I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 132 The heavy ID card (first update!)

Liu Kaili got into trouble again.

Even though I repeatedly explained that I was the one leading the way, I was innocent, I didn’t want to cause trouble, I was forced to...

It's of no use.

Countless teachers, students, and even the noodle shop owner nearby who had nothing to do with this matter came to Yan Shihua.

"Comrade, this is the man. I know this man who has turned into ashes. He has a sinister look like the Japanese translator on TV... At that time, he was eating a bowl of noodles at my place. While eating the noodles, I saw that this young man had flower tattoos on his arms and had long hair. It was quite bluffing, so I paid special attention to it. Unexpectedly, they were talking about how to ruin a person's reputation, so I paid more attention. By the way, it was this guy's idea to take this young man to the school to cause trouble..."

"Yes, let me repeat their conversation for you!"


The noodle shop owner told the police about Liu Kaili and Zheng Biao vividly.

Because he was a little far away, Liu Kaili's hearing was a little blurry and he didn't know what the other party said, but from the policeman's serious expression, he probably knew that the boss had probably taken off his underwear.

After the boss finished speaking, several college teachers on the other side also told the police a series of situations...

As for what to say...

Liu Kaili didn't know.


The policeman's eyes suddenly became serious when he looked at Zheng Biao.

Zheng Biao stared at Liu Kaili fiercely, almost tearing him to pieces, but instead bit him. He didn't want to make trouble, but Liu Kaili encouraged him to go to the college to make trouble.

What to say [He is just a college student], [There is definitely nothing he can do to make trouble like this, the impact is too bad, many parents will have opinions about the school], [The school leaders will definitely not tolerate these things] [The final outcome of this matter will definitely be private ], [He made so much money and refused to pay back even tens of thousands of dollars. He made it clear that he wanted to be a deadbeat. I have seen many people like this, so I have to teach him a lesson]...

Liu Kaili was shaking with anger.

Many words were not said by him!

He gritted his teeth with hatred and screamed angrily before entering the interrogation room.



"Zhang Sheng."




In the interrogation room next door.

The police officers were interrogating Liu Kaili and Zheng Biao.

In the independent office on the other side, Zhang Sheng was sitting upright, cooperating with the investigation of the police officers in front of him.

A young man opened Zhang Sheng's file. After looking at it for a while, a bit of unbearability flashed across his face.

In fact...

Zhang Sheng's files were dug out and investigated some time ago.

It was related to a financial fraud and laundering case, in which the ID card of a fraudster was the ID card of the person in front of him.

Later, everything related to this ID card was frozen.

The great age of eighteen...

But for some reason, he was trapped in hell and unable to extricate himself, and could only live in the dark zone.

Generally speaking, this is the case for Zhang Sheng. Moreover, Zhang Sheng's involvement is too complicated, and it is impossible to sort out these things for a while.

"You know what we're asking you for?"


"You don't seem to be afraid..."

"I didn't do it, why should I be afraid?"

"Your identity is very troublesome now. ID loans and bank mortgages are close to one million yuan. In addition, debt inheritance from some formal channels is close to 800,000 yuan... There are four or five companies under your ID card name. , every company has been implicated in laundering, financial violations, among other things..."

"How come I, a college student, and I have an ID card and can borrow so much money?"


Zhang Sheng looked at the young man.

The young man was silent.

In 2008, there was a 24-hour delay in bank credit reporting system reviews.

The same is true for the four major banks and some state-owned banks, not to mention the lending of some private banks.

As a result, some criminals took advantage of this loophole to deliver Zhang Sheng's identity information from bank to bank...

Within 24 hours, after applying for all the loan lines in each bank, you can then use your ID card to buy a house or a car in installments...

Using the RV as a mortgage, maxing out the leverage, lending out part of the money, and then taking advantage of financial loopholes to start a company, and then borrowing a high amount of "entrepreneurship capital" in the name of the company.


Zhang Sheng personally had nothing, but took on a loan of one million yuan and five or six companies whose debts were unclear.

Do you think this is the worst for Zhang Sheng?


Zhang Sheng's ID card also contains an unclear "property dispute."

The "smart people" in the gray area fraudulently mortgaged some properties and cars that did not belong to Zhang Sheng into Zhang Sheng's name, and then used various methods to trick some uneducated landlords into signing to receive bonuses.


They drained the "grey" property in Zhang Sheng's name in a new round of money.

On the surface...

Zhang Sheng only needs to pay back more than two million, and probably a lot of things can be solved.

But secretly...

Zhang Sheng's ID card also carries many inexplicable property fraud lawsuits.

This ID card cannot be used at all. Once it is used, Zhang Sheng has to go in and squat.

