I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 163 Let me be fair! Liu Kaili, you are wrong! (Third update!)



The cups on the table were spilled on the floor.

Li Bin and Liu Kaili struggled together.

Both of them have tempers, and they don't like each other. Although Liu Kaili is older, he is still not inferior...

Cries surrounded the entire hall.

Liu Yingying is crying...

He yelled and tried to get the two of them to stop, but instead of stopping, the two began to fight more and more fiercely.

There were people pointing and pointing around.

Someone immediately chose to call the police.

Chen Aiju dissuaded...

But nothing could be done to dissuade him. Instead, he was pushed and fell to the ground. His buttocks hurt, and he couldn't get up after crawling for a long time.

Liu Yingying went to help, but Chen Aiju finally told Liu Yingying to help pull down the rolling shutter door and pull it down quickly.

Milk was trampled all over the floor, almost covering the entire hall...

The hall was in a mess.


There were more and more people watching, many guests and colleagues came to watch the fun.

There were all kinds of words in the discussion, and the noisy voices made Chen Aiju particularly harsh.

Family scandals should not be made public.


Almost everyone in the street is already aware of it.

Chen Aiju's face was really dull.

The rolling shutter door was pulled down...

The pointing voice became softer.

Those who were struggling were still struggling...

However, both parties seemed to abide by the rules and did not say hello to the crotch or eyes, but just kept fisting.


Zhang Sheng came late.

When we arrived, the rolling shutter door was already closed.

The people around him lingered for a long time, discussing a series of things.

Zhang Sheng looked at the locked door with no other expression on his face. He just made a way to go around to the back door.

The back door is a little quieter and there are no people around.

In a place where decoration waste is piled up all year round, no one comes here to join in the fun.

Zhang Sheng stepped on the decoration rubbish, stepped on the edge of the back door, and saw the locked back door lock.

He closed his eyes.

Listen carefully.

The sound of the fight inside did not become lighter because the rolling shutter door was pulled down. Instead, it became more intense and noisier.

Zhang Sheng opened his eyes, shook his head, then took out an ID card from his arms and simply scratched it in the crack of the door.

His movements were very skillful. The ID card in his hand was like a blade, hitting the lock position of the key and then "clicking" it.

The back door opened.

After walking in, he closed the door and secured the insurance.

"Stop fighting, wuwuwu, stop fighting, dad, Li Bin, stop fighting..."

"I won't leave, I won't leave..."

"stop fighting!"

"Mine, everything is mine, mine..."

Liu Yingying was crying and slapping herself.

Her emotions have completely collapsed.

But Liu Kaili and Li Bin fought more and more fiercely, and they had already smashed countless things in [Senran Integrated Stove] without repenting of their hatred.

Zhang Sheng came over...

Liu Yingying was shocked when she saw Zhang Sheng suddenly appeared, but then subconsciously rushed over.

"Mr. Zhang, they, the two of them..."

Zhang Sheng looked at Liu Yingying, then at the two people rolling on the ground, and finally at Chen Aiju, whose face was pale and she kept rubbing her back.

"Crying won't solve the problem. If they want to fight, let them fight until they are enough. Go see auntie. Auntie seems to be injured. Call 120..."

Zhang Sheng's expression was very calm, and then he found an overturned chair and straightened it up. Then he sat on the chair and watched with interest as Liu Kaili and Li Bin tore their clothes to pieces.

Zhang Sheng's words seemed to be very magical, and Liu Yingying gradually became less crying. She ran to Chen Aiju's side and helped Chen Aiju rub her back.

Sometimes people...

Really weird.

When you yell, you will become more bloody and your temper will become more impulsive. No one wants to lose, and no one wants to lose momentum.

But suddenly, after the yelling disappears, people will have an inexplicable emotional gap...


Liu Kaili and Li Bin stopped at the same time, subconsciously looked at everyone, and finally settled on Zhang Sheng sitting on the chair.

"Keep fighting, why don't you fight?" Zhang Sheng looked at the two of them with a smile on his face: "If you're not passionate enough, I'll bring a kitchen knife over. You guys should just be more ruthless and see who can kill whom?"

Zhang Sheng's words were very harsh.

Liu Kaili's face turned red from holding back, and he wanted to scold Zhang Sheng, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't.

He spit out a mouthful of blood and finally let go of his hand and stood up.

Li Bin looked at the mess on the ground, especially after seeing Zhang Sheng's eyes, he subconsciously shrank his head.

He made a mess of everything.


Zhang Sheng looked at Li Bin.

"Teacher, I..." Li Bin lowered his head.

Some panic, some fear.

Zhang Sheng actually told him a lot of things before he left.

But when young people get hot-headed, they don’t care about anything...

The fist was punched out somehow.

After he was beaten out, he felt very happy. He had suffered too many grievances at the hands of Liu Kaili, and this time he completely vented his anger.

"What happened... tell me..."

"I didn't do anything. I just told Mr. Liu that I wanted Yingying to come over and help me... Yingying is too depressed in the store, and I need someone there..."

