Yan Shihua.

[Training base] at the entrance.

Reporters swarming in, students in huge crowds...

Shen Yi took a deep breath.

[Practical training base] Upgrade the school enterprise.

He had been chatting with his boss about this matter.

Some of the leaders above felt that this step was just right. There was such a wave of demand in the market, so they naturally had to do it well.

However, some leaders feel that this step is taken too fast. Whenever they need to proceed more steadily, they feel that they cannot make a big fat man in one go.


Meetings are held every three days to upgrade the [Bosch battery].

Upgrading to a school enterprise means that [Bosch Battery] is not a training base, but an enterprise under the school.

Enterprises have their own rules and regulations. There are quite a few off-campus enterprises that cooperate with Yan Petrochemical, but there is no true school enterprise.

This involves issues such as job allocation, equity ratio, and leadership responsibilities. For a while, it was difficult for leaders to unify their opinions.

And at this juncture...

Shen Yi received news from the Security Department.

Tang Wu and Nie Xiaoping are fighting again!

Shen Yi’s head is getting big!

Brand owners and partners are fighting, and it is a critical moment when [Bosch Battery Training Base] is preparing to upgrade to a school enterprise...

Isn't this causing trouble?

He followed the security department and ran to the [Practice Training Base] immediately.


He saw the students...

He also saw the reporter!

I also saw Tang Wu and Nie Xiaoping struggling together again without any image...

He saw Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng said he could handle it.

So Shen Yi went to stop these reporters.

After finally persuading the reporter to leave, he found that the two people who had almost calmed down and were pulled away by the guard Cora started to curse again...

Didn’t you say it could be done?

Are you done?

Shen Yi hurriedly squeezed the crowd and happened to see Zhang Sheng secretly whispering something into others' ears.

Looking at Zhang Sheng's appearance, he suddenly felt that his heart almost stopped.

What is this person doing?

Zhang Sheng seems to be trying to stop the fight...

But if you listen carefully, Zhang Sheng seems to be not only not trying to break up the fight, but actually trying to make it worse.

"Mr. Tang, I think Mr. Nie is right. If every battery is tested so carefully, what kind of business will we run?"


"Mr. Nie... I also think there is something wrong with Teacher Tang. Teacher Tang is very stubborn. He only thinks about his own things and has no overall view of the overall situation..."


Zhang Sheng's light words made me feel angry after hearing them.

This person...

It won’t work if you don’t cause trouble, right?

He finally pulled Zhang Sheng aside and scolded Zhang Sheng severely.

Zhang Sheng coughed slightly and stood aside.

"Zhang Sheng, did you find these reporters?"


"If not, how could these reporters come in? Zhang Sheng, what kind of plane are you working on? At this moment, [Bosch Battery] approves the petrochemical industry of schools and enterprises. Don't mess around. What will the superiors think if they see it? , take these reporters away quickly..."

"I do not know……"


Shen Yi looked at Zhang Sheng's innocent look and took a deep breath.

Talk to Zhang Shengang here...

There seems to be another fight between Tang Wu and Nie Xiaoping...

The scene was extremely chaotic for a time!


Tang Wu doesn't know what's going on...

He really didn't know what was going on. He thought about it for a long time and felt that there was nothing he could do to offend Nie Xiaoping!


Today, he was like a mad dog, quarreling with himself when he walked in without saying a word!


There was another quarrel over production capacity!

A cliché.

They had a fight last time and ended up breaking up.

This time...

Yuwu finally showed some restraint.

Faced with Nie Xiaoping's aggressive attitude, although he was full of anger, he did not argue with Nie Xiaoping.

After all, he is a cultural person.

A cultural person should have the qualities of a cultural person!

Although, Tang Wu looked at Nie Xiaoping's philistine face, the more he looked at him, the more ugly he felt!


Nie Xiaoping did not understand his restraint. Instead, he kept urging him, saying various things such as "expand the scale", "no need to test all, just random testing", "production is the most important", "you have done enough for your customers". You have to take responsibility, but if you act like this, you will never make any money in your life." "No wonder the photovoltaic industry will be ruined and your wife will run away with someone else."


I don't know what stimulated Yuwu's nerves.

Tang Wu became furious instantly!


Tang Wu forgot his identity as a cultural person...


The two struggled again.

This punch struck harder than the last time.

Tang Wu was filled with anger and didn't know how to vent it, like a wild beast.

Even Shen Yi and the college security guards couldn't stop him when they came over...

He was going to beat Nie Xiaoping until his mother didn’t recognize him!

Beating him and scolding him at the same time!

Zhang Sheng is such a bitch!

What the hell, I'm your teacher, you're here, and you're not helping the teacher, but you're talking to that Nie Xiaoping?

Are you my student?

Are you my strategic partner?



The nurse helped Tang Wu wipe the wound on his face.

Nie Xiaoping's little hands are really cruel...

"Bruised nose and swollen face" seemed to describe his current state just right.

Tang Wu felt that even the medicine hurt.

"Zhang Sheng, how can you cooperate with such a person? Isn't this crazy? Zhang Sheng, I want to stop cooperating with such a person..."

