I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 151 I said, I am actually very successful

In the box.

Ah K walked in with a guitar on his back.

Then, while saying sorry to the fans outside the room, he closed the door of the box.

The noise outside was getting louder and louder.

Ah K's hair was a little messy, he straightened his wrinkled clothes, and carefully placed the guitar next to him.

"Mr. Zhang, Teacher Lin, the fans here are very enthusiastic..."

He looked a little embarrassed.

After calling Zhang Sheng respectfully, he sat on the chair.

He seemed to have never imagined that he would be recognized as soon as he stepped into [Fat Xiao An's Restaurant].

At first a small group of people called tentatively.

He subconsciously turned around and said: "Hello"

Immediately afterwards...

The entire restaurant instantly erupted with screams.

The guests who heard the screams turned their heads...

The figure with long hair, a beard, a shit-yellow wallet, and a broken acoustic guitar on his back is really too eye-catching...

It’s hard not to be noticed…


Ah K was surrounded for autographs and photos...

The enthusiastic fans made him a little overwhelmed for a while.

After so many years of wandering, I never thought that one day I would be surrounded by fans...

But then he was immersed in the hustle and bustle, enjoying those excited eyes...

This feels so good!


Zhang Panpan sat back on the chair.

She has been the protagonist since childhood, but at this moment she is a supporting role.

Listening to the excitement outside...

She felt increasingly sad.

That was what she had dreamed of...

She subconsciously glanced at Ah K, who was sitting down and carefully taking things from his bag.

He was once a wandering singer, singing under the overpass.

When she passed by, she stopped occasionally, but in her heart she felt that these people were no more than beggars from the old days.

Although some people sang pretty well, she still looked down on them from the bottom of her heart.

Ah K has become famous. The popularity of this wandering singer on the Internet has squeezed into the top ten of the album list, and his personal popularity has soared to the top five of the newcomer list...

Become famous…

Not that difficult in this day and age.

However, seeing with my own eyes the rise of people who were once equal or unequal to myself, the feeling in my heart becomes more and more unbalanced.

People are always so strange.

She wanted to explain it all by luck.

It's impossible for anyone to be so lucky all the time.

After explaining it this way, I felt a little better, but I still felt sad.

envious? envy? Unjust?

"Mr. Zhang, I wrote a title song of the same name for "That Midsummer"..."

Ah K took out a piece of A4 paper with the lyrics and melody of "That Midsummer" written on it.

Zhang Sheng didn't understand music notation, nor how to write lyrics. He just took a brief look at it and handed it to Lin Xia.

Lin Xia took the A4 paper and looked at it carefully.

"Classmate Zhang..."


Zhang Panpan, who was in a sour mood, heard Zhang Sheng calling him again.

She looked up.

Zhang Sheng didn't speak, just looked at her with a smile.

The box became extremely silent.

This silence is in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle outside.

Vaguely, she seemed to hear the boss of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] coming, and the boss and his people were maintaining order.

Ah K seemed to notice that the atmosphere was a little strange, and subconsciously looked at the pretty little girl next to him.

Zhang Panpan couldn't bear the look, and finally stood up again: "You guys chat first, I'll go out for a while..."

Her voice was very soft.

There seems to be a trace of stubbornness in his bones.

No matter how thick-skinned she is, she can't stay here any longer.

She lowered her head so that no one could see her eyes.

Pushing the door open and closing it quickly.

She saw that the entire [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] was packed with people.

"Yes, yes, we would like to invite Ah K to be our image spokesperson!"

"As for whether I can be invited, I don't know now, but I'm fighting for it!"

"I know everyone likes Ah K! I am also a fan of Ah K. Don't get excited, believe me, I can win it!"

"Yes, it would be best if Ah K could come here to sing. I would like to come here to sing one song every week, but I have to discuss this with Ah K..."


The boss Chen Geng responded emotionally to various questions from the guests, and he couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

The hustle and bustle here caused more and more people to watch at the door.

People who knew Ah K and those who didn't knew Ah K subconsciously crowded over.

Follow the herd…

This itself is a human characteristic.

Zhang Panpan squeezed the crowd...

Her eyes were getting bloodier and redder, and tears had blurred her frames.

No one noticed her...

Like a supporting role that no one cares about.

She squeezed out of the restaurant and sat on a chair in the mall.

Keep your head down.

Just sit there.

She didn't know how much time passed before her phone vibrated.

She saw a text message.

It was sent by Lin Xia.

[Panpan, why don’t you terminate your contract with Shengshi]


"Many people are willing to bet their youth on tomorrow."

"But even if you gamble, you still need chips..."

“The more chips you have, the more you win.”

