Base] and at the same time checking the order of [Bosch Batteries].

"Oh, okay!" Chen Mengting nodded.

"Sister, have we designed the international LOGO of the brand we are cooperating with?" Zhang Sheng turned his head and looked into the distance.

"It's designed."

"Is the brand still satisfied?"

"Now that they have made some money, they want to follow us and take the next step. They all dream of becoming bigger and stronger. Where can they be dissatisfied?"

"Well, next, senior sister, you need to contact some video websites. You have to contact some video websites that have just started. Well, if possible, you can also contact the TV stations. It doesn't matter if you don't succeed. You have met the leader. , don’t show your timidity, just go and have a chat, it’s normal to be rejected..."


"The documentary "Graduation Years" is not about dealing with school. It is an important project at hand. We have to find a way to make use of this project. The album "In the Rain" seems to be a little popular like this. We want to use it. With this momentum, we will release the documentary... The spark has been ignited, and we must use this spark to make it more vigorous..."


Chen Mengting was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

Even though she was unsure.

But she's willing to give it a try...

Just when Zhang Sheng was about to leave, Zhang Sheng suddenly thought of something: "Sister, tonight is the 46th Golden Horse Awards ceremony, right?"

"It seems so, what's wrong?"

"I suddenly had an idea."

"what idea?"

"You should print more invitations. Many directors who are unsuccessful will have some regrets in their hearts. I think they need to spend some money to treat the regrets in their hearts..."




Thanks to the promotion of "Home Appliances to the Rural Areas", Nie Xiaoping's [Hongwei] battery car sold very well.

Sales have almost doubled from yesterday.

That singer’s song seems to be a hit?

Nie Xiaoping didn't know much about music, but he heard his son in Shanghai say that the song "In the Rain" had very high ratings on the Internet, and everyone praised it.

Some people say that this song is very empathetic, especially for those who are wandering in other places. When they hear this song at midnight, they always cover their mouths...

Some people say that this song reflects the young people today...

Some people also say that although the author of this song is not famous, the lyrics are very sincere and the singing has no skills and is all about emotion...

Who knows whether it is true or false on the Internet?

Nie Xiaoping didn't pay attention to these, he just felt that they were a bit far away.

“[Bosch]’s order volume for battery vehicles has exceeded 700 pieces?”

“Can’t produce over there and the output can’t keep up?”


Nie Xiaoping looked at the guests coming and going.

When we first started promoting the "Home Appliances to the Rural Areas" campaign, most of the guests came to ask about the price of electric vehicles and whether they were high-quality and low-priced.

And today...

One after another, customers began to come over and ask about [Bosch] batteries.

The service staff introduced them to [Bosch] batteries.

[Bosch] batteries are actually more expensive than [Weineng] batteries, the top brand on the market...

After seeing how expensive the price was, some customers chose to give up, while others asked whether the [Yuaneng] battery cars they bought could be equipped with [Bosch] batteries...

But in the end, it was denied by the staff.

Later, several customers thought twice and went shopping at the [Yuan Neng] battery car, and finally returned and bought Nie Xiaoping's [Hongwei] battery car.

Nie Xiaoping watched this scene silently.

I feel deeply in my heart.

He knew that he was on the verge of bankruptcy, and the transformed [Hongwei] electric vehicle was about to be revitalized!

He walked into the room and made a phone call to Zhang Sheng.


The call didn't go through.

After a few minutes, Zhang Sheng's call still didn't get through.

His phone seemed to be busy all the time.

Nie Xiaoping stopped calling.

He knew that Zhang Sheng should be very busy right now...

Since the formal project of "Home Appliances to the Countryside" came out, the two bosses who left the meeting early regretted it. They contacted Zhang Sheng through various channels, hoping to take Zhang Sheng's boat...

In fact, not only them, but also more people realized that they had missed such an opportunity, and they began to think of various ways to contact Zhang Sheng...


Zhang Sheng seemed to refuse.

Nie Xiaoping felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In the evening, Nie Xiaoping finally received a call from Zhang Sheng.

Before Nie Xiaoping could thank him, he heard Zhang Sheng's extremely serious tone on the phone: "Mr. Nie! Is your battery car ready to go overseas for gold plating?"


"If you're not ready, I'll prepare it for you!"


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