I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 170 The fisherman profits!

"The birth of our [Bosch Training Base] was very accidental..."

"Mr. Tang Wu rides an electric bike to work. Obviously, the battery can drive 40 kilometers, but as a result, he can't ride 20 kilometers anymore..."

"So, Mr. Yuwu unfortunately pushed the battery cart and drove several kilometers to recharge..."


In the conference room.

Zhang Sheng looked at everyone.

Of course, it is impossible for him to have stage fright.

He has stood in front of tens of thousands of people and given speeches.

Before the speech, the noisy sound made people’s heads hurt...

But once he opens his mouth...

The entire venue instantly became solemn.

Perhaps, before the meeting, many prominent people in the audience can be the protagonists in one field.

But when it comes to meetings...

The protagonist of the entire world is only him, and it can only be him.

This is his strength and his ability!


It is Zhang Sheng’s daily meal.

A good speaker must be unscripted.

Without script, you can focus more on language, expressions, movements...

Every detail!

Zhang Sheng paid great attention to it.

Every rhythm and every topic seemed to Zhang Sheng to be picked up casually, but they were all closely linked.

Zhang Sheng told the birth of [Bosch Battery] with a humorous story.

Of course, the birth was impossible. Tang Wu was desperate and was eventually tricked by Zhang Sheng into studying batteries...

This kind of story is too low, seems extremely utilitarian, and is not very decent.


A lot of things have to be packed.

Obviously, Zhang Sheng's packaging was extremely successful. Except for the confused Tang Wu and some staff who knew the inside story, both the brand and the leaders...

All with knowing smiles on their faces.

He portrayed Yu Wu as a teacher with a pure heart...

Not so much commercialization, only pursuing quality and practicality!

He also talked about the reason why [Bosch] batteries are more expensive than [Liwei] and [Weineng] batteries on the market.

It is still a story-telling way, telling the story of a battery from production, to testing, to shipment, to technological innovation.

Tang Wu was still confused.

What Zhang Sheng said seemed to be what he was doing, but it didn't seem to be what he was doing.

Zhang Sheng almost described a battery as a "handicraft"!

Even listening to Zhang Sheng's words, he couldn't help but feel that every battery was a carefully crafted treasure!

Who the hell can withstand this?

Tangwu swears!

When he was doing these programs, he didn't have that much thought, and it was impossible to really "craft them carefully". He simply felt that it was a responsibility and he had to be responsible.

Tang Wu saw Zhang Sheng starting to talk about responsibility again!

When it comes to responsibility, Tang Wu is even more unfamiliar.

He couldn't remember when he repeatedly tested the battery several times, nor how much pressure he was under to repeatedly remanufacture a "sample" that didn't look right...

Isn't this nonsense?

As long as the battery core is fine, as for the sample burrs...

He really didn't pay that much attention...

Of course, Tang Wu couldn't express any opinions, he just sat down there stupidly, watching everyone below cast awe-inspiring looks, and listening to bursts of shameful applause.

He heard Zhang Sheng continue telling stories about the "fight" between himself and Nie Xiaoping!

If we think carefully about this fight, if Zhang Sheng had not been instigating and hinting at it, it seems that he would not have beaten Nie Xiaoping so badly...

However, in Zhang Sheng's words, he has become a commitment to being extremely strict on quality. Even if the production capacity cannot keep up, even if it is not profitable, he must still protect the bottom line.

Tang Wu heard a burst of applause again.


Many cameras were shooting at him, and the camera lights made him dazzling for a time.

He was like a kitten caught in a searchlight, his mind going blank for a while.


Several leaders turned their appraising eyes to Tang Wu.

Shen Yi saw the leader next to him look more complicated.

Vaguely, he heard a sigh.


"Yes, it's really amazing!"

"Teacher Tang is a talented person and a signature of Yanshihua. We cannot wrong such a talented person..."


The sighing voice of a leader with gray hair and thick glasses sounded next to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi felt relieved after hearing the sound, and then felt incredible.

This leader’s name is Zhu Song.

He is the substantial decision-maker for the upgrade of [Bosch Battery] from [Training Base] to a school-enterprise.

Zhu Song is seventy years old this year.

He had already passed the retirement age, but was later hired back by Yanshihua.

Teacher Zhu Song was the principal of Yanshihua University.

that time……

Yan Petrochemical only has a few acres of land...

Then, teaching equipment, staff, students, teaching...

Everything is like a family workshop. No one could have imagined that Yanshi Chemical would take root in Yanjing in the future and become a second-tier university in just a few decades.

Among them, Zhu Song takes the greatest credit!

He can get things that others cannot ask from the Education Bureau, and he can do things that others cannot do...

All the old leaders of Yanshihua know about Zhu Song’s energy...


The day after his retirement, he was rehired by the college.

Shen Yi looked at Teacher Zhu Song's emotion...

