I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 140 Advertising Effect (Part 1) (First update!)

No one could have imagined it.

A decoration company that ran away with the money can still survive.

in the crowd.

In the hustle and bustle, people looked at Zhang Sheng who was holding a loudspeaker and talking.

Some people think he is stupid, some people think he is admirable, and some people think this is huge news but are skeptical.

Neighborhood leaders and some guests who had been deceived by [Hongyuan Decoration] also came after hearing the news.

The entrance of the decoration company was overcrowded, and the streets next to it were even more crowded.

Just like the scene when [Hongyuan Decoration] went bankrupt and countless people gathered around to collect debts.

Not far away, several groups of contractors squeezed into the crowd...

Over the past half year or so.

They come to the door of [Hongyuan Decoration] almost every day.

They undertook part of [Hongyuan Decoration]’s work. The more they undertook, the more they lost...

After the Dong Chuang incident, in order to ensure the most basic credibility, many of them scolded "Brother Yang" bloody in their hearts, while gritting their teeth and paying for the funds themselves.

some people……

You can pat your butt and run.

But some people...

But he couldn't run away at all.

They watched Zhang Sheng and his party climb up a wooden ladder under everyone's gaze, then picked up a sledgehammer and smashed the [Hongyuan Decoration] on the plaque at the door.


The sound makes the noisy scene instantly quiet.

Zhang Sheng's strength seemed to be very strong, and the word "Hongyuan Decoration" in "Hongyuan Decoration" was hit with a big blow.


Another hammer hit, and the macro character cracked instantly, and then fell to the ground.

When the contractors saw this scene, they couldn't help but clapped and applauded, feeling as if they had a bad breath in their hearts.

"[Hongyuan Decoration] From now on, it has become a thing of the past!"

After Zhang Sheng smashed the word "Hong" on [Hongyuan Decoration], he stepped on it with his foot, with a very serious expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, the foreman and workers were shocked!

[Hongyuan Decoration] These four words have been cutting into their hearts like a knife for more than half a year.

Every time I eat, there is always a feeling of anger in my heart that is difficult to express.

And this moment...

They were actually extremely excited!

I wish I could step on it too!

The guests whose decoration was unfinished were also very happy, but then, some new worries came into their hearts.

This young man...

It's a show.


Do you really want to do a good job in this industry?

Just as they were guessing, they saw Zhang Sheng pulling some people next to him.

"This is the designer we hired in Yanjing. He is from Dingqiao. His name is Zhou Wenqin..."

"I believe that design teachers should have heard of the name "Dingqiao". This is one of the few decoration companies in China that has been renovated and listed on the market..."

"To show my personal attitude, Mr. Zhou will stay in our store for a month..."

"In this month, he will help us with free consultation on decoration, construction site exploration, and unfinished reinstallation..."

"Of course, if you feel that we can be trusted and are willing to work with us to move forward together, we also welcome you to join our team..."

"Okay, I won't say any more nonsense. From tonight to tomorrow, I will stay here to sort out the past contracts so that I can serve you in a systematic way. During this period, we welcome you to come and help us at any time. Accounting, by the way, please bring your contract..."




Gradually it got deeper.

[Hongyuan Decoration] The entrance is becoming more and more lively.

At the brightly lit courtyard entrance, workers and customers came one after another.

Qi Haifeng is very busy.

With the designers and finance introduced by his father, he checked the contract over and over again with a series of bills from the company in the past.

[Hongyuan Decoration] The situation is very complicated.

Some of them received a deposit but did not sign a contract. If it was a bank card transfer, there would still be a record of the card swiping, but some cash transactions made this work particularly difficult.

The wages of decoration masters are more complicated...

Some gave a little in the early stages, and some didn't give a penny at all.

Among all the people talking, Qi Haifeng couldn't tell who was who. In fact, the current management systems of many decoration companies are quite chaotic, and they are basically extensive.

The chaotic accounts, some of which were dead accounts, were naturally difficult to straighten out. Qi Haifeng could only temporarily record some of the controversial people on his laptop...

Waves of people continued until midnight.

Wait until two o'clock in the morning...

The people gradually dispersed.

Qi Haifeng's throat was almost on fire and his brain was about to explode.

But Li Bin seemed fine.

He kept a smile on his face from beginning to end, and patiently explained many things to the guests while following him around the construction site, recording the conditions at the construction site.

Zhang Sheng was sitting in the boss' position, reviewing the contract and calculating the accounts...

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Zhang Sheng touched his swollen head and raised his head.

He saw that Qi Haifeng and the staff who had been brought over were already lying on the temporary bed and fell asleep.

Also sleeping together were two former designers from [Hongyuan Decoration]...

Since yesterday evening, they have been busy with Zhang Sheng, comparing accounts. Although Zhang Sheng doesn't know what the design level of these two people is, Zhang Sheng is young and has clear work ability. They are two talents who can be cultivated. .

Although Zhang Sheng was very tired, his mind was very active.

He stood up and walked out of the decoration company step by step...

