I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 142 Advertising Effect (Part 2) (Third update!)


Blowing across the land of Jincheng.

With a little coolness.

After autumn, the temperature becomes cooler day by day.


The entrance of [Hongyuan Decoration] became increasingly lively.

The foreman, some workers who were owed wages, and former staff of [Hongyuan Decoration] gathered at the door and formed a long queue.

They watched Zhang Sheng walk out of the door of [Hongyuan Decoration].

Zhang Sheng was carrying a bulging black bag.

Although the black bag was wrapped in several layers, the red old man's head was still exposed in some places.

After seeing the black bag, these people's eyes widened!

That's money!

Behind Zhang Sheng, Qi Haifeng looked at everyone with a stack of contracts and receipts.

"Everyone lined up and came one by one. Let's go to the Jincheng East District Police Station together. I said hello to the comrades there and borrowed the open space next to it. There are many surveillance cameras there and there are too many people here. I am here Inappropriate…”

Zhang Sheng carried the black bag and left [Hongyuan Decoration] under the eyes of everyone.

A large group of people followed.

Soon, we arrived in the yard next to the police station.

Several policemen were already standing there. When one of them saw Zhang Sheng, he nodded along with Zhang Sheng.

Gu Jiangyan talked to them on the phone...

It is not appropriate to go to the police station to pay off debts. On the one hand, the police station is a law enforcement place after all and cannot be used by private individuals. On the other hand, there is no precedent for this.

So the next best thing was to have the police station supervise, set up a stall in the open space next to it, and distribute money to these people.

Zhang Sheng sat on a chair in the yard and then pushed up his glasses.

Qi Haifeng next to him was scratching his throat.

"Li Dashun, bricklayer, Central Park Room 102, Room 805, Room 1304... The original [Hongyuan Decoration] owed an amount of 40,000 yuan. After inspecting the construction, there was no problem. Now I have a temporary advance payment of 20,000 yuan!"

"Zhang Mingguo, a plumber and electricity worker, Room 302, Unit 1, Huachun Garden, the original [Hongyuan Decoration] owes 30,000 yuan. After inspecting the construction, there is no problem, and the temporary advance is 15,000 yuan..."

"Xu Shengli, carpenter, Jingjiang Star Room 202, Room 501..."


In accordance with the contract, Qi Haifeng reported the names of the workers, the conditions of the construction sites and the amount of debt owed over and over again.

Zhang Sheng opened the black bag, took out bundles of money that had been prepared, and distributed them to the contractors and workers one by one...

Li Bin, who was sitting next to him, had a smile on his face. He took out the receipt and asked the workers to fill it out. After filling it out, he stamped it with the official seal of the new company.

Not far away, reporters and documentary students carefully recorded all this.

As the workers took their money and left with smiles one by one.

The money in the black plastic bag is getting less and less...

When the distribution was almost finished, there was still a group of workers standing.

Zhang Sheng took out another fuller black bag, frowned, and looked at the workers.

Zhang Sheng looked at these workers: "Sorry, I still have a lot of money here, but I can't give it to you now. Some of it is because we have just arrived, and we have no time to check some construction sites. In addition, on the other hand, you According to our investigation, the customers were not very satisfied with the work done. On the other hand, we found out that some corners were cut in some finishing work. Of course, if you want the money, I hope you can make up for it. As long as you do your job well for us, we won’t owe any workers their wages!”

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Some workers looked very ugly.

Some people are questioning, some are cursing.

However, some people still contacted the original owner as soon as possible after leaving to make finishing changes.

Zhang Sheng stood up and expressed his gratitude to the police.

He has taken a leave of absence from the school these days, so he will stay here these days to finish the follow-up matters and distribute money every day.

He tightened the plastic bag.

But the sharp-eyed police officers still saw some waste paper packets inside the bulging plastic bags...

Zhang Sheng also noticed.

But he smiled, he did make some tricks.

Compared to transfer.

A bulging bag always has the strongest visual impact!

He believed that these comrades would not tell him.

Half an hour later...

Zhang Sheng led a group of people back to the [Hongyuan Decoration] store in a mighty manner.

Outside the store...

All the workers have dispersed.

Some went to repair, and some took the money to continue the unfinished work of [Hongyuan Decoration]...

The workers left, but countless customers surrounded the store.

These customers are pointing at these people...

Some questioned, some were curious, some were relieved, and some chose to trust.

Zhang Sheng looked at these customers with a warm smile on his face: "Hello, bosses and boss ladies, this is Li Bin. He is one of the future bosses of this store. He is responsible for the business and logistics. We accept your support for us. Supervision, we don’t know what happened before, but from now on, if you have any questions about decoration, you can ask us Mr. Li at any time. If you have a complaint, you can also find it... This year, even during the Chinese New Year, we Mr. Li will always stay here to help everyone solve their problems!"

Zhang Sheng pushed Li Bin out. After introducing Li Bin, Zhang Sheng smiled with the customer and left.

Li Bin showed a more enthusiastic smile.

He had been busy all night yesterday. Although he was very tired, he felt a sense of joy from the bottom of his heart, and this feeling of joy was getting stronger and stronger.

