I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 154 Something happened

December 1st.

Zhang Sheng slept in.

He used to wake up very early, but this time he slept until ten o'clock in the morning before opening his eyes.

When I woke up, I felt completely exhausted.

Tired as never before.

He stared at the ceiling for a long time without getting up.

He had a dream.

is a nightmare.

In dream...

Vaguely, I seem to be dreaming of my parents in this world.

The faces of the parents were blurry and it was not clear what they looked like.

The time in the dream seemed to be evening.

A bloody evening with the setting sun.

Downstairs of a rented community in Cangdong County.

He saw a bloody corpse.

There were screams, cries, panic, and sirens all around.

Zhang Sheng, who rarely felt fear, definitely felt a sense of fear coming from the original owner.

It was a kind of darkness where ants were constantly climbing, biting, and unable to breathe.

The entire muscles tightened together, and the blood in the whole body seemed to turn cold at that moment.


My whole body was stiff.

as if……

The day collapsed in an instant.

Darkness enveloped his whole body and he could no longer see the light.

Zhang Sheng lay on the bed for a full three minutes, recalling this dream...

He was very calm at this moment.

Vaguely, I seemed to feel that some details in the dream were important, but I couldn't remember what the key details were.

Since I can't remember...

He didn't think about it anymore.

I'll remember it one day.

After getting up, Zhang Sheng washed his face and opened the door of the small storage room.

After walking out of the corridor, he saw that the students in the network department of [NC Studio] were already at work.

The popularity of [Hongyuan Decoration] in November allowed them to receive some orders for website production, and they are busy writing code.

Zhang Sheng stopped for a while and then walked towards the office.

The office was packed with people.

December 1st is the day when the documentary "Graduation Years" will be released online.

Everyone involved in the documentary filming was crowded in the office.

Chen Mengting uploaded the documentary "Graduation Years" to the Internet while clicking the mouse.


She watched Zhang Sheng walk in.

I originally wanted to say hello to Zhang Sheng, but after seeing Zhang Sheng shake his head, he didn't speak and continued to look at the computer.

Documentary director Li Zhonghe was very excited. He stared at the clicks and comments on the screen. Even when Zhang Sheng opened the door and walked in, he didn't react at all.

Often a click or a comment can make his heart beat a little faster.

This documentary gave him a great sense of accomplishment.

He has always had a dream of directing.


Due to the financial constraints of his family, he could not afford expensive equipment, and his family did not support him in taking the Yanying exam.

He could only take the exam of Yan Shihua.

But despite this, he still signed up for the photography club, and then he stayed in the photography club for four years, trying to find a group of like-minded people.

Within four years.

He had also imagined what would happen in the future...

But fantasy is still fantasy.

Four years in college was enough for him to accept reality.

A group of like-minded people, although they have ideas, they don't have any direction. They can only shoot some short videos of school activities and take some landscape photos.

Occasionally, I am interested in shooting some short stories, but compared with professionalism, these things are really in the sky and the earth. If they are uploaded to the Internet, they will not create any commotion.

Time passes day by day, as the senior year is about to graduate...

The photography-loving seniors in the club gradually dispersed.

They once had the same ambitions and dreams as him...

He once felt that these seniors would do something great. After all, in his opinion, they were very talented.

But after graduation...

Some went to their hometowns to engage in the most ordinary wedding photography, some did not insist on photography and went to work in factories, some insisted on photography, but were so hungry that they could no longer hold on...

After seeing the experiences of these seniors, he probably accepted the reality.

He will probably follow this path in the future.


No one could have imagined that in his final year, he would encounter the project "Graduation Years."

Chen Mengting, the theme of the student union, appointed him to shoot...

Even more fortunately, he received the guidance of professional director Ke Zhanyi.

Although Ke Zhanyi was not a patient person, the things he taught were all genuine and essence, which made Li Zhonghe realize that his "unappreciated talent" was a joke.

In just a few months, he learned countless things and seemed to have matured a lot.

At least……

I know what a movie is, what a documentary is, what a lens is...

"Actually, you don't need to watch it here. The video website promotion has not started yet, so there won't be any viewers... It will be better after the promotional page is posted tomorrow..."

After the video was uploaded to the video website, Chen Mengting looked at everyone's serious expressions and sighed.

She once discussed the project "Graduation Years" with [Starlight Future].

Although the other party was not interested in this project, he still recommended her a video website called Sodu, and contacted the video website's operations department to talk about the project.

As for Yanjing’s documentary channel…

The documentary "Graduation Years" is too small, and neither the director nor the producer is a big production. Although it has not been explicitly rejected, it is still in the queue.

Documentaries are not movies and cannot be played in movie theaters. Apart from being used to participate in some documentary awards, they have no commercial value.

In fact...

