I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 138 Those dark hands! (Second update)


The sun shines into the office.

Zhou Guoping, a wage earner, is still working hard writing movie reviews.


Zhang Sheng gave him a call.

I hope he writes a flawed review of Thunder.

However, this film review must be written from a professional perspective. It is best to write about the flesh and bones of the movie "Thunder" vividly.

An ordinary film review costs about 1,000 words and costs 500 yuan, which is an average of 50 cents per word.

The price is very high!

Zhou Guoping is naturally very motivated.

Compared to the leaders of [Shengshi Entertainment] who scolded him all day long, Zhang Sheng supported him and gave him money. As a part-time job, it was a good job.

"'Thunder' has signed up for our film awards. We don't want to let him in, but we must refuse film reviews professionally!"

"I don't have any professional people under me, so I thought of you, Brother Zhou!"

"I can give you a high price for this movie review! One thousand yuan for one thousand words!"

Zhang Sheng did not hide it from him.

Moreover, Zhou Guoping thought about it carefully and realized that writing a film review by himself would not have any impact on [Shengshi Entertainment]. It would not discredit [Shengshi Entertainment], right?

And he is indeed very short of money!

A person who is very short of money will start to do something involuntarily.


He took the job!

He is no stranger to the movie Thunder.

Although he is also an employee of [Shengshi Entertainment], he is in the music data department, but Zhou Guoping is very familiar with "Thunder". He has also done data on this movie. When doing data, he also learned about the filming process of this movie. I have also analyzed the shortcomings of this movie in private...

So, when he wrote about the film's shortcomings, his thoughts surged.

He is a person who is good at watching movies and writing things. Entering the music data department of [Shengshi Entertainment] is even more helpless!

After finishing writing...

He submitted a film review.

Soon, there was an extra thousand yuan on his card!

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But instead of slowing down and taking a rest, he turned on the computer and continued to write "defective" reviews of other movies in front of the computer.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!


[Shocked, many Golden Horse Awards films were rejected. What kind of award is the Southern California International Film Awards? 】

[The most professional pheasant award in history? 】

[A brief discussion on the way for Chinese films to win overseas awards, and a brief discussion on the three major international awards...]

["Paging 1988" was shortlisted for this award. Director Gao Hui: This award is very professional, more professional than any domestic award! I don’t think there is any problem with this award. The film selection itself is from an artistic perspective. Some commercial films have high box office, but art and commercial films do not talk about art...]


Early morning of November 15th.

Gao Yuan was awakened by various phone calls as soon as he fell asleep.

"Lao Gao, what you are doing is not authentic. You can praise your nephew, or you can prevent our movie from being shortlisted, but you are going too far by hyping it up like this!"

"Gao Yuan, I know you praise your nephew, but you can't do so. Aren't you asking us to be your stepping stones?"

"Damn it! Gao Yuan, you are so sinister, just wait and see!"

"Oh shit!"

There was a curse on the phone.

Countless directors who are familiar with or are not familiar with him have criticized Gao Yuan for being unauthentic.

Some even greet their ancestors who are eighteen generations old.

Gao Yuan was confused at first, and then his eyes widened!

He immediately opened Weibo and various social platforms.


He saw a piece of news that made him angry.

These news suddenly appeared on major platforms around twelve o'clock in the morning.


With lightning speed, the Pheasant Awards [Southern California International Film Awards] have all become hot topics without exception!

He suppressed his anger and carefully selected a few hot topics and read the content.

Below the content, everything focuses on "Those [Golden Horse Award]-winning films were rejected by the [Southern California International Film Awards] and were not even shortlisted for screening!" 》This core is being written!

After reading the content, he found that these articles, without exception, were very oriented, and the direction was very sharp. They all pointed to the [Golden Horse Award], and even reduced the [Golden Horse Award] to be worthless...

Then, countless comments appeared below.

In the comments, some people are asking what kind of award the [Southern California International Film Awards] is and why they haven't heard of it before. Some people are scolding these directors for admiring foreigners and are they now being ruined overseas? Some people are mocking the [Southern California International Film Awards] as an award for one generation of directors to support the second generation...

And in the hottest news.

Gao Hui appears!

Gao Hui's face was shiny, and his fat face was so smiling that he couldn't even see his eyes.

"Everyone was calling us a bad movie about our "Paging 1988", but it really wasn't a bad movie!"

"We have our own core idea. This is an art film that spans the ages!"