"Damn it! Just come in and quarrel with me. Is this person taking gunpowder?"

"Wait a minute, why do I always feel like you, kid, are always stirring up trouble? Without you, I always feel like we can't fight!"

Zhang Sheng walked into the hospital carrying a basket of fruits.

He saw Yuwu.

Yuwu took a deep breath.

Although I gave Nie Xiaoping a good beating, for some reason, the more I thought about it, the more angry he became!

It’s not fun to beat me!

What the hell!

How dare he laugh at his wife and son for running away with someone else!

This is Yuwu's taboo!

But after seeing the smile on Zhang Sheng's face, Tang Wu felt that something was wrong!

Zhang Sheng looked at Tang Wu with a serious look on his face for a moment. After a brief moment of silence, Zhang Sheng smiled again and said: "Teacher Tang, please bear with me..."

"I can still tolerate the medicine, but Zhang Sheng, what do you think of this kind of cooperation... Forget it, you'll get even more angry if you talk too much. Forget it, please peel an orange for me, my hand is cramped... "

"Teacher Tang, these oranges are not for you..."

"Didn't you come here to see me?"


"You're not looking at me. Did you come over to see Nie Xiaoping's grandson?"

After applying the medicine, Tang Wu's eyes widened. After seeing Zhang Sheng's silence, he was in disbelief!

Is this my own student?

His teacher was beaten up, and he actually brought a fruit basket to see his opponent?

"Well, Teacher Tang, why don't you come with me to take a look? Mr. Nie is still lying down..."

"What! I go to see him? I go to see him? He came to me to look for trouble and was beaten, and I still go to see him?"

Yuwu took a deep breath.

There is nothing more ridiculous than this in the world.

"Yes, let's go, Teacher Tang. I'll tell you after I get there..."

But Zhang Sheng nodded, then carried the fruit basket and walked towards the ward not far away.

Yuwu took a deep breath.

Finally, I followed Zhang Sheng, but the closer I got to the ward, the more depressed I felt that I couldn't get out.

He walked to the ward.

Then, he watched Zhang Sheng knock on the door.

"Teacher Tang, you beat me so hard..."

Tang Wu followed Zhang Sheng into the ward. After entering the ward, he saw Nie Xiaoping sitting on the bed with his cell phone wrapped in gauze.

When he saw Tang Wu coming in, he moved his arms.

My arm hurts!

This time, Tang Wu was so strong that he almost dislocated his hand bones with one punch.

He once felt like his arm was useless!

Seeing Nie Xiaoping's miserable state, Tang Wu felt much relieved. At least this time, he won.

But of course he couldn't laugh out loud, but said with a straight face: "Mr. Nie... who asked you to come over and quarrel with me? I told you last time, this is a matter of my principles, a matter of principle, it cannot be change!"

Nie Xiaoping was silent for a moment after listening to Tang Wu's words.

Then he looked at Zhang Sheng and moved his tied arms again: "Mr. Zhang, is this what you call, a symbol of acting?"

"The plan can't keep up with the changes..."

Zhang Sheng walked over with a smile, and then sat down on the chair.

In the hospital bed.

Nie Xiaoping looked at Zhang Sheng's appearance and finally closed his eyes.

Looking back on this incident vaguely...

He always felt that this matter revealed something fishy.

Last night, Zhang Sheng called him and asked him to come to school to stimulate Tang Wu and help with acting...

Even when he scolded Tang Wu, Zhang Sheng told him what was most likely to irritate Tang Wu's nerves.

But he never dreamed that the two sides would start scolding each other and then start fighting...

who knows……

Tang Wu couldn't stand the stimulation and actually took action first!

At first, he was still confused and returned his hand symbolically...


I vaguely heard something...

Now I forget what those words were, but I remember it was someone whispering next to him, which made him angry instantly!

Immediately afterwards...

He really hit him!

Nie Xiaoping opened his eyes. After figuring out the key points, he looked at Zhang Sheng and sighed: "Teacher Tang has been beaten, the news is probably on it, and my hands are crooked... Don't even think about using these." Just send me an orange and tell me..."

Zhang Sheng was silent for a long time.

Then I looked at the time...

Seeing that the time was almost up, he picked up the remote control from the side, turned on the TV, and tuned to the local TV station in Yanjing.

The TV is showing social news around Yanjing.


The news was playing the title [Teacher Yan Shihua had a public fight].

"Damn it, I told you, my batteries must be tested for safety!"


"I can't approve it to you without going through safety inspection!"


"Sampling testing, fuck scientific sampling testing!"


In the news.



The scene was chaotic.

However, the video of the fight and the video of the conversation are very clear...

The almost bald teacher Tang Wu was scolding Nie Xiaoping while scuffling!

Nie Xiaoping was pressed to the ground...

Although some things on the clothes are coded.

But I can vaguely see the brand of [Hongwei] electric vehicles...

In the ward.

There was silence.

Tang Wu looked at the ferocious appearance on his TV...

Looked at Zhang Sheng again.

Yuwu's face turned red.

(The second chapter has finally been revised today... Although there are not many updates, please vote for me. In addition to updates, if you have any opinions on the plot, you can mention it...)

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