"But on the contrary..."

"There is no pie from the sky in this world..."

"She has too few chips. If she thinks she can debut as a star with her beauty and singing voice, that would be too idealistic..."

"Although it's not right to divide people into three, six or nine in this world, in the eyes of capital, that's how it is..."

"Classmate Zhang's current value is probably only the liquidated damages of the contract behind him. To put it bluntly, it's just leeks..."

"People will always take responsibility for their mistakes, so that they can grow."

"It's a good thing for her to suffer a little."


In the box.

Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng.

When Zhang Sheng said this, his eyes were very calm.

As if he was used to intrigues and intrigues, he stood at a high latitude and looked down at all the living beings below.

Lin Xia sometimes couldn't understand Zhang Sheng.

I always feel that there is a dangerous and terrifying soul hidden under Zhang Sheng's young body.

Lin Xia hesitated for a long time, then she looked up at Zhang Sheng: "I'll send her a text message asking her to terminate the contract."

Zhang Sheng nodded silently: "She can take the civil service exam, she can be a soldier... If she can't do these two, then it's not bad to be a leek... A million dollars can buy a lesson, I believe her family can still Affordable.”

"After the contract is terminated, if she comes to see you again, what will you do..."

"No." Zhang Sheng shook his head and said expressionlessly: "If this is the mood, she will bite me when she gains power...unless she can give me a bargaining chip that makes me excited in exchange for equal value."

"What leverage does she have now?"


Zhang Sheng smiled.

And there was no answer.

Seeing this, Lin Xia stopped asking questions and concentrated on watching the theme song of the movie "That Summer".


The crowds were huge.

This is the scene that Chen Geng wants to see in his dreams.

Excited, excited...

This is his emotion.

He couldn't help but look at the box...

After looking at it for a while, I seemed to realize something, and then my heart trembled.

The smile on his lips gradually became stiff, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his pupils.

That box...

It was the box where Zhang Sheng stayed.

At this moment, he finally remembered.

He suddenly gasped a little.

Just at this time……

The box door opened.

The whole restaurant screamed again, and then he saw Ah K walking out with a smile on his face and the others on his back.

"Boss, can I sing a song here?"


"Sing a song..."

"Ah good!

Chen Geng subconsciously moved a high chair.

Ah K took off the guitar, and then, in the crowd, played a new song.

The noisy hall suddenly became quiet with the sound of guitar.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously and looked at Ah K.

The melody is light, not as heavy as "In the Rain" or "Yanjing Night".

There is a bit of youthfulness in the music, and there is also a hint of greenness.

There are some flaws in the singing.

But it seems to sound pretty good.

This song……

No one has heard of it.

Is this a new song?

Chen Geng watched all this blankly.

"How about this song?"

"It sounds good..."

Chen Geng heard a familiar voice, turned his head subconsciously, and then saw Zhang Sheng.

He froze.

"Sheng, you..."

"Let's talk about endorsements. He is a signed artist of my company..."

"You, this, he, I..."


Chen Geng felt his head buzzing.

His speech became a little incoherent.

He looked at Ah K who was singing, and then at Zhang Sheng who was smiling.

"I said, I have actually been very successful..."

He heard Zhang Sheng say this.

In an understatement.

Chen Geng felt dazed for a while.

a few hours ago…

Zhang Sheng once said this to him.

But he felt that this sentence was like a joke.

And this moment...

Memories of the past kept flashing through Chen Geng’s mind...

It became increasingly clear that Zhang Sheng was sweating profusely while running business.

But because of this, an unprecedented sense of separation came to my mind...

He subconsciously followed Zhang Sheng into the box.

"This is Teacher Lin, the author of "That Summer" and a beautiful girl writer. The movie "That Summer" has started shooting today and will probably be completed by the end of the year..."

"This is Shen Xiaoxi, the chief agent of our company..."

For his own people, Zhang Sheng did not hesitate to put on the highest hat.


Chen Geng greeted these people one by one.

Then, he sat on the chair.

The whole person is still a little dazed.

He saw Zhang Sheng looking at him with a smile.

"Brother Chen, I've laid the table and served the dishes. As for how to pick up the dishes and eat, that's your business..."

Zhang Sheng sat on the chair and looked at Chen Geng seriously.

Chen Geng looked at Zhang Sheng.

Chen Geng's fingers trembled slightly.

After calming down, he keenly realized that he was about to have a big opportunity when starting his own business!

He took a deep breath: "Sheng, how do you want to cooperate? I will listen to you!"

Zhang Sheng put away his smile, looked at the box for a while, and then looked at Chen Geng seriously: "How big do you want [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] to be?"


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