"Then, I don't know why, as we were talking, suddenly...he hit me. I thought that I can't be beaten. Yingying is here, I can't be embarrassed, right? So, I didn't think too much, I So I fought back..."


After Zhang Sheng understood the ins and outs of the matter, he glanced at Liu Kaili who was wiping the blood stains on his face with a napkin.

"Mr. Liu, let me be fair... about this matter, actually, um... let's put it this way, Li Bin..."

Liu Kaili wanted to say something, but saw Zhang Sheng sigh.

When he saw Zhang Sheng staring at Li Bin with a very serious look, Liu Kaili nodded.


"Li Bin, you... this is so wrong. You went to Mr. Liu's house and asked Mr. Liu's daughter to help. Although Mr. Liu made the move first, you can't fight back... After all, he is your elder! "

"But, I...I can't..."

"You still haven't admitted your mistake? How much older is Mr. Liu than you? What if you fight for good and bad, and Mr. Liu relies on you? Look, you have messed up Mr. Liu's hair. What if he loses his hair? You help with hair transplantation. You are a young man who has just started a business. Can you afford it?"


Liu Kaili heard it quite right at first, but then the more he listened, the more wrong he became.

Is this really fair?

This is just a roundabout way of scolding him!

Frowning, I was about to say something...

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sheng didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

"Mr. Liu... Don't worry, we have already called the police. Let me be fair about this matter. Well, actually, both sides are at fault. I have already criticized Li Bin, but this whole thing is definitely wrong. It's you...what did you do first? Are you always getting stronger?"

"Zhang Sheng, you..." Liu Kaili's expression changed drastically and he clenched his fists.

"Mr. Liu, we are civilized people. It is definitely wrong to hit someone. You have just been detained outside. In the past few days, you have been detained for leaking customer information. You were detained last time you made trouble in my school. Today...

Hey, if Li Bin suddenly feels pain in his chest, will you still be detained? "

Zhang Sheng had just finished speaking.

Hearing Li Bin's "Ouch" sound, he lay on the ground and covered his chest, unable to straighten up for a long time.

Liu Kaili's face changed.

I was so angry that I was shaking all over!

At this moment, a siren sounded outside the house...

Hear the sirens…

Li Bin whipped harder.

"Yingying, give me a hand, give me a hand. My chest didn't hurt just now, but now my chest hurts so much that I have difficulty breathing... I can't survive..."

"No, Yingying, I might have to be hospitalized..."

"Your father is really ruthless..."

"I, I didn't say anything. I talked to him in a nice voice and he hit me like this..."

"It hurts, hurry up..."

Liu Yingying looked at Li Bin's appearance. Although she guessed that Li Bin was acting, she couldn't help but became anxious and quickly ran over to help Li Bin rub his chest.

"Liu Yingying!"

Liu Kaili shouted at Liu Yingying, ran forward with his fists clenched, grabbed Liu Yingying's hand, and wanted to slap her away.


at this time……

Chen Aiju staggered and pulled up the electric rolling shutter door.

Everyone saw Liu Kaili slap his daughter Liu Yingying firmly.

There is a group of people outside the house...

Everyone saw Li Bin holding his stomach, his face was pale, and he was retching...

Everyone saw Liu Yingying being slapped and fell to the ground, and then cried even harder...

Everyone watched Liu Kaili yelling at Li Bin and pretending to pick up a stool to hit Li Bin.

He seemed to have completely lost his mind, like a madman...


They didn't see Zhang Sheng.

After about a minute or so, Zhang Sheng came to the crowd from the back door, followed the crowd watching the excitement, and listened to the crowd's pointing.

"How could Liu Kaili do this..."

"Yes, after beating people like this, even if the new son-in-law comes to the door and you don't want to, you can't beat them like this, right?"

"Hey, I really have no vision. If it were me, I would definitely want Li Bin as my son-in-law..."


"Hey, after the fight is like this, can we still do this business?"

"His wife was probably beaten by him, and she can't get up now... Recently, I often hear him scolding his wife in the middle of the night. I didn't expect that he would actually do it..."

"Hey...Liu Kaili has just been detained, and now he is probably going to be detained again..."

Zhang Sheng listened calmly.


I saw Li Bin being carried on a stretcher. After being carried on, he started retching.

No matter what the doctor asked him...

He didn't answer any of the questions, as if he was stupid. He could only hold his stomach, tremble and retching.

After seeing his appearance, the doctor immediately shook his head and didn't ask any more questions. He just lifted him carefully.

Liu Kaili was scolding like crazy!

"He's acting!"

"He's fucking playing me!"

"I didn't slap him on the head! I beat him to death, bastard!"

"Oh shit!"

Zhang Sheng watched Li Bin leave. Before getting into the car, he glanced at Zhang Sheng next to him from an unknown corner.

I happened to look at Zhang Sheng...

He blinked at Zhang Sheng as if conveying something...

Immediately afterwards, his face became extremely painful, even twisted, and he was trembling while twitching!

This made Zhang Sheng stunned!

This guy is really talented!

(Three more updates will be delivered today! Please vote for me, there are 72 people now, and it will be 70 soon)

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