I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 185 Making trouble? (Third update!)

In the conference room.

The warm air from the air conditioner was blowing.

Gu Shen listened to each project report.

Later, he consulted the economics experts he specially invited from Yanjing.


Except for some low-end breeding industry support, other project economic experts shook their heads.

"It's too empty!"

Three simple words.

It seems to be announcing the complete failure of this "investment promotion".

The problem is still the same.

They cannot afford the conditions for large companies to build factories in Cangdong County.

Even if they offer the best tax conditions and conditions for setting up factories, they can't compare to Ningcheng next door.

Ningcheng is close to Hangcheng...

They have attracted a lot of talents over the years, and even after many local companies take root, they will immediately think of moving here.

Even [Yintie International], which was about to be listed before, was thinking about leaving...

There are better business districts, better tax conditions, and better international channels...


Sometimes it is extremely painful to be bordered by a prosperous area.

Gu Shen sighed inwardly.

Powerful companies can't absorb it, but those companies that can come over under certain conditions are all thinking about getting some support and then running away...

This is so close to writing the thoughts on the forehead of every person who takes the stage!

"Chip?" "High-tech industry?" "Stock trading area"?

These words sound powerful, but when it comes to practical implementation, which one is reliable?

Gu Shen shook his head.

Time passed little by little.

After Gu Shen wrote down the industries of several breeding bases, he closed his eyes.

He was transferred from Linhai District next door in 2008 during the financial crisis.

When he was transferred here, he issued a military order for economic recovery.

On the surface, it’s considered a promotion!

But to put it bluntly...

He just stepped into a trap.

Before coming, he had great ambitions and wanted to boost the economy of Cangdong County. But after coming, he suddenly realized that the situation here was more complicated than he imagined.

He was thinking of ways to break the situation day and night...


I always feel like I'm getting closer, but I can't break through the last layer of membrane.


Things just froze.

Seeing that the time before the "military order" was getting shorter and shorter, the anxiety in his heart became more and more serious.

"Have you finished talking?"

"There is another Zhang Sheng..."


Gu Shen looked at Zhang Sheng sitting next to him.

Just a few hours ago, he received a call from a classmate.

The classmate's phone call was quite vague, saying that a promising young man wanted to talk to him, but he couldn't tell exactly what he wanted to talk about at the moment. He only said that it was about batteries.

That "promising young man" is Zhang Sheng.

When Gu Shen saw Zhang Sheng for the first time, he thought Zhang Sheng was too young.

Of course, being young is not a disadvantage, but compared with those thirty-year-old corporate representatives, it really feels too inconsistent.

meeting room.

There are gradually fewer people.

The merchants left one by one.

When it was Zhang Sheng's turn, Zhang Sheng stood up and then walked onto the podium.

Although Gu Shen felt that Zhang Sheng was probably like everyone else, he still picked up the notebook seriously and wrote down things.

"I won't talk about future developments..."

"I am a person who likes to do something practical!"

"Let me tell you my needs first..."

"I need a piece of land. Please provide me with a piece of land. If you feel you don't trust me, you can use less land!"

"Then, let me introduce my brand. The brand is called [Bosch] battery. The founder of the brand, Mr. Tang, is my teacher. He graduated from Yenching University and is a doctoral student at Yenching University..."

"Our [Bosch] Battery is Yan Petrochemical's first, truly school-based enterprise. A few days ago, we signed strategic cooperation agreements with dozens of battery vehicle brands..."

“We [Bosch] Battery responded to the national call and participated in the Ministry of Commerce’s home appliances going to the countryside campaign a few days ago..."


Gu Shen didn't pay much attention to Zhang Sheng at first.


When Zhang Sheng opened the PPT, Gu Shen instantly became serious.

After this young man came to power, he did not talk about the future or development like other business representatives...

He briefly introduced [Bosch] batteries, and then began to post corporate orders one after another.

Look at these orders.

Gu Shen was stunned.

Some economic experts who came from Yanjing were also stunned.

They had never seen anyone so straightforward.

“My production capacity can’t keep up!”

"Teachers from Yanjing, you should have heard the news about our [Bosch] battery brand fighting, right?"

“We have technology, safety, official approval from the Ministry of Commerce, and all the required formal procedures!”


“Our production capacity can’t keep up!”

"With the nationwide spread of home appliances in rural areas, our production capacity has reached the edge of collapse..."

"There is a fatal problem with our production capacity, and that is that we focus on quality. Because we focus on quality, the finished product of a battery is twice as slow as other brands of batteries!"

"We need a piece of land. In addition to a piece of land, we also need a group of talents!"

"The country is now vigorously supporting and cultivating vocational education talents. This is exactly what we need!"

"In this regard, we still have quite a few in Cangdong County!"

"For the project to be implemented, we don't need any financial support from you, nor do we need any loans in any sense. We are not short of money now, we just need the land to rent us for free for one year... One year later, We can definitely pay the production value..."