He saw Li Bin eating instant noodles.


"How about it?"

"The situation is slightly better than expected. I have a general understanding. Although the man named "Brother Yang" took the money and ran away, there is a lot of subsequent decoration money that has not been paid to Brother Yang... I am asking Zhou Wenqin, Teacher Zhou helped with the accounting and roughly calculated the profit and loss, but according to my estimation, as long as we get the final balance from the customer, there are many households that do not need us to advance money ourselves..."


Zhang Sheng nodded.

He closed his eyes slightly.

The hole in [Hongyuan Decoration] seems very big, far exceeding two million.

But the customer base is basically relatively stable, which is an advantage, and "Brother Yang" only cut them a little bit, and did not cut them to death. Many balances were not collected from the customers.

As long as the decoration is done well, the final payment is not difficult.

Just when Zhang Sheng was thinking, he heard Zhou Wenqin put down his calculator and raised his head: "Mr. Zhou, the contracts signed by the previous boss of [Hongyuan Decoration] were very profitable. I have currently counted thirty customers, and there are two For ten companies, we will be able to close their follow-up well. If we get the money, we will not lose money. There are even five companies where we can make a small profit. Although we will suffer losses for the other ten companies, if we can control them well, Part of the material cost. To control the material cost here is not to use poor materials, but to get the goods from us [Dingqiao Decoration Group], I am confident that I can make up for the loss!"

"Of course, the thirty companies on the right will definitely lose money on their contracts. Even if I do it according to my method, each company will lose at least ten thousand or twenty thousand..."

Zhang Sheng did not answer, but took a look at the profit and loss information handed over by Zhou Wenqin.

After reading it carefully...

Zhang Sheng nodded.

But he couldn't help but let out a long sigh in his heart.

He could tell from "Brother Yang"'s marketing and the amount of contracts he signed that "Brother Yang" was a business person.

Even though he ran away with a lot of money, he was still able to do some construction site work. Doesn't this indicate this person's ability?

In a sense, if you can work down-to-earth at [Hongyuan Decoration] instead of just making quick money, you can make some money.

Under the moonlight.

Zhang Sheng walked out of the yard.

Lying on the rocking chair in the yard, quietly looking into the distance.

But it's a pity...

Once a person is ready to go astray, he will no longer think about the future.

after all……

Is it better to make a quick buck in the short term than to make a hard-earned buck in the long term?


Zhang Sheng lay in the recliner for a while.

When he woke up, Zhang Sheng immediately went to the breakfast shop next to him to buy breakfast for the staff.

When passing by some material stores, some material store owners who got up early greeted Zhang Sheng with a smile.

Yesterday's excitement...

Let them remember Zhang Sheng fresh.

A fat boss selling water and electricity materials came over.

After introducing himself, he smiled so hard that he almost couldn't see his eyes.

"Mr. Zhang...will you guys be on TV?"


"I see you are accompanied by many reporters, and some people who seem to be filming movies. Are you filming a documentary?"

"Mr. Xu, do you understand this?"

"I traveled to Hengdian before, and I saw that those people filmed movies like this..." Xu Jianglong's smile became even brighter: "Boss, I paid for Mr. Zhang's buns..."

"Hey, Mr. Xu, you..." Zhang Sheng watched Xu Jianglong rush to pay quickly, his hands froze slightly, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"It's okay, it's just a little money. Mr. Zhang, I really appreciate how courageous you are at such a young age. When my child was your age, he did nothing but spend all day playing games in an Internet cafe. Yes...Mr. Zhang, you are so courageous, you will definitely be able to do great things in the future..." After Xu Hailong paid for Zhang Sheng, he kept blowing Zhang Sheng's rainbow fart.

"Ha, let me borrow your kind words from Mr. Xu..."

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, although we have only met for the first time, I think you are a person that I really admire. How about, if you don't mind my age, call me brother? Farewell Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu Yes, we are just small business people, not that noble..."

"Well, Brother Xu!" Zhang Sheng nodded with a smile, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes: "Brother Xu, why are you looking for me today..."

"Oops, I almost forgot about this, Xiao Zhang, Brother Xu, I really appreciate your responsibility, but it is definitely not easy for young people to take on such a big "job" all at once. This [Hongyuan Decoration] capital chain is quite heavy. …”

"It's not small..."

"Xiao Zhang, this way, if you need water and electricity materials in the future, you purchase them from me and I will give you the cost price... In addition, [Hongyuan Decoration] also owed me nearly 30,000 for water and electricity materials in the past. I will waive all this money..."

"Ah, then Mr. Xu, you, you..."

"Just spend 30,000 yuan to go on TV and advertise. Xiao Zhang, what do you think of this?" Xu Jianglong waited for a long time, finally put his arm around Zhang Sheng's shoulders, grinned, and said these words .

"Huh?" Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his face showed a bit of embarrassment: "Well, how can that be done..."

"Why can't this be... When doing business, everyone has to help each other..." Xu Hailong patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder and smiled even brighter.

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