He looked at these customers and also at the merchants not far away who came from Yanjing in batches and wanted to do something with the popularity.

He understands that Zhang Sheng has paved a very resource-rich platform for him. He stands on this platform. As long as he works hard to do his own thing, then he can succeed!

this moment……

He finally understood why Zhang Sheng asked him to stay and be tortured by various customers during the disgusting period of "Senran Integrated Kitchen"!

That month...

Although I was tortured and bruised all over my body, I also learned a lot!

Because he has dealt with many messy things at Senran Integrated Stove, Li Bin does not panic when facing these customers.

He took a step forward: "Hello, it's like this. I know you have a lot of unfinished work here. We will finish the unfinished work. If you are satisfied with the work, we will pay the workers. ! I hope you believe me, we are not short of money now..."

The torture during that time...

Let him say a lot of scene words without realizing it!

Not only that, but sometimes he even told some "lies" involuntarily without even knowing it.


Lies are not deception!

But a kind of bargaining chip.

A bargaining chip that allows customers to have more confidence in themselves and their future decoration industry!


This is not a lie!

Li Bin glanced at Zhang Sheng subconsciously and became more confident after being surrounded by merchants again!

As long as the teacher nods!

Then, these merchants will pay for it!

Isn’t it easy to fill the loopholes of this decoration company?

How could it be deception?


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The weather is a little gloomy.

The guests all left.

Xu Jianglong came to the door of [Hongyuan Decoration] panting.

He heard what Zhang Sheng did from other people's mouths...

He understood that [Hongyuan Decoration], which was once heavily in debt, had been slowly revitalized!

The trust of guests, the trust of customers, coupled with the hype and supervision of official media!

How could he not survive?

Xu Jianglong looked at the advertising trucks not far away.

Compared with the morning, there seemed to be a few more advertising trucks coming from Yanjing.

There are more water heater brands and paint brands.

"Mr. Xu, right? Mr. Zhang has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Oh, alright!"

Xu Jianglong nodded.

Then he was led by a young man and prepared to walk in.

Before we could make any progress, we saw another young man bringing several people together.

Xu Jianglong heard a rush.

"We are here to cooperate with Mr. Zhang Sheng... Let's meet Mr. Zhang Sheng!"

"Feel sorry……"

"Is Mr. Zhang Sheng here? Let them come out, and we can provide some things for free to help Mr. Zhang Sheng pay off his debts..."


Those voices were getting louder and louder.

But the staff stopped them and refused to let them in.

At this moment, Xu Jianglong suddenly felt lucky.

He was proud of his intelligence and vision.

He walked into the lobby of [Hongyuan Decoration] and walked to the conference room.

He was no stranger to the conference room. During debt collection, he came in several times and moved a few chairs.

He never dreamed that he would come to this conference room again.

At this moment, the conference room is filled with brand new tables and chairs.

The tables and chairs are all from the brand [Qi's Home Furnishing]...

"Mr. Xu!"

"boss Zhang!"

"Okay, everyone is here now..."

Zhang Sheng said hello to Xu Jianglong.

Xu Jianglong nodded subconsciously, feeling an inexplicable sense of honor in his eyes.

"Actually, I just wanted to start this company, but I didn't expect that you would support my work so enthusiastically..."

"I'm very worried. In fact, even though I usually look carefree, but now, I'm really worried."

"I seem to have become the leader out of nowhere..."

"If I can lead a good lead, that's fine, but if I don't lead a good lead, I will be very ashamed of your trust in me..."

"But since you have always wanted to use my "incident" to make some noise, then I thought about it..."

"I decided to plan a "Decoration Festival" in Jincheng first! ""

“What is Decoration Day?”

"Actually, it's very simple. There is Father's Day, Mother's Day, and Valentine's Day, so Decoration Day is also necessary!"

"We don't have to worry about the promotion of the Decoration Festival. We have our own official media. Well, because I took over this mess, haha. The local TV station will supervise our debt repayment every day... There will be news about us tonight... Everyone guesses Even if you can show up in the news..."

"For the Decoration Festival, we need a venue. We will give you a booth in the venue. We provide free decoration design, decoration consultation, and one-stop service, so that customers can get the best quality and lowest price products..."

"You don't have to worry about the initial customers. There are probably more than fifty unfinished and final customers in [Hongyuan Decoration]..."

"Some of them have just started working on water and electricity, some have just finished... some are new to carpentry. In short, there are definitely customers we need..."

"We came up with the concept of Decoration Festival..."

"As for what we should do for this festival, I want to hear your opinions!"

"By the way, we don't have a monopoly...we only create the concept of "Decoration Festival". We will definitely need more colleagues to join this big family in the future..."

"Of course, if our concept can really be implemented, we will open a membership system in the future. However, these are things for later. We have to move forward step by step on many things in a down-to-earth manner..."


In the conference room.

Xu Jianglong's blood boiled with excitement!

I was so excited that I immediately wanted to slam the table!

Oh shit!

This is to take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm to do big things!

(One thousand monthly tickets will add more updates!)

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