"Of course, we also need your support in terms of taxation. We can sign an agreement. If our annual turnover reaches a certain level, you will give us tax subsidies. If it does not reach the level, we will still collect as much as we should..."


Gu Shen was stunned.

He subconsciously glanced at the economic experts invited over.

The experts were also stunned.

They looked at each other, then nodded.

[Bosch] Battery, it seems that it was very popular on the Internet some time ago!

It’s been on TV news, isn’t it still popular?

They have seen the news and have a certain impression!

They never dreamed...

This [Bosch] battery can actually go to this place where birds don’t shit and build a factory...

Zhang Sheng finished speaking.

After finishing speaking, the conference room fell into silence briefly.

Immediately afterwards, an expert with gray hair and black-rimmed glasses turned his head and stared at Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang, can I ask a question?"

"You asked!"

"Why did you choose Cangdong County? Cangdong County doesn't seem to have any advantages, right? If you want to build a factory, you can build factories in the surrounding areas. For example, our Rongcheng..."

The gray-haired expert's words made Gu Shen frown.

He felt a little bit uncomfortable when he heard it.

But he didn't express any opinions, but looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and a smile appeared on his lips.

"I am from Cangdong County. I have always been thinking about what I can do, what I can do for my hometown, and what I need to do..."

"So simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple!"

"Mr. Zhang, can you represent you [Bosch]?"

"I can't represent..."

"and you!"

Just as Zhang Sheng was about to answer, he heard his cell phone vibrate.

After answering the phone, he looked at everyone again: "I can't represent you, so I invited my teacher, my partner, Teacher Yuwutang over!"

A few minutes later.

The door opened.

Yuwu walked in, wearing a hat but still with a scab on his face from the fight!

After seeing Yuwu...

Gu Shen smiled and subconsciously walked over.

"Mr. Tang..."

"Ah, hello!" Tang Wu nodded along with Gu Shen, then ignored Gu Shen and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, you want the [Ministry of Commerce Approval Letter] and [School-Enterprise Qualification Letter] that I brought. "

When Yu Wu took out a pile of certificates from his pocket...

Gu Shen was dumbfounded.

What is this doing?

Zhang Sheng held a pile of certificates and coughed slightly: "Gu Bureau, when I first entered the door, I thought that we might not have enough portions, so I asked Teacher Tang to bring all the portions he could. I even came before , I called Yanjing’s commercial department, hoping that the commercial department could contact them and set up a connection, so that the process could be reduced. However, they only provided brand certification and did not establish this connection, saying that it was not in compliance with the rules..."

Zhang Sheng smiled and said these words, which made Director Gu Shengu's facial muscles twitch slightly.

He never dreamed...

The big fish he had been looking for for so long without finding it was unexpectedly delivered to his door.

What is even more unexpected is...

The weight of this fish seems to be quite heavy.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Tang, I will seriously consider the market where you have set up your factory. At the same time, I will tell you that it is not difficult to get approval for this area..."

"Gu Bureau..." After Zhang Sheng waited for Gu Shen to finish speaking, a smile appeared on his face: "I'm here not just to build a battery factory!"

"More?" Gu Shen was stunned subconsciously.

"Battery batteries are only part of our future strategy. Our future industry is new energy! It's just that someone was talking to you about new energy just now. I think it's too empty to talk about future planning, so let's talk about something that can be used first. In essence, Sexual things..."


"We also want to be an industrial base! We have many mountains here, and correspondingly, there are many wind energy power generation resources. I have been listening to this for a long time and found that they do not have core technologies!"

"That you……"

"Gu Bureau, don't forget, my teacher is Dr. Yan Jing. His main research direction is [New Energy]. He has many classmates. At the same time, our Yan Petrochemical also has a major called [New Energy]. This is what I studied. …”

"..." Gu Shen stared at Zhang Sheng.

He, who had always been quite calm, suddenly became a little excited!

"We! The speed at which we have mastered the core technology is destined to be faster than other small companies!"

"Then, where do you plan to place your industrial base, or in other words, where do you think [Bosch Battery] will build a factory in our county?" Gu Shen stared at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

When I'm ready to say something...

He heard a commotion outside.

He frowned.

Then, he walked towards the window.

Then, Zhang Sheng saw dozens of young people standing below, making trouble in front of the Land and Resources Bureau. Then, Zhang Sheng saw the leader, Jiang Yong, the head of their Qinghe Village.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

Squint your eyes.

did not expect!

Sure enough, they came.

The closure of the battlefield will cause many villagers to lose their source of income...

It even cut off the village chief Jiang Yong’s financial path.

(Third update, additional update for the 6,000 monthly votes! The number of monthly votes has actually reached 55, you are so awesome, thank you! Thank you very much! Keep working!)

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