He knows this and can probably do it.

"This Zhang Sheng is this year's freshman?"



Teacher Zhu Song looked at Zhang Sheng on the stage and nodded, his eyes flashing with appreciation.

Then he looked at other brands.

He stood up and walked slowly towards the door.

Shen Yi hurriedly stepped forward to help, but he refused.

"I can still walk..."

"Teacher Zhu, school-enterprise project..."

"Write another report. I read the previous report. The content in the report is not even one-tenth as detailed as what Xiao Zhang said..."

"Ah?" Shen Yi was ashamed.

"Xiao Shen..." Zhu Song glanced at Shen Yi again before leaving.


"Good job!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

After Shen Yi heard a few words, he was instantly excited.

He nodded and then returned to his seat, but he was still unspeakably excited.

On the podium.

Zhang Sheng is still introducing the [Bosch] battery.

This time...

He no longer tells stories, but introduces [Bosch] Battery’s plans for the future!

The planning was explained in great detail, talking about the current situation abroad and at home, talking about the background of new energy, and talking about the market...

It's hard for Shen Yi to imagine.

How dare an ordinary student talk about these things.

What’s even harder to believe is…

This kind of thing is impeccably told!

After finishing speaking...

Even he couldn't help but applaud!


"Now, I announce that the signing ceremony has begun!"

There was a wave of applause.

Zhang Sheng bowed to everyone again.

Then he invited Tang Wu to come on stage.

He saw many brands coming to the stage and shook hands with Tang Wu, looking very excited!

No one talks to Tang Wu anymore about [Bosch] batteries being too expensive...

He also saw some leaders walking down and chatting with Tang Wu.

The distance between Tang Wu and the leaders has become one step closer.

Some people's tempers are indeed smelly and hard, but as long as they are packaged from a different angle, these tempers will immediately become a "good quality", "a quirk of a talented person" and an "admirable character".

in the crowd.

Zhang Sheng walked down, sat on a chair, and took a sip of water.

Although his words were very contagious on stage, he was very calm inside from beginning to end.

These are small scenes.

Go on stage and say something...

It’s as simple as eating.

Shen Yi did not mix with the leaders, but came to Zhang Sheng's side.

"Zhang Sheng..."

"Teacher Shen, the school leaders should be satisfied, right?"

"I'm very satisfied, Zhang Sheng. To be honest, I really want to know how long you have been practicing by yourself this time on stage?"


Zhang Sheng looked at Shen Yi and said seriously: "I have practiced for a long, long time..."

“Have you ever written any speeches?”

"Everything I have written is memorized."

"Oh, no wonder...it's amazing, it's really amazing!"

Shen Yi suddenly realized it and felt it was natural.

Zhang Sheng smiled and remained humble for a while.

Naturally, he couldn't say that he didn't have a speech script, nor could he say that he didn't need to practice at all. As soon as someone came to the stage, all kinds of words would come out like a fountain...

After Shen Yi asked these questions, he fell into a brief silence, but did not leave. There seemed to be something he was holding back in his heart. He wanted to say it for a while, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Teacher Shen, if you have anything to say, just say it..."

"Originally, it is our duty to help the [training base] upgrade the school and enterprise..."

"Teacher Shen, it must be a problem with the plan?"

"how do you know?"

"I probably guessed that some things were not included in the previous plan. I didn't expect it at the time. In fact, I wanted to talk to you about the plan a few days ago..."

"Oh, no wonder..."

Of course, Shen Yi couldn't know.

When the leaders came one by one, Zhang Sheng instantly scanned each leader and judged the approximate level of the leader in his mind.

It is even more impossible to know that after Shen Yi came to the stage, although he kept giving a speech, his attention was always focused on Zhu Song, until Zhu Song said a few words when he stood up and left...

"Teacher Shen..." Zhang Sheng looked at Shen Yi, his expression suddenly turned serious.

"you say."

"Teacher Shen, actually, I've written the plan, and I've also written the equity distribution during the upgrade... I've brought it with me today!"



The noisy sound continued.

Tang Wu signed pricing agreements and shipping agreements one after another...

Shen Yi looked at Zhang Sheng in shock.

He saw Zhang Sheng take out a notebook and hand it to him.

He took the notebooks, opened them and looked at them for a while, then looked at Zhang Sheng.

"When did you write it?"

"Just wrote it."

"Are you sure you just wrote it?"


"Zhang Sheng, tell me, have you written these since you were approved for [Training Base]?"


Shen Yi looked at Zhang Sheng.

Stare deeply.

I don’t know why, but the more I interact with Zhang Sheng recently, the more I feel that Zhang Sheng is not a young man, but a scheming monster!

But he didn't wait for Zhang Sheng's answer.

Zhang Sheng's phone rang at exactly this moment.

Zhang Sheng showed an apologetic expression to Shen Yi, then lowered his head and answered the phone.

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