In Chen Mengting's mind, this so-called "Graduation Years" project is just to collect money from those companies and help some companies advertise for free.

Even if there is a website recommendation in the future, it will not cause any waves.

Chen Mengting's words did not make everyone present disperse...

They still looked at the data on the website carefully and asked Li Zhonghe to refresh it from time to time.

Next to two computers not far away, the sound of keyboards kept ringing.

[Cromecium] Cao Li and [Nangong Nan] Zhou Wenqiang are writing various reviews and bragging about the documentary "Graduation Years" in major forums.

did not expect……

It really attracted them hundreds of fans...

After seeing these fans giving this documentary good reviews, the office instantly erupted with excitement.

Looking at the good reviews...

Documentary director Li Zhonghe’s hand holding the mouse was shaking.

I once again fantasized about what the future would be like, how about...

After Zhang Sheng looked around in the office for a while, he heard a noise coming from next door.


The noise turned into an argument and grew louder.

Zhang Sheng frowned!

Then he walked towards the [Training Base] next door.


When Zhang Sheng came to the [Training Base], he saw that the [Training Base] was full of people.

Workers, internship students...

Everyone looked at the two people next to the machine.

Nie Xiaoping and Tang Wu struggled together.

They rolled on the ground.

One kicked the other's legs, and one pulled the other's few hairs.

Several workers came forward to persuade him, but they seemed unable to do so.

Zhang Sheng was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, the two were chatting in the office, and suddenly they started fighting..."


Zhang Sheng asked the student next to him.

The student next to him shook his head, a little confused.

Zhang Sheng frowned, walked to the middle of the two people, and then pulled them up.

"about there!"

"Are you kidding me?" Nie Xiaoping cursed and punched Zhang Sheng in the face. Zhang Sheng subconsciously stepped back, and the pain made him feel like his bones were broken.

This Nie Xiaoping is so powerful.

Zhang Sheng waved his sore hand, looked around, and then saw the battery next to him.

He picked up the bottle and slammed it on the steel plate next to it.


The loud sound caused the two people who were struggling to stop instantly.

Nie Xiaoping grabbed Tang Wu's remaining hair with one hand and looked at Zhang Sheng subconsciously.


A flash of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"what happened?"

Zhang Sheng looked at Nie Xiaoping calmly.

Nie Xiaoping's face turned blue and purple for a while.

Tang Wuze stood up with a bruised nose and face, and spit out a mouthful of blood-streaked saliva. He didn't look like a teacher at all.

The teachers from the security department arrived belatedly, and when they saw this scene, they suddenly felt dizzy.

These two people...

During this time we were quarreling almost all day long!

They came several times but could not be persuaded. This time, the two simply started a real fight.

Zhang Sheng reluctantly explained to the security department...

The security department nodded, and then evacuated the students and workers, allowing them to continue working.

After everyone dispersed and the whole scene became a little quieter, Zhang Sheng brought them both to the office.



The [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] project was piloted in Los Angeles and achieved great success.

The GDP of the entire city of Los Angeles has fully doubled compared to October!

In this era when people are panicked by the financial crisis and the foreign trade industry has been hit, Los Angeles's GDP has risen against the trend, which undoubtedly established the country's confidence in the general direction of "expanding the domestic demand market" and also made the superiors determined to implement [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] Overall project plan.


The [Hongwei] electric vehicle brand, which has benefited from a wave of policy dividends, has seen a surge in sales and more than half of its inventory has been cleared...

Would have been a good thing.


Battery production capacity cannot keep up.

Nie Xiaoping came over and negotiated many times, hoping that General Tang would expand production capacity and not have to test this and that for every battery.

Just do a sampling test!

But Yuwu was so stubborn that the battery had to be tested...


As a result, Nie Xiaoping's [Hongwei] factory defaulted on orders from dealers.

The dealer calls him like crazy every day...


Nie Xiaoping came to discuss the plan with Tang Wu.

It was a friendly discussion at first, but the discussion continued...

The two people seemed to be talking to each other. At first they slapped the table, and then they started fighting each other...

After Zhang Sheng heard this, he was silent for a long time. Looking at Tang Wu's hair that was almost bald, he didn't know whether to laugh or sigh.

Just when I was about to say something...

The phone rang.

The call is from [Oubang Integrated Ceiling] Meng Shurong...

"boss Zhang……"

"Brother Meng?"


"What's wrong?"

"I'm done...my whole life is done! Everything is done, everything is done..."


On the other end of the phone, Meng Shurong, who was supposed to be ambitious, seemed to have changed into a different person, muttering these words in a desperate tone.

Zhang Sheng was stunned.

[Obon Integrated Ceiling]......

Something seems to have happened!

(There are still two updates today. If there is no problem with the plot tomorrow and I can hold on, I will break out.)

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