"The domestic version may indeed have some flaws in our editing, but the overseas version sent overseas for review is completely different!"


"When I received the invitation to the [Southern California International Film Awards], I was very confused. I thought it was a pheasant award. In fact, my seniors also reminded me that this was a pheasant award, but it wasn't until I told them After getting in touch with it, I realized how could there be such a professional Pheasant Award in this world!"


In the news video.

Gao Hui boasted vigorously.

He seemed very excited.

After seeing Gao Hui becoming more and more excited, Gao Yuan's face became darker and darker!

He realized something was wrong!

It is clear……

[Starlight Future] is just using this award to throw dirty water!

Everyone in the circle knows that Gao Hui is his nephew!

He read some more news.

Sure enough, some entertainment news brought out the relationship between him and Gao Hui, and even the controversy over Gao Hui's nomination for the Golden Horse Award was once again hyped up. In addition, various shady stories about the Golden Horse Award were openly exposed by some people on the Internet. The news broke out, even suspected of money transactions and inappropriate remarks...

Amid the controversy, he saw someone using the movie "Thunder" to hit the box office, and some people even reported the movie as laundering!

He knew that this was a long-planned attack on their company!

His expression changed drastically!

He contacted Gao Hui immediately.

"Uncle! Thank you! You set up this stage for me, I will remember it in my heart!"

"I thank you**, where are you!"

"I'm celebrating. Have you seen the popularity on the Internet now? My "Paging 1988" is famous!"

"Get back here quickly! Don't touch these things!"




"How do you know why Director Gao Yuan praises Gao Hui so much?"

"When "Paging 1988" won the Golden Horse Award, I noticed the relationship between this movie and "Thunder"..."

"So you're laying the groundwork?"

"No, I'm not setting the stage, it's you who are setting the stage..."


The morning of October 15th.

[Starlight Future] In the office.

Zhang Sheng yawned.

Yesterday, he watched Xu Shengnan post some popular posts to Weibo and Tieba, and then conduct a business operation.

Tens of thousands of navy traffic was poured into it at once...

With such a move, Weibo, Tieba, and major social media became very popular in an instant.

[Starlight Future] Since the last time it was treated like this, although there are calculations at the top, the people below have actually been holding their breath to fight back, waiting for an opportunity.


They waited for their chance.

They saw the director of "Thunder" praising his nephew.

He not only attacked the [Golden Horse Awards], but also used Gao Hui as a target, and also made the [Southern California International Film Awards] more popular...


It’s all about the human heart!

Xu Shengnan glanced at Zhang Sheng, his eyes calm: "You have left everything clean."

"Even if I are found, what will happen? I am an insignificant little person, and our [NC Studio] is under your [Starlight Future] name. They will only think that all this is your [Starlight Future] The layout of the future..." Zhang Sheng drank a cup of tea, and then slowly stood up from the chair.

Xu Shengnan looked at Zhang Sheng's back: "[Southern California International Film Festival], what kind of popularity do you want to stir up?"

"It's not about how I want to speculate, but how you want to speculate. This is a matter between your company and [Shengshi Entertainment]!" Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, and the smile on his face became brighter.

"From the very beginning when you put [NC Studio] under our banner, you wanted to use the battle between us and [Shengshi Entertainment] to seek personal gain?"

"No, it is win-win cooperation! Although the [Southern California International Film Awards] is very controversial, we cannot think of it as a pheasant award, nor should we think that it is just a tool to attack other directors and mock the Golden Horse Awards... "Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Shengnan.

"Would he be an award?"

"Yes! Although [Starlight Future] in 2009 was in decline and had many bad films, there were also some good literary and artistic films. In the battle between [Starlight Future] and [Shengshi Entertainment], these literary and artistic films were suppressed and buried. But in fact, they can use this wave of popularity to return to the public eye..." After Zhang Sheng said this, he pushed up his glasses: "The so-called authoritative film awards are also defined by people! I put [Southern I have handed over all the foundation of the California International Film Awards, and this is all I can do. As for how to define authority and how to be professional, that is your business."

In the office.

Xu Shengnan looked at Zhang Sheng with squinted eyes.

Zhang Sheng looked calm and then walked out of the office.

"Can you tell me who the person who wrote the movie review for you is? It seems to be quite professional..."


"Is he from [Shengshi Entertainment]?"

"I have no idea."

"Where are you going?"

"Wipe my own ass. There is too much shit. I have to wipe it bit by bit. I am still a slut..."


Zhang Sheng pushed out the office door and sighed.

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