The police officer was stunned at first sight.

"Many things are not signed by me, and the law is invalid." Zhang Sheng looked at the police officer sitting opposite him, his face still calm.

"We will try our best to help you, but there are a lot of things involved..."

Naturally, they knew the whole story.

Therefore, they opened a case, but considering the special nature of this matter, they could only suppress some cases.

From a superficial point of view, Zhang Sheng's loan and application for the company are all reasonable and legal.

Those who really broke the law were those who took advantage of Zhang Sheng’s ID card and the loopholes in the financial system.

"Can the case be solved?" Zhang Sheng nodded after listening to the explanation.

He had guessed something a long time ago.

after all……

It turns out that he had been exposed to a lot of the dark side of the world.

The ID cards of countless "Sanhe Masters" were used in this way.

"It is difficult to solve cases overseas, but we will try our best..." The young man sighed.

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

Don't think that those in the gray area don't understand the law. In fact, they know the law better than some J.D.s.

It is no exaggeration to say that some of them can recite a lot of "legal stripes" with their eyes closed.

In the past few years, there have been some very silent cases. You knew clearly that he was doing some immoral things and exploiting loopholes, but you just couldn't file a case.

In the end, there was really no choice but to detain him and file a case using another law.

"Okay, I get it now."

Zhang Sheng nodded after hearing the young man's answer.

His face remained calm throughout.

The office fell silent instantly.

The young man felt a sense of depression, so he poured Zhang Sheng a glass of water.

About a few minutes later, he heard a knock on the door in the office.

He stood up subconsciously.


"Well, leave this to me."


Zhang Sheng heard a familiar voice.

Then, he looked up and saw Gu Jiangyan walking over.

When Gu Jiangyan first came in, Zhang Sheng didn't say anything the whole time. He just looked to see if there was any surveillance nearby. After the young man left, Zhang Sheng called: "Auntie."

Gu Jiangyan sat in the young man's seat and nodded to Zhang Sheng: "Actually, I have wanted to talk to you for a long time, but the entire case network has not made progress for the time being, so it was shelved."

"Auntie, my ID card is in trouble?" Zhang Sheng looked at Gu Jiangyan.

"The identity information has been changed hands six times, and six companies have been registered six times. The accounts of each company have been in and out, and various funds have been transferred close to tens of millions. The tax part has to pay close to millions of taxes. You What do you think?" Gu Jiangyan looked at Zhang Sheng.

"It looks like a fatal situation..." When Zhang Sheng heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Some time ago, we temporarily froze your ID card and opened a case for investigation into the dispute over the use of the ID card. You are fine for the time being."

"Thank you, aunt."

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much. We have just found some clues in the past two days. Over time, some cases will be solved."


"By the way, your current bank card and ID card are all Lin Xia's, right?"


"As a public official, if you use other people's bank cards with their consent, as long as you do not commit any illegal or criminal acts, it does not constitute a crime. However, as a mother, it is difficult for me not to worry about my daughter, especially now that you are so controversial. My identity..." Gu Jiangyan sighed lightly.

"..." Zhang Sheng nodded and did not answer. He just looked away.

"Can you show me your phone?"


Zhang Sheng took out the phone and handed it to Gu Jiangyan. After Gu Jiangyan took the phone, she flipped through the contact information: "You didn't save any numbers? Are the messages and call records deleted every day?"


"I'm curious, what should you do if you want to call someone else?"

"Remember the number."

"Can you remember them all?"

"Yes, I can remember every number, every text message, and every piece of information in the text message." Zhang Sheng replied with a smile.

"Oh!" Gu Jiangyan was a little surprised, but not shocked.

Not long after she turned on her phone, it rang.

After Gu Jiangyan looked at the familiar number, she glanced at Zhang Sheng.

"Is it convenient to listen?"

"It's convenient, auntie, don't worry, Lin Xia and I don't have any ulterior secrets..."


Gu Jiangyan pressed the answer button.

Just as Zhang Sheng finished saying "Hello", he heard Lin Xia's vague worry: "Zhang Sheng, where are you? I made some money from selling the book, not much more than 200,000. If you add the copyright fee, it will be a little more. If you are really desperate, don't do anything stupid. I, I can lend it to you first for emergencies... Where are you? I'll come over now..."

Gu Jiangyan listened to the voice on the phone, and then glanced at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was moved in his heart, but his expression was calm: "Classmate Lin, I am in the bureau, and my aunt is right next to me..."



(Today’s update is a little late. I have already written three chapters, but I still need to think carefully before posting and revising them, otherwise some places will not be reviewed... some things cannot be written. I will post them after half an hour at most)

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